*Corresponding Author

 Author Information:

Ashish Kumar; M.Tech Scholar, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, BASU, Patna, email id:

Udit Kumar; M.Tech Scholar, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, BASU, Patna, email id:

Amrita Behera; Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna, email id:

  1. Introduction

In a work place there are always chances of risk anything we do,there are many factors which food processing business needs to consider when ensuring food safety for consumer.Adhering to the mendatory standards for the food safety can help to prevent outbreak of many food borne illness such as Salmonella,E.coli and Campylobacter.Milk ianature’s ideal food for infants,growing children & young one ,except in rare case of lactose intolerance.After arrival on this earth and during the first phase of growth,a human baby thrives on milk,to make available to all age group people good laboratory practices and good manufacturing practices is very important.Good Laboratory Practices is a group of principles to ensure the quality to ensure the quality and Integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies. Us Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first time in 1978 introduced GLP regulation to eliminate fraud and poor Laboratory activities in toxicity studied (Baldeshwiler,2003).Good manufacturing Practices is a part of Quality that ensure that all products are always produced and controlled to the quality standards fit for their use as required  by products specification.the first text draft was presented by WHO in year 1968.

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Good Manufacturing Practices necessary in dairy industries following major steps are taken to ensure GMP

  1. Cleaning and sanitizing facilities of pasteurizer, cream separator, all milk pipe line, cans etc
  2. Proper health checkup of each and every staff.
  3. Only healthy worker should enter in the food manufacturing premises.
  4. Restricted entry to people in manufacturing area.
  5. Hairs,nails,beard should be cut and clean of working staffs.
  6. Proper ventilation and water drainage facilities are must

Essential 5 ps in GMP are that followed by dairy industries

  1. Products-Manufacture should ensure that all products undergo constant testing, comparison, and quality assurance before distribution to consumers. All products must follows Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and comply with specific formula without any little variation in any batch.
  2. People-All employess must strictly adhere to manufacturer processes and regulation.The success of GMP is can’t be achieved by well trained, well qualified people, each member in team must strictly follows manufacturing regulations.Assessing their performance helps boost productivity efficiency and competency.
  3. Procedure- Procedure is a bunch of regulation needed to do process,during any audit the manufacturing procedure are highly useful. Employes should immediately report any deviation from standard procedure.
  4. Processes-it’s difficult for any food business operator to strictly follow and document,all manufacturing process.manuafacture can take this step by put this in a written framework in entire manufacturing process.
  5. Premises-Premises should be always clean to avoid cross contamination, accidents, equipments should be properly placed and calibtrated to ensure all equipment are fit for use.

Important National and International tools that helps in achieving GMP in dairy industries

  1. ISO
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  1. WHO
  2. FSSAI
  3. BIS
  4. PFA
  5. HACCP

Staffs training are important to secure GHP.

Educating staff on how ṭō  ensure Good laboraṭory  practices and Good manufacturing Practices are followed will help to reduce the risk of contamination .Regulations reqūīre that  food handlers are supervised and trained in food hygiene practices suitable for their work activity .

Areas which staffs should be trained about include

  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Safe food storage practices
  3. Safe food handling process
  4. Cleaning for food safety
  5. Pest control

Correct handling during storage and transportation ensuring safe food

On top of food production and preparation, GHP also include how food safety has been applied at the time of handling, storage and transportation. A bunch of factors has been applied to follow GMP to ensure that food products do not contaminated during storage and transportation.

Machinery and technique useful in GMP in Dairy Industries

  1. Raw milk-Raw milk is a milk that is produced by cow or buffalo after calving, which is not less than 3 days or milk is free colostrums or mastitis.
  2. Milk Collection centre- It is a place where raw milk is bring from village for chilling and quality checks. The Quality system should have adequate facilities of equipments and containers for raw milks.
  3. Milk Tankers-Milk tankers is a type of vehicle which is equipped with insulated tanks, in which temp is raised by 1 degree in 24 hrs.
  4. Laboratory and quality control room-A place where both quality, parameters and microbiological of milk is tested and theit should be separated from the milk collecting area.
  5. Milk collecting equipment-It means equipments designs especially for raw milk-collecting, it may be raw milk tank, filter system, pipelines, pumps, storage tank etc.
  6. Cooling tank-Equipment designed for cooling milk with Bulk milk cooler or plate heat exchanger and maintained constant temperature.
  7. Cleaning in place (CIP)-Proper cleaning of internal area and equipments associated with processing of milk.
  8. Appreciating farmer for clean milk production at farm level by giving some extra benefits to those farmers whose MBRT is very good, more than 3 hours.
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An ideal food safety management is very important for any food industries which can be achieved by GMP, GHP, and GLP etc.

GMP requires a quality approach to manufacture, enabling companies to minimize or eliminate instances of contamination, mix-ups, and errors

Most GṀP requirements are very generals and open-ended, allowing each manufacturers to decide individually how to best implements the necessary controls, they are back bone of a safe and reliable food supply chain. Sticking these practices, food products are not only safe and healthy that ensure that their food is of the highest quality and most important safe for consumer.

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