Post no-563 Dt-11/02/2018
Compiled & shared by-DR RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542,
Poultry particularly broiler is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. Poultry industry is one of the major industries in India and with globalization as the food patterns re changing has further gained substantial impetus. I am depicting here the true face of the recent condition of the broiler farmers of India. Being a poultry vet usually I come across broiler farmers from around the India via social media or mobile and get feed back from them. You will be astonished to know that every broiler farmer tears with their eyes by narrating their condition pathetic condition. The cost of production of poultry broiler per kg at farm gate is on average 80/ Rs.but the producer are are forced to sell their birds at far below 75 /Rs. In most of the time incurring a heavy loss .They has to purchase DOC ( day old chick) at average of Rs 50/ per chick.The cost of broiler feed per kg is not below 31 Rs. Due to poor farm infrastructure and bio security there is average per batch mortality of 5% .The marketing scenario of ready birds is under grip of middleman. The ready bird rates fluctuates like sensex. More over , after arrival of Integration in broiler farming ,the small producer are safe(earning secured per kg growing rate which varies from rs 6 to 7.5 Rs. Per kg ) but the medium and large producer has suffered heavy set back due to volatile market.
However it is still being riddled with several challenges being faced by the poultry industry which can be summed as:-
1. Regional imbalance of poultry products
Production is not evenly distributed in the country. More than 60% of broilers are
produced in 5 states (Andhra Pradesh+Telengana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab and West Bengal) while more than 60% of eggs are produced in 5 states (Andhra Pradesh+Telengana, Haryana, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu). This creates logistic and quality issues related to transport.production. Moreover, unequal demand of poultry meat and egg, have resulted in unequal growth of the industry.
2. Lack in education and access to technology
Most of poultry farms use open buildings, which means no control of climate and high risks related to potential poor biosecurity.
3. Raw material prices
The rate at which the prices of most of the raw materials are increasing is worrisome. Fluctuation in feeds such as soyabean and maize creates problem in fulfilling minimum nutritional requirements. The problem is confounded by the fact that there is no alternative protein source. The cost of day old chicks is increasing day by day , in most of the time it remains above Rs. 50/ per chicks.Also non available during peak time. The rate of hatching eggs are also not below Rs.35 . not available throughout a year .Availability is far below the existing demand, giving chance to hatchery people to increase rate of doc above Rs.50/.
4. Cold storage facilities are lacking ,
which is a serious issue because meat and egg demand vary a lot over the year, due to different religious rituals.
5. Lack of human resources
Shortage of technical personnel, including veterinarians, researchers, nutritionists, and para-veterinarians in several critical areas where specific expertise knowledge is essential.
6. Onslaught of poultry diseases
Diseases like bird flu ,VVND , IBD, GOUT etc creates panic among poultry producer incurring heavy economic loss to producer. Diseases like bird flu creates panic among people leading to lesser demand as well as slaughter of affected birds leading to economic losses. Adding to it, is the increase in temperature which affects their health as well as lead to their death.
7. Indian poultry sector is still unable to tap the benefit of international market. Lack of adequate cold storage, warehouses is the major factor affecting poultry sector in India.
8. Majority of the production is by unorganized which is another threat faced by sector.
9 . Numerous private poultry dealers are allowed to conduct business in the most unhygienic conditions. The proximity of the birds to their waste and other birds increases risk of agents such as salmonella for consumers.
10 . Lack of comprehensive regulating authority to maintain hygiene, and granting of licenses to such businesses.
11 . Consumer mindset largely prefers fresher produce compared to packaged meat. Along with this, the lack of any comprehensive poultry processing parks in the country, makes packaged and processed meat a niche market.
12 . The emphasis on subsidizing grains has led to a recent development of ‘protein inflation’ where investment costs for businesses are high, therefore driving prices up. The volatility of the market and a lack of technology for a majority of traders leads to frequent outbreaks or deaths due to various factors (insufficient supplementation, temperature fluctuations)
13. Food safety- The presence of flues in chicken and use of massive antibiotics for fattening livestock has posed a major threat to human lives in terms of disease transfer through food chain and developing antibiotic resistance through bacteria mutation..
14.. Climate change- Climate change driven phenomenon like heat waves is impacting the poultry . Broiler can not sustain temperature above 40 for prolonged period .This lead to their death or causing several health implications. Mass deaths have been witnessed in the month of may & June months.
15 .Linkages with other industries-The affect on poultry is not limited to itself rather food of this poultry has witnessed fall in prices due to reduction in demand driven by mass deaths. This has negative impact on the life of farmers especially maize as their yields do not find market.
The measures to be taken are
1. Strong marketing network to set the industry free from the clutches of middlemen. For this the best model is to form BROILER POULTRY PRODUCERS SELF SUPPORTING COPERATIVE SOCIETY .I have seen this model is best suited in todays scenarios for example Jharkhand state women poultry producer cooperative federation. Inspite of heavy integration and volatile market the producers are getting profit. The reasons behind this is that the cost of production per kg chicken is far below the independent farmer. This is possible due to this poultry cooperative society. This society acts as single window system for poultry farmers. Farmers get entire input from society . So, this type of poultry cooperative society should be formed in every places. We have learnt the success story of AMUL.
2. Government support to public poultry educational and R&D institutions.
3. Building infrastructure to meet the growing manpower demand of the poultry sector.
4. Promote both mass production as well as production by masses.
5. Support and promotion of the processing sector.
6. Insurance against losses.As no insurance company come forward to insure broiler poultry in India inspite of provisions.
7. Provision of subsidies, and credit to encourage small and medium producer.
8 . Poultry industry of India has large potential of growth due to shifting food preferences, consumerism, advertisements of companies like KFC and McDonalds, more disposable income with youth and beef ban
9. Depsite being a big market, there is little practice of contract farming except in South India ,Other parts should also be encouraged for contract farming and hence backwards integration leading to secure profit to small producer .
10. . Maize is the chief feed but it is rain fed, suffers from lower Minimum Support Price than rice and wheat, and gets exported to Bangladesh, etc. who are using it for their poultry. This affects prices for the retail customers.
11. Different Value Added Taxes between states encourages smuggling. But this problem has been solved once GST is in place.
12 . Slaughter on road side shops shows scant regard for cleanliness, there is little storage space and bacteria spreads fast.It should be ban by the concered authority with immediate effects. Although there is provision in FASSI. The chicken shops should be as per the norms of FASSI.
13. Outbreak of diseases like Avian Influenza ( Bird Flu) causes culling of poultry, scrapping of orders and price rise which hits the industry hard. Besides, heat waves are threat as well. These issues need to be sorted out. Government is providing assistance in fighting Bird Flu, developing farms, breeding varietiesm protecting indigeneous ones and introducing newer breeds, research and development in labs, banning imports from countries affected by Bird Flu and budgetary suppott for various sub-missions.
14. Preference for fresh meat over packaged meat.It is the great strength for us.
15. Poultry industry was hit due to Bird Flu which restructured demand and supply patterns, thus allowing new players to enter at India’s cost. But of late, Indian poultry has been growing on back of domestic demands and international trade.
16. The government could launch similar initiatives with the Jago Grahak Jago campaign to educate consumers of the dangers of buying exposed meat. Awareness programme about Importance of eggs and chicken protein among common people in collaboration with NGO, NECC, etc
17. Feed cost and continuous efforts to get a better understanding of available alternative feed ingredients. As of right now, feed cost is probably one of the most serious challenges for the industry.
18. Disease outbreaks and implementation of biosecurity programs, although the extent and also types of disease outbreaks can vary in different parts of the India. In addition, diseases of metabolic origin including ascites and skeletal disorders are of importance as well.
19. Issues surrounding inclusion of antibiotics in poultry feed and also the use of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters.
20. Safety of poultry products for human consumption.
21. Nutrition-related environmental issues (excretion of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the manure).
22. Issues related to water in terms of both quality and quantity.
23. Convergence of MDM with eggs and chicken supplementations.
Poultry industry has potential of generating employment and increasing the income of small and marginal farmers .The changing diatery pattern due to globalization and recent beef ban laws by several state gov. has driven the demand and provides a window of opportunity. However if this potential is to be realized overcoming the challenges is must. The framing of policy to regulate use of antibiotics, setting standards with quality regards, introduce genetic engineering to produce heat resistant species are some of the solutions.However while framing such policies all stakeholders must be consulted and holistic and comprehensive approach adopted.
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