“One world, one health: prevent zoonosis”

one world, one health
one world, one health

                                       “One world, one health: prevent zoonosis”



Human health relies on many factors, one among the important factor is Ecosystem, which gives clean air, water, food, natural medicine for well being of human beings. Climate change plays major role in one health in the form of tough weather, natural calamities like draught, flood, ocean acidification, which is a serious threat to biodiversity which results directly on human health across the globe. The new concept “one world, one health” is based on the linkage between humans, animals, environment which has direct relationship between animals, disease, ecosystem and human health.


Human population is facing various challenges related to loss of biodiversity which directly reflects on ecosystem imbalance, this can be prevented by coordinated global efforts. The main and important challenge is the spread of infectious disease mainly the emerging and re-emerging diseases of animals and human beings. Around 70 percent of the emerging and re-emerging disease are highly zoonotic which is a serious threat to both human and animal population.

There are many factors which are responsible for current problem, first and fore most is the increase in human population density which directly results with the closer interaction of human kind with animal population which includes both livestock and wildlife. The contact between animals with human beings has increased many ways, the primary reason is for food, the reasons could be for livelihood, travel, companionship etc. the other reason for zoonosis is  migration, international travel, trading of animals and animal products, deforestation, urbanization, forest encroachment, construction of dams. Some of these factor’s construction of dams for irrigation purpose. All the factors combined by led to climate change. All these factors led to increase spread of existing disease as well as re- emerging zoonotic disease such as Rabies, Salmonella, West-nile fever, Q-fever, Ebola, Lyme disease, Ring worm, brucellosis. It has been accounted that production of food animals worldwide as reduced considerably to 20 percent due to disease, ultimately leading to shortage of animal food which has direct impact on nutrition, which can also be public health problem.

READ MORE :  One World, One Health: Prevent Zoonosis

Biodiversity is a key factor for traditional medicine though synthetic medicines are available for many purposes, traditional medicines are still persisting and use full for treating many humans as well as animal diseases. With loss, of biodiversity this aspect will be heavily affected. The only way to overcome these problems is to implement strategies at various levels like international, regional, national level. Global public health security has been definitely by WHO as “the activities required, both pro-actives and reactive to minimize the danger and impact of acute public health events that endangered people health” across the geographic region and international boundaries


It is a world-wide effort to strengthen the capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threat.


‘ONE HEALTH’ is defined as “an approach to designing and implementing programme, policies, legislations, and research in which multiple sectors communicate and work together to achieve better public health outcomes. One health is concerned with multiple issues which include zoonotic disease, anti-microbial resistance, food safety and food security, environment contaminations, vector borne diseases.


  1. Up-to-date emergency preparedness and response plans
  2. Effective communication
  3. Capacity to apply international agreements and standards
  4. Continuous evaluations and improvement of bio-security
  5. Established disease monitoring



The environment along with human and animal population of the world is highly linked and all three are currently endangered due to various factors. The only way to overcome the alarming situations is through effective efforts of implementing IHR, GHSA, and the one health. The last one being a comprehensive approach targeted toward the entire ecosystem. coordinated needs to the established linkage between all the stake holders, public health professionals, veterinary personnel, research institutes, traders, livestock handlers, and whole community its time for the entire world to come together, putting the best efforts to overcomes this situation and preserve our mother earth.

READ MORE :  The Threat of Zoonotic Diseases: A One Health Approach to Prevention

By-Kirouchendraji Sandhiya


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