The Hon’ble Prime Minister is encouraging better income for the farmers via diversification into the livestock sector. Poultry sector is one of the most promising sectors because this sector ensures reasonable income round the year to small and landless farmers with the least capital investment. Based on the discussion with the President, Poultry Federation of India and other members of the federation, the following points and for your kind consideration. These should be considered to encourage the poultry sector based on good practices which will help both farmers and consumers. Value addition will also encourage revenue for the government as well.

Problems of Poultry presented by PFI

  1. Poultry sector needs financial support to meet Pollution Control Guidelines—Under the direction of National Green Tribunal (NGT), the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued pollution control guidelines for the poultry sector. It is important to note that to enforce these guidelines there are certain infrastructure requirements like incinerators for the disposal of dead birds. It is impossible for the small farmers to establish incinerators in every farm, therefore it is recommended that they should budget to create incinerators in every panchayat where the poultry population is more than one million in one year. This will help in addressing the requirements of CPCB . In the absence of budgetary support, it will be impossible for the farmers to adopt these guidelines and this may lead to avoidable litigation and disputes in rural India. This will lead to conflicts between enforcement authorities and the farmer groups.


 Request: Creation of an environmental management fund for the poultry sector to encourage companies to set up incinerators in rural India.


  1. Encourage Environment controlled (EC) houses by extending Government support to small and landless farmers: There is a provision to extend financial support for green houses in horticulture sector so that farmers can produce good quality horticulture crop by avoiding environmental risk and also reduce the use of agro chemicals and other inputs which can improve the food safety status in the country. On the similar lines, the environment controlled houses should be promoted for small poultry farmers by giving financial incentives to small farmers and landless farmers active in poultry farming. The use of antibiotics and other inputs can be minimised because environmen control houses will reduce negative external environment and biosecurity threats on poultry birds. EC houses will reduce bird mortality and farmers will have an assured income and consumers will have a product free from antibiotics. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is becoming a serious concern in society and this will impact the overall healthcare system of India.
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Request: It is important to have an environment controlled housing promotion policy and budgetary support should be initiated by the Government of India with suitable budgetary provisions.


  1. Poultry droppings should be declared as organic manure: It is a well known fact, but with suitable financial support will encourage conserving and utilising this vital organic material.


 Request: The way cow dung management and paddy parrali management is supported by various government schemes, similarly poultry droppings should also be included in such schemes.


  1. Promote Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs) for the poultry sector: In order to support small horticulture farmers, the Government of India has come out with many innovative schemes and supporting FPOs promotions. Similarly, to support small poultry farmers and other livestock sectors, FPOs should be encouraged.

Request: FPO for poultry sector should be supported to undertake direct marketing and processing for the consumers in an organised manner. This will reduce the exploitation of small poultry farmers in mandies and farmers and consumers will both benefit from the highly fluctuating poultry prices in the country. This will also improve the food quality and safety in the country.

  1. India needs a proper ‘Feed and Fodder policy’: There is an acute shortage of quality feed and fodder in the country. Today, there is no feed and fodder policy in the country, resulting in acute shortages of feed and fodder for the livestock sector. At the same time huge quantities of agricultural biomass are either going to waste or improperly utilised, this is also leading to reduced income for the farmer growing various crops where unused biomass can be utilised properly. At the same time, this rotting biomass is adding to the pollution.
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Request: Forward looking feed and fodder policy will ensure quality feed and fodder at an affordable price round the year. This will also support farmers’ income because their agricultural waste will have a market. With proper policy, many startups will explore this as a new business opportunity in rural India. This will also address environmental issues and help in crop diversification by farmers supported by feed and fodder as a source of income by a recognised organised market.


  1. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for poultry sector: The Global inflation is creating an opportunity for the Indian poultry sector to enter the world market. In order to encourage investments in poultry processing and value addition activities in the poultry sector, the government of India should come up with a PLI scheme for the poultry sector with a focus on export markets. This will also improve the value chain in the poultry sector and will stabilise poultry prices in the country. This will help in creating a hygienic poultry production system in the country and will benefit both farmers and consumers.

 Request: Government should explore PLI scheme for poultry products exports.

  1. Needs to have a “Poultry Sector Insurance Scheme”: Environmental contamination and biosecurity threats are big risk areas for poultry farmers. Considering the high risk activity, it is important that there must be a proper insurance policy for the poultry sector. This will insulate farmers from many financial risks and exploitation. Insurance schemes can be linked to the minimum cost recovery and minimum income assurance options of the farmers. These can be market linked. This will encourage farmers to continue their activities without any fear of risk due to various force majeure conditions, which are beyond the control of farmers and government. This will ensure livelihood for poultry farmers as well as the livelihood of other agricultural produce farmers like maize and cereals, which are generally not consumed by the human system in bulk quantities.

 Request: The Government of India must initiate a risk mitigation fund for the insurance companies to encourage them to launch insurance policies for the farmers. This will encourage new technologies, property records, biosecurity systems and have a good track record of maintaining poultry mortality records. This will also encourage good animal husbandry practices and will also encourage professionalism in the poultry sector, including the environmental management system. The properly designed insurance scheme will be a big motivation for farmers to adopt better management practices so that they become eligible for insurance schemes. This will benefit the country as a whole and will reduce financial stress among the farmers. Consumers will get assured quality products for consumption. This will also encourage investment in value addition in the poultry sector and exports from India.



  1. Make in India’ Policy for veterinary medicines and drugs should be encouraged— Indian pharmaceutical industry is well recognised for their contribution in human healthcare systems around the world. There is a huge opportunity for animal health care systems in the world. The Indian pharmaceutical industry should be encouraged to explore this market by developing suitable policies and incentives so that cost of veterinary drugs can be reduced and quality can be ensured. This will help in addressing many health related challenges in the livestock sector and at the same time will reduce cost of production for the farmers by affordable good quality medicines and feed additives. If made affordable, it will also reduce the use of antibiotic applications, which is becoming a big human health challenge in the form of AMR around the world.

Request: There should be a PLI scheme for the drugs and feed additives, which are not Made in India or imported for the livestock sector. With proper policy support, India will be in a position to export these drugs and feed additives to other countries around the world. Meanwhile, customs duties on the imported drugs and additives should be rationalised to reduce cost of production. Sir, undersigned can be contacted for discussion, if required, in the interest of small poultry farmers. Vijay Sardana. Legal Adviser

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