Dr Trupti Suryakant Kattimani 1 and Dr Annarao Patil 2

  1. Veterinary Officer, Veterinary dispensary Salagar Basantpur TQ Chincholi Dist Kalaburgi State Karnataka-585301
  2. Senior Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Hospital Kalagi, TQ: Kalagi, Dist: Kalaburgi, State: Karnataka- 585312

Rabies is the disease of all warm-blooded animals, primarily transmitted through the bite of dogs, bats and cat. Preventable disease through the vaccination. Highly prevalent disease in the globe. Dogs are the primary source for the human rabies and more than 40 per cent Rabies infected human are children below 15 years age. Every year September 28 is celebrated as World Rabies Day. This year Rabies Day theme is one health and zero death. WHO plans to eliminate dog mediated Rabies by 2030 through one health and immunization approach. World Rabies Day is celebrated for the remembrance of death anniversary of Louis Pasteur, who developed first vaccine against the Rabies and to create the awareness about Rabies to the society. Rabies is a zoonotic endemic disease, which causes 18,000 – 20,000 deaths every year in our country which accounts 36 % of world total deaths caused by Rabies. Rabies deaths below 15 years children is most of time goes unreported and unidentified. To stop the Rabies deaths in India we need systemic approach like One health approach.

The disease like Covid 19, Monkey pox caused havoc recently in the globe. These are zoonotic diseases. A zoonosis is an infectious disease that infects to human from animals. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment (WHO). 60 % of existing human diseases are zoonotic, 75 % emerging human infections are originated from animals. Out of 5 emerging diseases 3 are of animal origin in a year. 80 % of potential bio-terrorism organism are of animal origin. Zoonotic disease may be Bacterial, viral, parasitic or fungal origin. Zoonotic disease may spread by direct contact of animals, indirectly by the inanimate objects, by the bite of vectors, by the milk, meat, egg and animal excreta. Zoonosis may transmit from the bite of animal, bite of vectors, aerosol route, contaminated food and water. This shows the Importance of zoonotic diseases in today’s healthy world and that needs attention of health of both human and animals. Environment plays an important role in the disease transmission, so human, animal and environmental approach is needed to control the present-day epidemics of the globe. Single approach is not fruitful due to the multiple species infection by the pathogens and even ecosystem of particular locality is responsible for the transmission of disease.


One Health approach takes inspiration from the Greek father of medicine and is based on his approach which recognizes that human health, animal health and environmental health are part of a whole-body (Hippocrates- Father of Modern Medicine). Between animal and human medicine, there is no dividing line, nor should there be. The object is different but the experience gained constitute Rudolf Virchow the basis of all medicine (Rudolf Virchow- Father of Modern Pathology). One Health is the collaborative effort of multiple health science professions, together with their related disciplines and institutions – working locally, nationally, and globally – to attain optimal health for people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants, and our environment. (One Health Commission, 2011.) The one health concept encourages collaborations among wildlife experts, veterinarians, physicians, agriculturists, ecologists, microbiologists, epidemiologists, local officials, local municipal heads and biomedical engineers to ensure favourable health for animals, humans, and our environment. For the betterment of human health, conservation of ecosystem one health approach is very much essential in the present situation. Collaboration of various institutes, agencies and organization together for the betterment of ecology and ecosystem is the prime aim of the one health approach.

Role of veterinarian in control of zoonosis and one health approach

Veterinarian play an important role in the prevention and control of animal diseases and zoonotic diseases. Regular deworming, vaccination, emergency health care, awareness to farmers and consumers about good management practices. HACCP will be practiced in milk and meat plants to avoid the contamination and supply of contaminated animal origin food to human. Veterinarian acts as social awareness person, epidemiologist, immunologist, pathologist, microbiologist, public health person, milk and meat examiner and many roles for the safety of humans and animals especially for food animals. Veterinarian play a significant role in the control of deadly zoonotic diseases like H5N1, SARS etc. Veterinarian creates awareness about pet health care, vaccination, deworming and the diseases transmitted to human. This will help in reduce the migration of deadly pathogens from pets to human. Likewise, veterinarian working in food industry will acts as barrier between deadly pathogens from animals to human. Periodical screening and health check up of animals helps in detection of diseases and



Role of Medical officer in control of zoonosis and one health approach

Medical doctors will diagnose the various diseases of human with the possibility of various sources. As a community medicine person, they will advice the dos and don’ts in diseases outbreak, like using of toilet rooms for the defecation and urination will reduce the environmental pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and transmission of deadly pathogens from infected persons to healthy persons. They will treat the diseased individuals whop acts as primary source of infection to healthy individual. Deworming, vaccination, awareness programmes are important aspects of disease control apart from isolation and prompt treatment. Early detection and symptomatic therapy will help to cure the disease, thereby reduction in morbidity and mortality.

Role of local body governments in control of zoonosis and one health approach

Local body Government should check the contamination of water, drainage, sanitation, stray dog population, garbage disposal of the particular city including the milk processing unit and slaughter house. Proper disposal of waste from all sources, periodical vaccination and birth control of stray dog population, supply of clean water, complete population practice the usage of toilet rooms are the key points of success in the local body government in the aspect of disease control and one health approach. Wild life experts, ecologists, epidemiologists and public health officials play a significant role in one health approach in the control of endemics.

Role of non-Government organizations in control of zoonosis and one health approach

NGOs play a crucial role in the organization of periodical health camps, to create the awareness on vaccination, deworming, good management practices, dos and don’ts to avoid the transmission of infections. They will educate the people about the various pathogens, diseases and mode of transmission. They will educate school children about deworming and health related issues in the local language. Creation of awareness will reduce the disease transmission by the attempting of prevention and control measures and hygienic practices.

READ MORE :    One Health Approach: Fight Globally Against Rabies

 Steps towards one health

Regular deworming, vaccination and health care of animals should be carried out regularly including the pet animals. Don’t touch saliva, urine, excreta, bold and other secretions of animal with bare hands. Never ignore bites and scratch from animals. Eliminate the vectors from the animals. Provide clean feed and water to animals. Maintain farm hygiene, sanitization and good management practices in the farm. Disposal of farm waste, carcass, slaughter house waste and milk processing units should be carried out in scientific way to avoid the environmental pollution. Avoid eating of raw egg, half boiled meat and raw milk.  Follow veterinarian guidelines for the health care of your pet. Avoid bites from vectors, insects and animals. Close the livestock markets, avoid animal movement in outbreak conditions. Follow the prompt quarantine period during the international animal trade.



Global problems like Covid 19, SARS and Monkey pox diseases in human, Lumpy skin disease in animals, Locust problem in agriculture, heavy rain across the globe, increase in lightning year by year, high environmental temperature, raise in antibiotic and anthelminthic resistance, floods, famine condition and severe cold and hot waves across the globe are the challenges faced by the mankind in the present world. We need a systemic, collaborative and comprehensive approach to solve the issues for the betterment of human society and the conservation of flora and fauna in the ecosystem. One earth and one health approaches are getting more importance in the society, definitely they will yield fruitful results.


  1. Mackenzie JS, Jeggo M. The One Health Approach-Why Is It So Important? Trop Med Infect Dis. 2019 May 31;4(2):88. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed4020088. PMID: 31159338; PMCID: PMC6630404.
  2. One Health Commission 2011.
  3. WHO One health 2022.
  4. Rabies Fact Sheet India.
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