Quail meat, also known as “bater” meat in India, is bird meat which is highly delicious and highly famous for its nutritional and health benefits. In this blog, we will be talking about the health benefits of quail meat, as well as the nutritional benefits and the side effects associated with it.

Good nutrition affects growth and development of human body. Nutritional composition research has shown that eating a well-balanced food can improve human health. A variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, grain, and protein, is essential to get the full range of nutrients for good health. The right balance of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals provides energy, and the variety of nutrients growing children and working adult need. Foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt, should be limited, they do not provide important nutrients. Both Child and Adult Care Program (CACFP) meal pattern and the Pyramid Web site by US. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, encourages eating a variety of foods (US Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 2005). Egg consumption is a popular choice for good nutrients which they are variety of chicken, duck, roe, and caviar, but by a wide margin the egg most often humanly consumed is the chicken egg, typically unfertilized (Applegate, 2000). Besides, a lot of people especially in Asian countries consume quail eggs (or Kai Nok Kra Tha, Thai name) which previous study reported that quail eggs are packed with vitamins and minerals even with their small size, their nutritional value is three to four times greater than chicken eggs. Regular consumption of quail eggs helps fight against many diseases which is a natural combatant against digestive tract disorders such as stomach ulcers. Quail eggs strengthen the immune system, promote memory health, increase brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. They help with anemia by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the body while removing toxins and heavy metals (Troutman, 1999-2012). Chinese use quail eggs to help treat tuberculosis, asthma, and even diabetes. Quail eggs can help prevent sufferer of kidney, liver, or gallbladder stones and remove these types of stones. The nutritional value of quail eggs is much higher than those offered by other eggs with they are rich sources of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, and give us a lot of nutrition than do other foods (Lalwani, 2011). It may consume about 2 quail eggs in a day. But there were argued in nutrient information of quail eggs cause of lack of scientific data. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate nutritional compositions of carbohydrate, fat, protein, calories, vitamin, mineral and sex hormone contents of Thai quail eggs. The idea that may resolve the world food problem for developing countries. The limited knowledge of Western science about food is over shadowed by the centuries.

Quail meat is an integral component of Polish, Portuguese, Italian, Mexican, and Indian cuisine. Nowadays, the quails for table use are primarily tame, Japanese Quail. Moreover, quail meat is typically consumed with bones. Since the birds are tiny, it is not easy to get rid of the tiny bones. However, they are very soft and easy to chew.

Quail meat, also known as bater meat in India, is delicious and renowned for its health and nutritional advantages. Quail meat and eggs offer numerous health benefits. Quail meat is highly nutritious and provides calcium, protein, iron, zinc, and calcium. Quail eggs are rich in calcium, protein, vitamins A, B, K, and D.

Nutrition in Quail meat

Quail meat has high nutritional benefits and values. 100 gram of quail meat contains

Nutrition in quail meat (100g) Amount
Calories 134 Kcal
Fat 4.5g
Sodium 51g
Carbohydrate 0g
Protein 22g
Calcium 13mg
Iron 4.5mg
Potassium 237mg

Health Benefits

There are numerous health benefits found in quail meat. The main benefits are as follows

Highly rich in protein

The quail meat is extensively rich in protein. People who are into muscle building or bodybuilding can easily consume this meat. It acts as a mass gainer in certain aspects. Consume quail meat twice a week, and you will witness the difference yourself. The carbs and glucose in the body are replaced by this high protein, ultimately helping in muscle building. It also fulfills the daily protein requirement. It also increases the production of hormones and enzymes in our body.

Highly recommended for diabetic patients

For diabetic patients, who have regular glucose alterations in the blood sugar level, need to consume quail meat. It helps in checking and regulating the blood sugar level in the human body.

Improves eye vision

Quail meat has a high amount of vitamin A. Although vitamin A in quail is lower than carrot, it still has benefits and influences on eye problem reduction. The presence of lutein and zeaxanthin makes the retina powerful. These two nutrients protect the eyes from blue light that comes into the eyes.

Improves skin health

Quail do not only contain Vitamin A and Vitamin B but also has Vitamin E. Vitamin E prevents early aging and also helps in skin regeneration.

Strengthen bones

Quail contains phosphorous and calcium in its meat. These two nutrients have benefits in taking care of bones. It also plays a vital role in the treatment of osteoporosis ( caused due to less calcium and phosphorous)

Solve symptoms of the respiratory system

Like bat meat and squirrel meat, consumption of quail meat solves respiratory problems. Respiratory diseases like asthma, tuberculosis, and vascular dystrophy can be treated by eating quail meat.

Increases Immunity

If we consume quail meat regularly, it increases the immunity in our body. This increase in immunity helps in the prevention of the body against foreign diseases by killing the bacteria and parasites that come into our body.

Takes good care of heart

Protein in quail meat helps to stabilize bad cholesterol in our body. Because of this, we need to consume quail meat twice a week for a happy heart.

Cures Anemia

High Iron in quail meat has the function to solve anemia or low blood. It also contributes to the production of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in our bodies.

Solves a problem in the digestive system

The digestive system is one of the organs that is very important in the body. The digestive system absorbs food that is bundled by blood. When the digestion system is disturbed, it can cause many health problems because the absorption process of food is distributed too. The symptoms of abnormal digestion caused by bacteria can be healed by quail meat. Another symptom can be caused by pimples in testiness, gastritis, and pimple in the abdomen. All these problems can be partially cured by consuming quail meat.

READ MORE :  Japanese Quail Diseases and their Prevention

The only side effect of quail meat

Quail meat should not be consumed by people suffering from knee joint pain or joint pain, also known as knee inflammation. Excessive protein is not good for health. You should always consult a doctor if you want to have quail meat on a regular basis. No other quail meat side effects are proven or discovered yet till date.

5 points of difference between quail meat and chicken meat

  • Chicken meat is easily available in the market, whereas quail meat is hard to find as there are fewer quail poultries, and in some places, it is banned.
  • The nutritional value of quail meat is four times compared to chicken meat.
  • A high amount of vitamins, minerals, and Iron are found in quail meat, whereas chicken meat lacks in those aspects.
  • Quail meat plays an active role in the prevention of certain diseases, whereas chicken does not actively participate in the prevention of diseases.
  • In aspects of taste, both have a good taste, but quail meat wins here because of its unique taste.

Health Benefits of Quail Meat

The delicious quail meat benefits eyesight as well as skin, bones, and tissues in your body. It helps boost your immune system and is beneficial for heart health. It also helps with digestive and respiratory issues. The most significant benefits are as follows:

  • Enhances immunity
  • Improves eye vision
  • Highly rich in protein
  • Improves skin health
  • Strengthen bones
  • Good for diabetic patients
  • Helps in respiratory issues
  • Takes care of your heart
  • Cures anemia
  • Solves digestive issues
  • Enhances Immunity

Eating quail meat frequently improves the body’s immune system. This boost in immunity kills parasites and bacteria that get into our bodies and thus assists in the protection of the body from foreign infections.

  • Improves Eye Vision

Quail meat is highly rich in Vitamin A, which offers numerous benefits for eye problems. The presence of lutein and zeaxanthin helps to strengthen the retina and protect the eye from the blue light coming to the eyes.

  • Highly Rich in Protein

Quail meat is rich in protein and is highly beneficial for individuals interested in bodybuilding or muscle building. It can be used to increase mass and to meet daily protein requirements. It also boosts the production of enzymes and hormones within our bodies.

  • Improves Skin Health

Quail meat is rich in Vitamin E, which helps prevent premature aging and aids in the regeneration of the skin.

  • Strengthen Bones

Quail meat is rich in calcium and phosphorous, which are beneficial in ensuring the health of bones. It also plays an integral part in treating osteoporosis, a deficiency caused by phosphate and calcium.

  • Good for Diabetic Patients

For diabetic patients with frequent changes in their blood sugar levels, quail meat aids in monitoring and controlling the blood sugar levels.

  • Helps in Respiratory Issues

The consumption of quail meat helps solve respiratory issues such as asthma, tuberculosis, and vascular dystrophy.

  • Take Good Care of Your Heart

Physicians recommend eating quail meat twice per week to maintain a healthy heart. The high protein content present in the quail meat helps lower cholesterol levels within our bodies.

  • Cures Anemia

The high iron content present in the quail meat can help treat low blood sugar or anemia. It also helps in hemoglobin and erythrocyte production found in our bodies.

  • Solves Digestive Issues

Quail meat helps prevent abnormal digestion, gastritis, testicular pimples, and a pimple in the abdomen.

Cautions of Eating Quail Meats

Quail meats offer several health advantages. But if we consume it excessively, it could be vulnerable. A high intake of protein is not suitable for your health. Always seek advice from a physician if you want to consume Quail meat frequently. Quail meat should not be consumed by those who suffer from knee joint discomfort or joint pain, also known as inflammation of the knee.

There are a few risks associated with excessive consumption of quail meat, such as:

  • Create high cholesterol.
  • Dermatomyositis.
  • Inflict damage to the metabolism system.
  • May cause low blood pressure.
  • May cause kidney diseases or kidney stones.
  • Block the absorption of nutrients.
  • May cause Alzheimer’s.
  • Increase Ovomucoid protein.

Quail meat is an excellent source of nourishment and health benefits to our bodies. Consuming quail meat in a moderate amount could help in ensuring good body health and cure several health issues.

Quail Meat Disadvantages

  • Quail meat has a few saturated acids. Therefore when compared to fat varieties, they have a less positive impact on the nerve system.
  • Sometimes people experience intolerance to the Quail meat. In such instances, the consumption of quail meat may need to be stopped.
  • Quail meat has very low calories, and with an increase in physical effort, it is not sufficient to replenish the forces’ reserves, despite its nutritional worth.
  • It is advisable to avoid eating quail meals prior to leaving for colder regions.

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs

Even it comes in small sizes, quail egg packed with lots of nutrient which provide many benefits to the body and it has been proven by some studies. The benefits of quail eggs are listed below


  • Prevent diabetes


Who knows that quail egg can prevent diabetes? Study reported that quail egg contains amino acid particularly Leucine which can help in regulating blood sugar level and maintain the balance level of insulin that makes it a good food to prevent and treat diabetes.


  • Improve Vision


Quail Egg consists of impressively high level of vitamin A, which means that it helps to protect our vision and eye health. The antioxidant activity of vitamin A help to reduce macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts, helping you see better for longer!(1)


  • Raise Energy Levels


The long list of minerals and micronutrients found in these tiny eggs, as well as the protein boost of nearly 6 grams per serving, makes these eggs particularly good for an early morning surge of energy and mood. A high-protein, nutrient-dense breakfast is extremely recommended for those who often feel dependent on caffeine or other stimulants to regulate their energy levels.(2)

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  • Maintain healthy skin


Quail eggs are an excellent source of protein and it contains Lysine, an amino acid that helps to promote the collagen production. Collagen is a type of proteins that is required in keeping skin layer tightness and prevents it from sagging and wrinkle.


  • Promote brain function


Quail eggs contain amino acid and great protein level which can help to encourage the brain function and nourish the nerve system in brain so it can work better. The amino acid or protein in quail eggs also safeguard the brain cells from damage and repair the cell if its broken.


  • Reduce Blood Pressure


There are a number of essential minerals found in quail eggs, and potassium happens to be one of them. Although the cardio-protective effects of quail eggs is still under heavy research, the presence of potassium means blood pressure-reducing abilities, as this mineral acts as a vasodilator, relieving strain and stress on the arteries and blood vessels. There is also more potassium in quail eggs than in normal chicken eggs.


  • Increase Metabolism


The range of B-family vitamins found in quail eggs result in boosted metabolic activity throughout the body, including hormonal and enzymatic function. By ensuring smooth bodily processes and organ functions, quail eggs can be far more than a delicious treat!(4)


  • Promotes healthy hair


Quail Eggs is quite beneficial for promoting healthy hair. Quail egg contains many amino acids especially the Linoleat acid that can nourish the hair roots and promote healthy hair growth.


  • Prevent anemia


Study show that women who consume quail egg frequently tend to have lower risk of developing anemia. Quail eggs contain iron which can help in red blood cell formation and prevent anemia while the amino acid in quail egg also may increase the level of haemoglobin within the red blood cells. The haemoglobin itself is a protein which play important role in oxygen and nutrient binding as well as transportation through all parts of the body.


  • Enhance body development


Protein is the main body building block and it is essential in the development process of the body particularly in children. Quail contains high amount of protein which may encourages body development and it also promotes better organs function within the body.


  • Maintain healthy teeth


Quail eggs specially the yolk part contain many minerals including Zinc which is required in maintaining healthy teeth.


  • Balance Cholesterol


There are a good amount of beneficial fatty acids found in quail eggs that many people enjoy due to their heart-boosting effects. HDL cholesterol is the “good” form of cholesterol that our body needs to offset the negative effects of LDL cholesterol, and HDL makes up more than 60% of the fat in quail eggs. However, for people with pre-existing cholesterol problems, adding large quantities of these eggs to your diet might not be the best choice, as there is roughly 1.6 grams of saturated fat in each serving.(5)


  • Cleanse the Body


Detoxifying the body is important, mainly in a world filled with toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals. Studies have shown that adding these eggs to your diet can help eliminate toxins from the blood stream, as help to reduce the size of bladder stones and kidney stones.


  • Relieve depression


Quail eggs don’t only contain vitamin, mineral, carbohydrate and protein. It is also completed with some sex hormones according to study by Daniel in 2010. Quail eggs contain anti-depression properties that called as hormone P which is quite effective in relieving depression especially in women who suffer from menopause syndrome.


  • Prevents Bladder Stones


Quail eggs are good for improving your kidney, liver and gallbladder health. Quail eggs also inhibit the growth of bladder stones and help break them down. The eggs are rich in Lecithin, which helps break down bladder stones.(7)


  • Reduce the risk of heart disease


Quail egg contains important nutrients and vitamins that can reduce the risk of heart disease by 24% according to study by Lee et al in 2010. This benefits served by the presence of Vitamin E or tocopherol.


  • Soothe Allergies


Quail eggs are naturally high in ovomucoid protein, which acts in the body as a natural anti-allergenic. Therefore, if you are suffering from congestion, inflammation, or other symptoms of allergic reactions, quail eggs can get your body back to normal.(8)


  • Purify the blood


Quail egg has been proved can help the body to remove certain heavy metals and toxin such as mercury. The amino acid and other component of quail eggs can bind the toxin and flush it away from the body. This make quail eggs as blood purifier.


  • Stimulate Growth


Just like with regular chicken eggs, quail eggs provide a solid boost of protein to the diet, which we need for countless processes in our body. Proteins are broken down into their constituent components and reformed for new cells, tissue, muscle, bone, and blood vessels. The protein punch of these eggs can ensure healthy and normal growth/repair.(9)


  • Prevent Chronic Disease


Antioxidants are crucial components of human health, as we are constantly battling free radicals that cause chronic disease and cancer. Quail eggs possess significant levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, which can help to neutralize those free radicals and protect your overall health.(10)


  • Build muscle


The high protein content of quail egg makes it perfect as a food for building muscle. If you want to have great muscle tone you can consume quail eggs regularly and taking exercise as well.


  • Promotes sexual function


It has been mentioned before that quail eggs contains some sexual hormones which can enhance the sexual organs function such as prostate gland in male.


  • Treat gastritis


Quail egg contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help in treating stomach ulcer or gastritis. The amino acid content of quail egg also help in repair the broken lining of stomach that caused by infection.


  • Cough and Asthma Remedy


Quail eggs have been used for eons to treat various remedies such as asthma and coughs. Not only that, they have been used since ancient civilization to treat psoriasis and eczema. The beneficial qualities of quail eggs have led to the commercialization of the eggs. You can obtain the benefits the quail eggs in capsules.

READ MORE :  Quail farming


Benefits of Quail Eggs for kids

Due to the essential nutrient contents, quail eggs offer plenty of health benefits to your child.

  • Improves Immunity & Memory

Quail eggs are known to help your child grow a strong defense system and immunity. These eggs help in increasing the level of hemoglobin and also help your child’s body to get rid of the toxins and any other metal compounds. Quail eggs also take care of your child’s kidney, liver and gallbladder. If your child is suffering constantly from different forms of allergies and ailments then offering him/her with quail eggs will definitely help in the cause of preventing them.

Quail eggs are also known to increase brain activity and improve the sense of memory. Introducing quail eggs in your child’s regular diet might help him/her score higher in the class quizzes.

  • Cures Cough and Asthma

Does your child suffer constantly from cough and asthma related problems? Then it is about time you consult your pediatrician and ask for his/her suggestion for introducing quail egg to your child. Quail eggs contain the vital nutrients which will help your child fight repetitive problems of cough and asthma. Also the high protein contents helps in boosting the overall immunity of your child.

  • Boosts the formation of Red Blood Cells

Iron rich food alternatives like quail eggs boost the formation of red blood cells in your child. Also at the same time, the presence of essential minerals like potassium in quail eggs essentially helps your child maintain a healthy growth rate of bones, teeth and nail.

  • Reduces Chances of Terminal Illness

Quail eggs are indeed super-food for your little ones as they often tend to curb any potential chance of causing terminal illness, in the form of heart diseases, arthritis and even cancer, in your child. You might not even know that your child is suffering from low level of potassium intake and that eventually leads to such terminal illnesses in the later stages of their lives. However, daily or regular intake of quail eggs will boost that extra level of potassium in your child’s body and will eliminate any chances of terminal diseases from its very root.

How to Consume Quail Eggs

When you want to promote your general health, it is recommended to eat them in raw form. The raw egg has stronger health benefits than cooked one.

Remember to wash them carefully and if possible in boiling water. A raw egg is not very tasteful; mix it to an orange, mango or pineapple juice to make it more pleasant.

These eggs have high content of lysozyme that helps to kill harmful bacteria thus they are resistant to infections. So do not worry when you eat them in raw form.

How to Eat

  • You can enjoy the delicate taste of boil egg by making its as many dishes such as omelet, or use is as substitute of chicken egg in many other dish that require egg.
  • Add some quail egg on your soup, stew or even salad to get more benefits.
  • You can serve it in many ways including boiled, pan fried or even baked.
  • The small quail eggs are cooked hard or semi-hard and mixed into salads or aspic foods.
  • It is also excellent for poached egg.

Traditional Uses and benefits of Quail Egg

  • Chinese use quail eggs to help treat tuberculosis, asthma, and even diabetes.
  • If you are a sufferer of kidney, liver, or gallbladder stones quail eggs can help prevent and remove these types of stones.
  • A whipped egg applied to the hair, leaves it looking shiny, glossy and adds volume to the hair.

Other Facts

  • Experts say children eating quail egg are less inclined to suffer from infectious diseases.
  • Quail egg nutritional value is three to four times greater than chicken eggs.
  • Quail Egg is almost twice smaller than chicken egg.
  • Its shell also can be made as ornaments, just like the ostrich eggs are.
  • Certain species of quails have plume (also known as topknot), shaped like a teardrop, on top of the head. It bobs when bird is walking.
  • Quails are able to fly short distances, but they spend most of their time on the ground.
  • Quails can be active during the day (diurnal animals) or night (nocturnal animals), depending on the species.
  • Quail is an omnivore (eats other animals and plants). Its diet consists mainly of seeds, leaves, wheat, barley, berries and occasionally from grasshoppers and worms.
  • Quails produce high pitched sounds, cackles and grunts that are used for communication.
  • Quails bath in the dust to eliminate pest from the feathers and to keep their plumage clean.
  • Female lays from 1 to 12 (usually 6) brightly colored eggs that hatch after incubation period of 23 days.
  • They look dead when they sleep.
  • Female quails start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age and continuously lay one egg daily.
  • You can raise 6 to 7 quails in the same place that is required for one chicken.

Side Effects

There is no side effect reported after consumption of quail egg including allergic reaction, since quail egg is save and doesn’t rise any allergic reaction. But even so, it is suggested to not consume quail egg more than twenty eggs per day.

Quail Facts

Quail is a bird that belongs to the pheasant family (even though they do not look alike, quails and pheasants are closely related). These birds originate from North America, but they can be found in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America today. There are 32 species of quails that differ in size, color and type of habitat where they can be found. Quail lives in woodlands, areas covered with bushes and open spaces. Some species of quails are hunted as game birds, or because of their meat (that is highly prized in some countries) and feathers (that is used for decoration). Quails can be tamed and kept as poultry that produce eggs of high quality. Habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunt negatively affect number of quails in the wild. Some species of quails are listed as endangered due to these factors.


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