Post no-599 Dt-12/03/2018

Compiled & shared by-DR RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542,
Our lives are becoming easier day-by-day, thanks to the growing technology. People are relying on various businesses to make money. There is no need to worry about when you don’t have enough money to start the business of your choice because there are several banks in the country which are offering loans at reasonable interest rates.
Banks offer loans to the people who needs start up money because starting a business needs a lot of seed money which ordinary man cannot afford. This is the reason banks started giving them loans and ask them to repay them in the form of EMI (equated monthly installments) which is easy way to repay the loan.
People in the country depend upon various businesses and their business depends upon their family background. Some people make money by doing agriculture and some do livestock farming or cattle farming. All these kinds business needs a lot of money. It is known fact that these business needs lot of seed money. Livestock farming is one kind of business which needs huge investment because taking care of all farms animals can be risky this is the reason proper food should be given to them. Providing quality food to all farm animals needs a lot of money this is the reason it is good to get a loan from bank. After taking loan from banks it would be easy for a person to provide proper shelter to all farm animals , good food and good health care.
India has always put emphasis on farm livestock resources, with agriculture aptly complemented with animal husbandry practices. There are several schemes from various public and private sector companies that deal with animal husbandry and Agriculture Loans. These loans are primarily aimed at the rural populace so as to enable them to adopt animal husbandry practices without worrying about the finances involved.
Animal husbandry loans are generally offered for purchase or creation of assets and infrastructure related to poultry, sericulture, piggery, dairy development, fisheries development and apiculture etc. The loans are usually secured against mortgage of land, hypothecation of acquired assets or third party guarantee.
Major Banks offering Animal Husbandry and related Loans—
State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Federal Bank, HDFC Bank , Punjab National Bank(pre Nirav modi n Mehul chauksi scam), and several other banks offer animal husbandry and agriculture loans.
Features of Animal Husbandry Loan—–
• Loans are available for up to 100% of cost of asset or project cost.
• Typically longer repayment tenures.
• Minimal paperwork and quick loan processing.
• Flexible repayment options that include cheques, ECS, internet banking, standing instructions and automated loan recovery, among others.
• Loans are generally disbursed at low interest rates.
Documents required for Animal Husbandry Loan—-
There are minimal documentation requirements for applying for an animal husbandry loan.
• One identity proof among PAN card, passport, driving license, voters ID.
• One address proof among passport, lease agreement, sales tax certificate, electricity or telephone bill, ration card etc.
• Quotation for the acquiring assets may be asked for by the lender.
Types of Animal Husbandry techniques covered under loans—-
These loans can be used for a variety of purposes such as dairy development programmes, milk production activities such as buying and maintenance of milch animals, rearing of female calves, cattle breeding through artificial insemination, milk house constructions, milk processing facility financing, pasture development financing and lots more in the dairy side of financing.
The loans also cover other avenues of animal husbandry such as fishery, piggery, poultry, apiculture, sericulture and many other techniques.
Choosing an Animal Husbandry Loan—–
Each bank has its own criteria for offering animal husbandry loans and you are advised to contact banks individually to know what their loan product actually covers. Most of the public sector banks are involved in some form of agriculture and agriculture allied loans, so you should look at your requirements and make a choice accordingly. There are also some subsidies available from the government for people of backward categories to acquire assets related to animal husbandry. As such, you should also enquire about the related benefits of an animal husbandry scheme while applying for a loan.
A GST rate of 18% is applicable on banking services and products from 01 July, 2017.
Purpose of the loan
A loan is provided for the purchase of assets/creation of assets/infrastructure relating to poultry, dairy development, Piggery, Sericulture, Apiculture and Fisheries Development etc.
General key features
• Quick loan processing
• Loan amount up to 100% of the project cost with most lenders
• Minimal paperwork
• Flexible tenures to lessen repayment burden
• Security required would be the Hypothecation of assets acquired/ Mortgage of land
• Third party guarantee might be insisted upon
• Loan amount depends on the creditworthiness of the applicant and the cost of assets that the applicant has
• Flexible repayment options that include payment by way of cheques, ECS, internet banking, and standing instructions amongst other options
• These types of loans typically come at low-interest rates
Documents required
The documentation required is generally straightforward and simple. Following is an overview:
• Proof of Identity (Passport / Voters ID card / Driving License / PAN Card)
• Proof of residence (Ration card / Telephone bill / Electricity Bill / Lease agreement / Passport / Trade license / Sales Tax certificate)
• Estimate/quotation for the assets to be acquired/created
• Business report/project report in the case of large projects
Animal Husbandry Loan – How to apply
If you are looking for an Animal Husbandry Loan and are unsure about how to apply, then CreditMantri can guide you. You can typically apply for a business loan which can be utilized to establish your Animal Husbandry business.
You can check your eligibility and apply for a business loan by signing up with CreditMantri. It is quick, simple and above all, free.
CreditMantri matches your credit and demographic profile to the lender’s lending criteria and presents you a shortlist of only those lenders willing to lend to you based on your unique credit profile. In effect, we pre-screen your application to make sure you are likely to qualify as per the lender’s credit criteria. Hence the chances of your business loan application getting approved are higher.
How to get Nabard Subsidy for Dairy Farming
Dairy farming is a large unorganized sector in India and a major source for livelihood in rural areas. In an effort to bring in structure into the dairy farming industry and provide assistance for setting up dairy farms, the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries launched the “Venture Capital Scheme for Dairy and Poultry” in 2005. The scheme provided for interest free loans for setting up dairy units and as of 31st March, 2010 nearly 15,268 dairy farms enjoyed interest free loans to the tune of Rs.146.91 crores in India. Following the success of the Venture Capital Scheme for Dairy and Poultry, the Government in 2010 decided to launch the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme through NABARD. In this article, we look at how to get NABARD subsidy for dairy farming.
NABARD Subsidy for Dairy Farming Overview
Dairy farming is big business in India and according to Assocham report, milk production in India is likely to reach 190 million tones by 2015 with an annual turnover of over Rs.5 Lakh Crores. In an effort to further strengthen dairy farming in India, the NABARD subsidy for dairy farming was launched. The objectives of the scheme include:
• To promote setting up of modern dairy farms for production of clean milk
• To encourage heifer calf rearing thereby conserve good breeding stock
• To bring structural changes in the unorganized sector so that initial processing of milk can be taken up at the village level itself.
• To bring about upgradation of quality and traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale
• To generate self employment and provide infrastructure mainly for unorganized sector.
NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Eligibility
The following types of persons and association of persons are eligible for receiving the NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy:
• Farmers
• Individual Entrepreneurs
• NGOs
• Companies
• Groups of unorgainsed and organized sector etc.
• Groups of organized sector include Self Help Groups, Dairy Cooperative Societies, Milk Unions, Milk Federations, etc.
However, an individual will be eligible to avail the dairy subsidy for all the components under the scheme but only once for each component. Further, if more than one member of a family must avail the dairy farming subsidy, they they must setup separate units with separate infrastructure at different locations. The distance between the boundaries of two such farms should be at least 500m.
NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Schemes—
The following is the assistance provided under the NABARD subsidy for Dairy Farming scheme:
• Type: Establishment of small dairy units with crossbred cows/ indigenous descript milch cows like Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir, Rathi etc / graded buffaloes upto 10 animals.
o Investment: Rs 5.00 lakh for 10 animal unit – minimum unit size is 2 animals with an upper limit of 10 animals.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33 .33 % for SC / ST farmers, ) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 1.25 lakh for a unit of 10 animals ( Rs 1.67 lakh for SC/ST farmers,). Maximum permissible capital subsidy is Rs 25000 ( Rs 33,300 for SC/ST farmers )for a 2 animal unit. Subsidy shall be restricted on a prorata basis depending on the unit size.
• Type: Rearing of heifer calves – cross bred, indigenous descript milch breeds of cattle and of graded buffaloes – upto 20 calves.
o Investment: Rs 4.80 lakh for 20 calf unit – minimum unit size of 5 calves with an upper limit of 20 calves.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 1.20 lakh for a unit of 20 calves ( Rs 1.60 lakh for SC/ST farmers). Maximum permissible capital subsidy is Rs 30,000 ( Rs 40,000 for SC/ST farmers) for a 5 calf unit. Subsidy shall be restricted on a prorata basis depending on the unit size.
• Type: Vericompost (with milch animal unit .To be considered with milch animals and not separately ).
o Investment: Rs. 20,000/-
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers)as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 5,000/- ( Rs 6700/- for SC/ST farmers,).
• Type: Purchase of milking machines /milkotesters/bulk milk cooling units (upto 2000 lit capacity).
o Investment: Rs 18 lakh.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 4.50 lakh ( Rs 6.00 lakh for SC/ST farmers).
• Type: Purchase of dairy processing equipment for manufacture of indigenous milk products.
o Investment: Rs 12 lakh.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 3.00 lakh ( Rs 4.00 lakh for SC/ST farmers).
• Type: Establishment of dairy product transportation facilities and cold chain.
o Investment: Rs 24 lakh.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 6.00 lakh ( Rs 8.00 lakh for SC/ST farmers).
• Type: Cold storage facilities for milk and milk products.
o Investment: Rs 30 lakh.
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 7.50 lakh ( Rs 10.00 lakh for SC/ST farmers).
• Type: Establishment of private veterinary clinics.
o Investment: Rs 2.40 lakh for mobile clinic and Rs 1.80 lakh for stationary clinic .
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 60,000/- and Rs 45,000/- ( Rs 80,000/- and Rs 60,000/- for SC/ST farmers) respectively for mobile and stationary clinics.
• Type: Dairy marketing outlet / Dairy parlour.
o Investment: Rs 56,000/-
o Subsidy: 25% of the outlay (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 14,000/-( Rs 18600/- for SC/ST farmers).
How to get Nabard Subsidy for Dairy Farming—
NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Process
The following are the steps to be followed for getting the NABARD Subsidy for Dairy Farming:
Step 1: Decide which type of business activity you are going to establish that pertains to dairy farming. The activity to be undertaken or business model can be one of the mentioned types above.
Step 2: Register a company or any other suitable business or NGO entity.
Step 3: Prepare a detailed project report or business plan for the dairy farm including a request for bank loan.
Step 4: Submit request for bank loan to any commercial bank or regional rural bank or state cooperative bank or state cooperative agriculture and rural development bank or other institutions, which are eligible for refinance from NABARD.
Step 5: Once the bank loan is sanctioned, the promoter would have to implement the project using his contribution and bank loan.
• Authority for sanction of the loan, interest rate, tenure and collateral requirement is left to the Bank.
Step 6: On disbursement of first installment of the loan, the Bank would have to apply to NABARD for sanction and release of NABARD subsidy for dairy farming.
Step 7: NABARD would release the subsidy to the bank. The would hold the subsidy in an account classified as “Subsidy Reserve Fund Account” with no interest.
Step 8: On satisfactory servicing of the loan obligation by the promoter, the subsidy amount in the Subsidy Reserve Fund Account would be adjusted against the last few repayments of the bank loan.
For construction of shed, purchase of milch animals, milking machine, chaff cutter or any other equipment required for the purpose.
Who are eligible?
• Individual farmers who are members of the milk procuring societies or located on milk route.
• They should be less than 65 years of age.
• Individual dairy unit having less than 10 animal – should own minimum 0.25 acre of land for every 5 animals for growing fodder and be in a position to procure the balance requirements locally.
• Individual dairy unit having 10 animals and above – should own or lease a minimum of one acre of land for cultivation of fodder for every 5 animals.
Other terms
• Only buffaloes producing more than 7 litres of milk per day and cows producing more than 8 litres of milk per day are financed
• Animal purchase should be in 2 batches
Animals in first and second lactation alone are eligible for finance
• 100% of the cost for loans upto Rs 100,000/
• 90% of the cost for loans above Rs 100,000/ with a maximum of Rs 5 lakhs as Term loan
WORKING CAPITAL: A working capital @ Rs.2500/- per animal per year may be Sanctioned for purchase of feed, fodder and medicine along with the term loan
• Hypothecation of assets created out of bank finance for loans upto Rs 1.00 lac .
• For loans Over Rs.1 lac -Mortgage of landed property (or) third party guarantee
• Worth for loan amount (or) group guarantee of other 2 dairy farmers.
How do you repay
The loan should be repaid in monthly installments  over a period of 5 lactations.
How to apply for this loan
You may contact our nearest SBI branch or talk to the marketing officers visiting your village.
Loans Types——-
Agricultural loans are available for a multitude of farming purposes. Farmers may apply for loans to buy inputs for the cultivation of food grain crops as well as for horticulture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, floriculture and sericulture businesses. There are also special loans to finance the purchase of agricultural machinery such as tractors, harvesters and trucks. Construction of biogas plants and irrigation systems as well as the purchase of agricultural land may also be financed through special types of agricultural finance. Here is some information about the kind of agricultural credit and loans provided by public sector banks in India.
State Bank of India SBI presents a wide range of financial schemes for agriculturalists. These schemes include crop loans, Produce Marketing Loan Scheme, Loan Against Warehouse Receipts, Kisan Credit Card Scheme, agricultural term loans, Land Development Scheme, Minor Irrigation Scheme, Farm Mechanisation Scheme, Financing Of Combine Harvesters, Kisan Gold Card Scheme, Land Purchase Scheme, Krishi Plus Scheme, Arthias Plus Scheme, Dairy Plus Scheme, Broiler Plus Scheme, Finance To Horticulture, Lead Bank Scheme and Agri Business Heads Scheme. The Bank also provides Micro Finance through Self Help Groups and loans through 30 regional rural banks.
Schemes Of Nationalised Banks—-
Allahabad Bank – offers the Kisan Credit Card and Kisan Shakti Yojana Scheme. The Kisan Credit Card(External website that opens in a new window)offers the Kisan Credit Card and Kisan Shakti Yojana Scheme. The Kisan Credit Card is a unique scheme for farmers through which they can draw a cash loan for crop production as well as domestic needs from the card – issuing branch within the sanctioned limit. The Kisan Shakti Yojana provides farm investment credit, as well as personal/domestic loans including repayment of debt to moneylenders. The permissible loan limit will be 50 per cent of the value of land or 5 times the net farm income, whichever is lower, less the outstanding amount, if any, in Agril.
Andhra Bank – provides facilities to farmers like AB Kisan Vikas Card, AB Pattabhi Agricard, AB Kisan Chakra, rural godowns, agri clinics, agri service centres, self help groups and solar cookers. They also provide other schemes such as Kisan Sampathi, tractor financing, Kisan Green Card, Surya Sakhti and loans to dairy agents.
Bank of Baroda – offers farmers the Baroda Kisan Credit Card. It also has schemes for the purchase of agricultural implements, heavy agricultural machinery like tractors, irrigation and other infrastructure. Bank of Baroda also finances the development of agri industries like horticulture, sericulture, fisheries, dairy and poultry.
Bank of India – has a Kisan Credit Card Scheme that helps farmers raise short – term funds for agriculture and other farm – based activities, on an on – going basis, with very flexible and friendly repayment terms. It also offers an agricultural loan for development of agriculture related industries, purchase of machinery and other agricultural purposes.
Bank of Maharashtra – offers agriculturists a Mahabank Kisan Credit Card and financial schemes for digging new wells, purchasing harvesters, livestock, vehicles and land. Repayment terms for different agricultural loans range from three to fifteen years.
Canara Bank – provides Kisan Credit Cards. Limits up to 50,000 have no margin while those above 50,000 have a margin of 15 to 20 percent. Other than this, Canara Bank provides a wide array of financial schemes for different agricultural purposes.
Central Bank of India – The Central Kisan Credit Card is a credit service provided to farmers on the basis of their holdings for purchasing agricultural inputs. Only those farmers having a good track record for the past 2 years with the bank as a borrower or depositor and who are not defaulters to any credit institution would be considered for loans.
Corporation Bank – offers a range of loan schemes to farmers. They are the Corp Gram Mitra Yojana, Corp Arthias Loan Yojana, Corp Kisan Tie – Up Loan Scheme, Corp Kisan Farm Mechanisation Scheme and Corp Kisan Vehicle Loan Yojna.
Dena Bank – Dena Bank has sponsored 2 Regional Rural Banks namely Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank in Gujarat and Durg Rajnandgaon Gramin Bank (DRGB) in Chhattisgarh. The bank has set up a Rural Development Foundation for training unemployed youth in rural areas. Other financial schemes of the bank are the Dena Swacch Gram Yojana, Dena Kisan Gold Credit Card Scheme and the Dena Bhumiheen Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
Indian Bank – has a wide range of schemes for agriculturalists such as Swarojgar Credit Card, Gramin Mahila Sowbhagya Scheme, Kisan Bike Loan Scheme, Yuva Kisan Vidya Nidhi Yojana and Indian Bank Kisan Card Scheme.
Indian Overseas Bank – offers agri business consultancy services that include conducting feasibility and market studies, preparation of detailed project reports and formulation of rehabilitation packages for sick agro units.
Oriental Bank of Commerce – It has two agricultural projects – the Grameen Project and the Comprehensive Village Development Programme. The Grameen Project involves disbursing small loans ranging from Rs. 75 onwards to mostly women. Training is also provided in villages in using locally available raw material to produce pickles and jams. The Comprehensive Village Development Programme focuses on providing an integrated package of rural finance to villagers to build up their village.
Punjab and Sind Bank – offers a range of financial schemes for farmers like the Zimidara Credit Card, tractor finance scheme, drip irrigation scheme, Kheti Udyog Khazana Yojana, vermi composting scheme, horticulture clinic and private veterinary clinic with dairy unit scheme.
Punjab National Bank – This bank has a special website called PNB Krishi(External website that opens in a new window) for agriculturalists. It gives details on crop practices, plant protection, farm machinery, market prices and other farming news and activities. The website also provides a list of financial schemes offered by Punjab National Bank on production credit, investment credit, composite loans, animal husbandry and farm mechanization.
Syndicate Bank – offers a wide range of agricultural loan products such as the Synd Jai Kisan Loan Scheme, Jewel Loan Scheme for Agriculture, Syndicate Farm House Scheme, Finance for Hi – tech Agriculture, Development of Irrigation Infrastructure scheme, Syndicate 2/3/4 Wheelers Scheme and the Syndicate Kisan Credit Card (S.K.C.C).
UCO Bank – This Bank provides the UCO Hirak Jayanti Krishi Yojana to meet the long – term credit needs of the farming community in rural areas for agriculture, allied activities as well as for personal purposes. Only farmers below 60 years are eligible to apply. Minimum quantum of the loan is Rs. 25,000/ – and the maximum is Rs. 5 lakhs.
Union Bank of India – Facilities provided to farmers include Kisan ATM Cards and special Kisan ATM Machines. These ATM’s are easy to operate and do not require farmers to have a high level of literacy. They are voice enabled in the local language, have a touch screen monitor and work on a bio – metric authentication system like finger print verification.
United Bank of India – The range of financial schemes offered to agriculturalists include the United Krishi Laghu Paribahan Yojana, United Krishi Sahayak Yojana, United Gramyashree Yojana, Gramin Bhandaran Yojana and the United Bhumiheen Kisan Credit Card.
Vijaya Bank – This bank offers one comprehensive financial scheme known as the Vijaya Krishi Vikas (VKV) Scheme. This scheme provides a simple package to farmers to meet entire agricultural credit requirements such as crop production, investment credit and consumption credit. All farmers including owners, tenant cultivators, leased land farmers and sharecroppers are eligible for this scheme.
NABARD Loans, Schemes And Subsidies For Pig Farming In India
Commercial Pig Farming Subsidies and Loans: Pig Farming is popular nowadays. Because of the Profits in Pig Production are high many are showing interest. The demand for Pork among the people is increasing when we compare with the past days. Adequate investment is necessary to gain high margins in Pig Farming
It is not that easy to start Pig Farming. It requires a lot of money. Hence one needs to have the funds from banks and the rest from the government. Banks in India provide loans and subsidies for Pig Production business. While many farmers and individuals are unaware of various loans and subsidies for Piggery Production. Hence we have come up with NABARD subsidy and Government Schemes for Pig Farming.
Commercial Pig Farming Subsidies and Loans For Pig Farming In India
Below are schemes and subsidies for Pig Production. In addition, NABARD and SBI loans for Piggery Production are also there.
EDEG (Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation)
EDEG scheme is for Pigs development. It is a Government scheme to encourage Pig Farming in India. Detail information regarding this scheme is given below.
Objectives of this Scheme
The major objectives of EDEG are
• To encourage enthusiastic farmers, startup entrepreneurs for better incomes.
• Supply and production of high evolved germplasm within the country.
• Increase employment opportunities.
• To popularize advanced techniques.
• In order to create a continuous supply chain for Pork industries and bacon factories.
• Improve value addition for better margins.
Eligibility Criteria for EDEG Scheme
Below qualifications are necessary to eligible for the scheme.
• Individuals.
• Farmers.
• Enthusiastic entrepreneurs.
• Rural Self Help Groups (SHG s).
• Non-Government Organisations (NGO s).
• Organized and Unorganized sector groups.
Category Back ended subsidy Credit provided Marginal Money / share of Benificiary
BPL / SC / ST 33.33% 56.67% 10%
APL 25% 65% 10%
BPL is Below Poverty Line. APL is Above Poverty Line.
Various Subsidy Levels for Swine Farming:
Pig FarmingUnit Size Subsidy level Ceiling of Subsidy
Commercial rearing units with 3 sows and 1 Boar) 25% Rs. 25,000/-
Pig Breeding Farms with 20 sows and 4 Boars 25% Rs. 2,00,000/-
Retail Pork Outlets with facility for chilling centres 25% Rs. 3,00,000/-
NABARD gives loans and subsidies under National Livestock Mission (NLM). In addition, under NLM the eligible farmers and individuals can get subsidies for Commercial Pig Farming in India. Furthermore, you have to visit the nearest Bank to get the grant from NLS subsidy. You can also visit the Government Animal Husbandry Office located in your area with your project proposal.
SBI (State Bank of India) Loan For Pig Farming
Under Animal Husbandry Programme, State Bank of India provides loans for the eligible individuals to start Pig Farming. Visit with a project proposal for easy granting of the loan.
Conclusion Of Pig Farming Loans and Subsidies: This is the complete list of Commercial Pig Farming Subsidies and Loans. There are many more subsidies that the Government is providing. While you can visit the nearest KVKs and Animal husbandry office to know more about them.
Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. [MUDRA] is an NBFC supporting development of micro enterprise sector in the country. MUDRA provides refinance support to Banks / MFIs for lending to micro units having loan requirement upto Rs 10 lakh.
Non–Corporate Small Business Segment (NCSB) comprising of millions of proprietorship / partnership firms running as small manufacturing units, service sector units, shopkeepers, fruits / vegetable vendors, truck operators, food-service units, repair shops, machine operators, small industries, artisans, food processors and others, in rural and urban areas are eligible for Mudra Loans
The MUDRA loan under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana will now also be available for dairy industry, fisheries, poultry farms, honey bee farming, silk industry etc besides small business from non-farm sectors.
Under this the self-entrepreneurs can avail up to Rs 50,000 under Shishu Loan, from Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh under Kishore Loan and from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh under Tarun Loan.
There would be no requirement of No Dues Certificate as the loan will be based on Credit Bureau Report.
There would be no collateral on the loan and the interest will be pain only on the withdrawn money, according to an advertisement by the Department of Financial Services.
Summary- In spite of several schemes for livestock development by central as well as every states govt in India,the reality is that ,the genuine people who wants to start the livestock business don’t get the schemes. The bankers don’t give them loan for running their business. They easily give loan to those people who has high face value like Nirav modi etc.The farmers are being tourchered by bankers in the name of loan. These bankers don’t listen anybody except capitalist’s.I have seen many farmers who has anyhow able to get bank loan for their business, within very short period of time they come to road for begging due to extortion of these mafia bankers. For getting Rs 1 lakh loan, the farmers are being asked by bankers to deposit Rs 1.05lakh as security deposit.This is high time that our visionary PM should come forward with such schemes in which the needy interested genuine poor farmers get loan easily without any hassel.
Take home message for stake holders——–
If u have financial guts then only go for livestock enterprises otherwise forget to start it. Plz dnt depend upon any assistance from Govt sector or Banks whatever it may be Govt schemes , Bank loan or Veterinary services. Its bitter truth. U arrange ur own resources and go ahead, u will b more happy.My purpose for expressing this bitter truth before u is not to discourage u, rather to make u more independent.
Reference-on request
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