Praveen Srivastawa, CEO-LBCS

Prashant Kumar,CEO-Riya Enterprises,Ranchi.

To provide employment to people during the pandemic period, many State Governments has launched a new scheme for promoting intensive aquaculture through biofloc technology in fisheries.

The scheme will provide livelihood support to entrepreneurs, unemployed youths and interested progressive fish farmers and will also increase fish production in that States. The scheme is most suitable for youths who face unemployment during the pandemic.

The biofloc-based farming system is a new technology for the promotion of intensive fish/ shrimp production in a limited area. A person having small landholding (as small as 150-200 square metres of land) and having either municipal piped water supply or bore well water supply can establish this business with a small investment. The program aims to support fish farmers and young entrepreneurs for livelihood support.

The system is suitable for growing freshwater fish species such as Cat fish like Tilapia, Magur, Pangasius, Anabas and Common Carp depending on local market demands.

Fish grows to about 200 grams within 3 months and 700 -800 grams within 6 months. Therefore, depending on the local market demand, fish can be partially harvested on a daily basis to generate daily income for farmers. Biofloc farming system is also suitable for urban and semi-urban areas. It can be set up even on terraces of buildings and backyard. It offers live or fresh fish to surrounding customers thus fetching higher market prices for the producer. The unit cost for installation of a biofloc unit of two tanks is Rs 1.50 lakh, while a biofloc unit of 6 tanks costs approximately Rs 4 lakh.

Some State Governments provides a subsidy of 40% while a 60% subsidy is provided to SC and ST beneficiaries. This new and emerging technology would boost fish production and encourage small landholders and entrepreneurs to take up fish farming, The Government would provide all technical knowhow for the project.

In Aquaculture, the costliest factors are investment needed for huge spaces to grow targeted species, high-quality feeding and filtrations systems. Availability of land and water are other issues. Water availability is scarce in some regions and lands are expensive. These huge production costs have forced farmers to look for ways. By adopting this Profitable Method of Fish Farming more seafood can be produced by using fewer resources.

What is Biofloc Fish Farming?

Biofloc is a Profitable Method of Fish Farming. It has become very popular all around the word as an alternative to open pond fish farming. It is a low cost way in which toxic materials for the fish such as Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite can be converted into feed. The principle of this technique is to recycle nutrients. Biofloc helps in cleaning the culture water of the fish while giving an additional source of feed. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly process.

Rearing of fish at high-density requires some waste management system. Biofloc is a waste treatment system at its core. It was developed to prevent diseases from incoming water to a farm.

How does Biofloc System Work?

This Profitable Method of Fish Farming is practised in a tank which comes in various sizes. Most common size is of 4 diameter. Biofloc technology converts unused feed and aqua animal feces into food in a culture system while exposed to sunlight creating a protein rich live feed. By converting excess into food again, the cost of feeding comes down.

Heterotrophic bacteria is the main component of Biofloc. It reduces the Ammonia and Nitrite produced by fish feeding. These Heterotrophic bacteria consumes Ammonia converting it into protein. This can be consumed by fish then for growth. It works as actual feed for the fishes. It’s nutritional values are also good.

This Profitable Method of Fish Farming or Biofloc Farming cuts all the major costs so that the savings can be really big. Several factors such as Huge operational costs, cost of vast lands, high costs of feeding, disposal and discharge of waste sludge will not be problems when your opt for this method.

In Aquaculture, the major cost is due to feeding ingredients for fishes. When fishes are fed with high protein diets, approximately 70% of it is discharged as waste in surrounding culture water in the form of nitrogen. With biofloc, we can recycle this waste into feed again reducing the expense of high protein feeds. Biofloc systems also reduces the spread of pathogens while also improving the fish health.

READ MORE :  How to control the Problem of white foam in the shrimp Pond

Here is the model of project report for biofloc aquaculture


CONTENTS. Particulars Page

Sl No.

1 Project Summary

2 Background/Introduction

3 Benefits & Justification

4 Objectives

5 Technical Details

  1. Site Details
  2. Technical Specifications

6 Project Formulation

  1. Organization and management
  2. Mode of beneficiary selection
  3. Risk assessment (Bio-security & Environmental Concern)

7 Steps to set up

8 Cost Estimates

  1. Capital Cost
  2. Operational Cost

9 Techno-economic Feasibility

10 Expected Outcomes

11 Milestones and Timelines (month-wise)

12 Design and layout

13 Application form

(with terms and conditions and checklist of details to be furnished)


  1. Title Bio-floc Fish farming (for freshwater finfish culture)


  1. Implementing Agency Beneficiary through State Fisheries dept.
  1. No. of unit/area 1 unit 75 m3 (5 tanks)
  2. Unit Cost (Rs. in Lakh) A. Capital Cost: Rs. 6.00 Input Cost: Rs. 1.5 Total: Rs. 7.5
  1. Total Project Cost (Rs. in Lakh) 7.5
  1. Central Share % (Rs. lakh)
  1. State Share % (Rs. lakh)
  1. Beneficiary Share % (Rs. lakh)
  1. Project Duration No. of Months: 6 months

FY: 2019-20

  1. Project Location


(Village, Block, Taluk, District)


  1. Name & details of beneficiary Name:


(Address, Aadhaar & Mobile No) Address:

Aadhaar card No.: Mobile No:



  1. Introduction/Background

The global population is expected to grow by another 2 billion to reach 9.6 billion people by 2050, and the demand for animal protein is increasing and it is a challenge of feeding our planet by safeguarding its natural resources for future generations. In this context, aquaculture plays a key role in promoting health by providing animal protein as well as generating jobs and economic opportunities. According to FAO, the world food fish aquaculture production expanded at an average annual rate of 6.2% in the period 2000-2012 from 32.4 MMT to 66.6 MMT.

BFT is considered the new “blue revolution” since nutrients can be continuously recycled and reused in the culture medium, benefited by the minimum or zero-water exchange. Bio-floc technology (BFT) is as an environmentally friendly aquaculture technique based on in situ microorganism production. Bio-floc is the suspended growth in ponds which consist of aggregates of living and dead particulate organic matter, phytoplankton, bacteria and grazers of the bacteria. It is the utilization of microbial processes within the tank/pond itself to provide food resources for culture organism while at the same time acts as a water treatment tank. Thus, this system is also called as active suspension ponds or heterotrophic ponds or even green soup ponds.


Bio-floc system is a wastewater treatment which has gained vital importance as an approach in aquaculture.The higher C: N is maintained through the addition of carbohydrate source (molasses) and the water quality is improved through the production of high quality single cell microbial protein. In such condition, dense microorganisms develop and function both as bioreactor controlling water quality and protein food source. Immobilization of toxic nitrogen species occurs more rapidly in bio-flocs because the growth rate and microbial production per unit substrate of heterotrophs are ten-times greater than that of the autotrophic nitrifying bacteria. This technology is based on the principle of flocculation within the system.


Bio-floc is a heterogeneous aggregate of suspended particles and variety of microorganisms associated with extracellular polymeric substances. It is composed of microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi, invertebrates and detritus, etc. It is a protein-rich live feed formed as a result of conversion of unused feed and excreta into a natural food in a culture system on exposure to sunlight. Each floc is held together in a loose matrix of mucus that is secreted by bacteria and bound by filamentous microorganisms or electrostatic attraction. Large flocs can be seen with the naked eye, but most of them are microscopic. Floc size range from 50 — 200 microns.

A good nutritional value is found in bio-floc. The dry weight protein ranges from 25 — 50 percent, fat ranges 0.5 — 15 percent. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, particularly phosphorous. It also has an effect similar to probiotics. The dried bio-floc is proposed as an ingredient to replace the fishmeal or soybean in the feed.

  • Eco-friendly culture system.
  • It reduces environmental impact.
  • Improves land and water use efficiency
  • Limited or zero water exchange
  • Higher productivity (It enhances survival rate, growth performance, feed conversion in the culture systems of fish).
  • Higher biosecurity.
  • Reduces water pollution and the risk of introduction and spread of pathogens
  • Cost-effective feed production.
  • It reduces utilization of protein rich feed and cost of standard feed.
  • It reduces the pressure on capture fisheries ie., use of cheaper food fish and trash fish for fish feed formulation.
  • To promote high yielding intensive fish farming in small area using BFT
  • To encourage farmers and unemployed youth into income earning through small scale through BFT
  2. Site Details:

The proposed sites of area is located at and is free from

all encumbrances. The site is suitable for Bio-floc farming and carrying out culture practice.

The water sources and is free from pollutants. The site is not flood prone and is easily accessible by road and has regular power supply. The harvested fish will be marketed to local market/retail market/hotel/restaurants live for better price.

Technical Specifications- 75 m3 (5 Tanks)


S.No Component Details

1 Area for 5 tanks 150 m2

2 Bio-floc Tank size 4 metre diameter and 1.5 meter height

3 Water holding capacity of 15,000 Litres capacity each tank

4 Water quality parameters

Dissolved oxygen-5mg/1,

Temparature-26-34 degrees,

PH-7.5 to 8,


Floc density-25-40 mg/1,

Ammonia-0.5 ppm,

Nitrite-0.3 ppm,

Nitrate-150 ppm,

Alkalinity-120-280 ppm

5 Tanks Made-up of Tarpaulin/Fibre

6 Stocking density 100 nos/m3 (1000 nos per 15,000 litres tank -depending

on species )

7 Name of fish species Tilapia , Common carp and Pangasius suitable

8 Bio floc content Raw salt, Dolamite, Molasis, probiotics

9 Survival (%) 80

10 Type of feed to be used lfoating feed (28-32% Protein content)

11 % of feed 2-3% per Average Body weight

12 Feeding frequency 4 times early stage, later 2 times per day

13 FCR 1:1.2

14 Duration of culture 6 months

15 Size/weight of the 600 gm average weight


16 No.of crops per year 2

17 Production 3.6 Tonnes per crop (720kg per tank per crop)

18 Farm gate price(Rs) 150/- kg fish

19 Capital cost 6.00 Lakhs

20 Input cost 1.5 lakhs per one crop

21 Total project cost 7.5 lakh

Major cultivable fish species in BFT

A basic factor in designing a bio-floc system is the species to be cultured. Bio-floc systems work best with species that are able to derive some nutritional benefit from the direct consumption of floc. Bio-floc systems are also most suitable for species that can tolerate high solids concentration in water and are generally tolerant of poor water quality. Some of the species that are suitable for BFT are:

  • Air breathing fishes like singhi, magur, padba, anabas, pangasius
  • Non air-breathing fishes like common carp, rohu, tilapia, milkfish
  • Shellfishes like vannamei and tiger shrimp


  1. Organization and management:
  • Project will be implemented by the beneficiary under the technical support of Central/statetraining institutes
  • Financial assistance in the form of subsidy will be obtained from Govt. (Central and State) and the remaining amount will be borne by self through Self-finance/bank loan.
  1. Mode of beneficiary selection:

Beneficiary selection is done through recommendation of Department of Fisheries respective states

  1. Risk assessment (Bio-security & Environmental Concern)

The project will create no hazards to both human and environment at any cost.

  • Identification of suitable site and setting up of tank.
  • Development of inoculum (Pond soil- 20gm/L, Ammonium Sulphate Carbon Source-200mg/L). Development may take 10-30 days to attain imhoff reading
  • Procure fish fingerlings and Stocking
  • Feeding and management
  • Periodical addition of carbon supplements (maintained at C:N ratio of 15:1)
  • Periodical removal of bottom sludge and refill
  1. Cost Estimates:


  1. Capital Cost: Rs. 6.00 lakh
  2. Operational Cost: Rs. 1.5 lakh
READ MORE :  Advantages of Biofloc Technology over conventional pond culture:

Cost Estimates of Bio-floc Unit:


S.No Component Nos Cost Total

(Rs) (Rs in lakhs) Capital cost

1 Setup of Tarpaulin/Fibre 5 35,000 1.75

tanks(15,000 Litres capacity)



2 Shed material and

accessories fixing charges
3 Water supply


4 PVC pipe fittings for air,

water flow

5 Nets and accessories

6 One Blower (1 HP), Air

stones and other accessories
7 Electrification

8 Power generator(2 KVA)

9 Weighing balance

10 Miscellaneous expenses

Input cost for one crop

11 Seed cost(including

transport cost)

12 Feed (including transport


13 Probiotics, molasis and raw

salt etc

14 Test kits (water quality and

bio-floc quantity )

15 Power charges( 20 units per

180 days@4/- per unit)

Total cost per one crop

150 m2 120000 1.20


1 100000 1.00


LS 75000 0.75


5 3000 0.15

1 30000 0.3


LS 10000 0.1

1 45000 0.45

1 5000 0.1


Total 6.00


4/- each 7500 0.3

fingerling @1500 per


3500 kg 35/- 1.00

LS 2000/per tank 0.1

LS 5000 0.05

LS 5000 0.05


Grand Total 7.5



Si Components Amount (Rs in lakhs)

1 Capital Cost 6.00

2 Operational Cost 1.5

3 Total project Cost 7.5

4 Gross income per crop 5.4

2.9 lakhs (*after deducting

5 Gross profit per crop operational cost)

6 Repayment (1/14 of TPC) 0.6

7 Interest(6%) per crop 0.5

8 Depreciation (5% of capital cost) 0.3

9 Recurring cost for next crop 2.5

10 Net profit per crop 1.5

11 Net profit after two crops 3.00

12 BC ratio 2.16:1


  • Employment generation amongst unemployed youths
  • Annual income generation of around Rs.10.8 lakh/year/5 tanks and Rs. 0.9 lakh/month


Mileston : Activity in Month

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Identification of suitable site

Setting up of tanks

Development of


Procure fish fingerlings Stocking of seed

Culture, feeding and management

Harvest & Marketing



‘Photo copies of the documents need to be submitted along with application form.

**Proof of source of finance need to be submitted viz. bank consent letter for loan. case of self-finance, bank account statement copies of last 6 months need to be submitted.

Particulars Details




(Passport size)


1 Name of the applicant*


2 Father’s Name/Husbands

Name/Guardians Name


3 Address





4 Details of land where Project

activities is proposed to be taken up*


5 Cost Estimates:


Technical Details

6 Whether assistance for this

purpose has been obtained
under any other scheme of
the Central/ State


7 Experience of the applicant in

the field and details of
training undergone if any*

8 Source/s of funds for

beneficiary share**

9 Marketing tie up /other

means of marketing?

Permanent Address:

Communication Address:



Taluk/ Mandal:
Revenue Village:

Ownership (whether freehold or on lease): If on lease, duration of lease (minimum of 10 years): Total area of the proposed land (in ha):

Capital cost:

Operational cost:
No. of tanks:

Volume of each tanks: Fish species:

No. of fish stocked/tank:
Rate of fish seed (in Rs. /piece): Feed cost (in Rs.):

Expected Production(kg/tank/crop):


If yes (provide the details) Year: Quantum of assistance:

Conditions for assistance:

Declaration by the Applicant


I/We son/daughter/Authorized Signatory/ies of………………………………………………………….. hereby declare that

the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I am/we are fully aware that if the information furnished by us in the application is found false or if there is any kind of deviation/violation of the conditions under which assistance is provided to me by the NFDB, any action as deemed fit for violation of this condition may be taken against me/us.

Name of Applicant:




Date & Place:


Confirmation Statement by District Fisheries/authorized officer


  1. Application together with documents have been verified and found to be in order.
  2. Proposed has been inspected by the Departmental Officer/s and found feasible for taking up the project as detailed in the DPR.

Name & Designation of Officer: Signature & Seal:


Date & Place:

Reference-On Request

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