Progressive Initiative taken by Dr Umesh chandra Sharma during his tenure as President VCI


Progressive Initiative taken by Dr Umesh chandra Sharma during his tenure as President VCI



My dear Vets,

Working under field conditions or as Private Practitioners.

Serving for speechless animals by tireless and dedicated work is really commendable.

Hence it is of utmost importance that our vets must get a congenial working atmosphere and all facilities for delivering their best.

Taking into consideration the above objectives we had proposed MINIUM STANDARDS OF VETERINARY PRACTICE REGULATION (MSVPR) during my tenure in V.C.I

I would like to bring certain facts and its present status before all of you:-

1. Regulation of veterinary practice is laid down as one of the key objectives of I.V.C Act 1984 (52 of 84). But unfortunately there was no mention of “Regulation of Veterinary Practice” in any clause of the act. Hence no initiative had ever been taken in this direction.

2. During my Tenure in V.C.I. we had taken formal legal opinion from the then Addl. Solicitor General of India (ASG) Sh. Tushar Mehta regarding scope of amending the act. As per his guidance and with tremendous efforts made by the then V.C.I. member Dr. K Krishna Kumar (Chairman of MSVPR Committee) after including suggestions on MSVPR from the Secretaries & Directors of Animal Husbandry Dept and the Presidents of state Veterinary Council of various states. Amendments under 22A & Draft of MSVPR were proposed to G.O.I.

3. I would like to bring it to your kind notice that for a draft to become a Rule under IVC act 1984 it is mandatory to get it passed through at-least 07 State Legislative assemblies and also from Cabinet of Ministers, Govt. of India. After which it has to be passed through both of houses of Hon. Parliament.

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4. Veterinary council of India has already proposed Drafts for MSVPR to G.O.I. and State Governments have already given their consent for regulation.

I would like to assure you all that after the formation of new council we will complete all the remaining stages in coordination with Govt of India and State Govts regarding implementation of MSVPR.

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Dr Umesh Chandra Sharma President IVA

For details on MSVPR visit

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