Management of Post partum Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in a Buffalo


Management of Post partum Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in a Buffalo

K.P Singh*1, Bhoopendra Singh2, Praneeta Singh3 and R.V. Singh4
Government Veterinary Hospital, Deoranian, Bareilly,
Department of Animal Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh, India

1: Veterinary Officer, Government Veterinary Hosptal, Deoranian, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh E mail:
2: Assistant Professor, Deparment of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, C.VSc.& A.H., NDUAT, Kumarganj, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh E mail:
3: Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Product Technology, C.V.A.Sc., GBPUAT, Pantnagar, U.S.Nagar, Uttrakhand E mail:
4: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Brahmanand Group of Institution, Bulandsahar, Uttar Pradesh Email:
*Corresponding Author: Veterinary Officer, Government Veterinary Hosptal, Deoranian, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh E mail:


A 6 years old buffalo of second parity was reported with cervico-vaginal prolapse. The mass was reduced and replaced to its normal position. To prevent the reoccurrence, horizontal mattress suture was applied on the vulvar lip. The animal was treated with calcium magnesium borogluconate, oxytocin, 5 % dextrose normal saline, ceftrixone, chlorpheniramine maleate, meloxicam, vitamins and minerals. After treatment the animal recovered uneventfully.

Key Words: Buffalo; cervico-vaginal prolapse; vulvar lip suture.


Cervico-vaginal prolapse is one of the most commonly occurring reproductive disorders in buffaloes and in several other species. It is usually involves prolapse of the floor, lateral walls and portion of the roof of the vagina through the vulva with the cervix (Robert, 1971). Any delay in management and treatment of such condition may leads to oedema, ischemia, lacerations, haemorrhages, toxaemia, prostrations and shock, making prognosis poor to hopeless (Pandey and Pandey, 2002). The etiology of such condition in domestic animals is not yet known. Hypocalcaemia may result in atony of genital organ which could predispose for prolapse of genitalia (Pandit et al., 1982). Jacono and Robertson (1987) reported a negative correlation between the serum calcium, phosphorus and estrogen levels. The increase level of estrogen during third trimester of pregnancy may result in greater relaxation of pelvic structure and the decreased level of calcium can lead to reduced vaginal and uterine muscle tone which predisposes the animal to vaginal prolapse (Robert, 1986). Mineral balances have also been supposed to play important role in the occurrence of genital prolapse. Injuries or stretching of the birth passage at the first or subsequent parturition may predispose the animal to prolapse after parturition. Dystocia or forceful removal of placental membrane may contribute to occurrence of prolapse. Hormonal imbalance during partum and post partum may also cause prolapse of genetalia (Robert, 1971). Whatever may be the cause treatment is the most important area to Veterinarians should concentrate for better results. The treatment should be hygienic and should not affect the future breeding life of the animal. Early detection and prompt treatment may be imperative to control the vaginal prolapse in buffaloes (Sha and Noakes, 2003). The present paper is record a case of post partum cervico-vaginal prolapse in an indigenous buffalo.

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A 6 years old buffalo of second parity, was brought to Government Veterinary Hospital, Devranian, Barielly with the history of cervico-vaginal prolapse following normal delivery of a calf 12 hours earlier. The prolapsed mass was injured, oedematous and contaminated with mud, dung and wheat straw (Figure 1). Vaginal wall was tense, oedematous, swollen, thicker and bluish pink in appearance. The prolapsed mass had numerous bleeding points and had laceration. The animal was dull, depressed and anorectic with normal body temperature. The animal was straining continuously.


The animal was restrained in standing position by injecting 8 ml of 2 % Xylocaine epidurally at Sacro-coccygeal space to prevent straining. The vulva and perineal region was cleaned thoroughly with soap solution. The prolapsed mass was washed thoroughly with chilled water containing potasium permagnate (1:1000) followed by flushing with metronidazole soloution and was lifted to the level of ischial arch and urine was removed from bladder by catheterization. The prolapsed mass was lubricated with Xylocaine gel and replaced into normal position by applying gentle pressure by fist. To prevent the reoccurrence of prolapse horizontal mattress suture with sterile silk was applied on vulva from dorsal commisure to the centre of the vulva leaving the passage for urine excretion (Figure 2). The buffalo was administered with injection Mifex ( calcium magnesium borogluconate) 450 ml, slow intravenous, injection DNS (5%) 3000, ml, intravenous, injection oxytocin, 25 IU intramuscular for 1 days, injection Intacef ( ceftriaxone) 3 gm intramuscular, injection Melonex (meloxicam), 10 ml, intramuscular, injection Anistamin (chlorphenramine maleate), 10 ml, intramuscular and injection Tribivet (B1, B6 and B12), 10 ml intramuscular for 5 days. The owner was also advised to oral administration of Cyclomin -7 (2 bolous bid for 3 days) and applied wisprec cream to the suture line for preventing infection. The animal showed recovery after 5 days and no prolapse was reported by owner. After 10 days sutures were removed. Similar line of treatment was also reported by Singh et al. (2011) for post partum cervico-vaginal prolapse in buffalo. Retention of the prolapsed mass is most important to prevent trauma to the prolapsed mass. Epidural anaesthesia was given to check the straining and easy repositioning of the prolapsed mass and to relieve tenesmus with short acting lignocaine hydrochloride with an aim of desensitizing sensory motor and autonomic nerve (Rai and Prabhakar, 2000). Lower calcium (Mandali et al., 2002 and Ahmed et al., 2005) lower phosphorus and higher magnesium (Akhtar et al., 2008 ) concentration were observed in buffaloes suffering from vaginal prolapse Hypocalcaemia is causing atonicity of genetalia was treated with parentral calcium. Among microminerals, serum copper and zinc were lower in prolapsed buffaloes (Bhatti et al., 2006) was treated with oral cyclomin -7 bolous. Meloxicam injection was given for rapid reduction of inflammation and infection pain. Broad spectrum antibiotic was given to minimize infection, which might be present due to exposure of structures to the environment. Azawi et al. (2007) reported around 2.4 % buffaloes with vaginal prolapse were predispose to uterine infection. Lignocaine gel was applied on the prolapsed mass for lubrication as well as anesthetizing the prolapsed mass.

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Ahmed, S., Ahmed, I., Lodhi, L.A., Ahmed, N. and Samad, H.A. (2005). Clinical haematological and serum microminerals contents in buffaloes with genital prolapse. Pak. Vet. J. 25 (4): 167-170.
Akhtar, M.S., Lodhi, L.A., Ahmad, I., Qureshi, Z.I. and Muhammad, G. (2008). Serum concentrations on calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in pregnant Nili-Ravi buffaloes with (or) without vaginal prolapse in irrigated and rain fed areas of Punjab. Pak. Vet. J., 28(3): 107-110.
Azawi, O.L., Omran, S.N. and Haded, J.J. (2007). Clinical bacteriological and histopathological study of toxic purepearl metritis in Iraqi buffaloes. J. Dairy Sci. 90: 4654 – 4660.
Bhatti, M.S., Ahmed, I., Ahmad, N., Lodhi, L.A. and Ahmad, M. (2006).Epidemiological survey of genital prolapse in buffaloes kept under different systems and serum micromineral contents. Pak. Vet. J., 26 (4): 197-200.
Jacono, J.J. and Robertson, J.Mc..D. (1987). The effect of estrogen, progesterone and ionized calcium on sezures during the menstrual cycle of epileptic women. Epilepsia, 28(5): 571-577.
Mandali., G.C., Patel, P.R., Dhami, A.J., Raval, S.K. and Chisti, K.S.(2002). Biochemical profile in buffalo with peri parturient reproductive and metabolic disorders. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 23(2): 130 – 134.
Pandey Gourav and Pandey Veenu (2002). A case of post-partum uterine prolapse in a goat. Indian Vet. Med. J. 26: 378.
Pandit, R.K., Gupta, S.K. and Pattabiraman, S.R. (1982). A clinical study of vagina and uterus in buffaloes. Indian Vet. J., 59: 975-980.
Rai, C.S. and Prabhakar, S. (2000). Clinical effects of epidural administration of Xylazine in buffaloes having pre-partum vaginal prolapse. Indian Vet. J. 77: 247-249.
Robert, S.J. (1971). Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology), 2nd Edn. CBS Publisher and Distributors, Delhi.
Robert, S.J. (1986). Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital diseases, 3rd edn. Brother, Miroghan, U.S.A. Pp. 233-240.
Sah, S.K. and Nakao, T. (2003). Some characteristic of vaginal prolapse in Nepali buffaloes. J.Vet. Med. Sci., 65 (11): 1213-1215.
Singh, B., Singh, K.P., Singh, S.V., Singh, J.P. and Singh H.N. (2011). Post-partum cervico-vaginal prolapse in buffalo. Intas Polivet, 12(1): 32-33.

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Figure 1: Cervico-vaginal prolapse in a buffalo

Figure 2: Retention of prolapse mass in a buffalo

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