The rainy season is nature’s way of cleaning up and rejuvenating your surroundings. It would be great to go outside and enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of the rain with your loyal furry friend. Of course, you should be aware that the rainy season is not exactly ideal weather for dogs. Discomfort and health issues are the main things you should watch out for during the rainy season. Here are some ways to care for your dog when it’s wet outside:

1. 1
Keep your dog’s fur dry
Wet or damp, fur is an ideal incubation area for fungi and bacteria. Make sure that you rub down your dog before and after your walk. You can also blow dry your dog’s fur to fend off the dampness. During the rainy season, bathing your dog can be tedious and messy. It will also help if you use a dry shampoo instead of giving your dog regular baths.

2. 2 Clean your dog’s paws
Paws are sensitive. They come in contact with the ground all the time. This is the reason they are prone to infection. It is ideal to make your dog wear protective boots or shoes during the rainy season. Doing so will prevent mud, water, grass, and insects from getting into their paws. Paws can easily harbor pathogens or vectors of diseases. If your dog isn’t used to paw-wear, just wipe off, and clean your dog’s paws after the walk. It could also help if you trim the fur around the paws, especially if you have a longhaired breed such as a golden retriever, Afghan hound, Shih Tzu, or Irish setter.

3. 3 Keep your dog’s bedding dry
There is nothing better than having a warm, dry bed to sleep in during the rainy season. If your dog is used to spending time on the terrace or balcony, a covered resting area with dry bedding should be provided. All food or drinking bowls should be covered as well. During the rainy season, any surface gets cold, and this could harm your dog’s joints. The bedding should be changed frequently to prevent bacteria from accumulating.


4. 4 Clean your dog’s ears
Your dog can contract ear infections during the rainy season. Moisture easily accumulates in dogs with closed ears such as Dachshunds, Labradors, and Basset Hounds. Earwax and moisture come together and cause ear infections. Just like the paws, ears should always be kept dry, especially after your walk outside. If your dog has long, closed ears, you could just tie them up over your dog’s head.

5. 5 Conduct activities inside the house
Since it is raining, outdoor activities are not going to be pleasant. Another resort is to have activities for your dogs inside the house. Long walks are not possible so you could just play fetch or perform tricks in your house or garage. If you live in an apartment building, you could take your dog up and down the stairs instead of just using the elevator. This would be a good exercise for you as well.

6. 6 Pay attention to feeding
When it’s raining too hard, dogs often develop food allergies. You should make sure you monitor your dog’s diet. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your dog’s diet will provide additional fiber. More fiber in your dog’s food will allow regular bowel movements, even if you don’t walk much. To prevent your dog from becoming overweight, reduce the amount of food during feeding. Balance out the level of activity with the food intake.

7. 7 Be on the lookout for infections
It is very irritating for dogs when they have infections. During the rainy season, infections are usually rampant. Signs that your dog has an infection or allergies are: constant licking of body parts, scratching, odorous ears, and itching. Itchiness may indicate fungal/bacterial infections or allergies. These can be caused by the inability of moisture to escape from the skin’s surface. Dog breeds that have deep skin folds, such as boxers and pugs, are prone to such skin infections. Be sure to consult your vet once you notice signs of infections or allergies.

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Pet caring tips during Monsoon:

You must take good care of your pets during the rainy season. Here are some effective pet caring tips to keep your pet healthy and happy during this season:

• Grooming
Humidity level of air is high during the monsoon which cause smelly coat of dogs. You should learn dog grooming basics tips and techniques to do effective grooming during the monsoon season. Regular baths of pets is needed in the monsoon season. Don’t forget to apply anti tick and flea shampoo and conditioners during the bath. Your grooming process should also include ear cleaning, brushing, nail clipping and dental care. With these practices, you can keep dirt and fleas away from your pet’s hair.

• Food and water
You should not store food and water in open air because it will get contaminated and contaminated food and water on consumption can lead to digestive disorders and gastroenteritis. The ideal diet for your pet in monsoon season is clean drinking water and cooked food.

• Raincoats
It is necessary for your pet to wear a rain coat in monsoon season, as it will ward off severe infections which is caused from wet paws. Further, your pet is prone to catching cold during the monsoon season; therefore, make sure they refrain from playing in the rain.

• Exercise
Don’t forget to provide exercise on daily basis to your pet. Generally, pets feel lazy in monsoon season and hesitate to move their muscle. You should never allow your pet to laze around the day. Regular exercise and walks help your pet to be cheerful and energetic and help on proper blood circulation in the body.

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Do’s and Don’ts during Monsoon season for good pet’s health—-

Do’s Don’ts

Watch for fleas and ticks in the fur of pet on daily basis and get a de-tick solutionfor your pet
Do not wash your pet frequently, as it makes your pet prone to fever and cold. You should never give bath to your pet more than once a month
Paws and fur must be dried and cleaned to save your pet from fungal infection Without proper consultation from the vet, you should never use any new product or medication
Vaccination and de-worming must be done by vet before monsoon begins. Don’t allow pet to keep smelling anything lying on the road, during rainy season. There are increased chances of infection and germs that will cause considerable harm to your pet.
Make sure to wipe your pet and dry his fur, when he comes back from walk Don’t use any human product on your pooch, be it cleaning product or antiseptic
Dry bathing is ideal in monsoon season

Your pet must wear a muzzle while going out for walk

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