Opportunities & Constraints of Small ruminants & Poultry value chain in Jharkhand


Opportunities & Constraints of Small ruminants & Poultry value chain in Jharkhand

General constraints in the marketing of livestock product of goat, sheep and poultry bird in Jharkhand is a big challenge . These constraints are-external constraints:, lack of institutional support; quality constraints: little understanding of traders’ requirements, lack of laboratories and facilities for quality control, price and quality of the veterinary services; financial constraints: lack of capital to invest in assets, equipment and inputs that would improve quality; infrastructure constraints: lack or inadequacy of, among others, roads, electricity, weighing stations, slaughtering and processing facilities and skills and knowledge constraints: lack of business management skills (e.g. production planning) and, in particular, inadequate access to the knowledge and technologies needed to meet rising sanitary standards, making it extremely difficult for smallholders to gain credible certification of compliance with marketing requirements. Poor awareness regarding the importance of small ruminants in the livelihood system Absence /lack of active rearer organizations Pressure on fodder resource base Inadequate veterinary health services Lack of adequate focus on genetic improvement Reduced access to credit and insurance Lack of efficient marketing mechanisms Poor inter-departmental coordination These general constraints are however, positively guided by the emerging opportunities,
Opportunities and Constraints of Small Ruminants product value chain in Jharkhand

1 Market access

Developing road corridors even to the remote villages Local market potentials for big cities Product processing activities could be increased Huge market demand and very easy to sell.

Constraints-—–Seasonal underdeveloped road Humiliate by middle man Limited number of collection centres No commercial market channel Farmers don’t know about market price

2 Technology & product development

Wooden or bamboo platform technique are to be explored for keeping goat and sheep Conducive climate for fodder cultivation for Value addition Huge pasture land
Constraints——-Poor supply, low investment Improper technology (feed, health, breed, shed) Lack of scientific model shed Poor breeding activities for improvement; lack of cross breeding facilities and plan with local breeds Limited products diversification Limited training to the farmers on improved rearing Low motivation to commercial production Poor preventive measures during diseases of goat and bird flu for poultry birds

3 Management and Organization

Producers’ group would strengthen their activities for large scale of dealing Associations of traders (if developed) would pave ways to regulate policies and to make enabling environment Suitability of climate and availability of sufficient grazing land and fodder Availability of improved goat& sheep breeds for crossbreeding Farmer groups saving and credit Local NGOs and line agencies are interested to support.

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Constraints-—-Scattered production & marketing practices Producers’ poor efforts, lack of linkages to service providers Lack of coordination among producers, traders and consumers Limited market information (price, volume traded etc.) Limited or poor attraction of youth in goat keeping Non availability chicks Weak or underdeveloped organizational arrangements

4 Regulatory (policy)

Development of standard norms for pricing might help producers and traders to increase in scale Goat & sheep keeping should be prioritized for commercial scale of rearing Establishing goat and sheep insurance policy for farmers Pro-poor policies: Community forestry at least 35% of Community land Free grazing for goat and sheep Forestry User Group fund should mobilized for pro-poor activities; land allocation system within Community Forestry which can be tapped for goat produce.
Constraints——Poor number of extension workers Poor knowledge Transportation facility are not defined properly Lack of plan for emergency and rescue dealing during disease outbreak No subsidy or support on means of meat/live animal transportation Lack of animal wealth protection policy and or insurance Lack of minimum pricing policy while selling live goats Poor monitoring mechanism on meat slaughtering and trading Transport / vehicle for transportation of live goat

5 Access to finance

Establishing local cooperatives Establishing Rural Banks in various GPs MFIs are available NGOs can facilitate for small loan at lower interest rate
Constraints-—— Low or no investment from private banks (Traders & Farmers) Poor knowledge on the process to access fund Poor facility of loan disbursement from government / Banks High interest rate Low priority of Banking sector to collator lands and property in the rural areas Lack of group fund mobilization

6 Input supply

Agro-vets and related shops are to be opening at GPs Trained Gomitra for better service Community forestry and leasehold forestry are to be promoted Public-Private partnership are to be encouraged.

Lack of fodder/forage seeds’ Not enough supply of medicine Lack of goat resource centre to supply elite doe and buck to the farmers (based on Khari, Sirohi or Jamunapari ) Agro-vet does not have adequate knowledge of diseases and treatment methods. Due to the limited resources, VETS is often unable to provide technical support in remote area.


7 Infrastructure


Developing of Road corridor Collection centres would encourage producers and traders for large scale of dealing.
Unorganized slaughter house Inadequate and poor quality collection centres, Dipping and drenching tank with no scientific reconditioning facility at the collection centre.

Opportunities and Constraints of Poultry product value chain in Jharkhand
Poultry rearing should be promoted in clusters level by individual or SHGs to enhance their income.Individual rearers working independently may not be able to negotiate with market or absorb price fluctuations hence they shall be organised into cooperatives that provides inputs and facilitates market linkages for sale. While rearing should be done individually, sales should be a centrally coordinated effort. Daily wholesale landing prices at the target markets have to be tracked for setting daily sale price. Women rear broiler poultry in rearing sheds built on their homesteads• Each rearing shed is of 750 square-feet floor area and can rear 500 birds in a batch• Day-old-chicks (DOCs) are reared in the sheds. These grow to 1.8 kgs in 45 days when• they become ready for sale. A batch is generally sold before 45 days to optimise on the feed to body weight conversion ratio. Following sale, 15 days are required for shed sanitation etc. before the placement of next batch of DOCs for rearing. The cooperative provides inputs like feeds, chicks, etc. on credit to rearers and arrange to market the ready birds. Payments are made to the rearers after sale, deducting the cost of inputs. It also provides training and other handholding support to the producers. Since there is no provision of Insurance of poultry at present, no. insurance charges are taken into account.

Poultry Marketing —-

There are two marketing channels are found in the project villages for poultry: formal and informal markets. There are large commercial farms that use the formal market and small scale commercial farms that mostly market their product live in the informal market. Family poultry products are also mostly distributed through the informal market. In the recent years broiler supply to live markets by large commercial producers has rendered broiler production for small scale producers an unprofitable venture. Commercial producers source day old chicks or layers from importers or from local hatcheries while indigenous poultry producers produce their own day old chicks. Project villages are manage their demand by local means. Over the years the commercial meet production demand has increased many folds.Family poultry is mostly sold within or outside village or at informal markets in semi-urban areas/local hat through middlemen. In rural areas it is bought by all classes of people including the poor but in urban areas it is bought mostly by middle to high class people that are health conscious. Local poultry eggs are not available in the market, as most farmers are eat or sell family eggs.
Constrains and Opportunities-——–
Poor stakeholder management:
Proper coordination is required for all round development farmers. There is a need to harmonize the different approaches as we are dealing with community and timely provide animal health related services to the farming community in rural areas.
Family poultry is not clearly understood:The subject of family poultry is not well understood by the different change agents. As a result different training tools are used and confusing information during dissemination to farmers. There is an opportunity for research and all findings and experiences should be consolidated into one training manual in local language for the poultry rearers.

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Poor husbandry practices:

Poor animal management practices such as, poor housing,poor feeding and poor diseases management results into low productivity.Proper training,motivation of farmers and research of alternative feeds easily improve animal husbandry practices are to be improved.

Poor marketing channels:

Due the low production levels, the marketing channels for family are not clearly defined. With increased production level, more players in the value chain will be attracted and marketing channels will be clearly defined.

Lack of entrepreneurship:

Most farmers keep their poultry on a subsistence basis for home consumption and only sell surplus.Therefore,there is a great need to develop family poultry entrepreneurs with business plan skills such as planning, record keeping budgeting and marketing.

Compiled & shared by- DR RAJESH KR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR

Reference:On request

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