MAJOR SKIN PROBLEMS IN DOG: Causes,Symptoms,Diagnosis & Treatment

MAJOR SKIN PROBLEMS IN DOG: Causes,Symptoms,Diagnosis & Treatment
MAJOR SKIN PROBLEMS IN DOG: Causes,Symptoms,Diagnosis & Treatment
MAJOR SKIN PROBLEMS IN DOG: Causes,Symptoms,Diagnosis & Treatment
Compiled & shared by –DR. Uday kumar,Hazipur
With a pet dog, the most frequently reported problem is a skin or ear related health complication. Like humans, dogs are susceptible to various skin disorders, which may develop due to allergies, parasites, infection or as a referred symptom of other dog illnesses. As we frequently say, the skin is the mirror for the overall dog’s health, whenever there are dog skin problems, the pet will respond with a change in behavior or showing irritation symptoms. For nearly all types of dog skin problems, there are some common symptoms, which will be exhibited by the affected pet dog. Such signs and symptoms include licking, scratching, itching, inflammation, abnormal patches and rashes. If left untreated for some period, the skin problem may worsen and cause loss of hair, bald spots, lump formation, etc. An infection related canine skin disease causes drainage of blood, pus or unusual secretions.
Skin problems in canines may be mild to severe, based on the cause of the condition. Appropriate treatment methods are advocated to help relieve the pet from the irritating symptoms of skin diseases. The pet owner can try effectual remedies like feeding healthy food, brushing regularly and using hypoallergenic soaps
1-Food Allergies:
Cause : Allergic reaction to something in the diet.
Symptoms : Itching, redness, licking of feet,inflamed ears , hot spots etc.
Diagnosis : Food elimination trails, blood testing for allergies.
Treatment : Must change in diet.
2- Allergic and Irritant Contact Dermatitis :
Cause : Reaction of the canine’s skin to something it had contact with such as plastics or wool.
Symptoms : Itching, red skin, blisters on the areas of skin that are sparsely haired and directly exposed to the offending substance or small bumps, etc.
Diagnosis : Exclusion trials, Patch tests, etc.
Treatment : Restrict exposure to the allergen or contact irritant in the pet’s environment, steroids, antihistamines,etc.
3- Atopy (Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis)
Cause : Allergic reaction by inhales such as house dust mites, pollen, mould, etc.
Symptoms : Itching, redness, licking of feet, inflamed ears, and may be development of infection or hot spots, etc.
Diagnosis : Serologic ( blood ) or Intradermal testing for allergies.
Treatment : Reduce exposure to allergen (what the canine is allergic to), fatty acid supplements, shampoos, antihistamines, immunotherapy, steroids, etc.
4- Flea Allergy Dermatitis :
Cause : Severe reaction by the saliva of the flea.
Symptoms : Licking of feet, itching, redness, inflamed ears, sometimes may development of infection or hot spots.
Diagnosis : Reaction to intradermal testings, presence of fleas.
Treatment : Steroids and antihistamines for the itching, flea control in the environment and on the canine.
5- Ringworm :
Cause : Infection with several types of fungus.
Symptoms : Itching, hair loss, crusty areas, scaliness, etc.
Diagnosis : Culture
Treatment : Lime sulphur dips, Miconazole, oral griseofulvin or itraconazole
6- Hot Spots ( Acute Moist Dermatitis ) :
Cause : Flea bites, mange, result from allergies, poor grooming, arthritis, ear infections, plant burs, etc.
Symptoms : Licking or scratching, moist –red skin, hair loss,etc.
Diagnosis : History and physical examination.
Treatment : Cleaning of areas, apply solutions at those areas, topical/oral antibiotics, treat underlying condition.
7- Yeast Infection :
Cause :
Primary yeast infection – the ill-making yeast bacteria strike healthy canine skin and the canine’s immune system can’tresist them, contaminated items or other canine.
Secondary yeast infection – penetration of yeast into skin that is damaged by constantly scrating or injuries.
Some factors who can increase the yeast infection are Diabetes mellitus, immune system deficiency,previous medication with antibiotics/steroids.
Symptoms : Redness, itching, dry skin(because of frequently bathing),skin rashes.
Diagnosis : Smear and microscopic examination, culture, skin scraping, etc.
Treatment : Well balanced natural diet (carbohydrates, preservatives and artificial fillers should be avoided), keep canine dry after bathing, after walks in rains, oral ketoconazole, miconazole shampoos,treat underlying disease.
8- Hookworms :
Cause : Infection with the larvae of hookworms, causing blood loss, subsequent anemia, can cause severe illness and sudden death.
Symptom : Skin irritation, most often on the feet between the toes, itching, abnormal nail growth, red bumps, usually on feet, loss of appetite,weight loss, anemia, etc.
Diagnosis : Fecal flotation test, Physical exam, history of poor sanitation.
Treatment : Appropriate de-worming schedule, nutritional support, protein diet, anti-diarrheal medication, move canine to different environment, vitamins and iron supplement may required.
9- Bacterial Infection :
Cause : Staph infection ( staph bacteria lives on the skin of the canine and incase the canine’s skin is cut or wounded,infection is caused).
Symptoms : Loss of hair, dried discharge in the affected area, redness, bumps, sometimes may itching, etc.
Diagnosis : Microscopic examination of smear, culture skin biopsies.
Treatment : Treat underlying condition, topical and/or oral antibiotics.
10- Ear Mites :
Cause : Ear Mites in canine are very contagious, can be picked up through contact with other animal, frequently passed on from mother to her young, Infection with Otodectes,
Symptoms : Intense itching of ears, redness, dark crumbly discharge in ears, sores or hair loss around the ear, etc.
Diagnosis : Microscopic examination of ear discharge or direct visual.
Treatment : Natural Remedies –Garlic, garlic acts as a natural anti-biotic, warmwood, neem, lemongrass, niaoli ( this powerful hurb acts as a tissue stimulant and is used to clean wounds, skin irritation, clean ears, apply medication containing pyrethrin, etc.
11- Skin Fold Dermatitis :
Cause : Occurs where folds of skin touch each other such as lips, face (in breeds like bulldogs), vulva.
Symptoms : Irritation, redness, oozing, inflammation of the skin in the area of the fold, etc.
Diagnosis : Physical exam, microscopically examine smear for evidence of infection, etc.
Treatment : Clean areas daily, treat any infections, may prescribe a benzoyl peroxide shampoo and gel to be after bath, antibiotic steroid cream , surgical correction if severe, etc.
12- Chiggers (Harvest mites):
Cause : Seasonal disease caused by larvae of the chigger.
Symptoms : Folds at base of ears, itching, bumps usually on feet, abdomen.
Diagnosis : Microscopic examination of skin scraping, Visualization of mite larvae
Treatment : Pyrethrin, Permethrin, etc.
13- Demodectic Mange (Demodectic mange occurs in a localized and generalized forms. The diagnosis is made by taking multiple skin scrapings and looking for the mites) :
Cause : Infection with the Demodexmite (tiny mite which can’t be seen with naked eye ) – occurs when the immune system is deficient .
Symptoms : Scaliness, redness, hair loss, ulcers, pustules, sometimes may itching, etc.
Diagnosis : Microscopic examination and Multiple skin scraping .
Treatment : Amitraz (Mitaban) dips, No steroids
( Localized Demodectic Mange -A mild topical preparation can be used to treat by massaged into the affected area once daily. The medication should be rubbed with the lay of the hair to minimize further hair loss.
Generalized Demodectic Mange – Must be treated under close veterinary supervision. Therapy involves the use of medicated shampoos and dips to remove surface scales and kill mites. Shave or clip hair from all affected areas to facilitate access to the skin.)
14 – Sarcoptic Mange :
Cause : Infection with the Sarcoptesmite
Symptoms : Hair loss, severe itching, specially on the elbows, ears, hocks, chest, ventral abdomen, development of small red pustules along with yellow crusts on the skin, self-trauma, etc.
Diagnosis : The standard method is to perform a skin scraping and then identify the mite under the microscope, most diagnoses are made based on history and response to treatment for scabies.
Treatment : Bathe with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo to cleanse the skin, apply an organophosphate dip (Paramite), Amitraz dips and Mitaban (also organophosphates), and lime sulfur dips (Lymdip)
15 – Cheyletiella Mange (Rabbit Fur Mite) :
Cause : Infection with the Cheyletiellamite ( walking dandruff )
Symptoms : Itching, scaliness, rubbing face and sneezing quite regularly.
Diagnosis : Skin scraping and microscopic examination (the mite is often very difficult to find).
Treatment : Pthrinerme or Pyrethrin . weekly bathing in pyrethrin shampoo, lime sulfur dips every five to seven days for three weeks, fipronil spray one spritz/lb body weight repeated again in three weeks, selamectin topically one dose every 15 days for a total of three doses.
16 – Pelodera Dermatitis :
Cause : Accidental infection with larvae from a non-parasitic worm that lives in straw , marshy hay, other grasses that are in contact with damp soil, other organic material.
Symptoms : Raw, crusted, inflamed areas where canine has chewed and scratched the skin,
intense itching, redness.
Diagnosis : Microscopic examination and Skin scraping.
Treatment : Remove bedding; mild antibacterial shampoo; steroids if necessary to control itching, bathe the canine with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo to remove scales and crusts. Follow with an organoph osphate insecticide dip, topical antibiotic ointment to flamed skin areas.
17- Neurodermatitis: Acral Lick Dermatitis :
Cause : Self-licking in canine results in self-trauma; possible causes include boredom, anxiety, stress , new member in household/ moving to a new place, etc.
Symptoms : Acral Lick: red, hairless, well-circumscribed lesion usually on forearm; cats: symmetrical hair loss, sometimes ulcers, on abdomen, groin, along the back.
Diagnosis : Exclude other causes, history important.
Treatment : Relieve underlying cause (anxiety, etc), healthy exercise routine.
18- Cutaneous Lymphoma :
Cause : Majority of Lymphoma cases is unknown, several factors may influence one’s risk of developing lymphoma, medical history.
Symptoms : Itching, redness, ulcers, nodules, etc.
Diagnosis : Combination of diagnostic tests, blood tests, biopsies, x-rays, ultrasound.
Treatment : Chemotherapy, combination of oral and injectable drugs, commonly used drugs includes cyclophophamide, doxorubicin, vincristine,.Usually does not respond to treatment.
Reference-on request
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