POULTRYMON:The Real-Time Remote Monitoring Solution For Poultry



POULTRYMON:The Real-Time Remote Monitoring Solution For Poultry

In an EXCLUSIVE interview ,Srinivas Chindam and wife Archana, co-founder MLIT Solutions, share their journey, challenges in creating POULTRYMON – The IoT (Internet of Things) based proprietary/patented product for real-time remote monitoring solution for Poultry Hatcheries, Farms, Cold Rooms, and other facilities to improve production and quality by managing essential conditions throughout the hatch cycle. Making hatcheries and farms smarter by detecting anomalies in real time and doing predictive maintenance for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

MLIT Solutions has been working on the development of automated wireless Remote Monitoring system “PoultryMon” for all important parameters involved in the Poultry process for the past four years. It detects deviations or failures in conditions such as temperature, humidity, CO2, Bird Weight and so on, in addition to monitoring the parameters.

How did the thought originate?

We started our raid IoT in manufacturing Industry as we’ve a closed corporation of producing Aerospace fasteners. Entry into Poultry sector was rather coincidental. Later while working with a client who also happened to possess a hatchery where in there was an entire hatch loss and chicks have died thanks to operator negligence during already dark. We realized how critical it’s to watch live stock in real time for deviations and maintain conditions throughout the hatch cycle.

The idea to possess a sensible management system where the manager can have seamless visibility of the method in real time with in his mobile and even have alert mechanisms as soon as something goes awry has originated.

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What has gone into planning and developing PoultryMon?

Extensive field research by our team to know the functionality across from farm to hatchery and therefore the breeding cycle enabled us to spot the pain areas of the Poultry Industry because it is labor intensive and technology primitive. With the arrival of niche technologies like Internet of things we could demonstrate the added value of sensors making a hatchery smarter for sensing and monitoring. To usher in connectivity and develop advanced technology which is agnostic to existing machinery within the farm was challenging. we’ve designed, developed product and is patent pending and that we are the primary company to implement IoT technology at farm level from India.

How long did it fancy bring the thought to fruition?

It took us little quite a year to bring it to the market after number of trials and testing.

What were the challenges in its evolution so far?

As IoT remains in its nascent stage and evolving at a rapid pace. It has been challenging for us to seek out expert resources in development of our hardware and also local production partner. After few iterations of design and functionality, we’ve standardized our offering now. The potential of disrupting Poultry sector and introducing innovation which may benefit the top farmer and may inaugurate improvements both in productivity and quality is what kept us going albeit we are boot strapped.

What is PoultryMon and what are its features?

PoultryMon is actual time far flung tracking answer for Poultry hatcheries and farms for green control and manage of the essential situations all through the hatch cycle enhancing yield and quality. Making hatcheries and farms smarter thru actual time anomaly detection and predictive upkeep for elevated performance and optimizing productivity.

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Which sort of Incubators this gadget is well matched with?

Our gadget is well matched with all the present and new conventional Incubators regardless of the maker.

How are you reaching to the marketplace?

We are selling thru diverse channels and interacting at once with our clients and farmers on field. Participating in workshops, displaying in International Poultry Expo. We are incubated in T-hub. We are taking assist from Govt of Telangana for promotions in diverse Agri programs.

Is it clean to put in and use as maximum of the people aren’t educated?

Plug and play version permits customers to without difficulty Install. Our cellular and net apps are very consumer friendly.

Is it beneficial most effective on the hatchery stage or the advantages may be prolonged to farm stage?

Yes, the chicks produced via way of means of retaining top-rated parameters for the duration of the cycle of incubation are of plenty better great and much less vulnerable to abnormalities.

Who are your clients?

Below are few of our Customer from Hatchery, Farms and Cold Rooms:

  • Suguna Foods – TN
  • Godrej Agrovet
  • Aviagen
  • Sakku Group – AP
  • Shivshakti Agro India Ltd – WB
  • Swathi Hatcheries – TN
  • Lotus Farms – Karnataka
  • Janaki Group (Vimala) – TS
  • Lakshmi Sarada – AP
  • Vijayanagar Hatcheries – AP
  • Diamond Hatcheries – TS
  • GBR Hatcheries – AP
  • JRB Hatcheries- TS
  • Mahalakshmi Poultry – AP
  • SRKR & SKR Poultry – AP
  • Sundaramma Poultry – AP
  • Shiva Shanker Poultry – AP
  • Bhagyalakshmi Poultry – AP

How is it impacting in small cities and rural areas?

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PoultryMon has the capability to usher in paradigm shift on this Industry with the aid of using appreciably enhancing productiveness and sustainability. It is able to be used to optimize the best of meat at the same time as lowering the opportunities of fraud thru improving traceability.

Our goal is to supply technology that suit the complete price chain from farm to fork reinforcing and empowering farmers with yield development there with the aid of using growing sales and strengthening them for the demanding situations beforehand with the aid of using having higher visibility and control.



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