Dugdh Vahini,Bharati Agro,Livestock Institute of Training & Development (LITD) & IBeVM founded the NAKUL-SAHDEO PASHU SEVA Awards in 2020 to celebrate the achievements of remarkable people who dedicate their lives, and go above and beyond, to improve animal health and welfare both in the India and abroad.


The prestigious awards are open to outstanding Paravets, Pashumitra, AI Workers ,vet nurses, animal welfare professionals and animal welfare teams who can be nominated to receive an award by fellow peers or friends and family. There are Three nomination categories ranging from Paravet of the year to AI Worker of the year.

The awards would take place via virtual platform in January 2021 on the eve of foundation Day of LITD

1.PARAVET/LIVESTOCK ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR-This award will be given to Paravet who demonstrates their commitment to the continuous improvement of animal health and welfare in the India or abroad.

  1. AI WORKER OF THE YEAR-This award is to give appreciation to a veterinary AI Worker (either companion, equine or farm animal) who excels in their role by demonstrating and/or performing to the highest level of Successful AI Livestock in India.
  2. PETS TRAINERS,BREEDERS & GROOMERS OF THE YEAR- This award is to give appreciation to a Animal Care Workers (either companion, equine ) who excels in their role by demonstrating and/or performing to the highest level of the job in India.

Significance of Nakul and Sahdev in ‘Mahabharata’

Nakula and Sahadeva are referred as Asvineya, as the two physicicans of gods. Both the brothers were incarnations of Ashwini Kumaras, and possessed special set of skills.


Nakul was a great exponent of horselore (ashwa -vidya), whose treatise on cattle-breeding etc termed as “Ashwa chikitsa” is also available still there. He was able to diagnose disease of horse by examining colour of urine. Twin brother of Nakul, named as Sahdev was also expert in animal husbandry. He had a skill to diagnose the disease on the basis of urine of sick bull. Both of them learnt these skills from his guru (teacher) called as Dronacharya. There are so many monographs on elephant-lore are also available. The animals like horses and elephants were the chief constituents of military of kings. Gurus (teachers) prepare their students in several sciences. If we talk about “Mahabharata” Dronacharya he made his pupils in different fields as Yudhishthir in administration, Bhim in gada,Arjuna in archery, Nakul in horse cure and Sahdev in animal husbandry. In modern time veterinary science has an important place as separate branch in medical science.

READ MORE :  Veterinary Science In Ancient India & Significance of Nakul and Sahdev in ‘Mahabharata'



Sahadeva was the most intelligent among his brothers. In fact, Yudhisthir refers to him as being intelligent as Brihaspati-the divine teacher of gods. He was also a master in medicine, equastrian skills, bovine veterinary, politics and humanities. He was King Yudhishthira’s private counsellor.

In ancient India, due to religious and emotional value, use of animals in agriculture, transportation, food and on the battle fields, the need for animal welfare was well recognized. Ayurveda describes many treatises like Gau-ayurveda (cows), Hastyayurveda (elephants), Ashvayurveda (horses), Mrig-Ayurveda (animal), Vriksha-ayurveda (plants) etc. It is known that the two Pandavas, Nakul and Sahdev were experts in veterinary medicine who mastered the use of plants for animal welfare. The vast knowledge has been documented in Nakul Samhita. Unfortunately, most of these rare books have not been preserved adequately. A majority of them are either not available at all or have been out of print for several decades. There is an urgent need to conserve the rich Indian tradition of veterinary health care described in the ancient Ayurvedic sciences.

The first mention about the use of herbs for treatment of animals is found in the book “Nakul Samhita”, which describes how during the Mahabharat War (1000 – 900 BC) the Pandava Princes Nakul and Sahdev used to treat thousands of wounded animals everyday with herbs. Based on the principles of ancient ayurveda, further scientific researches were done on herbs in India to develop products on modern scientific lines, involving pharmacological and toxicological studies, clinical evaluations in experimentally induced conditions, controlled clinical trials and trials in comparison to the known traditional chemical products. All these studies were done on the parameters applied for development of any modern medicine. This has now evolved as Modern Veterinary Ayurveda. Vaccines are inevitable for disease prevention and antibiotics are necessary for control of infectious diseases, while Veterinary Ayurveda has a special role to play in nutrition, enhancement of productivity and for prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. They also have important role as growth promoters and productivity enhancers, without resorting to antibiotics and other synthetic chemicals, which may cause residual toxicity, resistance and other problems. They have unique advantage of being used as cleansing agent and uterine tonic after parturition in a safe and effective manner, as well as for timely re-breeding of the animals with ovulatory oestrus in a prophylactic way, without resorting to the use of hormonal preparations. Therefore, the integration of Veterinary Ayurveda with traditional Allopathic system of medicine is complementary to each other and a way forward for sustainable livestock production. While allopathic system uses synthetic chemicals to provide symptomatic treatment, Veterinary Ayurveda provides comprehensive approach by using herbs tackling the root cause besides the symptoms. The use of medicinal plants and Phytoingredients in the treatment of ailments as well as for increasing the productivity of livestock and poultry has generated renewed interest in recent times, as herbal preparations are increasingly being used in Livestock healthcare practices.


1.The Paravet/Livestock assistant/AI Worker/Breeders/Trainers/Groomer must be a trained certified worker with sound experience (Attach proof of certificate)

READ MORE :  Dr.Sohan Singh Rathore Best Equine Practitioners Award 2020

2.Must be having Education of 10+2 (minimum)

3.Recommendation for the award from the local vets (Regd. with VCI) mentioning the experience & job ability .












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NB-For more detail, contact to 7004042177

नकुल-सहदेव पशु सेवा सम्मान

इंसान के साथ ही पशु-पक्षियों समेत सभी जंतुओं के उपचार की विधि कलयुग ही नहीं अन्य युगों में भी अपनाई जाती रही है। अथर्ववेद में संग्रहीत कुल 20 कांडों में से 114 श्लोक में पशु चिकित्सा को समाहित किया गया है। महर्षि शालिहोत्र, महराज नकुल -सहदेव सहित कई ऋषियों व महापुरुषों ने पशु चिकित्सक के रूप में भी अपनी सेवा दी है। नकुल तो शल्य चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में सिद्धहस्त माने जाते रहे हैं। इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए पशुधन प्रहरी द्वारा पशुओ के सेवा मे लगे हुये योद्धाओ जैसे की पशु मित्र , पशुधन सहायक ,कृत्रिम गर्भाधान कार्यकर्ता ,पेट्स ट्रेनेर्स ,पेट्स ग्रूमर्स ,पेट्स ब्रीडर्स ईत्यादी जो अपने क्षेत्र मे उत्कृस्त कार्य कर रहे है, को समाज मे उनका उचित सम्मान दिलाने तथा उन्हे प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु “नकुल –सहदेव पशु सेवा अवार्ड” की स्थापना की गई है ।

यह अवार्ड LITD के स्थापना दिवस 15 जनवरी को प्रत्येक साल दी जाएगी । ईस अवार्ड के नोमिनेश्न हेतु तीन कटेगारी बनाई गई है

1. सर्वश्रेष्ठ पारा भेट अवार्ड (PARAVET/LIVESTOCK ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR)

  1. सर्वश्रेष्ठ कृत्रिम गर्भाधान कार्यकर्ता (AI WORKER OF THE YEAR)
  2. . सर्वश्रेष्ठ पेट्स ट्रेनेर्स ( PETS TRAINERS,BREEDERS & GROOMERS OF THE YEAR)
1.सर्वश्रेष्ठ पारा भेंट अवार्ड:
यह पुरस्कार उन पारा वेट्स को प्रदान की जाएगी जो अपने क्षेत्र में पशु सेवा में उत्कृष्ट कार्य कर रहे हैं
2.सर्वश्रेष्ठ कृत्रिम गर्भाधान कार्यकर्ता:
यह अवार्ड उन कृत्रिम गर्भाधान कार्यकर्ता को प्रदान की जाएगी जो कृत्रिम गर्भाधान में उत्तम मापदंड को अपनाते हुए सर्वश्रेष्ठ सफलता हासिल कर रहे हो
3.सर्वश्रेष्ठ पेट ट्रेनर्स ,ब्रीडर्स तथा ग्रूमर्स
वैसे पालतू पशुओं से जुड़े हुए कार्यकर्ता जो सर्वश्रेष्ठ कार्य कर रहे हैं अपने अपने क्षेत्र में।
अवार्ड नॉमिनेशन हेतु विहित प्रपत्र:
2.पद नाम
4.मोबाइल नंबर
5.आधार नंबर
6.नॉमिनेशन की कैटेगरी
7.पशुधन प्रहरी मेंबरशिप नंबर
8.ट्रेनिंग से संबंधित प्रमाण पत्र की छाया प्रति (पीडीएफ फाइल में)
9.मैट्रिक तथा टेन प्लस टू के सर्टिफिकेट की छाया प्रति (पीडीएफ फाइल में)
10.अपने क्षेत्र के पशु चिकित्सक (जो भीसीआई के द्वारा रजिस्टर्ड हो )से कार्य में उत्कृष्टता का प्रमाण पत्र
11. अपना संक्षिप्त परिचय 500 शब्दों में

मेल करे

READ MORE :  उत्तराखंड वेटरनरी डॉक्टर अदिति शर्मा होंगी मंडोकोट अवार्ड से सम्मानित

अधिक जानकारी केलिए संपर्क करे -9431309542


नकुल के नाम का अर्थ है परम विद्वान। उनके पिता अश्विनकुमार की तरह की नकुल ने धर्म, नीति और चिकित्साशास्त्र में दक्षता हासिल की थी। मूल रूप से वे पशु चिकित्सक थे। नकुल ने यह शिक्षा गुरु द्रोणाचार्य से ली थी। उन्होंने इसके अलावा अश्‍व विद्या और चिकित्सा में भी निपुणता हासिल की थी।

अज्ञातवास के दौरना नकुल ने भेष बदलकर ‘ग्रंथिक’ नाम से महाराज विराट की राजधानी उपपलव्य की घुड़शाला में शाही घोड़ों की देखभाल करने का काम किया था। नकुल तलवारबाजी और घुड़सवारी की कला में पारंगत थे। माना जाता है कि वह वर्षा में बिना जल को छुए घुड़सवारी कर सकते थे।

सहदेव : पाण्डु पत्नी माद्री के जुड़वा पुत्र में से एक सहदेव हैं। इनके भाई का नाम नकुल है। यह भी अपने पिता और भाई की तरह पशुपालन शास्त्र और चिकित्सा में दक्ष थे और अज्ञातवास के समय विराट के यहां इन्होंने भी पशुओं की देखरेख का काम किया था। ये गाय चराने का कार्य भी करते थे।

NB-Due to some unavoidable circumstances the date of this award has been changed & it will be announced shortly .

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