Compiled & shared by-DR RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542,

Green fodder feeding to livestock ensures optimization of productivity. Though India is the top producer of milk in the world insufficient livestock feed, fodder is one of the constraints affecting growth, health, production and reproduction potential of livestock. In India only 4.9 % of cropped land area is 
utilized for cultivating fodder. India faces a deficit of 35.6% green fodder, 26% of dry fodder and 41% of concentrate feed ingredients The pasture land has declined over the past. However fodder production is gaining momentum through various 
Government of India schemes and this has reduced the deficit of green 
fodder to 25%. 
A novel method called ‘Hydroponics’ which means growing plants 
without soil by using nutrient water at desired temperature and humidity. 
Through hydroponics it is easier and quick to produce nutritive green fodder. 
Maize, Ragi, Bajra, Cowpea, Horse gram, Sun hemp, Jowar and Foxtail millet 
seeds are found to be suitable to grow by hydroponic method

What is hydroponics?

The word hydroponics 
has been derived from the Greek 
word ‘water working’. Hydro 
means ‘water’ and ponic means 
‘working’ and it is a technology 
of growing plants without soil, 
but in water or nutrient rich 
solution for a short duration in 
an environmentally controlled 
houses or machine.

“Fodder” refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves in pasture and grazing land. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes
Hydroponic fodder machine helps a dairy farmer increase milk production and get more profits from his dairy farm. Places where there is scarcity of water, land and labor this machine can produce from 50 kg to 1 tonne in a very small area using hydroponic techniques. The fodder is prepared everyday starting from the 6 day of adding germinated seeds to the trays. The green fodder is organic and helps increase the milk production and quality by 15% and makes the cattle healthy

Hydroponic fodder-

Production of hydroponics fodder involves growing of plants without soil but in water or nutrient rich solution in a greenhouse (hi-tech or low cost devices) for a short duration (approx. 7 days). The use of nutrient solution for the growth of the hydroponics fodder is not essential and only the tap water can be used. In India, maize grain should be the choice for production of hydroponics fodder. The hydroponics green fodder looks like a mat of 20-30 cm height consisting of roots, seeds and plants. To produce one kg of fresh hydroponics maize fodder (7-d), about 1.50-3.0 litres of water is required. Yields of 5-6 folds on fresh basis and DM content of 11-14% are common for hydroponics maize fodder, however, DM content up to 18% has also been observed. The hydroponics fodder is more palatable, digestible and nutritious while imparting other health benefits to the animals. The cost of seed contributes about 90% of the total cost of production of hydroponics maize fodder. It is recommended to supplement about 5-10 kg fresh hydroponics maize fodder per cow per day. However, sprouting a part of the maize of the concentrate mixture for hydroponics fodder production does not require extra maize. Feeding of hydroponics fodder increases the digestibility of the nutrients of the ration which could contribute towards increase in milk production (8-13%). In situations, where conventional green fodder cannot be grown successfully, hydroponics fodder can be produced by the farmers for feeding their dairy animals using low cost devices

Importance of green fodder in livestock farming

Green Fodder is one of the important and major components of Dairy Industry. In the Dairy Industry, supplying Green Fodder to the cattle helps in maintaining the health of Livestock Cattle. Feed is the major source of Inputs of Dairy Industry. However, among all the feed supplements that we supply to the Cattle in the Dairy Industry, Green fodder is highly advantageous and healthy for Livestock Cattle. In addition, Green Fodder requires fewer amounts of investment in the Dairy Industry. If we compare the feed Supply in the Dairy Farms, feeds contribute 70% to 75% of total Milk Cost in production. However, Green fodder contributes around 30% to 35% of total feed supply. In India, the demand for the Dairy industry is booming. However, Commercial Dairy Farming is in many Urban areas. But, the availability of grazing lands and Green Fodder in the Urban areas are inadequate. Therefore, in the recent times, the trend of doing Commercial Hydroponics green Fodder Production is booming. many people are venturing into this business. This has let the farmers to Sustainable dairy Farming with Green Fodder production.

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Advantages of Feeding Green Fodder—-

• Fulfills bulk of animal easily and quickly.
• Major source of vegetable protein.
• Good source of carbohydrate (soluble and
• Good source of minerals.
• Rich source of vitamins.
• Good source of water (approx. 15-25% water).

Limitations of Green Fodder Production Under Conventional Practices—-

More land requirement.
Scarcity of water or saline water.
More labour requirement for cultivation (sowing, earthing up, weeding, harvesting etc.).
More growth time (approx. 45-60 days). 
Non-availability of same quality green fodder round the year.
Requirement of manure and fertlizer. Affected by natural calamities.

What is Hydroponics Green Fodder Production: –

Hydroponics Green Fodder

Green fodders produced by growing seeds without soil but in water or nutrients rich solutions are known as hydroponics green fodder.
• Hydroponics green fodders are mostly produced
in green houses under controlled environment
Hydroponic technique can be used for green fodder production of many forage crops in a hygienic environment free of chemicals like insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and artificial growth promoters . It is a well-known technique for high fodder yield, year round production and least water consumption . Unlike field production system that use run-to-waste irrigation practices, the hydroponic fodder system uses recirculation system, thus reducing the waste water. It has been reported that hydroponic fodder production requires only about 2-3% of that water used under field conditions to produce the same amount of fodder . Fodder produced hydroponically is of a short growth period 7–10 days and does not require high-quality arable land, but only a small piece of land for production to take place . It is of a high feed quality, rich with proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals . All these special features of hydroponic system, in addition to others make it one of the most important agricultural techniques currently in use for green forage production in many countries especially in arid and semiarid regions of the world. However, determining the best forage crop is an important matter in producing highest fodder yield and quality and at the same time considering the economic dimensions in the process of hydroponic green fodder production by saving of seeds costs.
The Idea behind this is nothing but the use for Sustainable Farming technology known as Hydroponics to Green Fodder Production. It is a revolutionary step in the Farming technology. This Hydroponic Technology meets the unavailability of natural resources. It leads to the production of high-quality Green Fodder for Livestock animals. in this technology, we can also meet the Unavailability of water resources. For Hydroponics Green Fodder Farming, we can grow them either in Polyhouses or Greenhouses.
In our country, many states are also providing Loans and Subsidies for Hydroponic Green Fodder Production. The Green Fodder that we produce in Hydroponic technology can be fed to the livestock animals like Goats, Sheep, buffaloes, Cows, and all other livestock animals
• Hydroponics is nothing but the scientific method of growing or Cultivating the Plants or Crops in the Water in the absence of Soil in an in-vitro condition or environment with control conditions.
• It is a Modern and Advances method of Farming technology.
• In this method of Farming, we supply the minerals and nutrients to the Water that are very essential for Plant Growth and Development.
• When we come to Green Fodder production in Hydroponics, they are cultivated in water rather than soil which we can supply as feed to the Livestock animals.
• The major inputs of this tech farming are the sunlight, water, and the nutrients to supply.
• In this Hydroponics, we can grow Fodder Crops like Barley, Oats, Maize, Sorghum, Napier Grass etc. which are highly nutritious for the livestock cattle.
• such type of Green Fodder production leads to the healthiness of the dairy animals.
• However, we can also grow Paddy and Wheat Seedlings etc. using Hydroponics tech Farming.

Benefits Of Hydroponics Farming Technology—-

There are many Pros and Advantages of Hydroponic Farming Technology. Below are the Major Benefits of Hydroponic Farming Technology.
High Yield and Growth of Plants: the plants grow at the faster rate as we maintain congenial conditions for the plants. When we compare with the conventional method of Farming, In this Hydroponic tech, we can get the good and high yield of the crops that we grow using this technology.
Organic supply of Green Fodder: We don’t use chemicals and fertilizers in this method of farming. So that, we can get the Organic Outputs in this Farming technology.
Loss of Yield: In conventional farming, we may face the failure of crop or crop loss due to abiotic or biotic stresses. But here, we may not face such type of situations.
Water Management: In Convention Farming, we use 6o to 70 liters of Water to produce 1 kg of Green fodder. Whereas in this Hydroponics we use only 4 to 5 liters of water to get kg green fodder.
Land Utilization: We need less land to produce more plants. We can grow more Plants within a space where we use in Conventional farming.
Labour Requirement: This is a Farming technology where we require less or minimum number of laborers. However, we need a efficient and skilled labor.
Unseasonal Production: The major advantage of this Tech Farming is we can grow the crops irrespective of their growing seasons. So that we can cultivate the crops around the year which leads to the Margins and Income returns throughout the year.



• Green house is of 25 ft.x10 ft.x10ft. (approx.).
• Fodders are grown in trays in 7 days cycle
excluding the day for seed soaking.
• For each day, there is provision to accomodate
72 trays in two rows of racks.

Procedure for green fodder production—-

• Maize seed is the best choice.
• Procure good quality maize seeds with at least
85% germination rate•
Seeds should be pesticide free.
• Separate impurities from seeds by impurities-
• Weigh 1.5 kg seeds and allow to soak in water
for 24 hours in soaking tray
• Transfer soaked seeds to green house tray and
spread uniformly throughout it.
• Load trays on ‘1st two rows’ of racks.
• Next day, shift ‘1st day trays’ in `3rd and 4th rows’
of racks.
• Then, every following day, shift these ‘two rows
of trays’ to their respective below ‘two rows’ of 
racks till they reach ‘bottom two rows’, which 
coincides on 7th day.
• On 8th day, ‘bottom two rows of trays’ containing
optimum grown green fodder is removed for 
feeding dairy animals.

Tips For Hydroponics Green Fodder Growing System—–

What can be grown as a fodder?

Yellow Maize, Cowpea, Horse gram, Sun hemp, Ragi, Bajra, Foxtail millet and Jowar has been grown successfully and received good response from the livestock as a fodder.

What are the requirements for hydroponic fodder production? —-

• 480 square feet area for production of 1000 kg of green fodder daily. 
• Hydroponic machine.
• Uninterrupted power supply.
• Clean water.
• Seeds with good germination capacity.
• Good sanitation.

• Two labours.

How to produce? —-

Soaking of seeds in water (20 hours)


Sprouting of seeds (24 hours)



Racking in the machine


Shifting of trays to next level daily


Fully grown fodder on 8th day


Does it enhance livestock productivity? —-

Yes it is. The following are the benefits of feeding hydroponic fodder to livestock. 
For sheep & goat—
Faster weight gain.
Good carcass quality.
Lower feed cost per kg of weight gain.
Improved health with low veterinary cost.
For pig—-
Increased fertility – large litters.
Low feed cost.
High conception rate.
For Dairy cattle—–
Heavier, longer lactations.
High milk yield.
High fat percentage.
Low feed costs.
Increase in milk revenue.
Increased fertility – fewer replaceme
Improved herd health & longevity.
Reduced culls.
For Poultry—
Faster weight gain.
Good carcass quality.
Lower feed cost per kg of weight gain.
Improved heath, low veterinary cost.
More and higher quality eggs.


• Separate fodder matting into small pieces prior
feeding to milch animals.
• It is highly succulent and relished by dairy animals.
• Based on protein content, it is advised to feed
7-8 kg hydroponics maize green fodder to replace one kg cocncentrate mixture.
• As it is highly sacculent, it is recommended to
offer maximum 20 kg hydrponics green fodder per day per animal.
• Feeding mixture of hydroponics green fodder
with other dry and green fodders to dairy animals is beneficial.

Protocol for fodder production —-

1. Seed storage and preparation

Dry the seeds under direct sunlight one day prior to seed

Remove broken seeds and dirt’s from the seeds.
Store seeds in a dry and safe place.

Drying seeds under sunlight—-
2. Seed washing
*Take good quality seeds in a washing chamber.
*Add water.
*Wash the seeds with proper scrubbing by hand.
*Keep for settling for 5 minutes.
*Remove the light weight floating seeds.
*Drain out water and again add water.
*Stir manually by wooden stick for 5 minutes, keep settling for
5 minutes.
*Drain water.
*Repeat the above steps till, dirt and dead seeds are removed

READ MORE :  Booklet of Feed - Fodder & Feeding for sustainable Dairy Production in India

3. Seed cleaning 
*Prepare 0.1% cleaning solution in a plastic chamber as given in
the table below.
*Add washed seeds to this 0.1% cleaning solution.
*Stir manually by wooden stick for about 5 minutes.
*Keep for 1 HOUR.
*Drain the cleaning solution.

4. Seed soaking 
*Prepare stimulant Solution in the soaking chamber as per 
quantity given in the table below. 
*Add seeds from the above steps to the soaking chamber.
*Close the lid and keep for soaking for number of hours as given
in the table below for the given seeds.
*After soaking for the given hours, drain the stimulant solution

Soaking seeds in the soaking chamber—

5. Seed germination
*Cover/ place the “After soaking seeds” with the clean dry
fumigated gunny bag.
*Keep the seeds loaded gunny bags away from direct sunlight.
*Keep the lid open & keep for germination for number of hours
as mentioned for the given seed in the table below.
*Sprinkle water on gunny bag every 2-3 hours so that the gunny
bag remains wet.
*After given hours, remove the seeds from gunny bag take weight.
*About 35 to 40% increase in weight happen with about 90+%
seed germination.

6. Loading seeds in trays and racking —–

*Ensure that the trays are clean, washed with cleaning solution 
& are free from any dust / dirt etc. 
*Transfer “after germination seeds” on the trays equally and 
put them in the sprout section (lower section where the height 
between two rows is around 5 inches) of machine 
*Trays should be distributed evenly on both sides of the alley.

7. Shifting of trays —-

*Shift trays to next level 
daily so that it move one 
step ahead in the growth 
*Take the last tray out from 
every row and put it back 
on the front side of the 
same row. 
*Ensure that all trays are 
moved one position every 
*Ensure that all trays receive sufficient water. 
*If left side of the tray (in any tray) shows more growth then the 
right side (or vice-versa) then rotates the tray such that left side 
comes to the right side and right side of the tray goes to the left side.

8. Harvesting (Day 9) ——

*Trays on the 8th day rack are ready for harvest on the next day.
*Take out of the fodder mat from trays to feed livestock.
*Wash the trays in clean water and then in cleaning solution
before reusing it for the next cycle.

Protocol for water tank maintenance —-

*Water sanitation: provide daily 5% cleaning solution dosing to 
external water tank to prevent from microbial / algae/ fungus 
Water tank cleaning: —

*Change water in the external water tanks after every 3 days.
*Drain the tank completely.
*Let the tank dry.
*Clean the tank properly.
*Fill with fresh water.

Water filter cleaning —–

*Clean water filter thrice a day.
*Remove the cleaning lid on the filter.
*Clean the filter.
*Replace the filter.
*Turn on the pump to ensure that filter throws out water from
the opening this way, filter will also throw out any accumulated
dirt along with water.
*Close the lid.

• Avoid Fungal growth in the Green House. Spray fungicides at regular intervals of time periods.
• Better go for Fodder Maize production in this Hydroponic Technology In Green Fodder Farming.
• Watering is done at every 3 days intervals of time.
• Before sowing the seeds, make sure of selecting disease-free seeds.
• Make sure of not exposing the Green Fodder plants to sunlight as it leads to the yellowing of the Plants.

Conventional Farming Vs Hydroponics Farming Technology
Particulars– Conventional Farming— Hydroponics Farming
Land Area— 100— 20,000
Fencing— Not Mandatory—- Mandatory
Labor Requirement— More Laborers are needed.— Less and

Skilled labor are needed.
Yield dependency—- On Climate and irrigation.— Controlled Enviornment conditions.

Duration of fodder— Crops production 60 to 70 Days.— 10 to 15 days.

Water requiremnt— More—– Less

Electricity—- Less. —More Needed.

Soil fertililty— Necessary—- Not at all necessary.
Fertilizers—- Required.—— Not Needed.

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