Management of Dairy Cattle in Winter Season : Effective Strategies & Important Tips

Management of Dairy Cattle in Winter Season : Effective Strategies & Important Tips

Management of Dairy Cattle in Winter Season : Effective Strategies & Important Tips

Winter poses unique challenges for dairy farmers, impacting the well-being and productivity of dairy cattle. Cold temperatures, wet conditions, and limited forage availability require careful management to ensure the health and performance of the herd.

As winter approaches and temperatures plummet, dairy farmers face the challenge of safeguarding their cattle from the harsh effects of cold weather. Cold stress can significantly impact the health and productivity of dairy cows, leading to reduced milk production, increased susceptibility to diseases, and even death in severe cases. Cattle work to maintain a constant core body temperature of about 101ºF. During the winter months, the need for cattle to maintain their core body temperature becomes a challenge and can cause cold stress. However, by implementing effective management strategies, dairy farmers can ensure the well-being of their animals and maintain optimal milk production throughout the winter months.

In India in few states there is extreme weather conditions were found, Temperature go’s down the far below than normal in such metrological condition animal as well as human can’t perform his normal physiological functions smoothly. During December – January month such condition is on the peak. In such adverse climatic condition proper management of livestock is a great challenge we have to take care of animals spicily lactating and pregnant one. Following parameters, we need to consider for proper farm management in winter.

Shelter Management:-

Shelter management is a key factor to overcome on adverse climatic conditions. Cartons must be used if you are keeping animals in the loose housing system to stop the flow of cold wind at the animal level. It is possible with readily available materials like Bamboo, Tadpatri, dry grasses, paddy straw guinea bags, jute bags, etc.

Sunlight is the best medium to keep farm free from infection access of direct sunlight inside the shade will allow to keep farm free from infectious agents and it is readily available source but in case of winter sunlight availability go’s less day is short and most of the time its cloudy and fog is there. We have to think for another alternative. It is also advisable that animals should be exposed to direct sunlight most important thing is floor should not remain wet, the drainage system should be standard, and ask labor to clean the shed 3 times a day to maintain hygienic conditions. In this season various diseases like Pneumonia, Fever diarrhea is common. If we not put proper attention than there is the possibility of death also.

Some points regarding shelter

  1. For obstructing the flow of wind at animal’s levels, curtains can be used in shelter which can be made of bamboo, dry grass, paddy straw, polythene, guinea bags etc.

2. Branches of trees can be chopped around the shelter for better sunlight which provide warmness and natural disinfectant of house.

3. Take out the animals form their shed during day time with full sunshine for direct UV rays and make sure to take them in before sunset.

4. Animal shelter and its floor should be clean and dry properly during this crucial time.

5. Bedding material should be kept warm by providing dry grass, guinea bags, rice husk etc.

6. Open paddocks should be kept for direct sun exposure for animals.

Feeding and watering

In order to cope with cold weather conditions, animals increase the production of body heat by increasing their heart rate and respiration. This increases blood flow and protects the animal from cold. They require more feed to maintain their body condition and milk production. Cattle and buffaloes may require up to 20 percent more feed during cold weather.

In order to cope with colder temperatures, cattle grow thick winter coats and increase the production of their body heat. They accomplish this by increasing their heart rate and respiration, thus increasing blood flow to keep their extremities from freezing. Although this physiological response enables cows to withstand extremely low temperatures in relative comfort, they also require more feed in order to maintain their body weight and milk production. So dairy animals need good quality nutritious feed and fodder supplemented with sufficient amounts of essential minerals and vitamins. Wholesome drinking water should also be made available to keep the animals hydrated.

Most important part for winter management is providing adequate amount of feed and water. During winter season animals used to consume 10 to 30% more food than as usual (Pastoor et al., 2012) for production of more heat in body.

1. During this crucial time animals should be provided with nutritious and balanced food, like berseem, various types of cake mustard cake, groundnut cake, cottonseed cake and soya bean flacks are rich in protein can be given.

2. Luke warm water for drinking should be provided.

3. Concentrate mixture given @ 2.5per kg for production of more heat.

4. Thyroid function and fat metabolism increased in response to cold stress (Broucek et al., 1987).

5. Increase adding of fat or a mixture of oil cake and jaggery in ration to produce more heat.

6. To sustain the milk production and the body heat of the dairy animals, feed more roughages such as hay straw etc. and forages like berseem.

7. This is the right time for deworming animal’s and vaccinated against FMD, Haemorrhagic Septicaemia, Enterotoxemia, Black Quarter etc and ensure that this is done now.

B) Bedding Management:-suitable bedding is one of the important factor to keep animals warm in cold climatic conditions 4-6 inches depth bedding is advisable for large animals and 2 inches for small animals. Direct contact with floor lead to more loss of body temperature so it advisable to keep away. Paddy straw dry grass wheat busa etc should be used for bedding purpose nowadays commercial material is also available to keep animals warm which also protect from adverse climatic conditions. Good ventilation is also important factor to keep farm hygienic which also help to expel ammonia gasses from shed.


C) Personal Hygiene&Nutrition:-animals must cleaned regularly with clean and soft material or brush . Hair should not be clipped during this season .bathing with cold water should be avoided.

 Always try to provide good quality nutrition and a balanced diet. During winter climate temperature go’s down up to 10C to 50 C for proper physiological function body temperature should be maintain at 101C to 1020 C to keep the body warm above the environmental temperature. Body requires extra supplementation of protein & Energy. Berseem is the most easily available green fodder which contain high protein and water which support and help for lactating as well as growing animals. Concentrate cake are also option for optimum energy production subject to economic conditions. If green grasses is not available than 20-30 kg of leguminous fodder can be used with 10 kg of wheat bhusa for feeding large animals. Apart from above 3 kg of concentrate mixture will be helpful to maintain the body temperature. Good quality 40-50 kg green fodder also provide the required energy to the animals which ensure up to 10 lit of milk production.

Caring of claves during harsh period

Winter calf management:

Calves born in winter are more prone to cold stress. Lower ambient temperature poses a threat to calf survival. So newborn calves less than 3 weeks of age should be effectively protected by putting a used gunny bag/ old blanket on their body, providing thick and dry bedding material, feeding cod liver oil and an additional quantity of milk/milk replacer to compensate the need of extra energy to keep them warm and healthy. Older calves should be fed with high protein calf starter, good quality hay, and mineral mixture. Young dairy calves have very little stored fat they can use for warmth so they need additional energy to keep them warm during cold weather.

Adequate preventive measures are necessary to combat cold stress (hypothermia) in newborn calves. Regular monitoring of the body temperature of the calf is necessary to rule out hypothermia. They should be kept clean and dry, hydrated, and healthy.

For better health and improved immunity, 0 to 3 month old calf should be treated with special care. Extra attention has to be given as this age is very critical for animals for suspecting diseases.

1. Calf shelter should be covered with guinea bag or polythene for preventing passing of cold air.

2. 0 to 3 months old claves should be treated with special care like providing heat in the shelter. For this purpose 200W bulb can be used.

3. Room heater should be placed for preventing extreme cold stress.

4. Luke warm feed and water should be provided.

5. Calf should be with the dam for a quality time or getting warmness.

6. Providing adequate amount of colostrum and milk to young animals.

7. Floor of the shelter should be clean twice a day for preventing spreading of disease.

8. Bedding of the animas should be clean and dry by using saw dust, straws, rice husk etc. 9. Proper management of drainage system for urine and other secretions, as wet floor may lead to many heath problem like diarrhoea, fever, coccidiosis, chronic cough etc. which may lead to death.

10. Dewormed of the young animals

11. Provide one to two hours of exercise in the bright sunlight for boost immunity.

Tips for managing cattle and buffalo in the winter season:

The following tips would be quite useful for dairy farmers for keeping their cattle and buffaloes in good health and peak production during cold stress;

  • Waterless cleaning of floors of animal buildings should be followed. If necessary, very little water should be used.
  • During the daytime when the sun shines, animals should be kept out of the shed, preferably in the paddock if available. This will enable the farmer to clean the shed and keep it dry.
  • High humidity decreases the insulating capability of cow coats, so it is important to reduce the humidity by keeping the shed and surrounding dry.
  • If possible, animals should be given lukewarm water to drink.
  • To maintain the body temperature/condition and milk production, dairy animals should be fed with a high-energy ration containing crushed maize, whole cotton seed, oil cakes, and jaggery.
  • In winter, feeding time should be shifted towards the evening when the temperature falls. The activity involved in eating and the fermentation in the rumen will increase heat production to keep the animals comfortable.
  • All dietary changes, be they increases or decreases, should be made gradually.
  • Preventive vaccinations, deworming and mitigation of cold stress are necessary to keep dairy animals in good health in the winter season.
  • Dairy farmers should ensure that breedable females are regularly watched for heat detection and that timely insemination of animals is done by trained AI Technicians.

Care and Feeding Management of Young Animals in Winter Season

Winter puts stress on both people and animals in India. The season lasts around four months. Humans can adapt to changing weather conditions, but in an intensive farming system, it is important to provide shelter and food for the animals. Young animals must be given proper care due to the breeding season and their susceptibility to infections. Calves have a mortality rate of 32-35% between birth and Three months of age. Producers must make advance plans for shelter. A successful herd experiences future financial loss when its young flock is lost. Both ectoparasites and endoparasites require routine deworming. In the winter, feeding is determined by the animals’ body condition scores as well as the availability of feed. For dairy farms to maintain growth rates, reduce health issues, and maximize both present and future profitability, dairy calf and heifer management throughout the winter months is crucial.

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Management under Extreme Cold:

The North Indian region, particularly in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, is very well known for its heavy snowfall, cold winds, and frost. Neonatal calves cannot regulate their body temperature in an open shelter, so precautions must be made to protect them from such bad weather. Compared to dams or does, who are able to produce greater body heat, cold wind has a significant impact on young animals’ health. When combined, wind and rain make it difficult for young animals to regulate their body temperatures. The walls of the animals’ bedding or the heat lamps that are positioned in the shed should not be in contact. Young one should be given additional bedding, primarily made of dry, organic material like straw, to keep them warm and dry since it helps to reduce heat loss, which is the main issue noticed when inorganic bedding material like sand is utilised. Wet bedding also enhances transmission heat loss. Warm air is trapped in thick bedding. The legs of the calf should be immersed in the straw when it is lying down. Goats, calves, and even horses might benefit from additional protection from the cold in the form of clean, dry blankets or gunny bags. In the winter, beef cattle’s bodies produce more heat by boosting their basal metabolic rate and developing long hair. Additionally, cows naturally group together to shield their calves from the cold. This behaviour is known as “hurdling.”

Goats eat more than usual in extreme temperatures to keep their body temperature stable. They should have access to high-quality feeds such quality hay and grains (corn, barley, wheat, oats, etc.) so that their bodily condition can be preserved. The animal’s food should always be changed gradually. Supplementing with a mineral blend is necessary to handle stressful situations. Never compromise on the type or amount of feed given to growing animals because this will affect their growth. If an animal has a cold, give it lukewarm water on a daily basis to prevent any negative effects on feed intake and nutrient usage. Maintain proper hoof health by trimming and treating as necessary and checking for foot rot regularly. Animals huddle close in cold weather for warmth. Injury and respiratory disorders may become more likely as a result of this exercise. Maintain regular animal observation and make sure that each animal has a suitable place to live.

Weak and sick animals require extra attention. For the comfort and safety of the animals, remove and replace bedding as needed. A newborn calf’s thermal neutral range is between 50 and 78 °F, although it also depends on factors including wind, dampness, hair coat, and bedding. The calf’s thermal neutral zone increases to 32–78°F at one month of age as it becomes more tolerant of cold temperatures. Young stock is more susceptible to disease when under cold stress.

Care and Feeding of Newborn Animals

Soon after birth, clean the newborn animal and induce breathing in it. Cut the naval cord with sterile scissors or a blade, and then apply tincture of iodine or an antiseptic to the area where it was cut. Within 1-2 hours of birth, feed the animal colostrum, which is the mother’s initial milk. Due to its high immunoglobulin content, colostrum protects the young by boosting immunity. Additionally, colostrum is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Due to colostrum’s laxative properties, the first faeces (known as muconium) are easily passed. Deworming the animal at 10 days of age is necessary, and it should be repeated after 21 days. When a calf is born, its weight is typically 30 kg, thus 1.5 kilogramme of colostrum should be administered each morning and evening.

In the absence of colostrum, combine one egg with 300 ml of warm water, 600 ml of milk, and a half teaspoon of castor oil. 80 milligrammes of Oreomycin powder and one spoon of fish liver oil should be added to the mixture. Dry hay and concentrate may be given to the calf after 15 days. The provided concentrate can be raised by 50-100 g each week. Animals are ready to ingest green, fibrous feed at 3 months of age. If extra teat is present in young, it should be removed as soon as possible.

The increased energy requirements of young calves to stay warm in severe temperatures are typically not met by milk replacer or milk-fed beyond the fourth day. When the temperature drops from 10 to -9.4°C, the amount of maintenance required rises by 44%, and if the temperature drop reaches -15°C, the amount of maintenance required rises by 55%. Therefore, more milk or milk substitute must be provided. Older calves are able to ingest more food to combat the cold as they get older. If a young animal becomes ill, do not stop feeding it milk or a milk substitute since the energy from milk helps the animal fight illness. Additionally, after two hours of milk feeding, animals with diarrhoea should be given electrolytes that offer minerals, energy, and protein because electrolytes may prevent clot development in the abomasum.

Feeding of Animals after Three Months

As the rumen develops, the young one is able to ingest more fibrous material, which aids in obtaining the energy needed for maintenance, growth, and resistance to cold stress. Rumen development is completed by six months of age. Animals typically consume 2.5% of their body weight in food, therefore it is important to provide a steady supply of premium forages like straw that are both green and concentrate-based. Roughages are typically selected because they are secure, affordable, and produce more heat during digestion. Concentrate quality and quantity must be changed if forage supplies are inadequate. If grain feeding is available and cheap, it should be done so in regular, small portions rather than all at once, which can cause acidosis. The decrease in the amount of fat in milking cows’ milk is a clear indication that there is less fibre in the diet. The cold is intolerable for weak animals as well as for cows that are not in good condition. Cow body score must be enhanced by providing high-quality feed. In the winter, a gradual adjustment in diet is required because animals must adapt to the new climatic temperature. It takes some time for the rumen microorganisms to adapt to a new feed. To adapt to the cooler temperatures, cattle develop thick winter coats and enhance body heat output. This is typically achieved by speeding up breathing and heart rate, which increases blood flow to the body’s extremities. 20% more feed is often consumed while in a relatively comfortable zone to survived cold stress. When compared to a typical healthy cow, lean cows go into estrus 20 days after calving. Additionally, first-time conception rates are around 20% lower for lean cows who experience more difficulties calving. Such animals experience additional issues during breeding season if they go on to reproduce. The quality and amount of the colostrum generated from such fragile animals is also worse, and the newborns’ immune systems are underdeveloped, making them more vulnerable to illnesses.

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Animal Care in the Winter: General Precautions

  • Milk replacement products or milk replacer used for feeding should have at least 20% fat. It is recommended to enhance the liquid from milk replacer’s solid content from 12.5% to 16.0%.
  • Feedings should be given more often and in the same quantity each time. If the animal becomes wet or there is a cold wind, further maintenance is needed. For livestock, the ideal environment temperature is about 32°F, but for wet animals, it is 60°F. Each degree that the wind chill temperature drops causes a 1.0% increase in the energy need for an animal with a healthy, dry coat, compared to a 2.0% increase for an animal with a wet coat.
  • Housing, feeding, and hydration of animals must be taken care of because hypothermia is a serious issue that affects newborns. Give the animals warm food and water to drink. Oilcakes and jaggery should be mixed together and provided to milking animals since this helps to reduce colic and impaction.
  • Housing and shelter should be situated in regions with good drainage. Generally speaking, indoor feeding is not recommended, however caution must be used because of the ammonia odour. It’s completely pleasant and hygienic to feed animals outside. If culling is an option, do so since ineffective animals will unnecessarily drive up farm feed costs.
  • Stress-relieving activities such as immunization and dehorning should be avoided.
  • Piperazine must be regularly used for deworming. Ectoparasites can be avoided by maintaining a clean animal shed. To prevent ectoparasites, feeds like lemongrass, basil, and nirgundi can be placed in sheds. Neem oil-based disinfectants are frequently quite helpful. Anti-parasitic medications aid in boosting farm output and health.
  • Checking for a naval infection caused by maggots or other issues is necessary. It is crucial to apply any antibacterial cream.
  • High moisture rations cool down in feed bunks, which reduces feed intake and increases energy needs during the winter. Animal feeding time should not be disturbed.
  • Feed, especially fodder like perennial grasses, needs to be carefully collected and kept. Green fodder should be given in small amounts because it causes diarrhoea.
  • Immunization against diseases such as foot and mouth disease, peste des petits ruminants (PPR), commonly known as “goat plague,” which is a viral disease of goats and sheep, haemorrhagic septicaemia, enterotoxemia, and black quarter needs to be done as soon as possible because infections in the winter mostly affect young animals such as lambs and calves.
  • Mastitis in animals must be avoided at all costs. Animal udders should be cleaned with disinfectants after milking.
  • To protect sheep from ectoparasites, disinfectants are applied to the sheep 21 days after shearing.
  • If there is frost, proper preparations for artificial heating and lighting should be established. All animals should have covered shelter at night, and sick or weak animals should be sheltered with sack cloths or gunny bags. Pet animals like dogs and cats should have a coat or a warm jumper available. Avoid damp locations and prevent animals from smoke because these factors together can cause pneumonia.
  • For producing regular green food for animals, fodder crops such as lucerne and berseem require irrigation every 25 days, whereas oats require irrigation every 21 days.


To keep the cattle and buffaloes in excellent health and peak production and reproduction, it is essential that they are kept warm, fed with high protein and energy-rich feed, and roughages fortified and supplemented with vitamins and minerals. They need to be comfortable, and energetic and keep normal and stable body temperatures in cold stress-free environments. Dairy animals should be supported for maintaining their production as well as reproduction performance during the winter season. For this, preventive measures for disease control and proper reproduction management are crucial.

Effective winter management of dairy cattle requires a holistic approach that addresses nutrition, housing, health, and overall well-being. By implementing these strategies and tips, dairy farmers can navigate the challenges of the winter season, ensuring the comfort and productivity of their cattle. Regular monitoring, proactive measures, and a focus on individualized care contribute to the success of winter management practices, ultimately supporting the sustainability of dairy operations.

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