By-Dr V.Rajendra Prasad.
Poultry consultant
What are the possible reasons for vaccination failure in Poulltry.
1. When faced with apparent vaccine failure the following questions should be asked:
2. Is the problem actually due to Particular virus.
.3. Was the vaccine handled and administered correctly?
4. Was the vaccination programme properly adapted to the field situation
a. i.e. type of vaccine/s,
b. age(s) at application(s),
c. number of applications?
5. Are immunosuppressive factors (which prevent the chicken’s ability to build up an immune response to vaccination) such as infections with immunosuppressive viruses like Marek, CAV, REO Virus, etc. present?
6. Are there any Mycotoxins in the feed or
7. Any other severe stress that may be affecting the flock?
8. What is the physical and immune quality of the baby chicks?
9. Vaccination failure may also suggest an evolution of the disease situation, requiring review of the initial diagnosis and suspicion of the presence of a new type of virus.