National Egg Co-ordination Committee (NECC)

Around the year 1981, the Indian poultry industry was hit by an unprecedented crises. Over 40 percent of all poultry farmers had stopped operations because the business had become econimically unviable. Middlemen had forced down prices and farmers were being paid less than their production cost, a result of speculative trading, since the existing market and distribution network was working against the interest of the farmers. Feed costs had risen by 250 percent in the past 5 years, whereas egg prices were static at an average of 35 paise. Consumption of eggs was low and the future looked anything but healthy.
My Egg, My Price, My Life …
With no help coming from any quarter, a group of farmers motivated by Dr. B.V. Rao traveled across the country, organizing over 300 meetings with groups, individuals, and traders. Their objective – unite poultry farmers from all over India, and take control of their own destiny. Dr. Rao’s call “My Egg, My Price, My Life” consequently brought farmers onto a united platform and realized this objective.
May 1982
NECC was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act. In line with its democratic principles, it was registered as a trust and on May 14th 1982 NECC started declaring egg prices.
NECC is unique in many ways. With a membership of more than 25,000 it is the largest single association of poultry farmers in the world. Most of today’s egg production in India comes from NECC members.
In the past two decades, NECC has played a significant role for the betterment of the poultry industry in general, and the egg industry in particular, through its various programmes like market intervention, price support operations, egg promotion campaigns, consumer education, market research, rural market development and liaisons with the government on vital issues concerning the industry.
A complete voluntary effort by farmers, it has no statutory authority to enforce its declared price, nor does it compel anybody to contribute to its funds. It is based on co-operative spirit and a simple conviction, the right to determine their own selling price.
It makes no profits and subsists entirely on voluntary contributions from the members of layer farmers. To acquire the co-operation of all its widely dispersed members NECC uses a 3-tier democratic setup organized in the form of 40 committees around the country.


West Bengal Poultry Federation
Details :
Address :46/6, Chowringhee Road, Everest Building, 17th floor, Room No. ABC,
Place :Kolkatta, West Bengal, India, 700071
Contact Person :Mr. Samarendra Narayan Sen Sen
Contact Number :033-40175700
Email :wbpoultryfederation@yahoo.in
Website :

Poulvet.com Support Team

The objective of Poulvet.com is to bridge the gap between End users and the Manufacturers of the animal husbandry sector attaining utmost sophistication in easy flow of information, analysis, communication and e-commerce between them.
Poulvet.com is a pioneer portal of its kind. The portal patrons that respectable section of population who are veterinary practitioners, drug manufacturers, distributors, dealers, poultry & livestock farmers and all others who are interested in nurturing pets. These clients can have practical and scientific information on various aspects of animal husbandry.
The portal serves its clients by giving comprehensive information on Canines, Dairy, Poultry, and other livestock including Veterinary Medicines. It also notifies the day to day technological developments in these areas. There exists a Classifieds section which gives in-depth information of most of the companies concerned with animal husbandry world wide. Other services like trading of pets, posting of queries, exhibiting of the profiles, set the portal a multi-dimensional one.
The portal takes a unique foot-step to bring together all the personnel involved in production & protection of fauna. The latest technologies developed in the field of animal husbandry will attract the attention of commercial traders, students, academicians, research scientists and all those involved in livestock and poultry production.
Any portal realizes that it has a responsibility, both moral and ethical to be the best in the web. Although financial success is important, it is not the only measure of being successful. Therefore, it is the mission of Poulvet.com to uphold the following statements as the principles and guiding light:
> To be the most competitive full-service Portal in the Veterinary field.
> To sincerely strive for the better health conditions of the pets and livestock.
We commit to recognize the value of every client with a vision constantly focused to provide him the highest quality of information.

Central Poultry Development Organization & Training Institute(CPDO&TI)

The Central Poultry Organisation (Southern Region), under Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India formed after merging and restructuring of the Central Poultry Units located at Hessaraghatta, Bangalore viz. Central Poultry Training Institute, Central Poultry Breeding Farm, Central Duck Breeding Farm, Random Sample Poultry Performance Testing Centre, during June 2003.
• Maintaining of Germ plasm of low input technology birds and multiplication and development
of these stocks and supply for rural poultry development programmes.
• Conducting of training programmes for in-service candidates and of sponsored foreign candidates.
• Conducting of Training Programmes for women and farmers for rural poultry development programmes
on regional basis.
• Analysis of feed samples for various parameters including mycotoxins.
• Supply of quality ducklings both egg type and meat type to state poultry organizations and farmers.
• Under diversification programme, Turkey Production and multiplication.
This Organisations constitutes three major Units:-
1. Training Institute & Service Unit
2. Poultry Unit
3. Turkey Unit
4. Duck Unit

READ MORE :  Formation and Management of Producers Groups/Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs)  and Federations in India

CLFMA of India

CLFMA, the sole, All-India representative of manufacturers of nutritionally balanced and scientifically compounded feed for cattle, poultry, fish, prawns etc., manufacturers and suppliers of feed supplements & raw materials, feed plants & machinery and other service providers business associated with livestock industry.

Today CLFMA has around 233 members including all sectors of the industry.Few animal feed manufacturers way back in 1964 initiated the dialogue to give organizational bent to this industry. As a result, CLFMA was formed and registered on 8th June 1967, which in 1969 was registered as a charitable public trust. The prime objective of CLFMA is helping the promotion of overall animal husbandry, by promoting the concept of balanced feeding of animals in accordance with their nutritional requirements for deriving the maximum output from them through productivity improvement.

CLFMA is fully committed to manufacturing and supplying high quality; safe and conversion-efficient animal feeds to livestock farmers at prices affordable to them. During 2010, at the AGM held at Chandigarh, the resolution was passed to form a Sub-Committee to broad-base CLFMA of India. It was agreed by the members present that all sectors of livestock industry should come together for the progress of the industry.

Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association (KPFBA)

Karnataka Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association
The Karnataka Poultry farmers & Breeders Association was established in the year 1991. Objectives of KPFBA :
a. To promote organized development of poultry farming in the State of Karnataka.
b. To represent poultry farming needs to the union government, state governments & all bodies that impact the poultry farming activity in Karnataka.
c. To collect & maintain information of poultry farming activity in the state. Sharing the same with its members, Government bodies & policy makers of the State.
d. To liaise between poultry farming community, educational institutions & research institutions.
e. To represent Karnataka Poultry farming activity to other associations, nationally & internationally.
Few decades ago, poultry farming was a primitive, backyard village activity. Today this agricultural activity has moved a long way coming to a position of creating employment opportunity close to 5 Lakh families in the state of Karnataka.
With these statistics, members of KPFBA are contributing to
job creation & improving socio-economic status in rural India. Financially impacting the agricultural sector of the state.
KPFBA would be a one point of contact for information on poultry activity in the state for its citizens, consumers, its members, state government & central government.


Poultry Federation of India

The Poultry Federation of India is the voice of the Indian Poultry Industry, committed to its growth. Serving producers and processors of turkey, chicken, quail, squab and egg products, the PFI provides a united voice for the industry with government, media and the general public.
The mission of the PFI is to preserve, promote and protect the activities that bring value to stake holders of the poultry industry in India.
Federation membership consists of growers, producers, industry employees, allied industry suppliers and “main street” businesses, which recognize the importance of poultry in India’s economy.
PFI officers, directors and committee members represent all segments of the poultry industry and serve without compensation, giving freely of their time and talents to keep poultry industry competitive.
Committees, coordinated through the PFI office, carry out most activities. These committees plan and implement the Federation’s activities.
In addition to representatives from all phases of the poultry industry and allied industry, personnel from various organizations have come together to serve the poultry industry.

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