Goats play an important role in livestock industry having adaptability to harsh climates which make them suitable for landless and marginal farmers. They are one of the main contributors of milk and meat products. Goat milk is different from cow and human milk, these differences in composition of cow milk and goat milk may result into the products with different sensory characteristics, nutritional and therapeutic values. Goat milk contains higher amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphors than cow and human milk. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and proteins which are more in goat milk have been recognized as unique lipid and protein with unique health benefits. The soft curd of goat milk may be an advantage for adult humans suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances and ulcers. It is reported that the bioavailability of Zn is enhanced by goat milk in comparison to cow milk. Moreover, goat milk is also used as therapy against different problems including gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, constipation and respiratory problems.

Goat has the ability to produce milk of good composition and quality for human consumption. Moreover, it also has medicinal value for human being and is healthy alternative to cow’s milk that may be more easily digested than regular cow’s milk, especially to children and those who have sensitive stomachs to other animals’ milk. Goat milk lacks folic acid and it does not recommend for infants under one year because it can cause anemia. The superior digestibility of goat milk, the proper composition of fatty acids and its content of bioactive compounds seem to give properties suitable for treating or preventing certain medical conditions. Goat milk might have beneficial effects on malabsorption disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. Fermented goat milk may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by ant oxidative anti-atherogenic effects.

The importance of feeding of infants with goat milk has been recognized since ancient days. In developed countries like U.S and South Africa, the goat milk is specifically marketed for the infants. The milk allergy problem common in infants fed with cow milk is rarely encountered when replaced with goat milk and it plays an important role in the formulation of infant formula. This is a proof of the medicinal property of goat milk.
The symptoms like gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea, constipation and respiratory problems can be eliminated when goat milk is fed to the infants. The reason cited for the relief in respiratory problems when fed with goat milk can be attributed to the structure of casein micelle of the goat milk. Pasteurized goat milk is well tolerated by the infants with gastro intestinal or respiratory symptoms. Fermented goat milk products are ideal for the persons allergic to cow milk.
The goat milk is naturally homogenized. It forms a soft curd when compared to cow milk and hence helps in easy digestion and absorption. Regular intake of goat milk significantly improves the body weight gain, improved mineralization of skeleton, increased blood serum vitamin, mineral and haemoglobin levels. These points are considered advantageous when compared to consumption of human milk.
The other medicinal property of goat milk is higher concentration of medium chain fatty acids which play an important role in imparting unique health benefits in mal-absorption syndrome, steatorrhoea, chyluria, hyperlipoproteinaemia and during conditions of cystic fibrosis, gall stones and childhood epilepsy. The medium chain fatty acids minimize cholesterol deposition in the arteries, aid in dissolving cholesterol and gallstones and significantly contribute to normal growth of infants.
People (adult as well as children) suffering from eczema, asthma, chronic catarrh, migraine, colitis, hay fever, stomach ulcer, epigastric distress and abdominal pain due to allergic reaction to cow milk protein or milk substitute naturally prefer goat milk because of its less allergic nature.
Similar is the case with cheese prepared from goat milk, which showed little or no reaction to sensitive persons. Certain infants suffering from allergies (with eosinophilia) associated with gastrointestinal tract also showed improvement after administration of goat milk. There is a report of chronic enteropathy in infants due to feeding of cow milk formula being cured by shifting to goat milk.

The nutritional and health benefits of goat milk are related to a number of medical problems, foremost being food allergies. There is a niche in dairy industry for goat milk because of the medical needs for which research is essential.
The milk has higher protein, fat and phosphate. Its composition varies with factors such as diet, breed, environment, and management. It differs from cow or human milk in higher digestibility, distinct alkalinity, higher buffering capacity, and certain therapeutic values in medicine and human nutrition.
It is also a substitute for those who suffer from cow milk allergy. Its products are source of protein, phosphate and calcium. The basic nutrient composition of goat milk resembles cow milk, where both milk contain substantially higher protein and ash, but lower lactose content.
The major constituents of goat milk are high in early lactation, decline rapidly, then remain low for a variable length of time, and increase again towards the end of lactation.
The gross composition of goat milk is higher than that in bovine milk, except for lactose which is low. Fat globules are smaller and probably one of the reasons for easy digestion of this milk. There are also differences in the fatty acid profile as goat milk has higher percentage of short and medium-chain (C6–C14) fatty acids.
These are used for the treatment of mal-absorption syndromes, intestinal disorders, coronary diseases, premature infant nutrition, and cystic fibrosis and because of its unique metabolic abilities in providing energy and at the same time lowering, inhibiting and dissolving cholesterol deposits.
Goat milk exceeds cow milk in monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids and medium chain triglycerides which are beneficial to human health, especially in cardiovascular condition. Biomedical superiority has not been promoted much in marketing goat milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Fatty acid composition of goat milk fat can be changed by feed supplementation, including change of forage concentrate ratio. Recently, a more beneficial fat, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been identified as a potent anticarcinogen and is primarily provided to human diet but has not been studied in goat milk yet.
Human milk oligosaccharides are beneficial to infants with regard to their prebiotic and anti-infective properties. However, so far no milk from farm animals is considered a natural source of lactose-derived oligosaccharides for human nutrition but a large amount and variety of acidic and neutral oligosaccharides are found in goat milk. In addition, 15 new oligosaccharide structures were identified in caprine milk and is concluded that goat milk is a natural source of oligosaccharides for human nutrition due to its composition and concentration.
Goat milk proteins are similar to cows but differ in genetic polymorphisms and their frequencies in goat populations. The differences in genetic types are due to amino acid substitutions in the protein chains which are responsible for differences in digestibility, cheese making properties and flavours of products.
Peptides formed from goat milk casein tastes less bitter than those of cow milk casein. Average amino acid composition of goat and cow milk shows higher levels of six of the 10 essential amino acids: threonine, isoleucine, lysine, cystine, tyrosine, and valine. Mineral contents show higher Ca, P, K, Mg, and Cl, and lower Na and S levels than bovine milk. Mineral contents of goat milk yogurt have significant differences in the levels of Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Zn, and Al between different varieties. Mineral concentrations of 30 varieties of commercial goat milk cheeses produced in the US revealed that there were wide variations in concentrations of P, K, Ca, Na, Cl, Fe, Al, and Zn among and within varieties of the cheeses.
Milk and other dairy products obtained from cows interfere with the absorption of Fe from diet. Studies have shown that when goat milk is incorporated into the diet of rats, it produces a greater nutritive use of Fe and minimizes the possible interactions of Fe with other minerals such as Ca, P and Mg, in comparison with animals fed with cow milk.
Cow milk causes medical problems such as infantile eczema. Many hospitals and medical practitioners in the UK keep a list of sources of goat milk that they recommend to patients. The term universal foster mother was often used to describe the goat. Utilization of goat milk can be improved on the advice of medical practitioners for patients suffering from cardiovascular problems, for infant feeds, for nursing mothers and those allergic to cow milk.

READ MORE :  Goat Farming for Livelihood and Nutritional Security with special reference to Management Technique of Teat and Udder Surgical Affections

Medicinal Aspects of the Goat Milk —————

The soft curd of goat milk may be an advantage for adult humans suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances and high buffering capacity of goat milk appears to be useful for treatment of gastric ulcers . Goat milk has been recommended as a substitute for patients allergic to cow milk and about 40-100% of patients allergic to cow milk proteins tolerate goat milk . There are more medium chain length fatty acid or medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) in goat milk which have been recognized as unique lipid with unique health benefits in mal-absorption syndromes, chyluria, steatorrhea, hyperlipoproteinnemia, and in cases of intestinal resection, coronary bypass, premature infant feeding, childhood epilepsy and gallstones. MCT help in inhibits or limits cholesterol deposition, also help to dissolve cholesterol gallstones and contributes to normal growth of infants . Regular intake of goat milk significantly improves the body weight gain, improved mineralization of skeleton, increased blood serum vitamin, mineral and haemoglobin levels and results in reduction of total cholesterol level due to presence of the higher MCT, 36% in goat milk versus 21% in cow milk, which decreases the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol and also helps to boost the immune system . Goat milk is rich in selenium which is a necessary nutrient for body and known for its immune strengthening and antioxidant properties. Raw milk soothes (calm) the digestive tract; people with conditions, such as bloating, diarrhea, asthma, and irritability may very well be suffering from an allergic reaction to cow’s milk . Goat milk is an important sources of biorganic sodium. The lack of this mineral is thought to be caused arthritis and also inhibits the stomach’s production of needed enzymes which causes bloating, and even ulcers . Goat’s milk contains less of the enzyme xanthise oxidase. High level of this enzyme in blood circulation can cause tissue scar on the heart that result in the liver supplying more cholesterol in order to protect the heart. Arteriosclerosis can be the result of this mechanism . So goat milk also help in preventing arteriosclerosis. It is easier to digest than cows’ milk and may have certain therapeutic value and a feasible nutraceutical for gastrointestinal disorders.

Therapeutic Aspects of Fermented Goat Milk

Goat milk could be a future trend in the field of probiotic fermented milk products because of several reported health benefits. Fermented milk forms a soft curd when compared to cow’s milk and hence helps in easy digestion and absorption. Kullisaar et al. showed antioxidative and anti-atherogenic effects from fermented goat milk (Lactobacillus fermentus ME-3) in healthy subjects. Both reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. One disadvantage with goat milk is the almost nonexistent content of folic acid and this problem could be solved by using folate-producing bacteria during fermentation. Sanna et al. used a mix of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus for fermenting goat milk which resulted in to a yogurt with a significant quantity of folate and good sensory attributes. Fermentation of goat milk by using a mixed starter culture (Streptococcus thermophilus CR12, Lactobacillus Helveticas PR4 and Lactobaillus plantarum 1288) resulted in production of GABA, which is an inhibiting signal substance in the central nervous system, and provoked an in vitro ACEinhibitory activity, which counteract high blood pressure . Recently, fermented goat milk (Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505) was demonstrated to stimulate the mucosal immune system and improve the defense against intestinal and respiratory infections in a mouse immunosuppressant model .

Why People Prefer Less Consumption of Goat Milk?

There is lack of knowledge and inability to utilize milk in forms conducive to human consumption in a wide variety of circumstances, this results in less consumption of goat milk . Another challenge to manufacturers is “Goaty” and “mutton” flavour in goat milk and products that brings limitations to consume as drink or milk product . As a rule, such products from goat milk are more expensive than similar products derived from bovine and ovine milk . Flavor of goat milk is particular and stronger than cow’s milk, which constrains its acceptability among several consumers . Low daily volume, even of herd bulk milk may be one of the reasons for the difficulty in establishing an efficient processing industry of goat and sheep milk in many countries.

Though not very popular in the Western world, goat milk is consumed widely in several other parts of the world (even Gandhi loved it, by the way). And there’s a reason for that.
The milk is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A, B2, C, and D. All of these nutrients offer some of the best benefits you can ever think of.

What Are The Benefits Of Goat Milk?

  1. Could Be Good For The Heart

Goat milk is a good source of magnesium, a mineral beneficial for the heart. Magnesium helps maintain a regular heartbeat and even prevents the formation of blood clots and increased cholesterol levels. Magnesium also works with vitamin D, which is another nutrient crucial for heart health .
Goat milk also contains medium-chain fatty acids, in fact, more than that of cow milk. These fatty acids are known to lower cholesterol levels and help treat coronary ailments. The milk might also increase the levels of good cholesterol, and this is one added benefit to the heart .
However, certain sources talk about the saturated fat content of goat milk and how it can be detrimental to heart health. Hence, do talk to your doctor before consuming it.

  1. Fights Inflammation
    Studies have revealed how goat milk can be used as a supplement to treat inflammation in people. The milk can trigger innate and adaptive immune responses in the human body, and this can help fight inflammation .
    The anti-inflammatory properties of goat milk can be attributed to its compounds called oligosaccharides, which can help treat inflammatory bowel disease . These oligosaccharides also help reduce intestinal inflammation, as per another Spanish study .
  2. Strengthens Bones

Goat milk is high in calcium, with one cup offering you 327 milligrams of the mineral. This is more than what cow milk offers. Interestingly, goat milk is also rich in vitamin D – another nutrient that boosts calcium absorption and, consequently, bone strength.
In one study, goat milk was used to prevent osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – and the results were satisfactory . Goat milk also contains another type of protein called CSN1S2, which had shown to have anti-osteoporosis effects . The milk also prevents bone demineralization (softening of the bones). It also improves bone turnover, which would have otherwise gotten impaired due to iron deficiency .

  1. Is A Good Metabolic Agent
    Goat milk is an excellent metabolic agent as it boosts the metabolic utilization of minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus . Additionally, it has A2 beta-casein, which is far healthier than A1 beta-casein that cow milk contains. A2 beta-casein is considered the safer variant of beta-casein, while its A1 counterpart has been found to trigger Type 1 diabetes .
    The A2 beta-casein in goat milk is what makes it closest to human breast milk, and this, once again, proves why it works best for human health. It also is less allergenic to babies post the breastfeeding period, according to studies .
    Goat milk might also be good for weight loss since it is rich in both protein and calcium (nutrients often linked to healthy weight loss). It can also offer an energy boost and improve immunity as well, though we need more studies to prove the same.
  2. Is Easily Digestible
    The fat globules in goat milk are smaller, and this makes the milk easier to digest . Upon reaching the stomach, the protein in goat milk forms a softer curd than cow milk – and this also decreases the irritation that one might otherwise experience with cow milk.
  3. Works Well For Lactose Intolerants
    Goat milk is also lower in lactose and can be a viable option for anyone who is lactose intolerant and doesn’t take milk as a result. The milk is also easily digested by people with sensitive stomachs.
  4. Is Better Than Cow Milk
    We have already discussed much of this. But reiterating doesn’t hurt.
    First, goat milk is far better than cow milk in terms of digestibility. Hence, it is one great option for anyone with gastrointestinal problems. Also, since it is well tolerated by lactose intolerant individuals, it doesn’t cause inflammation.
    And then, we have the A2 beta-casein protein in goat milk, which is far better and safer than its counterpart in cow milk. Goat milk also prevents allergic reactions and is environment-friendly as well.
    The only downside might be the price – since goat milk is not as readily available in the Western world as in the other parts, it might be a little pricey. But hey, this could be a worthy investment.
  5. Might Improve Brain Health

Studies have shown how the lipids in goat milk can reduce anxiety. Goat milk also contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is known to influence brain development .


  1. Might Be Good During Pregnancy
    There is limited information available if goat milk is especially good during pregnancy. Also, we don’t know if it is any better for babies or infants. Hence, consult your doctor.
    But keep in mind to consume only pasteurized milk and not raw milk.
  2. Prevents Anemia
    Goat milk has a higher bioavailability of iron and enhances iron absorption. Which means, in a way, it helps prevent anemia .
  3. Balances The Body’s pH Levels
    Goat milk is alkaline and is more in line with the pH level of mother’s milk, which is why it can balance the body’s pH levels.
  4. Enhances Skin Health
    Goat milk is rich in essential fatty acids and triglycerides, which makes it very good for the skin. And since it is alkaline, it doesn’t irritate the skin. Moreover, goat milk is loaded with vitamin A – which is one crucial nutrient for the skin. The lactic acid in the milk hydrates and brightens the skin.
    You can use the milk (or even dilute it a bit) to wash your face first thing in the morning.
    Using goat milk soap is another way you can improve your skin health. You can get it from the nearest supermarket. Using the soap on a regular basis will make your skin less in need of a moisturizer. The soap can even offer relief from eczema symptoms. Just applying the soap to the affected areas will do the trick.
  5. Can Improve Hair Health
    Your hair needs to be as pH balanced as the rest of the body, which is why goat milk can work wonders. You can rinse your hair with goat milk, and this can improve hair health considerably.

Nutritional Value of Goat Milk: 

Goat milk contains the following nutrients in it: 



Amount per 100 g 


3.56 g 


4.14 g 


4.45 g 


87 g 


69 kcal 


4.45 g 


0.05 mg 


134 mg 


204 mg 


14 mg 


111 mg 


50 mg 


0.046 mg 


0.3 mg 


0.018 mg 


1.4 µg 

Vitamin A 

57 µg 

Vitamin B1 

0.048 mg 

Vitamin B2 

0.138 mg 

Vitamin B3 

0.277 mg 

Vitamin B5 

0.31 mg 

Vitamin B6  

0.046 mg 

Vitamin B9 

1 µg 

Vitamin B12 

0.07 µg 

Vitamin C  

1.3 mg 

Vitamin D 

51 IU 

Vitamin E 

0.07 mg 

Table 1: Nutrients present in 100g of goat milk.2 

Properties of Goat Milk:  

Goat milk might possess the following properties:   

  • It may act as antioxidant 
  • It might act as an anti-inflammatory  
  • It may act as anti-mucosal 
  • It may boost the immunity 
  • It might act as anticancer 
  • It might act as prebiotics1
  • It may act as anti-microbial3
READ MORE :  Exploring the health benefits of goat milk

Potential Uses of Goat Milk for Overall Health:  

Goat milk contains several nutrients that may be beneficial to the human body and some of the potential uses of goat milk is: 

  1. Potential uses of goat milk for heart 

Goat milk might contain antioxidants that may inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is also called bad cholesterol. Goat milk contains medium chain triglyceride (MCT), monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which might be beneficial for heart-related diseases. It may have low levels of cholesterol when compared to cow milk and a balanced fatty acid profile. The presence of all these compounds may prevent heart diseases like heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke.1 If you have serious heart problems consult the doctor and take proper medication. Do not self-medicate.  

  1. Potential uses of goat milk for boosting immunity 

Selenium is one of the key nutrients that is involved in the proper functioning of the immune system. This nutrient is present in cow milk in small amounts and more amount of selenium is present in goat milk. Therefore, goat milk may act as an immunity booster and might help in protecting a person from diseases. Recent studies have shown that goat milk/Bakri ka dudh may have immunomodulatory effects in both animal and human studies.1 However, more studies are required to claim the importance of goat milk.  

  1. Potential uses of goat milk as a prebiotic 

Goat milk contains a high level of oligosaccharides (carbohydrates) derived from lactose which act as a prebiotic. We all know that prebiotics in the stomach may improve the health of the digestive system. They promote bifidobacterial (good bacteria) in the intestine, which may benefit other activities such as stimulating immunity, preventing infection, fighting against cancer, lowering cholesterol, and improving lactose maldigestion.However, more studies are required to claim all these benefits of goat milk on humans.  

  1. Potential uses of goat milk for cancer 

Goat milk contains high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has been reported that it may have anticancer properties in animal models and human cancer cells. The CLA mechanism to inhibit cancer growth is not yet understood fully and more research is required. However, the antioxidant effect and another related mechanism of fermented goat milk might benefit cancer.1 Do not self-medicate. Cancer is a serious condition and must be properly diagnosed and treated by a doctor.  

  1. Potential uses of goat milk for bone 

In naturopathic medicine, cows are called calcium animals and goats are referred to as bio-organic sodium animals. This bio-organic sodium is a crucial element that may maintain joint movement. Goat milk may provide 35% of the daily calcium needed in a cup. At the same time, a cup of goat milk may provide 20% of the daily needs of vitamin B2. It also contains phosphorus and high level of vitamin B12 and potassium.1 If you have any bone-related problems consult your doctor and do not self-medicate.  

  1. Potential uses of goat milk for diabetes 

In a study, kefir made from goat and soy milk may improve pancreatic β cells, reduce glucose levels in the blood, and exhibit an anti-diabetic effect. Therefore, it might be helpful for diabetes. However, human studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness.4 Do not self-medicate. Diabetes is a serious condition and must be properly diagnosed and treated by a doctor.  

Though there are studies that show the potential uses of goat’s milk in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of goat’s milk on human health.  

How to Use Goat Milk: 

Goat milk is rich in vitamins and minerals which is also called a functional and nutraceutical drink. You can drink your goat milk just like that. You can also substitute your regular milk with goat milk to make delicious recipes like tea, coffee, and cake. However, it is important that you seek advice from your doctor before taking goat milk.  

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking a large amount of goat milk or any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.   

Side Effects of Goat Milk: 

In a few cases, people who are allergic to cow milk might also be allergic to goat milk. Certain proteins in goat milk are similar to that of cow milk and this may develop an allergy to goat milk. Also, if a person drinks unpasteurized goat milk, it can cause serious side effects such as food poisoning.5,6  

Precautions to Take with Goat Milk: 

You must consume goat milk after knowing that it is pasteurized. Unpasteurized goat milk can cause severe health issues. Also, people allergic to goat milk should avoid drinking goat milk or food items containing goat milk.5,6 It is essential that you take goat milk after consulting your doctor and be cautious.  

Interactions with Other Drugs: 

Goat milk might react with certain medicines and affect their action. However, there is not much information available on the interaction of goat milk with medicines. For this reason, more studies are required to check its effects on any medicines. Therefore, consult your doctor after knowing it’s safer to consume goat milk, mainly if you are under medications. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What are the benefits of goat milk? 

Goat milk might be helpful against diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, and heart attack. However, these effects must be confirmed with human studies. Therefore, do not self-medicate and consult your doctor before taking goat milk.1,4 

Is goat milk good for the skin? 

Goat milk might be good for the skin, which is why it is now used in skin care, beauty, and cosmetic products.7 However, consume goat milk after a doctor’s recommendation. 

Is goat milk good for diabetes? 

Goat milk might be good for diabetes. In an animal model, goat milk exhibited an anti-diabetic effect. However, human studies are needed to confirm that goat milk is helpful for diabetes.4 Diabetes must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Do not self-medicate. 

Is goat milk good for the heart? 

Goat milk might be good for the heart as it may balance the fatty acid profile and fight against heart-related diseases.1 

What are the side effects of goat milk? 

Some people are allergic to goat milk which may cause a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, such people should not consume goat milk. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking goat milk. 


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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