Nano-Zinc: Some Applications, Myths and Facts


Nano-Zinc: Some Applications, Myths and Facts

Dr.A.K.Wankar1, Dr. B.L.Kumavat2, Dr.M.F.M.F. Siddiqui3, Dr. S.N.Rindhe4, Dr. Seema K. Pathan5

1Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

2Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Gyaenocology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

3Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary & Animal

Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

4Assistant Professor, Livestock Product Technology, College of Veterinary & Animal

Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

5PG Scholar, Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary & Animal

Sciences [MAFSU], Parbhani

1 Corresponding Author:


In the recent years, nanotechnology has revolutionized both human and animal sector, completely. It widely used for nutrients supplementation and drug delivery in the livestock husbandry, along with several other applications. Traditional methods of supplementation; nutrient, growth promoters, macro and micro minerals uses large amounts of the compounds, and most of it is never utilized by the animals and thereby excreted. Application of the nanotechnology for supplementing macro and micro minerals to livestock is becoming common with time. These nanominerals have better bioavailability, absorption rates and utilization, which makes them ideal choice over traditional inorganic mineral sources.

The prepared nano compounds have a particle size of roughly 1 to 100 nm and can be prepared by several different methods, like physical, chemical, biological etc. Because of the ease of production and higher bioavailability, supplementation of nano zinc [NZ], instead of inorganic zinc as a growth promoter or supplement in animal feed is becoming very popular.

Benefits of nano zinc supplementation in livestock,



In simple stomach animals like, pigs and poultry, supplementation of NZ has been reported to increase overall growth rate and performance. As zinc is a part of several enzymes and hormones, its role in normal physiological processes, cellular division, DNA synthesis and repair and tissue remodeling is important. As the physiological and metabolic functions improve, it results in superior growth performance and production in livestock. When compared with traditional zinc oxide, NZ doses are far low, cost effective and the results are better. Nano zinc supplementation as the dose rate of 40-600 mg/kg is more effective than the traditional dosage of inorganic form at 3,000 mg/kg.

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As the ruminal functions in cattle are significantly improved due to better availability of NZ, the total milk production in lactating cows also increases. Additionally, the somatic cell count and prevalence of subclinical mastitis and mastitis are reduced due to the anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties of NZ. The cows supplemented with NZ have better udders health, less microbial load and less probability of mastitic infection, along with higher energy substrates, resulting in better milk production.


Several in vitro studies have shown that NZ supplementation improves the growth of ruminal microorganisms thereby, enhancing the microbial protein synthesis and higher energy utilization. Also, there’s an increase in the total volatile fatty acid [VFA’S] concentration and the fermentation of organic matter. The beneficial effects of NZ in the gut might be due to greater surface area for interaction, better transport, uniform distribution and release and better nutrient availability to the gut microbiome.

Other beneficial effects of NZ supplementation on ruminal fermentation are as follows,

  • Increased rumen fermentation, feed conversion efficiency and feed digestibility
  • Improved dry matter intake and digestibility
  • Decreased the acetate-to-propionate ratio [more propionate]
  • Decreased ammonia-nitrogen
  • Increased in ruminal VFA’S contents without affecting number of protozoa
  • Overall increased gut functions, integrity and availability of nutrients



The role of zinc in immune functions is only revealing in recent years and it is essential for the normal structure and function of myriad proteins which are regulatory, structural and enzymatic proteins of the immune system. Also, NZ is known to decrease the cellular reactive oxidants, thus promoting the functions of antioxidant machinery. Another function of zinc in the central nervous system is that, it acts as a neurosecretory product or cofactor.


The potent antioxidant functions of zinc plays important role in reproductive functions and homeostasis, especially in males. Low Zinc levels have been reported to cause poor sperm quality, idiopathic male infertility and low sperm motility (mainly due to development of flagella of sperm tail). Zinc is also involved in catabolism of lipid thus is a source of energy for motility of spermatozoa.

Some other reproductive improvements due to zinc supplementation are,

  • Decrease in apoptotic & dead sperm cells
  • Improvement in antioxidant status and seminal plasma quality
  • Reduction in sperm and mitochondria abnormalities
  • Improved mitochondrial activity and plasma membrane functionality
  • Enhanced sperm progressive motility, vitality and membrane integrity
  • Increase in percentage of post thaw live spermatozoa’s
  • Improvement in post-thawing sperm quality
  • Increasing in vivo fertility rate


The NZ have been effectively used as an antibacterial against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria’s. It is also effective against highly resistant spores. The activity of the NZ is proportional to the particle size, i.e., smaller the particle, more is the antibacterial function.  Optimum concentration of NZ also is important for this antibacterial activity. It is postulated that, NZ is able to inactivate bacterial surface proteins, thus disrupting nutrient transport, cellular permeability and death. Also due to their small size, direct penetration inside the bacterial cells and destruction of the DNA or RNA is another possible mechanism. So the zinc [NZ] can be incorporated both as growth promoter and antibacterial to prevent diseases in livestock.

Toxicity of NZ and future implications

The reports of NZ toxicity are rare if the dosage is correct, as the NZ toxicity is in time and concentration dependent manner. There are few animal studies which indicate potential toxicity, when the dose rates were too high or the dosage duration was prolonged. Commonly the lesions are found on liver, kidneys, small intestines, heart and pancreas. The cellular damage is mainly due to high NZ concentrations, its ability to penetrate inside the cells, increase oxidative stress, damage cell membrane and cause lipid peroxidation, inflammation and also DNA destruction.


The supplementation of minerals to livestock is an ancient practice. With recent advances, we changed the traditional methods and adopted more efficient nanotechnology and nano minerals. There are many advantages of NZ supplementation to improve health, performance and production in domestic livestock and NZ is a good cost effective alternative instead of the traditional zinc, if provided at right dosage and duration, respectively.


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