Marketing and Adaptation of New Technology in Dairy Farming

Marketing and Adaptation of New Technology in Dairy Farming
Marketing and Adaptation of New Technology in Dairy Farming

Marketing and Adaptation of New Technology in Dairy Farming


India being a major agriculture economic country has a deep connection with dairy farming since the Vedic era. Dairy farming in India contributes to 4% of its GDP. This business in India is a very lucrative one as we have its demand throughout the year. From starting our day with a hot cup of tea to mothers running after their kids to coax them to drink milk and eagerly waiting for ice creams in hot summer to desi ghee sweets in Indian festivities, we have milk everywhere as a staple. The dairy business also provides a tool for socio-economic development, and the Government of India has introduced various schemes and initiatives aimed at the development of dairy farms in India.


Like any other business, it is important to study the market that one wishes to serve such as the geography, Incomes and the household types (Nuclear or Joint) in order to analyze, what type of milk will sell the best.  Whether one wishes to launch a Cow Dairy Farm or a Buffalo Dairy Farm will depend on the fat consumption and requirement of the market. Buffalo Milk is high in fat while Cow Milk has lower fat content.

We as Indians look for value for money in everything; even milk. Many families even today boil milk  to get the ‘Malai’ out of it and make Ghee. It is an age-old tradition which allows families to not only save on costs by making Ghee but reduce fat from milk and also consume organic homemade ghee.

Areas high in concentration of nuclear families with high disposable income will prefer buying low-fat milk and will be able to pay a premium for cow milk. Areas with the population of children less than the age of 10 will see higher demand for A2 desi cow milk for its ease of digestion!

Modern dairy farms divide the animals into different management units depending on their age, nutritional needs, reproductive status, and milk production status. … On some farms the milking herd is further divided into milking strings, which are groups of animals with different nutritional needs.


Before start dairy farming as business think as a business man as well as good care of livestock

Following point kept in mind…..


  • Good Housing: For better milkyou should give sufficient space to live to your animals.
  • Nutritious Feeding: Provide as much as green food possible alongside their regular food. …
  • Care and Management: You must ensure that all your animals are vaccinated timely.


 It is most important to know the tastes and the practices of the market or the city you plan to launch your dairy farm in before you choose the breed. There are numerous Indian buffalo breeds like Murrah, Surti, Jaffarabadi, and popular cow breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharpakar which are Indian. Western breeds like Holstein Fresian, Brown Swiss, Jersey are majorly used for meat production. Indian cow breeds produce milk containing A2 beta-casein protein which is considered to be the next best after mother ‘s milk. Indian breeds produce significantly lower quantities of milk compared to the western breeds and will govern the pricing of your product.


While buying the cattle, try to milk the cattle 3 times before buying. For a buffalo, average milk production should be a minimum of 12 litres and for a cow, it should be a minimum of 16-17 litres. To get a regular supply of milk, do not buy all cattle at one go, one should buy at a monthly interval of 2 months.

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Milk producing animal’s shed should not be a pigeonhole in some corner of the town. It should be well ventilated; floors should be non-slippery. The shed should be away from the roadside at least 900 away and not to be positioned at lower lying areas as during heavy rains water will fill up those areas first. Generally, 40-80-sq. ft open space is required per animal.


Because of the fact that the bones of the calf were not taken care of and proper treatment is not made available, many of the modern cow dairy ranches have quit working. There have really been instances of homesteads having in excess of 100 lactating cows yet just 20 to 30 calves enter into their adulthood. Proper care of the calves is exceptionally fundamental for the health of the herd in a long term. Calf bones for the females are explicitly critical to a cow dairy ranch, as they start giving milk inside a 3 to 4 year time period.


It is recommended to have a veterinary doctor close by to the farm to ensure ease of access and availability. Always keep the cattle vaccinated timely by a veterinary doctor. To keep them fit, leave them untied in a shed, as moving freely will reduce bloating in them. In case the dairy farm has over 100 cows/buffalos then it is highly recommended to appoint the Vet on the farm itself.


In the duration of the milking season the dairy cows are herded from paddocks two times a day by the farmer who is generally on a motorbike. As the daily milk processing is complete, the farmer expend time hosing down the work area and cleaning the equipment with hot water and good detergents to make sure it is clean. The dairy farmer milks the cows on a daily basis until they are dried out off in May. Cows are dried off by crop with no being milked and this permits the cows to increase their situation being well ready to provide birth and to make more milk in the year in advance. It is important to do for the farmer milk production techniques in proper way.


The modern dairy farm workers are needed to maintain milk processing equipment and structures. On larger farms professional workers are occasionally necessary to tend machines and other automatic equipment that mix supply batches. They herd animals into investment pens and join automatic machines to animals. Also, they are concerned in washing and spraying cows by water. It is important to keep sheds clean that check infestations of rodents. It is also important for dairy farm workers keeps to clean and sanitize milk containers and equipment as well as work the automatic cleaning pumps that fresh the pipes and tubes in which the milk travels all the way through.


AI is a time-tested technology and, if used properly by skilled technicians, can improve milk production. However, it is a technique, not a solution to the many reasons for low milk production. AI encompasses semen collection from a male, processing the semen and inseminating a female at the appropriate time. It is important to understand how the use of AI can speed up the increase in milk production. For example, during natural breeding, on average, a bull deposits about six ml semen in the reproductive tract of a cow. Moreover, bull semen contains about one billion sperm/ml, which means the bull is depositing six billion sperm in one cow at one breeding. With 50+ years of research in semen preservation technology, we know that about 15 mil sperm are required for a cow to become pregnant. So processing one collection of bull semen can result in enough semen to inseminate (15 mil sperm/AI dose) 400 cows! One can imagine, if the semen from a genetically superior bull is used, the offspring from these cows will have the potential to produce more milk. In addition to AI, other reproductive technologies, e.g. embryo transfer, have also played an important role in increasing milk production.

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Indian dairy farmers are ready to accept Sex sorted semen technology. Government of India is promoting use of sex sorted semen technology through Rashtriya Gokul mission. 12 A graded semen stations for sex sorted semen will be established under this programme. In future this programme provide sex sorted semen for both indigenious  breeds as well as exotic breeds at the village level .



AI sevices not yet reached the grass root level villages. To increase the AI coverage government of India has launched nation wide artificial insemination programme in  600 districts having less than 50 percentage  AI coverage, Covering 100 villages per district and 200 cows per village.1 crore animals are proposed to be covered .


Disease resistance is the best character of the Indian cattle breeds. Indiscriminate cross breeding lead to production of cross breeds with poor disease resistance . India already have best breeding policy for national and state level . Strict implementation of breeding policy is  need of the hour. Strict screening of imported AI straws are  vital for the future Indian cattle and milk production . Disease resistance cattle with best feed coversion capabilities are the best breed qualities of Indian cattle breeds. These type of best Indian breeds are still maintained by dairy farmers of India. More research in these breeds with involvement of Indian dairy farmers lead to development of more such breeds.




Major share of milk production in India is from Indigenous buffaloes and Indigenous cows. Proportion of milk production by species:

  • Indigenous Buffaloes- 35 percent
  • Non Descriptive Buffaloes- 14 percent
  • Indigenous cows- 10 percent
  • Non Decriptive cows- 10 percent
  • Cross Bred cows- 26 percent
  • Exotic cows- 1 percent

India is home for world best dairy cow breed and world best drought breeds. More promotion and preservation is needed for our breeds .


According to Al Ain Dairy officials, it is the most productive cow in the company, which can give about 100 litres of milk per day, if milched three times a day. “This cow, number 4307 is known informally as super cow. It can generate 100 litres of milk a day.


Many of the dairy farmers provide magnificent amounts of feed as well as grass and hay during the initial period of lactation. As the milk yield began to diminish following the first five to six months, the farmer usually would cut down on the general limit of feed and fodder that was earlier provided. This happens so regularly in farms, that the pet size gets shrunk to half of its original size. While the amount of feed provided is reliant on the milk yield of the cattle, it is extremely important to take into consideration of its body weight and should never be given less feed considerably under any factor.

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Fig.No.1. Feed and fodder for dairy animals



There were 1,55,634 village level  Dairy cooperatives in India. Total milk unions in India is 183 and its operation is over 418 districts.Total members in Indian dairy cooperatives is 15.1 million of which more than 4.3 million were woman.Average daily cooperative milk procurement is 328 lakh kilogram . Annual amount paid to the dairy farmers through the dairy cooperatives valued more than 260 billion in 2012-13. The average daily milk marketing stood at about 238 lakh liters.Indian dairy cooperatives now market milk in all metro ,major cities more than 2000 towns/cities .Dairy cooperatives generate employment opportunities for about 15 million farm families. All these achievements were started as early  as 1946 in Anand ,In a small town in western India , Under the inspiration of Great leader of India and freedom fighter Sardar Patel ,And the guidance of leaders Morarji Desai , Tribhubandas Patel and Dr.Verghese Kurien . Subsequently Dr.Verghese Kurien, the world food prize and the Magsaysay award winner , is the architect of India white revolution , Which helped India emerged as the largest milk producer in the world . Impressed with the development of dairy cooperatives in Kaira district , Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri ,The then prime minister of India in 1964 asked Dr.V.Kurien to replicate the Anand type dairy cooperatives all over India. Thus,the national dairy development board was formed and operation flood program was launched for replication of the Amul  model all over India . Dairy farmers of India eagerly participated in the operation flood ,The worlds largest dairy development program lead to great success and became role model to the world .

When compared to dairy farmers of Top milk producing countries, Indian dairy farmers achieved the world best milk production. With the available best Indian veterinary health care facilities and traditional herbal medicial technologies, able to protect the 300million cattle.This is possible because of the hard work and perseverance of Indian dairy farmers, the traditional dairy technologies of Indian dairy farmers and their cooperation with veterinary Doctors and dairy  cooperatives created under the leadership of Dr.Verghese Kurien.


As per adaptation of new technology to start the modern dairy forming in which not only sell the milk but other byproducts in a good way because milk consumption is increases day by day , as other eating products are comes in market by chemical treatment/ adulteration which are injurious to our health as well as our societies . So if I adapted this market with honest, it not only helps to increases our country GDP but good for human welfare also

Dr. R. P. Diwakar1  & Dr. Manish Kumar Verma2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology

Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, (UP)

2Ph. D Scholar, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology &Toxicology

  1. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, (UK)
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