K.P. Singh*1 and Praneeta Singh2

Government Veterinary Hospital, Deoranian, Bareilly,

Department of Animal Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh, India


1: Veterinary Officer, Government Veterinary Hospital, Deoranian, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Email:

2: Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Products Technology, C.V.A.Sc., GBPUAT, Pantnagar, U.S.Nagar, Uttrakhand Email:

*Corresponding Author: Veterinary Officer, Government Veterinary Hospital, Deoranian, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Email:


The One health concept, which considers the interactions between humans, animals, the environment and recognizes that human health is closely related to animal and environmental health. It is in these interfaces that veterinarians can play a relevant role in the prevention and detection of new zoonoses and determine which ones deserve at least some consideration. Veterinarians are especially important in wildlife surveillance, which becomes a fundamental parameter in the control of emerging zoonoses because ecological changes, molecular variations of infectious agents and wild animal-man interactions represent the main factors for the emergence of new pathogens.

Key Words: One health concept; Veterinarian; Zoonoses


The One Health concept, which considers the interactions between humans, animals, the environment and recognizes that human health is closely related to animal and environmental health. It is in these interfaces that veterinarians can play a relevant role in the prevention and detection of new zoonoses and determine which ones deserve at least some consideration. A zoonosis is an infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic or may involve unconventional agents and can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment. They represent a major public health problem around the world due to our close relationship with animals in agriculture, as companions and in the natural environment. Zoonoses can also cause disruptions in the production and trade of animal products for food and other uses. Zoonoses comprise a large percentage of all newly identified infectious diseases as well as many existing ones. Some diseases, such as HIV, begin as a zoonosis but later mutate into human-only strains. Other zoonoses can cause recurring disease outbreaks, such as Ebola virus disease and salmonellosis. The others such as the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, have the potential to cause global pandemics.

The emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2, indicates that veterinarians inhabit a central and primary position in the prevention of new and dangerous zoonoses that may impact human health. This is particularly true as this pandemic fits into the One Health concept, which considers the interactions between humans, animals, the environment and recognizes that human health is closely related to animal and environmental health (Bonilla-Aldana et al., 2020). It is in these interfaces that veterinarians can play a relevant role in the prevention and detection of new zoonoses and determine which ones deserve at least some consideration.

The Emerging Zoonoses

It has been proven that at least 75% of emerging diseases have a zoonotic origin, having diverse animal species as their primary reservoirs. Striking examples of these zoonoses include epidemics and/or pandemics such as the Spanish flu (Taubenberger and Morens, 2006), H1N1 (Nolting et al., 2019), SARS (Zhao, 2007), MERS (Paden et al., 2018) and Ebola (Pigott et al., 2017). All the etiological agents involved in those cases were originally found in animals and spread in humans. When a pathogen crosses species barrier, in most cases, the disease may not sustain or establish in the heterologous host. However, occasionally, there is a potential risk that it becomes more pathogenic and virulent, with consequences almost impossible to predict, as was experienced with the HIV virus (Peeters et al., 2017).

The number of potential human lives lost as well as the high morbidity and imminent risks of epidemics/pandemics converging to result in the emergence of new diseases makes it imperative and necessary to intensify studies, in which veterinarians have the responsibility to identify and reveal the risks, critical points and other epidemiological aspects involved in the transmission of an infectious agent from the animal, environment, and human interfaces.

Role of The Veterinarian Professional

Considering the possible origin of the current pandemic, the intensification of studies in regions associated with high human activity alone and with intense contact with wildlife, should become a priority in the prevention of emerging diseases, as such hotspots are decisive in the emergence of new epidemics and pandemics. There are several regions in the world in which it is possible to identify the presence of these hotspots, including low and middle-income countries in South America and Africa. Therefore, potential new pandemics such as COVID-19 pose serious health threats in underdeveloped countries where these hotspots occur. This type of hotspot can also be seen in developed countries especially in places where there is a greater vulnerability in poor populations (Naranjo and Cosivi, 2021). Therefore, the consequences of contact between wildlife and human activities can have consequences in rich countries. It is necessary to reunite the forces and capacities of all of the involved actors and entities to avoid chaos and lack of control in the case of new emerging zoonotic diseases. The knowledge obtained through monitoring eventual ecological/epidemiological changes and the experience of previous studies in all knowledge areas will be effective tools to predict, prevent, and anticipate outbreaks by impacting zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19. This summarizes the veterinarian’s role in public health, framed in the One Health concept.

READ MORE :  One World, One Health Prevents: Zoonosis

Emerging and re-emerging pathogens present challenges for public health systems worldwide. When considering animal interaction, the complexity of these challenges becomes even more evident. Despite the integration of the OIE and the WHO in the context of the One Health concept in 1960, the idea is still poorly explored in underdeveloped countries. Investment in studies that prioritize the investigation of the infectious agents present in wild animals associated with hotspots does not represent, at this moment a priority strategy for the prevention of pandemics by public health agencies. The implementation of this type of action would allow for the early identification of potential pathogens and the development of actions that could block and reduce opportunities for the pathogens to circulate freely and repeatedly among primary hosts and become highly infectious to humans.

 Specific Actions

Veterinarians have experience in successfully managing outbreaks of diseases, such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease and rabies, in addition to controlling zoonotic pathogens in foods of animal origin (Verteramo et al., 2019). Control measures, when strictly applied to animals, have resulted in a significant reduction of zoonoses in humans.

Practices such as zoobiquity and translational medicine are effectively applied in some countries with more stable economies for other diseases and would help to prevent zoonotic pandemics such as COVID-19. On the other hand, the exchange of experiences and the adoption of professional containment activities such as those which are customary in veterinary practice, like isolation and quarantine measures, could be useful. The latter, unlike in human medicine, are instances when veterinary practices are widely and rigorously used because they represent the main principles for preventing the entrance and spread of diseases in naïve animal populations.

Surveillance measures represent the main strategy, considering these preventive needs. Active surveillance is important in the investigation of the potential pathogens of animals and the potentials of possible emergence in humans. This type of control would allow the acquisition of rich databases that would support specific and effective measures to control zoonotic epidemics. High-risk behaviours could also be identified, and health education activities could be initiated to change habits that contribute to and hinder the adaptation and dissemination of the pathogens.

Veterinarians are especially important in wildlife surveillance, which becomes a fundamental parameter in the control of emerging zoonoses because ecological changes, molecular variations of infectious agents and wild animal-man interactions represent the main factors for the emergence of new pathogens. Therefore, the collaboration between veterinary communities linked to the monitoring of wildlife and human medical communities is crucial in the development of preventive strategies and must follow a double direction in the provision of early and specific information, which is not evident in most developing countries.

Several recent studies have highlighted the fundamental importance of the veterinarian’s performance in the context of One Health. Van Doremalen et al. (2020) have demonstrated the preliminary efficacy of a vaccine tested on mice and Rhesus macaques against SARS-CoV-2 in partnership with a multi-professional team that includes veterinarians. In Chile, another multidisciplinary group, including veterinarians, developed an improved procedure to produce nanobodies using alpacas (Lama pacos) as donor species. Nieto et al. (2020) reported an optimized, fast, efficient, inexpensive and simple density gradient method for nanobody selection and a sub-nanomolar affinity nanobody against the Spike receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV2. This proposed methodology may help in the generation of diagnostic and potentially therapeutic measures against COVID-19 and other infectious and emergent viruses. Sun et al. (2020) reported a variant of H1N1 from pigs with the greatest pathogenic potential in humans. Their experimental work was carried out in veterinary laboratories in the USA. In India, Dhama et al. (2018) have reported intense research performed with veterinarians in the development of vaccines and effective therapies against Ebola. Maki et al. (2017) reported that the monitoring of wildlife allowed the implementation of control strategies such as the use of bait vaccines to control wild rabies.


Epidemics such as those already experienced and uncontrolled pandemics such as the current COVID-19 will continue to happen, not only because of the high capacity of zoonotic pathogens to carry out mutation, reassortment and recombination processes that allow them to overcome barriers between species, geographical limitations and adverse conditions but also due to the severe deficiency in the surveillance systems.

These factors coupled with few globalized and unified combat actions and the low interaction of the pillars of One Health focus, which involves the medical, veterinary and environmental communities and increases the risk of new emergencies in public health worldwide.

Focus Areas of One Health

  • Zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases
  • Pandemic preparedness and response
  • One Health emergencies at the human-animal-environment interface
  • One Health pan-respiratory disease surveillance
  • Global health security and capacity building
  • Strengthen One Health coordination in the United States
  • Strategic One Health partnerships
  • Prevent zoonoses shared between people and pets


National Action Plan for dog Mediated Rabies Elimination (NAPRE) by 2030 was launched by India for the control of rabies. Rabies is endemic in India and approximately 36% of peoples suffers from human rabies deaths globally which is transmitted by dogs. Rabies can be prevented/managed efficiently by “One Health Approach” which involves inter-sectoral collaboration among animal, human, and environmental health.

  • Systematic data collection and compilation
  • Co-ordination and data sharing among animal, human and environmental health sectors
  • Efficient and effective surveillance
  • Sufficiency and availability of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
  • Increasing vaccine coverage
  • Increasing efficacy of vaccination
  • Increasing awareness
  • Strengthening laboratory capacity
  • Promotion of Research activities 

Benefits of One Health approach

  • Prevent outbreaks of zoonotic disease in both people and animals
  • Improve food safety and security
  • Reduce antimicrobial resistance / antibiotic-resistant infections in human and animal
  • Protect global health security 

Prevention and control of Zoonotic Diseases

Prevention methods for zoonotic diseases differ for each pathogen. However, several practices are recognized as effective in reducing risk at the community and personal levels. Safe and appropriate guidelines for animal care in the agricultural sector help to reduce the potential for foodborne zoonotic disease outbreaks through foods such as meat, eggs, dairy or even some vegetables. Standards for clean drinking water and waste removal, as well as protections for surface water in the natural environment are also important and effective. Education campaigns to promote handwashing after contact with animals and other behavioural adjustments can reduce community spread of zoonotic diseases when they occur. Antimicrobial resistance is a complicating factor in the control and prevention of zoonoses. The use of antibiotics in animals raised for food is widespread and increases the potential for drug-resistant strains of zoonotic pathogens capable of spreading quickly in animal and human populations.

People can come in contact with animals in many places. This includes at home and away from home, in places like petting zoos, fairs, schools, stores, and parks. Insects, like mosquitoes and fleas, and ticks bite people and animals’ day and night. Thankfully, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family from zoonotic diseases.



Variations in behaviour and different human activities, such as the consumption and sale of wild animals, the poor application of food security rules, the advance of urbanization into rural areas and constant direct contact with animal reservoirs are recognized as the main risk factors that lead to outbreaks. All these factors can be tackled with preventive actions from a veterinary perspective, which are the resolutive competencies of this profession. To avoid future emerging zoonoses, it is necessary to be prepared. The most effective way may be to maintain the natural barriers between animals that are reservoirs and human society, applying the conceptualization of the One Health doctrine in these actions. ‘One Health’ targets is the need of the hour. One side, human being with sound health, at the same time, animal is more related to economic production and livelihood. A sound and sustained climate brings a holistic environment for dispelling health related issues in life and combat one health in one’s life by maintaining its ecosystem. The veterinarian must assume a position of leadership in research and actions that primarily involve prevention and surveillance, which must be undertaken as an important part of maintaining public health, especially related to emerging and re-emerging zoonoses.


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Dhama K, Karthik K, Khandia R, Chakraborty S, Munjal A, Latheef SK (2018). Advances in designing and developing vaccines, drugs, and therapies to counter ebola virus. Front Immunol. 9:1803.

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