Regarding of revision allowance to Vet. Graduates by VCI


Following revisions has been made by VCI regarding internship allowance to Vet. Graduate

1. The VCI has revised MSVE, Regulation 2016 that has already been introduced at a few veterinary universities/ colleges from this academic year. It is expected that revised BVSc&AH program shall be in place throughout the country from the academic session 2017-18. Duration of degree course has been enhanced to 5.6 years by raising Internship to one year instead of 6 month in vogue.
2. The ICAR has also introduced revised curriculum across the faculties of agricultural sciences based on the 5th Deans committee recommendations. In tune to the revised programs in all faculties of agricultural sciences, the ICAR has built in commensurate support under‘Development Grant’ to the universities.
3. During the six months phase of this training under RAWE or implant training, each student will get allowance @ Rs. 3000 PM across different faculties. Same provision has also been extended to veterinary graduates in form of Internship allowance.
4. It is stated that Internship program in BVSc&AH degree course cannot be equated with RAWE or Student READY program, as this skill based training in agricultural sciences is a part of their academic curricula and is offered in the currency of degree course. However, In Veterinary degree course, a student become INTERN only after completion of complete course curriculum in 4.6 years. It is mandatory for the Intern to get provisional registration with the State Veterinary Council or the VCI before undergoing Internship. The INTERN besides, learning advanced skill/ training, it is obligatory of him to render clinical and farm services, though under the guidance of a registered practitioner/ qualified faculty. The Intern thus has to be compensated for the services he is rendering, besides, undergoing training.
5. There is thus a need to delink Internship in Veterinary Education from the RAWE or Student READY or implant training in agricultural sciences and the Internship allowance be enhances keeping an analogy of allowances being given in Medical and Dental degree courses. Further, the duration of the allowance be enhanced to complete duration of Internship i.e. One year with the introduction of new regulations.
6. State Governments are also required to be sensitised for the changes made in the BVSc&AH degree course and there is a need for the States as well, to make provision in the State budget to provide State share of Internship allowance for complete one year instead of 6 month.
It is thus urged that the VCI, the State Governments and the State Veterinary-institutions to take this issue on priority and ensure that higher allocations be made to veterinary institutions. Further, Interns of veterinary degree course should get better allowances during the course of training.

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