Pet Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment

Pet Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment
Pet Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment

Pet Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment

For many people, animal allergies can stem from proteins contained in an animal’s dander or dead skin cells, both of which can flake off regularly. Pet dander can cause an allergic reaction at any time of year – especially during the winter months when people spend more time indoors.

An allergy is a state of over-reactivity or hypersensitivity of the immune system to a particular substance called an allergen. Most allergens are proteins from plants, insects, animals, or foods.

Exposure to the allergen, usually on multiple occasions spanning months to years, sensitizes the immune system, and subsequent exposure to the same or related allergen causes an over-reaction. Normally, the immune system protects the dog against infection and disease, but with allergies, the immune response can be harmful to the body. Allergies may be considered an unnecessary normal immune response to a benign foreign substance.

The immune reactions involved in allergies are complex. Most reactions involve allergen protein molecules combined with antibodies in the blood that attach to a cell called a mast cell. Mast cells are found in many tissues throughout the body. When the antigen and antibody react with mast cells, the mast cells release potent chemicals, such as histamines, that cause local inflammation, such as redness, swelling, and itching. This inflammation causes various signs associated with an allergic reaction.

Humans are social animals that prefer to live together. The reason behind this could be the nature of human to communicate with other. Similarly, the fact that one should be responsible enough in his life so that he can live independently while taking care of his belongings and those who are in relation with him or her. In order to teach the art of responsibility modern world have adopted the option of pet adoption that helps the coming generation to learn the art of responsibility through the management of the pet. The pet requires proper nourishment and care and when a human fulfils these in regular basis, becomes a responsible human being in his or her life. The care of pet is not an easy task to complete. The health-related issues are required proper attention and treatment. Unlike human, pets are intellectually less developed beings. No matter how much you train them they may indulge themselves into some non-hygienic activities in his/her life and may bring for you something that you are allergic off. Similarly, sometimes, the pet is itself causes allergic reactions to the owners. Therefore, in this article the basic information will be discussed regarding pet Allergies. First of all, lets discuss the concept of Pet allergies. It is known that sometimes hair or some other small substances fallen from animal’s body act as allergens and cause your allergic immune system to overreact. In details animal fur, skin, urine (pee) and saliva (spit) is of some important mentions. These proteins are usually completely harmless but the body’s immune response considers them as dangerous “intruders,” similar to bacteria or viruses. Although all pets have the disadvantage to elicit allergic reactions, but the cats and Dogs are on the top of the list. In addition to this, Rabbits, Rodents, Birds and large animals like Horses also worth of discussion. In General, those animals which comes in contact with human’s may cause allergic to few of them. A few folks assume that because certain species of furry animals shed less fur, they are hypoallergenic (won’t trigger allergy symptoms). Studies, however, demonstrate that there aren’t any furry animals that are hypoallergenic, particularly given that pet allergens go beyond just fur Now, Question arises that who can have pet allergies. In this regard, it is very much known that these allergies are inheritable and can be coming from parents. A Human Body is very unique, several breeds of furry animals may cause only slight symptoms or none at all if you have pet allergies. Healthcare professionals and researchers, however, are unable to precisely predict which breeds will cause the least irritation. However, it is acceptable that the animals that do not have fur or feathers or shed any skin are least likely to evoke any pet related allergic reaction. The pet like Fishes, Frogs and other amphibians are on the top list that causes lesser hypersensitivities. On the other hand, few reptiles which include turtles, lizards and even Snakes can also be considered for pet adoption, if anyone is having pet allergies. Usually, the first thing that comes to mind of an adopting person is what will happen to me if I am allergic to this animal. So, when an allergic reaction occurs due to the pet allergy, your body will produce immunoglobulin E, the first time you come into contact with a pet allergen (IgE). Every IgE subtype is sensitive to a particular class of pet allergens as well as other allergens. It is possible that one may only have IgE antibodies that are reactive with one specific animal. Alternately, might possess a large number of IgE antibodies that are allergic to a wide range of allergens.

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There are specific symptoms as mentioned below that signifies that one is having allergic reactions:

o Inflammation of the nasal passages (runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, shortness of breath).

o Sniffling.

o Dry, itchy skin

o An itchy mouth or oesophagus.

o Wheezing.

o Exacerbation of asthma symptoms.

It is also very important to mention that the symptoms appeared following the pet allergy may also resemble to some of the common illness such as influenza and common cold. In case, the person is not sure of the reason behind his/her allergy should reach out to a healthcare facility where they will help in determination of the cause of the allergy.

Can allergies to pets make you tired?

Yes, allergies to pets can make you tired (tiredness). You might experience fatigue if IgE and histamine aggravate nasal passage inflammation. It can be challenging to get to sleep and stay asleep if you experience certain pet allergy symptoms like coughing and nasal congestion. Sleep disruptions or restless sleep can make you feel tired.

How long do symptoms take to manifest after being around pets?

Depending on how badly you are allergic to your pet. If you have severe pet allergies, symptoms could start to show up 15 to 30 minutes after coming into contact with a pet. A few hours to a few days after coming into contact with a pet, symptoms of mild pet allergies may start to manifest. However, Pet allergies are not communicable. Pet allergies cannot be passed from one person to another.


It’s a good idea to visit your doctor if you experience allergy symptoms after being around pets. They might recommend an allergist to you. A doctor who focuses on allergies is known as an allergist. Through specific tests, they can identify the allergies you have to your pet.


They may query you prior to performing pet allergy tests, including:

o Does your family have a history of allergies to pets?

o Have you previously had an allergy diagnosis?

o What symptoms do you have?

o What over-the-counter (OTC) drugs do you use to treat your symptoms?

o Which species of animals are you exposed to when your allergies flare up?

In modern world, various test are available that can tell you whether if you are allergic to any animal or not.

These tests include:

It’s a good idea to visit your doctor if you experience allergy symptoms after being around pets. They might recommend an allergist to you. A doctor who focuses on allergies is known as an allergist. Through specific tests, they can identify the allergies you have to your pet. They may query you prior to performing pet allergy tests, including:

Skin prick (scratch) test

To find out precisely what you are allergic to, our doctor might advise an allergy skin test. For this test, you might be recommended to an allergy specialist (allergist). This test involves the superficial pricking of your skin with minute amounts of purified allergen extracts, including extracts containing animal proteins. Although it can be done on the upper back, this is typically done on the forearm. After 15 minutes, your doctor or nurse checks your skin for indications of allergic reactions. If you have a cat allergy, for instance, the spot where the cat extract was injected into your skin will turn red and itchy. Itching and redness are the two most typical adverse reactions to these skin tests. Usually, these side effects disappear after 30 minutes.

Blood (IgE) test

Because of a skin condition or potential drug interactions, a skin test may occasionally be impossible to perform. A blood test that checks your blood for specific antibodies that cause allergies to various common allergens, including various animals, may be an alternative that your doctor orders. The results of this test may also reveal your level of allergy sensitivity. A sample of blood will be drawn from a vein in your arm during a blood test using a fine needle (21 gauge, slightly smaller than the circumference of a standard earring). A lab receives the blood sample. Your blood will be spun down in the lab, and the plasma (the yellow portion), which contains the IgE, will be used. It will then be placed in a testing plate that has been coated with allergens. Another chemical will then be added to measure the level of IgE for that allergen. You might have allergies to pets if your blood sample contains high concentrations of IgE antibodies. The blood test results may not arrive at the lab for a week or more.

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Can allergies to pets be cured?

Pet allergies are unavoidable. To treat your symptoms, you can use nasal corticosteroids, nasal antihistamines, and over-the-counter antihistamine pills. Studies shows that the over intake of antihistamine pills may result in side-effect such as drowsiness, Mouth ache, Dizziness, Headache, Cough, Vomiting and nauseousness and Sleepiness. According to one study, those who took the antihistamines cetirizine and hydroxyzine had higher rates of depression. However, studies on the effects of all antihistamines on mood disorders have not been conducted. Immunotherapy (allergy shots) can help some people manage their pet allergies on a longterm basis. Your body reacts to allergy shots by lessening your sensitivity to the allergen. Even after they have stopped receiving treatment, allergy shots for some people may help prevent symptoms of pet allergies. Like antihistamine pills, Allergy shots typically only cause swelling, itchiness, or discoloration at the injection site. Rarely, allergy shots can result in severe reactions like anaphylaxis. After receiving an allergy shot, severe reactions typically start to manifest within 15 to 30 minutes. After receiving an allergy shot, you should stay at your doctor’s office for at least 30 minutes in case you require emergency medical care. How long it takes to end the allergic reaction? Your symptoms usually disappear a few hours after being away from pet allergens. Your symptoms, however, might persist for a few days if you have severe pet allergies. Showering and washing clothes may help in recovery more quickly from allergy exposure if one has pet allergies. About 30 minutes after taking an antihistamine, it begins to work. Within the first few hours, they work best. Antihistamines used nasally may begin working within 15 to 30 minutes. Your doctor might advise that you take antihistamines every day to prevent symptoms .


if you spend a lot of time around animals. Avoiding animals that cause allergic reactions is the best way to prevent pet allergies. Antihistamines can also be taken daily to help manage the symptoms of a pet allergy and lessen an allergic reaction. However, if avoiding animals is not completely possible one should refrain from pet petting, hugging, and kissing. It is also recommended to keep the pet away from your bedroom and furniture.

Furthermore, pet cleanliness should be maintained through regular brushing outside the house and through regular bath using pet soaps and by someone who is not having pet allergies. Additionally, one should vacuum rugs, carpets, and other surfaces on regular basis or at least twice a week. If possible, add an air filter to your house to get rid of as many pet allergens as you can, use an air filter with a high efficiency particulate (HEPA) rating.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


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