Lumpy Skin Disease or Cattle Pox

Lumpy Skin Disease or Cattle Pox
Dr M.S.Saravanan B.V.Sc.,M.A.,PGDCM.,
         Lumpy skin disease or cattle pox is a viral disease of cattle and  Buffalo caused by cattle pox virus belonging to family poxviridae,genus capripox virus.Symptoms of LSD in cattle same as in sheep pox and goat pox .Generally Pox disease is self limiting,but improper handling of affected animals lead to sporadic Outbreak.LSD may also called by name cattle pox to understand it better in Indian sub-continent.Out break mostly occur due to not following the biosecurity measures like,prevention of affected cattle movement, Isolation of Affected cattle,closer of all cattle selling points,Shandies in the affected area,Vaccination of susceptible population with goat pox vaccine or LSD vaccine and prevent the movement of farmers and veterinary staff from outbreak area to un affected zone.
Cattle pox symptoms:
High fever range from 104’f to 106’f at the beginning of the disease condition with out any pox lesions.
2.oedema in the shoulder and brisket region
When nodules are developing in the skin, acute edema in the neck,shoulder and brisket region may develop.
3.two to five centimetre nodules throughout the body
Nodules mostly developed first in the neck region and in the shoulder region.
4.enlargement of lymph nodes
Swelling of lymph nodes prominent during intial stage of disease.
5.reduction in milk yield
Due to fever and inflammatory swelling.consistency of milk changed during LSD.
Due to inflammatory swelling in the limbs,lameness noticed in some cattle.
7.Abortion in pregnant cows
Due to fever and pain due to inflammatory swelling,Abortion occurred in severely affected pregnant cows.
8.death of cattle in complicated cases.
Mortality in LSD only below 5 percent and mostly due to combination of other disease conditions.If biosecurity measures and proper treatment protocol not followed Mortality may be upto 20 percent.
By the observation of symptoms.
Confirmative diagnosis of LSD by the collection of scar tissue from nodules and submit to the laboratory for PCR test.
Differential diagnosis:
1.Pseudo lumpy skin disease/Bovine herpes mammillitis (bovine herpes virus 2) Insect bites, urticaria, and photosensitisation
3) Pseudocowpox (Parapoxvirus)
4) Dermatophilosis
6)Bovine papular stomatitis (Parapoxvirus)
7) Besnoitiosis
How cattle pox spread?
By biting flies and mosquitoes:
Main source of disease spread by direct contact,feed and water from infected animals.
2nd main source was biting insects as a mechanical transfer.
3rd main source was through people who worked closely with infected animals.If these people moved from infected zone to non infected zone they may carried the LSD virus with them.
Cattle and Buffaloes only.
1.cross breed cattle highly susceptible:
Due to their low disease resistance power and due to their carrier status of different disease conditions.
2.Native cross bred cattle also susceptible:
If native crossbred cattle with more than 50 percent cross more susceptible to this disease condition.
3.Pure native cattle less susceptible:
Pure breed cattle maintained in Natural environment less susceptible to LSD.
4.calf below 6 month less susceptible:
Occurence of LSD not common in young calves.
There is no specific treatment for LSD.Different antiviral drugs attempted with different success level.
Most of the treatment based on symptomatic approach.Success based on the immunity level of the individual cattle.
LSD And Allopathy treatment:
Allopathy treatment not needed in mild LSD cases.In severe cases to prevent secondary bacterial infections Allopathy treatment may be provided.
Long acting entrofloxacin inj
Anti inflammatory inj
Anti histamine inj
Single day therapy or
Streptopenicillin inj
Anti inflammatory inj
Anti histamine inj
For 3 days
LSD And Homeopathy treatment:
Acid nitricum 200
5 to 10 drops in 30ml water
Orally 3 times a day for 3 days.
After 10 minutes of acid nitricum
Each time Dulcamera 200
5 to 10 drops in 30ml water orally
3 times per day for 3 days.
Homeopathy treatment effective only if provided at the intial stages of the LSD.
LSD And Ethno veterinary medicine:
Ethnoveterinary medicine which were available locally to treat the infected cattle and Buffalo. Ethnoveterinary was a symptomatic treatment and In most of the cases provide best results.
Betel leaves 10 numbers
Pepper seed 10 numbers
Common salt 10 grams
Jaggery 10 grams
Give orally above items as a mixture.
Three times per day for 3 to 5 days.
LSD Control:
Morbidity:10 to 20 percent
Morality:1 to 5 percent
Flies control by the application of
Ectoparasitide with each ml contains Deltamethrin 12.5 mg
 liquid 2ml in one litre of water
In the body of the cattle.
Same liquid 5ml in one litre of water
Use as a spray for cattle shed.
Follow the company recommendations and
Consult  the veterinary Doctor before application.
Ethnoveterinary practice for LSD control:
During the LSD incidence Tamilnadu livestock farmers prepare paste out of equal quantity of Neem leaves and turmeric and apply on the body of the susceptible cattle to prevent and control LSD.
It provide best flies control and prevention of LSD spread.It was a low cost- No cost control measure may be adopted in other areas.
Management practices:
Isolation of affected cattle:
Best way to control the LSD is Isolation of affected cattle and restrict the movement of affected cattle and restricted the movement of people who handling the affected cattle.
Prevention of transportation of affected cattle:
Restricted the movement of affected cattle and susceptible cattle in the surrounding one kilometre in the infected zone.
Prevention of bathing the affected cattle upto recovery:
Prevention of bathing the affected cattle reduce the severity and spread of the disease.
The affected cattle not exposed to hot sunlight:
If affected cattle exposed to hot sunlight,it increase the inflammatory condition and increase the severityof LSD.So complete prevention is necessary to prevent expose to hot sunlight.
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