Progressive initiative taken by Dr Umesh Chandra Sharma during his tenure as President VCI


Progressive initiative taken by Dr Umesh Chandra Sharma during his tenure as President VCI

Respected field vets,
Best regards,
I want to share one thing through social media with all my fellow field vets of the country, that since last few days, all of u must have been thinking that what the Veterinary Council of India has done in the interest of the field vets. This question is bound to come in your minds. Because for the first time in history of VCI, a field vet held the post of President of the Indian Veterinary Council. Therefore, it is my duty to bring into your knowledge (with evidence) about the works done during my tenure for field vets-
1. There are some major problems of field vets pan India. I’m aware of them as I’m also a field vet.
1. Veterinarians are currently given Non-Professional allowance (NPA) in about 13 states of India. But NPA is not given in around 16 states.
2. One Nation One designation is also being demanded by the Veterinarian’s of the country for years.
3. There is no uniformity in pay and allowances to veterinarians amongst the states of the country.
4. Veterinarians do not get facilities like medical doctors.
5. Minimum Standards of Veterinary Practice Regulations should be implemented on the lines of the Minimum Standardsof Veterinary Education (MSVE)
These actions were taken by VCI on the above issues during my Presidential tenure –

1. A letter of strong recommendation was sent to the Chairman of the Seventh Pay Commission (Copy attached) by the Veterinary Council of India.
2. A letter was written to the then Agriculture Minister and Secretary to the Government of India for issuing advisory to the state governments where NPA was not being given to the field vets. And a advisory was issued by the Government of India in this regard to tall the concerned states.
3.VCI had requested Government of India to constitute a committee to look into the matters of “One Nation One Designation” and find an acceptable solution for the issues related to designation and disparities inPay scales. In the coming times, it will be a major demand in our agenda to Government of India to constitute a Committee including representatives of all the states. And issue a strong recommendation to the states in this regard.
Notable fact here is that the VCI and the Government of India cannot directly interfere in the Service Matters of Veterinarian’s , it can rather issue advisories to the State Governments. Because service matter is a state subject.
Later on in this series, I will also introduce all of you with “Minimum Standards of Practice Regulations”.
With this I would like to convey my regards to all my fellow Vets and also appeal to **Vote and Support** our Winning 11 panel

READ MORE :  Progressive Initiative taken by Dr Umesh chandra Sharma during his tenure as President VCI

Dr Umesh Chandra Sharma, President IVA

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