Minimum Standard Protocol (MSP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) formulated for Regulating Artificial Insemination


Minimum Standard Protocol (MSP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) formulated for Regulating Artificial Insemination

Steps for regulating AI in the country

Pashudhan Praharee , 8 December 2021 

Answering a question in Lok Sabha on steps taken by the government to regulate and check the artificial insemination of dairy animals and bovines, the minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Parshottam Rupala informed the house that, In order to complement and supplement the efforts by the States and Union Territories to regulate and check artificial insemination of dairy animals and bovines Government of India has undertaken following steps for regulating artificial insemination in the country: 
i) in order to improve the quality of semen production Minimum Standards Protocol (MSP) for semen production has been formulated and made available to all semen stations in the country; 
ii) Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) for evaluation of semen stations under the control of all the agencies including private agencies have been constituted;
 iii) Central Monitoring Unit undertake evaluation and grading of all the semen stations on the basis of implementation of MSP; 
iv) States have been requested to use semen doses produced only from semen stations graded as A and B by Central Monitoring Unit under the breeding programme; 
v) Minimum Standard Protocol (MSP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Artificial Insemination Training Institutes have been formulated; 
vi) Central Monitoring Unit has been constituted for evaluation and grading of all the Artificial Insemination Training Institutes under the control of all the agencies in the country; 
vii) States have been requested to undertake the training of Artificial Insemination Technicians only at training centres graded by Central Monitoring Unit and 
viii) directions have been issued to the States under Section 39 of The Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act 2009 for implementation of Minimum Standard Protocol at Semen Stations for prevention and control of infectious and contagious diseases spread through semen.

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