Rearing of Black Bengal Goat on Stall fed (Zero grazing)for better Gain Weight and Secure Health

Rearing of Black Bengal Goat on Stall fed (Zero grazing)for better Gain Weight and Secure Health

Rearing of Black Bengal Goat on Stall fed (Zero grazing)for better Gain Weight and Secure Health


Goat is the most popular and essential small ruminant species, widely distributed throughout the world . In tropical and subtropical regions, it forms an integral component of the farming system to fulfill animal protein demand through meat production. In India’s rural areas, small ruminant feeding mainly depends on the agricultural crop residues and byproducts, low-quality hay, tree leaves, and natural grasses .Moreover, seasonal variations play a potential role in the nutrient composition of common grasses, as higher dry matter (DM) content in grasses is reported during the dry season than rainy season .However, these available feed sources are characterized by high roughage content with low protein, energy, mineral, and vitamin contents, which definitely cannot meet the maintenance requirements of goats adequately .Lower digestibility with a lack of feed intake finally results in poor performances .Similarly, faster growth rates were found in stall feeding goats than feedlot goats, as it allows finishing at specific target weights .Therefore, to enhance profitable goat production in India, it is necessary to determine an alternative feeding approach to rear goats under intensive or stall-fed conditions. A feeding system based on complete pellet feed is one of the feed processing methods expected to establish a profitable goat production by better utilization of nutrients from agricultural crop residues.

Nevertheless, complete pellet feed prepared from total mixed ration ensures the balanced nutrition of goats by maintaining an adequate amount of roughage and concentrate mixture. It also provides uniform feed to reduce unnecessary feed waste by increasing digestibility and palatability .

Black Bengal

The Black Bengal is found in the eastern region of India, in the states of West Bengal and adjoining areas in Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Mizoram and Tripura. According to the 18th Livestock Census 2007, the number of Black Bengal goats in the country is 2, 09, 27, 557. This breed has the highest population in India.

The animals are predominantly black, brown or grey and sometimes white. This breed is famous for quality meat production and skin quality. They have soft, glossy short hair and are dwarfed in size. The legs are short with a straight back and a beard is found in both sexes. The horns are slightly tilted upward or straight.

It is the most prolific among Indian breeds. Multiple births are common 2, 3 or even 4 kids are born at a time. Kidding takes place twice a year. Birth weight of kid is associated with the pre and post weaning growth of goat. So, in a study on different non genetic factors affecting birth weight of Black Bengal goat it was revealed that type of birth and season of birth had significant effect on birth weight of goat while sex had no significant effect (Das and Roy, 1999).

The meat is excellent and palatable. Average adult weight of male and female is 25 – 30 kg and 20 – 25 kg respectively. Milk yield is low and is barely sufficient to feed the kids. Skin of the Black Bengal goat is used for making chamois leather – highly valued specialty leather.

Farming Black Bengal goat is profitable but risky too. This depends on how you feed your goats on daily basis. Find How To Feed Black Bengal Goat every day. This feeding process is proven to gain weight and securing health.

Fresh goalkeeper discovers themselves in an extremely tuff situation regarding goats feed management. Furthermore, most of the farmer does not have the right information about the significant food cycle to get more profit.

Importance of Black Bengal Goat

Black Bengal goat is the most popular and economic goat breeds in South Asia, especially in Bangladesh and India. The economic importance of the breed are as follows:

  • The primary significance of goats for the production of good meat, milk, fiber, and skin.
  • The skin is significantly superior to other breeds of the goat.
  • The species is famous for an excellent mutton quality producer.
  • The demand for meat is more than supply, which has resulted in very high prices for the meat and living goats.
  • Black Bengal goats are highly sought after in the leather trade.

Origin of the Black Bengal Goat Breed

In Bangladesh, more than 90% of the goats are of the Black Bengal goat. The Black Bengal goat breed is found throughout Bangladesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and Odisha. It is a small meat and dairy goat

Physical Characteristics of Bengal Goat

The breed is dark black or sometimes white or spotted, and it is also brown or grey. They are short-legged, compact animals with a deep body and broad chest and a straight back. Their skin is of excellent quality and superior to other breeds. The goat is small in size, but its body structure is tight.

Sexual Maturity and Kid Production Rate

They are very popular in Bangladesh because of their low demand for feed and high kid production. The breeds are profile breeders and commonly have twins. Two kidding are possible in a year. The female goat becomes pregnant twice a year and gives birth to one to three kids. They are gain sexual maturity at an earlier age than most other breeds.

Bodyweight and the Lifespan

They are small in size, but their structure is tight. An adult male goat weights about 25 to 30 kg, and the average female weight is 20 to 25 kg. The goat can adapt to any environment quickly, and its disease resistance is very high. The average lifespan is 8-10 years.

Milk Production of Bengal Goats

The goat is an ideal milk and meat animal for rural people because of its lower money inputs and relatively better returns. The Black Bengal goat’s milk production capacity is inadequate, and sometimes kids may require additional milk supply during the early stages of growth.

Breeding Management of the Goat

Sexual maturity of the breed is achieved at 4 to 6 months of age. Still, management practices are often designed to delay mating until the does are near to mature bodyweight so that pregnancy does not coincide with the period when the does are actively growing. Therefore, the tendency is to mate at about 12 months so that the lay kid at 18 months.

General System of Management of Bengal Goats

The system of management of Black Bengal goat into five methods are:

  • Village System: Village systems of feeding are two categories: one is tethering, where one to five heads are involved in situations where there is intensive cultivation, and the second alternative is to feed in situ the various crop residues available.
  • Extensive System: Extensive grazing is common for access to common grazing and marginal land, using family labor involving mainly women and children.
  • Semi-intensive System:The semi-intensive system is a compromise between the extensive and intensive courses. Limited grazing or stall feeding is practiced depending on time, labor, and feeds.
  • Very Intensive System:It is a system that favors those situations where land is limited, but these exist abundant supplies of crop residues and agro-industrial by-products. Probably because of the high capital investment, the system has not been adequately used.
  • Integration with Cropping Systems:This system is widespread in the tropics’ humid and sub-humid regions, where there is intensive crop production. It is closely associated with crop production patterns, notably tree crops such as coconuts, rubber, and oil palm.

The Housing of Bengal Goat 

You must design an economical house for your goats. They require a tiny place in comparison to other goat breeds. The Black Bengal goat house’s necessities and to provide shelter, plenty of fresh air, and protection from rain, humidity, and predators.

Feeding of Black Bengal Goats

The production of meat and milk is inadequate in the Black Bengal and non-descriptive goats because systematic efforts have not been made to feed and breed properly. A variety of feeds are used throughout the tropics and sub-tropics. The common pasture and forages grasses you should have to include in the humid tropics are Guinea, Napier, Pangola, etc. and the dry tropics are buffel, Columbus, markarikari, etc.

A large number of trees leaves you to have used to provide variety and meet nutrient requirements for production. These include acacia, baphia, banana, cassava, etc. Concentrate feed is handy for your goats, and it can be made up of grains and protein-rich meal. A concentrated feed should be about 15 % protein.

Bengal goats are famous for their meat quality and skin. The meat of Bengal goat is most palatable, tasty, and contains fewer intra-muscular fats. They are highly prolific and can give birth to 4-8 kids in a year. The rearing of the goats helps in poverty elevation in the rural areas in Bangladesh and India. This goat farming also contributes to women’s empowerment and income generation for the family. The milk also provides nutrition to the family members.

By nature, it prefers to stay at height above the ground. But still it can be reared successfully on ground in dry regions. In heavy rainfall areas with high humidity platform system is inevitable. Slotted wooden platform is made at 5 feet height above the ground. In India fiber platform is in use. Urine and pellets dropdown and the goats remain clean. Collect the pellets every day or at least once in a week. In this method goat is free from ammonia smell of the urine. Goats remain healthy. Mud floor below is good. It absorbs the urine. If the height of the platform is 5 feet, cleaning is easy. Let the height of the shed be 8 to 10 feet in the middle and 5 to 6 feet on either side. This height is necessary to avoid heat during hot summer. Let the shed be in East-West direction in length to avoid direct sun inside the shed. Even the pellets on the ground keep moist. Roof may be of AC sheet, tiles or palm leaves. Each adult goat needs 10 square feet built-up space. Platform system accommodates more number of goats.

Open paddock of double size next to the shed is necessary. Trees around the farm keep the atmosphere cool. Put wire mesh fence covering the shed and paddock. Wooden steps are made for the entry and exit of goats. Steps are better for pregnant does. Let the door of the shed be kept open always so that the goats come out and go inside as and when they feel. If the bench like structure is made in the paddock, goats get on and sleep. Few farmers provide feed and water in the paddock itself. Shed is only for night stay. This is good for clean maintenance of the shed. Goats are kept in separate groups based on sex, age and body weight. Hence necessary partitions are made in the goat shed.

Generally, feed is given by keeping the goats inside the shed. Troughs are attached from outside all along the length of the shed. Feeding is easy and shed remains clean. If the trough is made with GI cleaning and maintenance is bit difficult. But it can be fabricated in any size and shape. Few farms have troughs made out of halved PVC pipes of 10-inch diameter. Maintenance is easy and durability is more. But the depth is less and hence the wastage of feed is more. It is better to go for 12 inch PVC pipe. Drinking water may also be given in these troughs itself. Clean the feeders before feeding once in a day.

In this system goats are properly maintained & protected area with adequate fresh cultivated fodder, hay lages, silages, dry fodder & concentrated foods for their better weight gain performance & productivity.

What is Zero grazing?

Zero grazing is otherwise called as stall fed goats systems also it is called as intensive systems of goat rearing

How to start a stall fed goat farming?

Goats growing by stall fed method has many advantages like fast weight gain performance & productivity on day to day basis which will be off disease free

Advantages of Starting stall fed goat farming.

Stress of goats is limited compared to grazing system.
Goats are protected from disease, winds, heat stress & other climatical issues.
Goats are raised in hygienic environments.
The record keeping, Monitoring of goats are extremely easy & proper feeding ratio is properly maintained
In stall fed goat farming control of contagious & non-contagious is kept safe by proper medical check up’s
In stall fed goat farming conservation of energy is more, the conversion of energy from fodder, feeds is easily converted into meat & milk
The bloat diseases is controlled by wilting the forages before feeding the goats.
Minimum chance of infections as they are controlled under one closed environment
Goats can be fed based on their weight, age factors in separate pen systems for a better productivity
Overall goats get good weight gain in short period of time with good kidding percentage & goat kids care become very easy.

Goat Breed selections for Stalled goat farming

READ MORE :  Causes of Anaemia & Bottle Jaw in Sheep & Goats  

In commercial stall fed goat farming selection of goats plays a dominant role for successful goat farming. Some of the popular goat breeds suitable for stall fed goat farming are beetle, sirohi, boer, Spanish , irish goats, kiko, toggenburg, kashmeri goats, pygmy goats, angora, Frisian, matou goats, osmanabadi, black Bengal, malwa, kota goats, sojat goats, Kalahari red goats, etc. These goats are meat productive breeds gains a huge weight gain within a limited period of time, selecting a quality healthy breeds from a certified goat breeder indicates success in this business with an age group of about 12 months old male bucks & 6 to 8 months oldfemale goats.

Stall fed goat farming Shed Designs & constructions.

Highly scientific designs should be done for the stall fed goats farming in-order to protect the goats from severe weather & to safeguard animals based on aerodynamics it should be constructed with well ventilations& proper lightings. Based on investment plans one can go for a bamboo flooring shed, or wooden flooring shed or plastic flooring elevated sheds

Goat Care in Stall fed goat farming.

A proper monitoring is done regularly to find out any abnormalities or unusual feeding habits or sickness in flocks. By careful maintaining seasonal diseases can be limited by periodic veterinarian visits to farms. Isolate sick goats immediately from the breeding flock and extra care should be given for pregnant goats & new born kids. These new born kids should have a separate shed it should be kept with mother for their frequent milk feeding requirement’s

Goat farm Feeding Process

There is no need for high-quality food for goats. The organs have the ability to absorb all the needs of normal quality grass and leaves. Even if food is cheap, the goat does not subsist in bad health. The normal food list are-

Napier grass, Normal field grass, Wheat Bran, Rice polish, Mustard oilcake, Soybean meal, Maize, Molasses, Chitagur and Eiffel Ipil etc.

Vitamins and minerals:
General salt , Di-calcium potassium etc

Baby Goat of feeding List:

  • Each baby goat has to feed 300-325 ml of milk in the first week of birth.
  • Milk should be consumed 3-4 times a day.
  • Gradually increasing the amount of milk in 6-7 weeks to 750-850 ml.
  • Which is nearly impossible if it has multiple kids.
  • Provide Milk substitute foods after 3 weeks of age.
  • Keep feeding milk per day 200-100 ml until the age of 10-11 week.

At this time, 100-150 grams of grains of food grains and plenty of grass, sapling must be provided daily. At the age of 3-4 months, stop feeding milk.

Food chart after 3 weeks to 11 weeks of age: 

Rice polish (Chalbhanga 25%)+ Khasaribhanga-25% + Wheat bush-25% + Soybean cack- 16% + protein concentrate – 2% + Soybean oil-1% +  -4% + and Solt-1% + Vitamin-Mineral Primix -0.5% + DC P-0.5%.

Daily feed must be equivalent to 1% of body weight of baby goat is enough.

Growing Period goat’s food:

After the release of the mother’s milk. In the case of Black Bengal goat, the age of 4-14 months is called growing time.

This stage of the baby’s food situation is very complex. As the mother does not get milk at that time,  So food and other management have to be especially careful.

How To Feed Black Bengal Goat

Those goats that are used for the production of meat or baby special attention should be given to their nutrition or food. From the second week of birth, goats gradually practice grainy food a little bit.

The Amount of Food Required for Growing Female Goats:

This table will show the total required food needed for the doe. If you can secure the health of the female black bengal. It will give birth to healthy goats. As well as provide more milk. This food arrangement starts from age of four months. And recommended to follow through before the last 2 month of pregnancy.

Age (Month) Est. Weight (kg) Granary Food (Gram) Leaf and grass(Gram) UMS(Gram) Water(Gram)
4 8 kg 250 g  400 g  100 g  500 g
5 9.3 kg 300 g 500 g  100 g  5oo g
6 11.5 kg 300 g  550 g  100 g  500g
7 13.2 kg 300 g  520 g  100 g  550 g
8 15 kg 750 g  100 g  600 g  600 g
9 16.4k g 800 g  100 g  600 g  600 g
10 18.6 kg 800 g  100 g 600 g  700 g
11 20.4 kg 800 g 100 g  700 g 700 g
12 22.2 kg 800 g 100 g  800 g  700 g
13 22.2 kg 450 g  800 g  100 g  800 g
14 23 kg 450 g  800 g  100 g  800 g
15 24 kg 450 g  800 g  100 g  800 g

For the last two months of pregnant goat’s pregnancy, the nutritious food, and diet list:

Sufficient food for the pregnant goat is to be given. If you do not give it, the child will be weak and even at the child of birth will have a fear of childbirth. Goat’s health shifts to worse. The mother’s milk production will decrease and it is late in pregnancy. Therefore, special attention should be given to food under the goat’s pregnancy.

Samples of growing aged goat’s grains: corn broke – 35% + wheat bran – 25% + khesari vasi -16% + soybean oil – 20% + fish mill – 1.5% + dcp -1.4% + Salt -1% + Vitamin Mineral -0.1%.

1.5% of daily weighting goat’s body weight is sufficient for donation.

The milk management depends on the milk of the mother. Most of the farm goats have died due to lack of milk in the miniature time. After proper feeding, the goat gives milk to 0.5-1.0 liters after milking 2-3 children.


Brushing – 35% + Wheat Basil – 25% + Khasari Vesi – 16% + Soybean cake – 20% + Fish Mill – 1.5% + DCP -1.4% + Salt-1 % + Vitamin mineral -0.1%.

2% of granart foods of daily milking goat weight are sufficient.

Male Goat Feeding Method:

The importance of Male Goat is important to the people. If it does not get the required nutrients from the beginning, then the growth and body structure will be interrupted. As a result, the buyer does not get the attention. That is why the main purpose of failing the goat’s farm.

Feeding of breeding bucks:

If the goat is not used for reproduction purposes only, it is useful to eat enough grass; But if there is not enough raw grass, good quality straw is provided and 250-500 grams of grains have to be supplied. There is no need to provide extra grains at this time.

During the use of reproduction, there must be enough grains to feed. In order to keep bucks reproductive, it should be 10 grams of gram flour. Fatty foods should never be fed to the buck.

Black Bengal Goat Daily Feeding Methods:

Maintaining quality food daily food is very important. This is a general feeding process for every day.

READ MORE :  Hydroponic fodder production for dairy animals
Time Food Type Details
6 am – 7 am Provide grain feeds half of the total grain and fiber feed (1/3). First, provide the grains feed of grains in separate containers and then the fiber food.
6 am – 9 am Provide organic or natural green grass or plant leaf. Immediately after providing morning feed
12 pm Rice starch should be provided with of the fiber food and others. Mixer of Rice starch(66%)+fiber food(33%).
4 pm -5 pm The remaining grainy food should be supplied as before. Another half percent of total grainy food.
Evening Provide the remaining of the fiber(33%).  After regulating goats in shade.

This table shows the daily feeding process. You have to serve foods at the right time. Also, provide sufficient water.


Black Bengal Goat weight by age and Breed Profile

Breed Name Black Bengal
Other name Bengal Goat
Origin Bangladesh, west Bengal
Normal Height 24-28 inches
Udder Size of Adult Doe Medium
Coat Color Black
Purpose Of Breed Meat Purpose
Size Category Small Size Breed
Weight of Mature Male
(2 years)
45 to 48 kg
Weight Of Mature Female
(2 years)
35 to 40 kg
Age At First Kid 14 Months
Average Birth Weight of kid 2 kg
(depends on No. of Kid)
Kidding Interval 6 months
Number of Kid Crops in 2 Year 4
Gestation Length (Pregnancy) 150 days
Lactation Period (Milk) 120 Days
Repeating Heat Cycle  21 days
Single Birth Percentage 10%
Twins Percentage 60%
Triplets Percentage 25%
Quadruplets 5%
Average Milk Capacity 1.5 to 2  liter Per day
Estrus period or
Heat period Duration
24 to 36 Hours

Characteristics Of Black Bengal Breed

The black Bengal Goat produces high-quality meat. its meat is taste is unique and tasty compared to other Goat Breed. the reason of its tasty Meat is its size. It is the Dwarf Breed and their Muscle is strengthened. After slaughter it also gives the quality skin which has huge demand, The expensive leather products like Shoes, Bags, Jackets, are made from the skin of this goat. The skin of this goat Exports Mainly to the European countries where they make quality products.

Early sexual maturity is the main characteristics of this breed, they Became ready for meeting at the 7 months of age.

Appearance of Bengal Goat

The coat color of thBengal goat can be recognized from its name. they are mainly found in black color in large numbers.

This breed comes in the categories of the Dwarf breed, the Height is of the Bengal goat is approximately 24 to 38 inches and the length is 28 to 30 inches.

The both mature male and female goat has Beared. The horns are medium size tilt towards back the length of horns 6 yo 7 cm are noted. The Ears are also small in size of length 13 cm approximately.

The Eye Color is Brown and Tail is a small size. The female has a large udder.

Black Bengal Meat Price

Black Bengal produces high-quality meat, there is a unique taste in the meat and people love to eat. the black Bengal meat price 500 rs per kg in Bengal region

The weight of the adult black Bengal goat around one year male is 30 kg approx and the adult female is 25 kg approx.  one goat has 50% meat in their body after slaughtering. So one goat produces around 15 kg quality meat.

The Bengal Goat Breed require less feed compared to other and weight is very, it is effective for the semi-intensive farming method.

The black Bengal male can achieve more weight if they reared on stall deeding and provide good feed.

Black Bengal Goat Milk Production

Black Bengal is the meat purpose breed and milk production of the goat is quite low. The milk production is at peak level up to one month after giving birth to the kid. In the First month, It Gives around 1.5 liters per day after that it falls regularly.

the Bengal Goat gives multiple kids in one gestation so the Milk should be fed only to the Kids.

Space Requirement

the Black Bengal is small in size but they need enough space for better growth.  The space for the goat varies according to age. They required shed for living and for the protection against inclement weather. As well as they require open space for the Exercise.

Age of goats Covered area Open paddock
0 to 3 Months 0.2-0.25 0.4-0.5
3 to 6 Months 0.5-0.75 1.0-1.5
6 to 12 Months 0.75-1.0 1.5-2.0
Adult Goats 1.5 3.0
Pregnant and lactating goats 1.5-2.0 3.0-4.0
Bucks 1.5-2.0 3.0-4.0

These covered area and open paddock are in square meter

Care and management

  • The house of the goat should be dry clean and hygiene for the good feed conversion rate and better productivity,
  • House must be ventilated for the cross-section of air. Fresh air inside and contaminated and harmful gases outside.
  • For the better productivity of the goats, the goats must be vaccinated against the major goat disease, like PPR, ET, HS, FMD.
  • Provide feed to the goat according to the weight and age. The feed should not be much or should not be less. The feed should be a mixture of Green, Dry and concentrate in the whole day.
  • Overcrowding in the house is the major cause of the disease, stay away from overcrowding in the house. The goat must be separated according to their age.

Advantages of Black Bengal goat and Why You should have to raise this Goat in your Farm

  • Black Bengal goat produces high-quality meat and skin.
  • This breed is easily available in the Bengal region.
  • The investment cost to start black Bengal is quite less compared to others.
  • The capacity to Produce multiple kids in one gestation is more compared to other goat breeds worldwide.
  • The farmer can easily take 2 crops (twice kids) in one year.

Black Bengal Goat farming Profit

the profit in Black Bengal goat farming is more compared to other goat breeds in the Bengal region. People love to eat the meat of this breed. they don’t prefer other goat breed meat.

this is a highly productive breed and capable to give multiple birth in each gestation. generally, this gat breed gives more than two kids in each gestation. so you can expect this, how much profitable is this goat breed.


You can download  more information in Pdf  on Black Bengal Goat from here:

Black Bengal Goat



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