Poultry Management in Rainy Season


Poultry Management in Rainy Season
Dr Surinder khanna, poultry Consultant, Chandigarh

There has been raining in India since last one month .As per Metrological department,the monsoon rain can start continuously for few days. The poultry farmers should take necessary steps. In this season naturally south-west monsoon flow causes heavy rainfall. Gradual reduction and increase of temperature and humidity cause’s parts of the country a lot of rain, somewhere in the cyclone and rain fall for a long time threatened the farm management. In this situation, farmers will be benefited with the following measures-

A. Duties in poultry farm:

1.We have to increase additional 5 meters space around the poultry shed.
2.The additional space should be clean and well kept. It should be free of grass and brushwood.
3. Shed will make well on the additional space.
4.Repair any holes in the roof.
5. Polythene will need to supply if additional roof is not provided. It should be noticed that in case of more rain supply gunny in front and back cover. For big chicken or poultry gunny will be move when the rain does not exist so that light and air can enter easily.
6.The floor should be repair well and kept dry as long as possible before leaving chick.
7.Meal pot that can be kept dry as far as possible should be focused specially.
8. In case of litter the window cells and side holes of walls will find out and all measures can be taken to ensure all litter is dry. Breaking the hard litter spread new litter. Dry goods such as lime powder, ammonium sulphate etc. can use to maintain the dry condition. Otherwise wet litter infects poultry such as Coccidiocies, Entire ties, worm infection that causes great harm.
9. It is specially targeted that the rain water does not grow around the poultry shed. If needed you will be able to receive adequate water drainage. Otherwise it will be ill-shed.

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B.Food Management:

You should store enough food for the rainy seasons so that you do not need buying new food on that time. Otherwise food absorb moisture from the environment when transport it. After purchasing food it should be kept on wooden platform. Platform should be one foot distance from the floor and the walls. We should be careful that the floor is always dry. If indoor humidity is high or the water can enter into the room for a long time and thus have a serious infection of fungus and mold. This species disposed of alpha toxin such as B1, B2, G1 and G2. The B1 is the most severe. This will reduce egg production, delay growth, low food conversion, liver tumor even death of layer and broiler poultry. The maximum tolerable level is 0.1 ppm for the layer and 0.05 ppm for broiler poultry. Ducks and turkeys are more tolerable than poultry. For this reason a little better toxin binder than ordinary should be used in food. Considering all we can say that we should purchased good quality food before the rain starts. Otherwise, the food may oxidize due to humidity in seller’s warehouse or store. So we should buy food that are added the correct level of anti-oxidant. That restores good level food quality.
In rainy season oyster becomes shortage. Oyster is a cheap food component and can be saved for a long time so it can be a good idea to stock early by purchasing. However it is considerable that what temperature can save in store or warehouse.
Note that, more than capacity can not be stored.

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C. Water Management:

In rainy season ponds, rivers, taps even tube wells water can be infected by rain water through the soil and the natural ways. If you want to get better water you have to filter and precipitation for 24 hours long. Another way to purify water with chlorine, in this system 2 gm bleaching powder mixed with 1000 liters of drinking water. The combination of water should apply after 3 hours.

D. Litter Management:

When the poultry is kept in the deep litter system it should always be dry. General litter consists of 25 % moisture. To understand the position of litter one hand of litter with light pressure, if the liter is not a ball-like shaped and leave it with at once then it will better status litter. Remember, in order to keep the litter condition well we have to shake litter at least one in a week. If a part of the litter become wet then quickly move it by new dry litter.
Note that, wet litter make environment for microbial growth as coccsidiocies which causes death of poultry.

E. Faeces Management:

Faeces make an important role in contamination of diseases. So, after a certain period faeces will have to remove from litter. Otherwise we have to spray germicide such as Virkon, Melathiyon etc. Mosquitoes, flies and other insects increase in monsoon. So we have to spray bactericidal spray around the shed to keep the system free of disease.

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