Microscopic Observations on Proventriculus and Gizzard of Parent Stock of Gramapriya Chicken


Microscopic Observations on Proventriculus and Gizzard of Parent Stock of Gramapriya Chicken


Nirbhay Kumar Singh

Department of Veterinary Anatomy

Bihar Veterinary College Patna-800014



The present study was conducted to study certain histological and histochemical characteristics of proventriculus and gizzard in parent stock of Gramapriya by light microscope. The study was conducted on twelve adult Gramapriya birds of either sex whose weight varied from 1.5 – 2 Kg. All the birds were purchased from Central poultry farm Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. Before culling the birds were anaesthetised by giving inhalant anaesthesia and the organs were collected and preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin for histological and histochemical studies. The wall of proventriculus of parent stock of Gramapriya consisted of four tunics which consisted of tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscular and tunica serosa. The tunica mucosa was thrown into extensively folded structures similar to papillae which consist of the opening of the excretory ducts of the glands of glandular stomach. The tunica mucosa consisted of lamina epithelialis, lamina propria and lamina muscularis mucosae. The lamina epithelialis was made up of mucus secreting cells which were lined with simple columnar epithelium. The lamina propria was made up of connective tissue containing collagen fibers, lymphoid tissues and blood capillaries. The lymphoid cells were present near the papillae of tunica mucosa. The tunica submucosa was present below the laminae muscularis mucosae and consisted of two types of proventricular glands, deep and superficial proventricular glands. The superficial glands were located near the mucosal folds. These proventricular glands were having the structure of a compound tubular gland. The wall of the tubular adenomeres were lined with simple cuboidal epithelium and the adenomeres were arranged in a circular pattern around the central collecting sinus. The tunica muscularis composed of smooth muscle fibers which consisted of an inner thick circular layer and an outer thin longitudinal layer. Collagen, reticular and elastic fibers were also observed in between the longitudinal layer. In Giggard the histological observations revealed that like other species of birds the Gizzard of Gramapriya consisted of four tunics; tunica mucosa, tunica sumbucosa, tunica musculosa and tunica serosa. The mucosa of gizzard was lined with thick layer of cuticle which consisted of gastric pits. The lamina epithelialis was lined with simple cuboidal epithelium and the lamina propria contained simple tubular glands which were arranged in groups and these glands were lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. The secretion of inner part of the tubular glands was eosinophilic in nature. PAS positive substances were distributed nearly in almost entire region. It was scattered within the lumen of the glands, within the cells lining the surface and crypts. It was also observed within the deep glandular cells. The submucosa consisted of connective tissue formed mainly of collagen fibers. The tunica muscularis was very thick formed from parallel bundles of smooth muscle fibers which were separated by thin layer of connective tissue.

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