Monsoon Season: Critical Time for Dairy Animals


Monsoon Season: Critical Time for Dairy Animals


Dr Anshu Rahal *and Dr Ashoka Kumar**

*Associate Professor ** Professor and Head

Department of Animal Nutrition

College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.PIN 263145

After hot humid weather, shower from cloud brings shine in eyes of animals and human beings. Rainfall seems to clear all dust particles and make air clean, giving fresh feeling but at same time it warns us to get ready for new events like sudden extreme temperature changes, infections due to microbes ,parasites etc which in long run affect heath ,production and profit drastically. Certain precautions need to be taken for care of dairy animals as soon as possible before onset of monsoon which are highlighted below:

  • Feeding: With the down pour of rain, seeds which have remained dormant in soil in hot weather due to lack of moisture, get chance to sprout and germinate. Mostly the lush green grasses found in monsoon contain low fibre with high moisture. If animal feed on such grasses, nutrient deficiency starts appearing in animal with reduced dry matter intake and watery dung along with fall in milk fat content. So it is essential to dry the feed/fodder before offering to animal and maintain appropriate dry and green fodder ratio (60:40). Animal grazing needs to be avoided as far as possible since there are chances of consumption of poisonous plants by animal.Larve on leaves of grasses may become source of infection. Gradual changes in feed needs to be done from dry fodder (mostly fed during summer) to mixed green fodder. Animal manger should be about one foot above ground and 1.5 feet away from wall as moisture content of wall may change feed taste. Prepare feed concentrate only for 15 days in advance. Regularly add about 50g mineral mixture and Vitamin D in ration of animal
  • Drinking water: Due to rain the dust particles of air get settled in open water reservoirs which become source of infection for animal causing diarrhea, black quarter etc. Farmers spray pesticides and insecticides which leaves residues in water due to seepage, such water should not be used for drinking. Stagnant water becomes breeding place for mosquitoes and bacteria. Spray phenyl in such pits. Fresh, clean, potable water needs to be offered adlibtum to animal to avoid fall in dry matter intake which is prime factor for maintaining milk production.
  • Shelter: Broken tin sheds with leakages are unable to provide protection to animal from inclement weather conditions. Water accumulation on floor when mix with urine and dung produce ammonia which may be cause of respiratory problems in dairy affecting the nutrient intake and milk production. Before onset of monsoon sheds needs to be repaired to provide comfort to animal. Constant water stagnation on floor of shed may be one of the reasons for hoof rotting condition. Proper ventilation and drainage is essential in the shed to avoid arrival of contagious infections due to bacteria and virus in animals. The pits and gravels on floor should be cleaned and filled to avoid accidents and slipperiness. Sometimes pebbles get stucked in animal hoove while running or walking and cause discomfort to animal.


(iv) Bedding: Dry straw if available or mattresses should be made available as bed to animal to avoid direct contact of animal with floor.

(v)Tick problem: In monsoon, dairy animal needs to be protected from both endo and ecto parasites to avoid problem of  theileriosis, trypanosomosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, east coast fever etc which can become life threatening to animal .Fungal infections, digestive/metabolic problems, skin problems and respiratory problems become common in this season. Regular deworming by albendazole needs to be practiced. Spray solution of 2ml butax on animal body and place of stay of animal. Vaccination for diseases like black quarter, hemorrhagic septicemia, tuberculosis, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease needs to be completed before start of monsoon season to boost animal immunity.

(vi)Udder diseases:-Unhealthy environment and frequent temperature changes put stress on animal which is a cause of concern for downfall of milk production. Infections weaken animal immunity system. Frequently cases of mastitis can be recorded. One should avoid use of contagious milk which should be carefully discarded. Regularly make use of disinfectants in milking shed to keep microbes at bay.

(vii) Mouldy feeds:-High moisture and humidity conditions promote growth of fungus and mould in feeds kept in stores. Leakages in roof and side walls of go down should be repaired if any to avoid feed damage and frequently feed should be samples and checked for contamination and adulterants. Aflatoxicosis reduces feed intake of animal with bloody diarrhoea.Sometimes animal may even become blind and move in circles.

Conclusion: Protection of dairy animal in wet season is essential to maintain immunity, health for profitable dairy enterprise.

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