1. Kennel Club Show Regulations shall where applicable and as amended or varied from time to time apply to Obedience Classes conducted at KCI Shows.

2. A K.C.I. sanctioned Show may schedule any or all of the following classes at a Show. No Variation at any Test within a class may be made. Run-offs will be judge, one at a time, by normal scheduled tests.

Classes may be placed in any order in the schedule but this order must be followed at the Show except that a Registered Club, by publication in the schedule, may reserve the right to very the order of judging when the entry is known.

The maximum number of entries permitted in a class for one judge to judge with the exception of Class C where Obedience Certificates are on offer, shall be sixty. If this number is exceeded the class shall be divided by a draw into two equal halves, each to be judged Separately. The Prizes for each Class shall be the same as that offered for the original Class. No judge shall judge more that sixty dogs in one day and if a Judge is appointed for two or more Classes, the combined total entries of which exceed sixty, a Reserve Judge shall be called upon to officiate appropriately. Show Committees should ensure that when appointing judge for Shows sufficient numbers are appointed for the expected entries. The Reserve Judge may enter dogs for competition at the Show and if not called upon to judge may compete.

Where a class is divided into two halves exhibitors who have entered for that Class shall be notified accordingly of all changes or alterations and no timed stay exercises are to held earlier than those advertised for the original class.

In Class C where Obedience Certificate are on offer one judge may be appointed. Judges must be present at all times dogs are under tests including stay exercises.

3. (a). In all the classes the handler may use the dog’s name with a command or signal without penalty. Except in the Stay Tests and Distant Control, all tests shall commence and finish with the dog sitting at the handler’s side except in Beginners. Novice and Class A Recall Tests when the dog may be left in either the sit or Down position at handler’s choice.

(b) Food shall not be given to the dog in the ring.

(c) In any test in which judge’s articles are used, none of them should be injurious to the dog, and they must be capable of being picked up by any breed entered in that test.

(d) Spayed bitches and castrated dogs are permitted to compete in Obedience Classes.

(e) No bitch in season shall be allowed to compete in Obedience Classes.

(f) In all tests the points must be graduated.

(g) Handlers may use only a slip chain or smooth collar in the ring.

(h) Every handler must wear his ring number prominently displayed when in the ring.

(i) The Show Executive shall appoint a Chief Steward, whose name may be announced in the schedule and who must not enter or work a dog at the show. The Chief Steward shall be responsible for the control of any running order and for the smooth running of each class and whose decision in such matters shall be final. The Show Executive shall also ensure Ring or “Caller” Stewards are appointed for each class scheduled who must not enter or work a dog at the Show.

(j) A draw for the running order in the Class C at Champion ship Shows must be made prior to the show and exhibitors and judges must be notified of the running order before the show.

Where Championship Class C competitors are required to compete in another Class at the show the chief Steward will agree with the judges of these other classes that the judging of such competitors be rearranged in the running order. It will be the responsibility of competitors to advise the Chief Steward of the Clash of judging.

In all Scent Tests, dogs should compete in the same order as for previous tests, but the judge may relax the running order where necessary. Scent Tests must not be carried out during the main ring work but will take place as a separate test at the judge’s discretion.
(k) Judging rings shall not in any circumstances contain less than 900 square feet of clear floor space and shall not be less than 20 feet in width except that for Championship Class C the ring must contain not less than 1,600 sq.feet’.

(l) No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of the dog at any time whilst within the boundaries of the show.

(m) Judges at K.C.I. Sanctioned Shows must be on the Obedience Panel.

(n) A Judge of Class C at an Open Show must record in the Judging Book the number of points awarded to each dog with 290 or more points. The show Secretary will record these in the official Marked Catalogue.

(o) The Judge may allow a dog to be withdrawn from competition by an application by the competitor of the Judge.

4. Imperfections in heeling between test will not be judged but any physical disciplining by the handler in the ring or any uncontrolled behaviour of the dog, such as snapping unjustified barking, fouling the ring or running out of the ring, even between test, must be penalised by deducting points from the total score and the judge may bar the dog from further competition in the class.

5. (a) A dog may only be entered in any tow classes at a show for which it is eligible but a dog entered in class C may not be entered to any other class, except companion dog class.


If owner or handler of dog has won a first prize in any class they may not compete in the Pre-Beginners.

Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or extra commands except in the Sit and Down tests. In these tests, at the discretion of the judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges or stewards must not use the words “last command” except in the Sit and Down tests.

Heel on Lead 15 Points


Heel Free 20 Points


Recall from Sit or down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationery and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler sit in font, to hell all on command of judge or steward to handler. Distance at discretion of judge. Test commences when handler leaves dog. 10 Points


Sit one minute, handler in sight. 10 Points


Down two minutes, handler in sight. 20 Points

Total: 75 Points


If owner or handler or dog have won a total of two or more first prizes in the Beginners class, they may not compete in Beginners. Winners of one first prize in any other Obedience class are ineligible to compete in this class.

Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or extra commands except in the Sit and Down tests. In these tests, at the discretion of the judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges or stewards must not use the words “last command” except in the Sit and Down Tests.

Heel on Lead 15 Points


Heel Free 20 Points


Recall from Sit or down position at handlers choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when a stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to handler, sit in font, go to heel on command of judge or steward to handler. Distance at discretion of judge. Test commences when handler leaves dog. 10 Points


Retriever any article. Handlers may use their own article. 25 Points


Sit One Minute, handler in sight 10 Points


Down Two Minutes, handler in sight 20 Points

Total: 100 Points


For dogs that have won two first prizes on Obedience Classes (Beginners class expected)

Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or extra commands, except in the Sit or Down tests. In these tests, at the discretion of the judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges or stewards must not use the words “last command” except in the Sit and Down Tests.

Temperament Test. To take place immediately before heel on hand. Dog to be on lead in the stand position. Handler to stand by Dog. Judge to approach quietly from the front and to run his hand gently down the dog’s back. Judge may talk quietly to dog to reassure it. Any undue resentment, cringing or growing or snapping to be penalised. This is not a stand for examination or stay test. 10 Points


Heel on Lead 10 Points


Heel Free 20 Points


Recall from Sit or down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationery and facing the dog. Dog to turn smartly to handler sit in front, go to heel-all on command of judge or steward to handler. Distance at discretions of judge.Test commences when handler leaves dog.0 Points


Retrieve a dumb bell, handlers may use their own Dumb bells. 20 Points


Sit one Minute, handler in sight. 10 Points


Down two Minutes, handler in sight. 20 Points

Total: 100 Points


For dogs which have not won three first prizes in Classes A, B and Open Class C in total.

Simultaneous command and signal will be permitted. Extra commands signals must be penalised.

Heel on Lead. 15 Points


Temperament Test. Will take place before Heel free. Dog to be in the stand position and off Lead. Handler to stand beside dog. Conditions as for Novice Temperament Test, except that test will commence with order “Last commands” will be penalised. This is not stand for examination or stay test. 10 Points


Heel Free 20 Points


Recall from Sit or down position at handlers choice. Dog to be recalled to heel by handler, on command of judge or steward, whilst handler is walking away from dog, both to continue forward until batted. The recall and halt points to be handlers last command to dog. 15 Points


Retrieve a Dumb bell. Handlers may use their own dumb bells. 20 Points


Sit one minute. Handler in sight. 10 Points


Down five minutes, Handler out of sight. 30 Points


Scent Discrimination, handler’s scent on handlers article. The total number of articles shall not exceed ten, all of which shall be clearly visible to the dog. 30 Points

Total: 150 Points


For dogs which have not won three first prizes in Class B and Open Class C in total.

One command by word or signal, except in Test 2. Extra commands or signals must be penalised.

Heel Free. The dog shall be required to walk at heel free and shall also be tested at fast and also pace. Each change of pace shall commence from the “halt” position. 30 Points


Send away. Drop and Recall. On command of judge to handler, dog to be sent away in direction indicated by judge. After the dog has been dropped, handler will call the dog to heel whilst walking where directed by judge and both will continue forward. No obstacle to be placed in path of dog. Simultaneous command and signal is permitted but as soon as the dog leaves the handler the arm must be dropped. (N.B. an extra command may be simultaneous command and signal, but an extra command must be penalised). 40 Points


Retrieve any one article provided by the judge but which must not be in manner injurious to the dog (definitely excluding food or glass). The article to be picked up easily by any breed of dog in that Class and to be clearly visible to the dog. A seperate similar article to be used for each dog. Test commences following judge or steward’s words “last command” to handler. 30 Points


Stand one Minute, handler atleast ten paces away form and facing away form the dog. 10 Points<


Sit two Minutes, handler out of sight.20 Points


Down ten Minutes, handler out of sight. 40 Points 7. Scent discrimination. Handlers scent on article provided by judge. A seperate similar article to be used for each dog and the total number of articles shall not exceed ten, all of which shall be clearly visible to the dog and shall be similar to the article given to the handler. Judges must use a seperate similar scent decoy or decoys for each dog. No points will be awarded if the article is given to the dog.30 Points

Total: 200 Points

Following to be read in conjunction with Class C-6

1. Obedience Challenge Certificate shall be awarded to all dogs that get 290 and above out of a total of 300 marks and this shall be irrespective of sex.

2. As provide in the K.C.I. Regulations.

a) A dog awarded three Obedience Certificates under three different judges in accordance with these Regulations Shall be entitled to described as an Obedience Champion and shall receive a Certificate to this effect from the Kennel Club of India.


At Championship Shows: Dogs which have been placed on atleast one occasion not lower than third in each class of Novice Class. Class A and Class B.

One command, by word or signal, except in Test 2 where an extra command may be simultaneous command and signal. Extra commands or signals must be penalised.

Heal Work. The dog shall be required to walk at heel free, and also be tested at fast and slow pace. At some time during this test, at the discretion of the judge, the dog shall be required, whilst walking to heel at normal pace, to be left at the stand, Sit and Down in any order (the order to be the same for each dog) as and when directed by the judge. The handler shall continue forward alone, without hesitation, and continue as directed by the judge until he reaches his dog when both shall continue forward together until halted. Heal work may include left about turns and figure of eight at normal and /or slow pace 60 points


Send Away, Drop and Recall as in Class B 40 points


Retrieve any one article provided by the Judge but which must not be in any manner injurious to the dog (definitely excluding food or glass). The article to be picked up easily by any breed of dog in the Class and to be clearly visible to the dog. A Separate similar article to be used for each dog. Test commences following Judge or Steward’s “last command” to handler 30 points


Distant Control. Dog to Sit. Stand and Down at a marked place not less then ten paces from the handler. In any order on command from judge to handler. Six instructions to be given in the same order for each dog. Excessive movement, i.e, more than the length of the dog, in any direction by the dog, having regard to its size, will be penalised. The dog shall start the exercise with its font feet behind designated points. No penalty for excessive movement in a forward direction shall be imposed until the back legs of the dog pass the designated point. 50 points


Sit Two minutes, handler out of sight 20 points


Down Ten Minutes handler out of sight 50 points


Scent discrimination. Judge’s scent on piece of marked cloth, Neutral and decoy cloth to be provided by the show executive. The judge shall not place his cloth in the ring himself, but it shall be placed by a steward. A seperate similar piece to be used for each dog and the total number of seperate pieces of cloth from which the dog shall discriminate shall not exceed ten. If a dog fetches or found a wrong article this must be replaced by a fresh article. At Open air shows all scent cloths must be adequately weighted to prevent them being blown about. The method of scent shall be at the handlers’ discretion but shall not require the judge to place his hand on or lean towards the dog. A seperate similar piece of cloth approximately 6″x 6″ but not more than 10×10 shall be available to be used for giving each dog the scent. Judges should use a scent decoy or decoys. 50 Points

Total: 300 Points


In all classes the dog should work in a happy and natural manner and prime consideration should be given to judging the dog and handler as a team. The dog may be encouraged and praised except where specifically stated.

Instructions and command to competitors may be made either by the judge or his steward by delegation.

In all tests the left side of a handler will be regarded as the “working side” unless the handler suffers from a physical disability and has the judge’s permission to work the dog on the right hand side.

To signal the completion of each test the handler will be given the command “test finished”.

It is permissible for handlers to practice their dogs before going into the ring provided there is no punitive correction and this is similar to an athlete limbering up before an event.

TIME-TABLE OF JUDGING– To assist show executives the following guide time-table is issued.

Class C 6 dogs per hour
Class B 8 dogs per hour
Class A 12 dogs per hour
Novice 12 dogs per hour
Beginners 12 dogs per hour

The dog should be led into the ring for judging with a collar and lead attached (unless otherwise directed) and should be at the handler’s side. Competitors in Championship Class C who have lost more marks than would enable them to qualify with 290 marks at the conclusion of the judging may volunteer to withdraw from the Class with the judge’s approval. This decision to withdraw is entirely at the discretion of the competitor and judges must not compel such competitors to withdraw.

1. Heal on Lead – The dog should be sitting straight at the handler’s side. On command the handler should walk briskly forward in a straight line with the dog at heel. The dog should be approximately level with and reasonably close to the handler’s leg at all times when the handler is walking. The lead must be slack at all times. On the command “Left Turn” or “Right Turn” the handler should turn smartly at a right angle in the appropriate direction and the dog should keep its position at the handler’s side. Unless otherwise directed, at the command “about turn” the handler should turn about smartly on the spot through an angle of 180 degree to the right and walk in the opposite direction, the dog maintaining its position at the handler’s side. On the command “halt” the handler should halt immediately and the dog should sit straight at the handler’s side. Throughout this test the handler may not touch the dog or make use of the lead without penalty. Stumping of feet will constitute an extra command.

2. Heal Free – This test should be carried out in a similar manner as for Heel on Lead except that the dog must be off the lead throughout the test.

3. Retrieve a Dumb – bell/Article – At the start of this exercise the dog should be sitting at the handler’s side. On command the handler must throw the dumb-bell/article in the direction indicated. The dog should remain at the Sit position until the handler is ordered to send it to retrieve the dumb – bell article. The dog should move out promptly at a smart pace to collect the dumb-bell/article cleanly. It should return with the dumb-bell/article at a smart pace and sit straight in front of the handler. On command the handler should take the dumb-bell or article from the dog. On further command the dog should be sent to heel. In Classes A, B and C the test commences on the order “last command” to handler.

4. (a) Sit /Stay- The judge or Steward will direct handlers to positions in the ring. The command “last command” will be given when all the ready and handlers should then instantly give their final command to the dogs. Any further commands or signals to the dogs after this “last command” will be penalised. Handlers will then be instructed to leave their dogs and walk to position indicated until ordered to return to them. Dogs should remain in the Sit position throughout the test. This is group test and all the dogs must compete together.

(b) Stand/Stay- This test should be carried out exactly as for the Sit/Stay except that dogs will be left in the Stand position throughout the test. This is a group test and all dogs must compete together.

(c) Down/Stay – This test should be carried out exactly as for the Sit/Stay, except that dogs will be left in the Down position throughout the test. This is a group test and all dogs must compete together.

5. Scent Discrimination – A steward will place the scented article amongst up to a maximum of nine other articles.

In a scent test if a dog brings in a wrong article or physically fouls article (i.e. mouths it) this article will be replaced.

The dog should at this time be facing away from the articles. On command the handler should bring the dog to a point indicated, give the dog scent and upright before sending the dog to find and retrieve the appropriate article. The dog should find the article and complete the test as for the Retrieve test. In all test, scent articles are to be placed atleast 2 feet apart. Limiting the time allowed for this test at the Judge’s discretion.

 – Handler’s Scent on Handler’s Article.

The judges should reject any articles he considers to be unfit by nature of their size, shape or substance and which in his opinion could have the effect of converting this elementary Scent. Test into a Sight Test. In this test atleast one other article must be scented by some one other than the handler and the decoy article(s) must be similar for each dog.

 – Handler’s Scent on Article provided by the judge.

The article must not be given to the dog. All articles must be separate and similar.

CLASS C – Judge’s Scent on piece of marked cloth. A decoy steward should not handle a cloth for a period longer than the judge.



Obedience trials are a sport and all participants should be guided by the principles of good sportsmanship both in and outside of the ring. The purpose of obedience trails is to demonstrate the usefulness of the pups –bred dog as a companion of man, not merely the dog’s ability to follow specified routines in the obedience ring. While all contestants in a class are required to perform the same exercises in substantially the same way o that the relative quality of the various performance may be compared and scored, the basic objective of obedience trials is to produce dogs that have been trained and conditioned always to behave in the home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs, in a manner that will reflect credit on the sport of obedience. The performances of dog and handler in the ring must be accurate and correct and must conform to the requirement of these Regulations. However, it is also essential that the dog demonstrate willingness and enjoyment of its work, and that smoothness and naturalness on the part of the handler be given precedence over a performance based on military precision and peremptory commands.


Section 1: COMPANION DOG CLASS: The C.D Class shall be for dogs not less than six months of age that have not won the title *C.D.*

Section 2: Each dog in this class must have a different handler. The same person must handle the same dog in all exercises. No person may handle more than one dog in the Companion Dog Class.

Section 3:- EXERCISES AND SCORES: The exercises and maximum scores in the Companion Dog Class are:

1. Heel on Lead 35 Points
2. Stand for examination 30 Points
3. Heel Free 45 Points
4. Recall 30 Points
5. Long Sit 30 Points
6. Long Down 30 Points
Maximum Total Score:  200 Points

Section 4:- COMPANION DOG TITLE: The Kennel Club of India will issue a companion dog certificate for each registered dog, and will permit the use of the letters “C.D”.after the name of each dog that has  been certified by three different judges to have received qualifyingscores in the C.D. Classes at three licenses trials, provided the sum total of dogs that actually competed in the regular C.D.Class at each trial, is not less than two.

QUALIFYING SCORE: A qualifying score shall be comprised of scores of more than 50% of the available points in each exercise and a final score of 170 or more points, earned in a class at a licensed trial.

Section 5: HEEL ON LEASH @ FRIGURE EIGHT: The Principal feature of this exercise is the ability of the dog and handler to work as a team.

Orders for the exercise are “Forward”, “Halt”, “Right Turn”, “Left Turn”, “ About Turn”, ‘Slow’ ‘Normal’ and ‘Fast’, ‘Fast’ signifies that the handler must run, handler and dog moving forward at noticeably accelerated speed. In executing the about the turn the handler will always do a RIGHT ABOUT TURN.

The orders may be given in any sequence and may be repeated as necessary, but the judge shall attempt to standardize the heeling pattern for all dogs in the class.

The leash may be held in either hand or both hands providing the hand are in a natural position. However, any tightening or jerking of the leash or any act, signal or command which in the Judge’s opinion gives the dog assistance shall be penalized.

The handler shall enter the ring with his dog on a loose leash and stand with the dog sitting in the Heel Position. The judge shall ask if the handler is ready before giving the order “Forward”. The handler may give a command or signal to Heel, and shall walk briskly and in a natural manner with his dog on a loose leash. The dog shall walk close to the left side of the handler without swinging wide, lagging, forging or crowding. Whether heeling or sitting, the dog must not interfere with the handler’s freedom of motion at any time. At each order to Halt, the handler will stop and his dog shall sit straight and promptly in the Heel position without command or signal, and shall not move until the handler again moves forward on order from the judge. It is permissible after each Halt, before moving again, for the handler to give a command of signal to Heel. The judge shall say Exercise finished after this portion of the exercise.

Before starting the Figure of Eight the judge shall ask if the handler is ready. Figure Eight (Fig 8) signifies that on specific orders from the judge or Forward and halt, the handler, and dog, from a starting position midway between tow stewards and facing the judge, shall walk briskly twice completely around and between the two stewards, who shall stand 8 feet apart. The figure eight in the Companion Dog Classes, shall be done on leash. The handler may choose to go in either direction. There shall be no about turn or Fast or Slow in the Figure Eight, but the judge must order at least one Halt during and another Halt at the end of this portion of the exercise.

Section 6: HEEL ON LEASH & FIGURE EIGHT SCORING: If a dog is unmanageable of if its handler constantly controls its performance by tugging on the leash or adapts pace to that of the dog, the dog must be scored zero.

Substantial deductions shall be made for additional commands or signals to Heel and for failure of dog or handler to change pace noticeable for Slow and Fast.

Substantial or minor deductions shall be made for such things as lagging, heeling wide, poor sits, handler failing to walk at a brisk pace, occasional guidance with leash and other imperfections in heeling.

In scoring this exercise the judge shall accompany the handler at a discreet distance so that he can observe any signals or commands given by the handler to the dog. The judge must do so without interfering with either dog or handler.

 The principal features of this exercise are that the dog stands in position before and during the examination, and that the dog display neither shyness nor resentment.

Orders are “Stand your dog and leave when you are ready”, “Back to your dog” and “Exercise finished”. There will be not further command from the judge to the handler to leave the dog.

The handler shall take his dog on leash to a place indicated by the judge, where the handler shall remove the leash and give it to a steward who shall place it on the judge’s table or other designated place.

On judge’s order the handler will stand and/or pose his dog off leash by the method of his choice, taking any reasonable time if he chooses to pose the dog as in the show ring. When he is ready the handler will give his command and/or signal to the dog to stay, walk forward about six feet in the front of the dog, turn around and stand facing the dog.

The judge shall approach the dog from the front, and shall touch only the dog’s head, body and hindquarters, using the fingers and palm of one hand only. He shall then order, “Back to your dog” Whereupon the handler shall walk around behind his dog and return to the Heel Position. They must remain standing until after the judge has said “Exercise finished”.

Section 8: STAND FOR EXAMINATION, SCORING : The Scoring of this exercise will not start until the handler has given the command and/or signal to Stay, except for such things as rough treatment of the dog by its handler or active resistance by the dog to its handler’s attempts to make it stand. Either of these shall be penalized substantially.

A dog that displays any shyness or resentment or growls or snaps at any time shall be scored zero, as shall a dog that sits before or during the examination or a dog that moves away before or during the examination from the place where it was left.

Minor or substantial deductions, depending on the circumstances shall be made for a dog that moves its feet at anytime or sits or moves away after the examination has been completed.

 This exercise shall be executed in the same manner as Heel on Leash, except that the dog shall be off leash and that there shall be no Figure Eight. Orders and scoring shall also be the same.

Section 10: RECALL: The principal features of this exercise are that the dog stays where left until called by its handler, and that the dog responds promptly to the handler’s command or signal to “come”.

Orders are “Leave your dog”, “Call your dog”, and “Finish”.

On order from the judge, the handler may give command and/or signal to the dog to Stay in the sit position while the handler walks forward about 35 feet to the other and of the ring. Where he shall turn and stand in a natural manner facing his dog. On judge’s order or signal, the handler will give command or signal for the dog to come. The dog must came straight in at a brisk pace and sit straight, centered immediately in front of the handler’s feet, close enough that the handler could readily touch its head without moving either foot or having to stretch forward. The dog must not touch the handler or sit between his feet.

On judge’s order the handler will give command or signal to finish and the dog must go smartly to the Heel position and sit. The manner in which the dog finished shall be optional with the handler, provided that it is prompt and that the dog sits straight at heel.

Section 11: RECALL SCORING: 
A dog must receive a Score of Zero for the following.

  1. Not staying without additional command or signal.


  1. Failure to come on the first command or signal.


  1. Moving from the place where left before being called or signaled.


  1. Not sitting close enough in front that the handler could readily touch its head without moving either foot or stretching forward.

Substantial deductions shall be made for a slow response to the Come, varying with the extent of the slowness for extra command or signal to stay if give before the handler leaves the dog for the dog’s standing or lying down instead of waiting in the sit position for extra command or signal to finish and for failure to Sit or finish.

Minor deductions shall be made for slow or poor Sits or Finishes, for touching the handler on coming in or while finishing, and for sitting between the handler’s feet.

Section 12 : GROUP EXERCISE:
 The principal feature of these exercise is that the dog remain in the sitting of down position, whichever is required by the particular exercise.

Orders are “Sit your dogs” or “Down your dogs”, “Leave your dogs”, “Back to your dogs”.

All the competing dogs in the class take these exercises together, except that if there are 12 or more dogs they shall, at the judge’s option, be judged in groups of not less than 6 or more than 15 dogs. The dogs that are in the ring shall be lined up in catalogue order, along one of the four sides of the ring.

For the long sit the handlers shall, on order from the judge, command and/or signal their dogs to Sit if they are not already sitting. On further order from the judge to leave their dogs, the handlers shall give a command and or signal to Stay and immediately leave their dogs. The handlers will go to the opposite side of the ring, turn and stand facing their respective dogs.

If a dog gets up and starts to roam of follows its handler or if a dog moves so as to interfere with another dog, the judge shall, promptly instruct the handler or one of the stewards to take the dog out of the ring or to keep it away from the other dogs.

After one minute from the time he has ordered the handlers to leave their dogs, the judge will give the order to return, whereupon the handlers must promptly go back to their dogs, each walking around and in back of his own dog to the Heel Position. The dogs must not move from the Sitting Position until after the judge has said Exercise finished”.

Before starting the Long Down the judge shall ask if the handlers are ready. The Long Down is done in the same manner as the Long Sit except that instead of sitting their dogs the handlers shall, on order from the judges, down their dogs without touching either the dogs or their collars and except further that the judge will order the handlers to return after THREE MINUTES. The dogs must not move from the down position until after the judge has said “Exercise finished”.

The dogs shall not be required to sit or the end of the Down exercise.

Section 13: GROUP EXERCISE SCORING: During these exercises the judge shall stand in such position that all the dogs are in his line of vision, and where he can see all the handlers in the ring without having to turn around,

Scoring of the exercise will not start until after the judge has ordered the handlers to leave their dogs, except for such things as rough treatment of a dog by its handler or active resistance by a dog to its handler’s attempts to make it Sit or lie Down. These shall be penalized substantially; in extreme cases the dog may be excused.

A Score of Zero is required for the following.

  1. The dog’s moving at any time during either exercise a substantial distance away from the place where it was left.


  1. Or going over to any other dog.


  1. Or staying on the spot where it was left but not remaining in whichever position is required by the particular exercise until the handler has returned to the Heel Position, or repeatedly barking or whinning.

A Substantial deduction shall be made for a dog that moves even a minor distance away from the place where it was left or that brake or whines only once or twice depending on the circumstance, a substantial or minor deduction shall be made for touching the dog or its collar in getting the dog into the Down position.

There shall be a minor deduction if a dog changes position after the handler has returned to the Heel Position, but before the judge has said, “Exercise finished”. The judge shall not give the order “Exercise finished” until the handlers have returned to the Heel position.

For further details consult “The Kennel Club of India (NEW) Obedience Regulations” available at Rs.5/- per copy.




(Supplementary to INKC Rules & Regulations for Shows)

(a) In all the classes the handler may use the dog’s name with a command or signal without penalty. Except in the Stay Tests and Distance Control, all tests shall commence and finish with the dog sitting at the handler’s side
(b) Food shall not be carried or given to the dog in the Obedience Ring.
(c) In any test in which judge’s articles are used, none of them should be injurious to the dog and must be capable of being picked up by any breed entered in that test.
(d) Spayed bitches and castrated dogs are permitted to compete in Obedience Classes.
(e) No bitch in season shall be allowed to compete in Obedience Classes.
(f) In all tests the points must be graduated.
(g) Handlers may use only a slip chain or smooth collar in the ring. Dangling ends and/or attachments are not permitted if the slip chain or collar are left on during off-leash exercises.
(h) Every handler must wear his ring number prominently displayed when in the ring.
(i) No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time whilst within the boundaries of the Show.

Imperfections in heeling between tests will not be judged but any physical disciplining by the handler in the ring, or any uncontrolled behavior of the dog, such as snapping, unjustified barking, fouling the ring, or running out of the ring, even between tests, must be penalized by deducting points from the total score and the judge may bar the dog from further competition in that class.

No dog may compete in more than two Obedience Classes at any Show.

  • No handler may handle more than one dog in each Class.
  • Minimum total points required to qualify for a First Prize in any Class is 60%, other prizes 50%.
  • Disqualification of Dogs
    (In addition to the general disqualifications, which apply)
    A bitch which is in season shall be disqualified and removed from the Obedience Ring.


  • General
  • In all Classes the dog should work in a happy and natural manner but should not impede the handler and prime consideration should be given to judging the dog and handler as a team. The dog may be encouraged and praised except where specifically stated.
  • Instructions and commands to competitors may be made either by the Judge or the Steward by delegation except during heel work when commands must be given by the caller steward.
  • In all tests the left side of the handler will be regarded as the “working side” unless the handler suffers from a physical disability and has the judge’s permission to work the dog on the right hand side.
  • To signal the completion of each test the handler will be given the command “test finished”.
  • It is permissible for handlers to practice their dog before going into the ring provided there is no punitive correction; this is similar to an athlete warming up before an event.
  • Tests
  • Heel on Lead– The dog should be sitting straight at the handler’s side. On command the handler should walk briskly forward in a straight line with the dog at heel. The dog’s shoulder should be approximately level with and reasonably close to the handler’s leg at all times when the handler is walking. The lead must be slack at all times. On the command “Left Turn” or “Right Turn” the handler should turn smartly at a right angle in the appropriate direction and the dog should keep its position at the handler’s side. Unless otherwise directed, on command “About Turn” the handler should turn about smartly through an angle of 180 degrees to the right and walk in the opposite direction, the dog maintaining its position at the handler’s side. On the command “Halt” the handler should halt immediately and the dog should sit straight at the handler’s side. Throughout the test the handler may not tough the dog or make use of the lead without penalty.
  • Heel Free The test should be carried out in a similar manner as for Heel on lead except that the dog must be off the lead throughout the test. “Left about Turns” in heel work are only permissible in Class B and C at normal and/or slow pace.
  • Recall See specific Class Tests.
  • Retrieve a Dumb-bell/Article– At the start of this exercise the dog should be sitting at the handler’s side. On command the handler must throw the dumb-bell/article in the direction   The  dog should  remain in  the  Sit position  until  the  handler  is ordered to send it to retrieve the dumb-bell/article. The dog should move out promptly at a smart pace to collect the dumb-bell/article cleanly. It should return with the dumb-bell/article at a smart pace and sit straight in front of the handler. On command the handler should take the dumbbell/article from the dog. On further command the dog should be sent to heel. In Classes A, B and C the test commences on the order “Last Command” to handler.
  • Stays– The Judge or Steward will direct handlers to position in the ring. The command “Last Command” will be given and handlers should then instantly give their final command to their dogs. Any further command or signal to the dogs after this “Last Command” will be penalized. Handlers will then be instructed to leave their dogs and walk to positions indicated until ordered to return to them. These are group tests and all dogs must compete together, but where this is impracticable at an indoor show, the Class may be equally divided but the judging for the groups must be consecutive.
    (1) Sit-Stay –       Dogs should remain in the Sit position throughout the Test.
    (2) Stand-Stay –  Dogs should remain in the Stand position throughout the Test.
    (3) Down-Stay –  Dogs should remain in the Down position throughout the Test.
  • Scent Discrimination
    (1) Cloths must be placed in position by a steward and must be at least 3 ft and not more than 5 ft apart.
    (2) The method of taking scent is at the handler’s discretion. However, in Class C this shall not require the judge to place his hand on or lean towards the dog.
    (3) In Class C more than one decoy steward may be used, and each decoy steward is permitted to place a maximum of two cloths per dog.
    (4) Decoy stewards must not handle a cloth for longer than the handler in Class B, or the judge in Class C. Cloths must be stored out of reach of the dog whilst not in use.
    (5) Any cloth which is fouled in any way e.g. mouthed, must be replaced with a fresh cloth
    (6) At the commencement of the test the dog must be brought to a designated point. The dog must be facing away from the cloths while scented/decoy cloths are placed in position. When the cloths have been placed, the handler must give the dog scent, stand up straight and send the dog on command from the judge to steward to find the correct cloth. The dog, on finding the correct cloth must then complete the test as for the Retrieve Test.
    (7) Limiting the time for this test is at the judge’s discretion.



  • To compete in Pre-Beginners an owner or handler or dog must not have won a First Prize in Pre-Beginners nor gained a third place or above in any other obedience Class.
  • Handlers will not be penalized for encouragement or extra commands except in the Sit and Down Tests. In these tests, at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges or Stewards must not use the words “last command” except in the Sit and Down Tests.
Heel on Lead 15 points
Heel Free 20 points
Recall from Sit or Down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler, sit in front, go to heel –  all on command of   Judge or Steward to handler.  Distance at discretion of Judge. Test commences when handler leaves dog. 10 points
Sit one minute handler in sight 10 points
Down two minutes, handler in sight 20 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 10 points
Total 85 points


  • To compete in Beginners an Owner or Handler or dog must not have won a total of two or more First Prizes in Beginners Class, or, one First Prize in any other Obedience Class, (Pre-Beginners excepted).
  • Handlers will not be penalized for encouragement or extra commands except on the Sit and Down tests. In these tests at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges and Stewards must not use the words “last command” except in the Sit and Down tests.
Heel on Lead 15 points
Heel Free 20 points
Recall from Sit or Down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler, sit in front, go to heel –  all on command of   Judge or Steward to handler.  Distance at discretion of Judge. Test commences when handler leaves dog. 10 points
Retrieve any article. Handlers may use their own article 25 points
Sit one minute handler in sight 10 points
Down two minutes, handler in sight 20 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 10 points
Total 110 points


  • For dogs that have not won First Prizes in Obedience Classes (Pre-Beginners and Beginners excepted).
  • Handlers will not be penalized for encouragement or extra commands except in the Sit and Down tests. In these tests, at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may face their dogs. Judges or Stewards must not use the words”last command” except in the Sit and Down tests.
Temperament Test. To take place before heel on lead. Dog to be on the lead, in the Stand position, handler to stand by dog. Judge to approach quietly from the front and to run his hand gently down the dog’s back. Judge may talk quietly to the dog to reassure it. Any undue resentment, cringing, growling or snapping to be penalized. This is not a stand for examination or a stay test. 10 points
Heel on Lead 15 points
Heel Free 20 points
Recall from Sit or Down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler, sit in front, go to heel –  all on command of   Judge or Steward to handler.  Distance at discretion of Judge. Test commences when handler leaves dog. 10 points
Retrieve a dumb-bell, handlers may use their own dumb-bell 15 points
Sit one minute handler in sight 10 points
Down two minutes, handler in sight 20 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 10 points
Total 110 points


  • For dogs which have not won three First Prizes in Test A, B and C in total.
  • Simultaneous command and signal will be permitted. Extra commands or signals must be penalized.
Temperament Test. To take place before heel on lead. Dog to be on the lead, in the Stand position, handler to stand by dog. Judge to approach quietly from the front and to run his hand gently down the dog’s back. Judge may talk quietly to the dog to reassure it. Any undue resentment, cringing, growling or snapping to be penalized. This is not a stand for examination or a stay test. 10 points
Heel on Lead 15 points
Heel Free 25 points
Recall from Sit or Down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled to heel by handler, whilst handler walking away from dog, both to continue forward until ordered to halt. The recall and halt points to be the same for each dog and   Test commences following handler’s last command to dog 15 points
Retrieve a dumb-bell, handlers may use their own dumb-bell 15 points
Sit two minutes, handler in sight 10 points
Down five minutes, handler out of sight 30 points
Scent discrimination. The handler’s scent on a marked cloth supplied by the Judge. There must be a total of six scent cloths, this total must not include any decoys, but must include the cloth provided by the judge. These six cloths must be set out in a straight line, which may be in any direction. 30 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 15 points
Total 165 points


  • For dogs which have not won three First Prizes in Test B and Test C in total
  • One command by word or signal is permitted, any extra commands and signals must be penalized. However a simultaneous command and signal is permitted in the Send Away element of the Send Away, Drop and Recall exercise.
Heel free. The dog shall be required to walk at heel free and shall also be tested at fast and slow pace. Each change of pace shall commence from the halt position. 40 points
Send Away, Drop and Recall. On command of Judge the handler to bring the dog to the place indicated, set up the dog and stand upright. On further command, the handler will send the dog in the direction indicated by the Judge. After the dog has been dropped, handler will call the dog to heel whilst walking where directed by the Judge and both will continue forward until ordered to halt. No obstacle to be placed in path of dog. Simultaneous command and signal is permitted but as soon as the dog leaves the handler, the arm must be dropped. (N.B. an extra command may be simultaneous command and signal but must be penalized) 40 points
Retrieve any one article provided by the Judge but which must not be in any way injurious to the dog (excluding food or glass). The article to be picked up easily by any breed of dog in that Class and to be clearly visible to the dog. A separate similar article to be used for each dog.  Test commences following Judge or Steward’s words “last command” to handler. 30 points
Stand one minute handler in sight 10 points
Sit two minutes, handler out of sight 20 points
Down five minutes, handler out of sight 30 points
Scent   The handler’s scent on a marked cloth supplied by the Judge. There must be a minimum of six and up to a maximum of ten scent cloths; the total must include one decoy cloth, and the cloth provided by the judge. The pattern of cloths is at the judge’s discretion 30 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 20 points
Total 220 points


(a) Open to all dogs

(b) One command by word or signal is permitted, any extra commands and signals must be penalized. However, a simultaneous command and signal is permitted in the Send Away element of the Send Away, Drop and Recall exercise.

Heel Work. The dog shall be required to walk at heel free, and also be tested at fast and  slow pace.  At some time  during this test, at the discretion  of  the  Judge, the dog shall be required, whilst walking at heel at normal pace, to be left at the Stand, Sit and Down position in any order (the order to be the same for each dog) as and when directed by the Judge. The handler shall continue forward alone without hesitation, and continue as directed by the Judge until reaching  the  dog  when both shall continue forward together until halted. Heel work may  include  left  about turns and figure of eight at normal and/or slow pace 60 points
Send Away, Drop and Recall as in Test B 40 points
Retrieve any one article provided by the Judge but which must not be in any way injurious to the dog (excluding food or glass). The article to be picked up easily by any breed of dog in the Class and to be clearly visible to the dog. A separate similar article to be used for each dog. Test commences following the  Judge or Steward’s “last command” to handler 30 points
Distance Control. Dog to  Sit,  Stand  and  Down at a marked place not less than ten paces from handler,  in any order on command from Judge to handler.  Six  instructions  to  be  given in the same  order for each dog. Excessive  movement,  i.e.  more than the body length of the dog, in any direction by the dog having regard to its size, will be penalized. The dog shall start the exercise with  its  front  feet  behind  a  designated point. No penalty for excessive movement in a forward direction shall be imposed until the back feet of the dog  pass the designated point 50 points
Sit two minutes, handler out of sight 20 points
Down ten minutes, handler out of sight 50 points
Scent discrimination. The Judge’s scent on a marked cloth supplied by the Judge.  There  must  be  a  minimum  of six and up to a maximum of ten scent cloths,  this  total  must  include the  Judge’s scent cloth and a decoy or decoys.  The pattern is at the Judge’s discretion 50 points
Working of the dog in a happy and natural manner, and dog & handler working as a team 30 points
Total 330 points


The Indian National Kennel Club will offer an Obedience Certificate (Dog) and an Obedience Certificate (Bitch) for Winners of 1st Prizes in Test C Dog and Test C Bitch at a Championship Show, provided that the exhibits do not lose more than 20 points out of 330. A dog awarded three Obedience Certificates under three different Judges in accordance with these Regulations, shall be entitled to be described as Obedience Champion.


When you buy/sell a pup make sure the Registration Certificate is handed over with a signed transfer form to the new owner.

If anyone has any doubts about the authenticity of any registration papers please check it out with The Indian National Kennel Club.

PLEASE NOTE :- If any wrong information is given in the application for registration of any dog, or if extra puppies are registered in the litter, stern action will be taken and all dogs standing in the name of the party concerned will be CANCELLED

The Indian National Kennel Club, Belvedere Court, 2nd floor, 148 M. Karve Road, Bombay 400 020

Tel: 22029106  /  9820141328


Fax: 22812109     Email:




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