Rearing ducks for egg production


Dr. Amandeep Singh
Duck farming is a very lucrative business. Ducks are highly valuable birds around the world, reared for egg and meat production. Ducks occupy an important position next to chicken farming in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population and contribute about 6-7% of total eggs produced in the country.The duck, till recently, was practically reared only by the small and marginal farmers mostly in the Southern and Eastern coastal areas, North-eastern India and Jammu and Kashmir. People keep ducks for different reasons. Some keep ducks for breeding, others keep ducks for the meat or duck eggs, or both. Others may keep ducks to keep down the fly population on a farm that has livestock.

Advantages of duck farming
Duck farming is easy because of the following advantages when compared to the rearing of other species:

Ducks require lesser attention and thrive well in scavenging conditions.
Need less space for raising ducks
Highly resistant to common avian diseases
Can eat all types of feed available
Ducks lay more egg per bird per year than chicken.
The size of the duck egg is larger than hen egg by about 15 to 20 gms.
Have a longer profitable life. They lay well even in the second
Ducks are quite hardy, more easily brooded.
Ducks lay 95 – 98% of their eggs in the morning before 9.00 AM. Thus saving a lot of time and labour.
Egg-Producing Duck Breeds
Khaki Campbell

Khaki Campbell Duck

Originated from England
Medium sized breed
Gain about 1.5-2 kg weight within two months of age
Lay white coloured eggs
Lay about 250-300 eggs per year
Indian Runner

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Indian Runner Ducks

Originated from India
Small sized duck breed
Breed is white in colour
Stay well both in ground and water
The colour of theegg is white.
Lay about 250 eggs per year
Bangladeshi Egg Laying Duck Breeds
Originated from Bangladesh
Small sized breed
Lay about 60-70 eggs per year
Very suitable for the weather of Bangladesh and other Asiatic countries

Magpie Duck

Originated from England
Black and white in colour
Eggs are large and white in colour
Lay 220-290 eggs per year

Ancona Ducks

Originated from England
Medium sized breed
Produce avariety of white, cream, blue-green
Lay around 240 eggs per year

Duck Egg Nutrition

Duck Eggs

Higher in protein content than chicken eggs
Have little more cholesterol than chicken egg
Have higher fat content
Have more vitamins and minerals
Have high Omega-3-fatty acid
People who are allergic to chicken eggs can tolerate duck eggs
Egg production in Ducks
Ducks usually begin laying at about 6–7 months of age and should be laying at a rate of about 90% (i.e. 100 ducks laying 90 eggs daily) within 5 weeks of the onset of laying.The incubation period for duck egg is 28 days but Muscovy eggs hatch after 35 days. Duck eggs may be hatched naturally by placing them under a broody duck or even a broody chicken hen.In artificial incubators, satisfactory results are attained at a temperature of 37.5-37.2°C (99.5-99° F). The wet-bulb reading on the thermometer should be 30-31°C (86-88° F) during incubation for the first 25 days and 32.7-33.8°C (90-92° F) for the last three days of hatching. Eggs are sprinkled with lukewarm water having sanitizer once a day from 2nd day to 25thday and cooled for a maximum period of half an hour. Candling is done on the7thday. The eggs are turned hourly. Eggs are transferred to hatcher on the25thday.

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Rearing of adult stock
High egg laying strains of ducks come into production at 16 to 18 weeks of age. About 95-98% of eggs are laid by 9.00AM. One nest box of size 30x 30 x 45 cms(12 x12 x18”) to every three ducks be provided. In case of laying breeds a mating ratio of 1 drake to 6-7 ducks. Light for 14 to 16 hours per day is essential for optimum production.

Factors to maximize egg production
Provide good quality feed
The Proper quantity of feed: for maximum production a duck must have limited feed from 3 weeks of age until they are laying well, not more than .35 pounds of feed/duck/day, otherwise they become overweight.
Good water
Proper lighting: an increasing day length (Jan-June) brings sexually mature ducks into egg production and decreasing day length (July-Dec) slows their egg production. Provide artificial light along with natural light for upto 17 hours.
Lack of stress
Ducks occupy an important position next to chicken farming in India.They form about 10% of the total poultry population and contribute about 6-7% of total eggs produced in the country.Raising ducks can be a profitable and enjoyable experience. Providing a protective breeding environment and attention to egg production and handling can increase one’s success with raising ducks.

Tania Gupta1*, Sheikh Firdous Ahmad1, and Kanika Mahajan2

1. ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly (U.P.)

2. Guru AngadDev Veterinary and Animal Science University (GADVASU), Ludhiana

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