National Level Article Writing Competition for Sri Ram Singh Memorial Animal Welfare Award 2021



National Level Article Writing Competition for Sri Ram Singh Memorial Animal Welfare Award 2021

Articles are invited from Veterinarians & Innovative  Livestock farmers having sound  experience & knowledge of application of Ethnoveterinary practices & Veterinary Homeopathy/Veterinary Ayurveda on the livestock .The result of this event will be declared on 29th July 2021 by a team of distinguished jury on the occasion of the Death anniversary of Late Sri Ram singh.

   Sri Ram Singh Memorial Animal welfare Award2021


The ‘Sri Ram singh Memorial Animal welfare Award’ has been instituted by the Pashudhan Praharee to honour individuals/Institutions who have contributed significantly in the animal welfare in India. This is the highest award given by Pashudhan Praharee in the field of animal welfare and is given every year on the occasion of the death anniversary of late  Sri Ram singh i.e 29th july, which consists of a Award certificate & a memento. The award is named after Sri Ram singh , a veteran who fought in 1971 war, Former Director IFFCO , Former Director – KRIBHCO – (Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. ) ,a social worker, renowned Advocate and a visionary thinker of Mayaram kheda village, District Fatehpur of UP. For this year 2021,we are organizing an National Level Article Writing Competition for vets & innovative farmers to felicitate this award.

Sri Ram singh


    स्वर्गीय श्री राम सिंह जी

         जीवन परिचय



जन्म 1940 ,शिवरात्रि                                                                 स्वर्गवास 29 जुलाई 1999


वरिष्ठ राजनीतिज्ञ, कुशल अधिवक्ता, भूतपूर्व सैनिक ,सहकारिता आंदोलन में राष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त, उन्मुक्त विचारक, महान समाजसेवी एवं बहुमुखी प्रतिभा संपन्न स्वर्गीय राम सिंह का जन्म जनपद फतेहपुर के बिंदकी   तहसील के अंतर्गत ब्लॉक  मालवाँ के ग्राम  मायाराम खेड़ा में शिवरात्रि के दिन 1940 में  हुआ। वे

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3 सितंबर 1957 को भारतीय सेना में भर्ती हुए ,1962 के  भारत- चीन युद्ध, 1965  एवं 1971 के भारत-पाक युद्ध में  महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया । रक्षा के क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान हेतु भारत सरकार द्वारा इन्हें रक्षा पदक, सेवा पदक ,संग्राम पदक, पंचम  स्टार ,रजत जयंती पदक सहित कई अन्य पदकों से अलंकृत किया गया। सेना की नौकरी के दौरान  उन्होंने एम ए ,एलएलबी की डिग्रियां हासिल की।

1974 से लगातार वकालत की एवं फौजदारी विशेषज्ञ के रूप में अपनी विशेष पहचान बनाई ।1987 से 1989 तक इंडियन फार्मर्स फर्टिलाइजर कोऑपरेटिव लिमिटेड (इफको ) एवं कृषक भारती कोऑपरेटिव लिमिटेड (कृभको) के निदेशक रहे । वे देश के प्रख्यात  सहकारी संस्थाओं के निदेशक/ पदाधिकारी रहे एवं कई संस्थाओं की स्थापना की, इसके अतिरिक्त कई शैक्षणिक, सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक संगठनों से जुड़े रहे ।अपने सेना के नौकरी के दौरान हॉकी के एक अच्छे खिलाड़ी भी थे ।

29 जुलाई 1999 को स्वर्गीय राम सिंह जी का स्वर्गवास हुआ जिससे सहकारिता आंदोलन का एक स्तंभ धराशाई हो गया, जिससे देश एवं समाज की अपूरणीय क्षति हुई ।



डॉ जितेंद्र सिंह

सुपुत्र -स्वर्गीय श्री राम सिंह

Qualification for Participation:

1. Open to all Vet Students/UG/PG/Ph.D/ Field Working vet Professionals, Academia , Research Scientist in R&D,KVK

2.Innovative Livestock farmers having good practical experience of  use of Veterinary  Ethnoveterinary Practices & Veterinary Homeopathy/Ayurveda  application on livestock.

National Level Article Writing Competition.

TOPIC for the National Level Article Writing Competition:


Guidelines for Article Writing :

*        The participant can submit multiple articles.

  • Essays must be original and unpublished
  • Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted
  • Essays must be written in English or Hindi with no longer than 3000 words but with a minimum of 1500 words, excluding essay title and references.
  • Essays incompatible with above guidelines will not be considered
  • The article/paper must be original and unpublished work of the authors. Plagiarized entries will be rejected. The article should not be under consideration for publication or in a contest elsewhere.Submission with plagiarism above 20% will be rejected immediately and won’t be eligible for the participation certificate.
  • Format: The article/paper should be typed in A4 size electronic page, Font type- (In case of English )Times New Roman, Font size-12, Line spacing-1.5, and justified with margins of 1 inch (or 2.54cms) on all sides. The footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman, Font size-10, Line spacing-1.0
READ MORE :  Ram Singh Memorial Animal Welfare Award-2024

In case of Hindi-Krutidev010 or Mangal font or Hindi Microsoft Indic  Language with above specification.

  • The article must have a title and an abstract of maximum 150 words.
  • The article must have minimum 5 Key Words that should be mentioned just after Abstract.
  • List of References and Abbreviations shall also be submitted along with the written article and should contain those cited in the text of the manuscript
  • Figures and tables if any should be numbered consecutively and should appear near the text where they are first cited. Captions of the figures and tables are to be given at the bottom and at the top respectively. Headlines of the sections and sub-sections should start from the left-hand margin
  • If an article/technical paper is not published within 6 months from the date of submission, we keep the article with our institution for future publication, unless it is rejected
  • A scanned passport size photograph (at least, 600 dpi) of the author should also be mailed along with the soft copy of the article/paper
  • All the above guidelines should be followed by the participant, failing which the article/paper can be disqualified.


Judgement of The Work :

The article will be judged based on presentation, field based practical experience of ethnoveterinary practices /veterinary homeopathy/Ayurveda, analysis of the disease diagnosis, originality, and depth of understanding based on scientific line.

Decision of the judges will be final.

  • The work will be judged by an expert committee based on the following criteria:
  • Originality- 30%
  • Field based personal experience and trial report – 40%
  • Contents which are relevance to the theme- 30%


Terms & Conditions:


  • Entries received after the last date of submission will not be considered.
  • The decision of Jury/Expert committee for selection of winners of the competition will be deemed final
  • Copyrights of all the submitted entries will rest with the organizers. The work will not be returned back and the same can be published on our website with due acknowledgement to the author
  • The organization reserves the right to cancel the competition without any prior intimation.




Important Dates & Other details regarding the Award:

1.Commencement for entry for  article ;from 30th June 2021.
2.Last Date of Submission: 27th July 2021.
3.Annauncement of result :29th July 2021
4.No of category:

To be announced based on no of  category of entries

Prize of award:
An award certificate & A momento.

Organizing Partner

1.Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh S/O- Late Shri Ram Singh



4. Goel vet Pharma

For queries related to this ,u may contact on 9431309542



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