Dr. M. Vigneswari

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry

Veterinarians play a critical role in tapping new opportunities and tackling emerging challenges as the livestock sector expands to absorb animal-sourced foods, both domestically and globally. As the livestock sector continues to expand, the role of veterinarians would become increasingly important in ensuring sustainable and responsible livestock production and safeguarding animal health, protecting public health, and promoting the well-being of our environment. While currently about 40% of the world’s protein consumption is from animal source, the demand for food, especially animal-based products like meat and milk will exponentially rise with the global population estimated to touch 9.1 billion by 2050. Globally, 1 in 5 persons depend on livestock for income and livelihood, in India, 2/3rd of rural communities rely on livestock for their livelihood. This sector which employs approximately 18.8% of India’s population, more importantly, has high proportions of women in the workforce.

Role of Veterinarians and Livestock Sector

In India, the livestock sector has witnessed an extraordinary growth with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.99% annually between 2014-15 and 2022-23. In fact, the contribution of the livestock sector to agricultural Gross Value Added (GVA) has seen a significant increase from around 25% in the early 2000s to over 30.23% in recent years, reflecting a growth of nearly 23%.“This growth underscores the critical role of this sector in enhancing farmers’ incomes and ensuring food security highlighting the sector’s increasing importance within the broader agricultural economy.

READ MORE :  Role of Veterinarians and Livestock Sector for “Viksit Bharat@2047”

According to projections by the NITI Aayog, by 2050, India’s demand for animal-sourced food is anticipated to rise significantly. Economic and demographic shifts, such as a 24% population increase, a 7.5-fold rise in income levels, and greater urbanisation with 55% of the population residing in urban areas, will drive this change in dietary patterns. This means that calorie intake from animal-sourced foods is expected to double, reaching 16%. Additionally, demand for meat, fish, and eggs is projected to surge by 205%, while demand for milk products is likely to grow 3.7 times faster than that for food grains.

Noting that the scale of such expansion presents both opportunities and challenges, veterinary community’s expertise would become crucial in addressing emerging issues like zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and ensuring animal welfare.“With the world of veterinary medicine constantly evolving, and technological advancements, from telemedicine to genetic research, transforming the way we diagnose and treat animal diseases, the role of veterinarians has never been more crucial as we face global issues such as zoonotic diseases, climate change, and antimicrobial resistance.

Agriculture in Viksit Bharat

Agriculture contributes around 18% to the country’s GDP. The sector’s growth impacts overall economic health significantly, for instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when other sectors suffered, agriculture showcased resilience and even growth, underlining its importance to the economy. Therefore, for “Viksit Bharat 2047,” enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability is crucial for economic growth. Agriculture is critical for India’s development as it still engages about 45.8% of the working population (2022–23, PLFS data).

Despite India reaching a record food grain production of 296.65 million tonnes in the 2019-2020 crop year, ensuring sustainable food security remains a critical challenge in the vision of Viksit Bharat 2047. The agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in this endeavour, necessitating advancements in farming techniques and systemic improvements in post-harvest and distribution channels to sustainably nourish the world’s largest population.

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Developing the agriculture sector can turn India into a global food basket, enhancing its export potential. This can lead to better trade balances, foreign exchange earnings, and a stronger position in international trade negotiations. For example, India is one of the largest exporters of spices, rice (particularly Basmati rice), and tea in the world. Leveraging technology and innovation in agriculture such as precision farming, biotechnology, and digital agriculture can boost productivity, reduce waste, and make farming more resilient and efficient.

Agriculture is central to rural development. Improving agricultural infrastructure, market access, and value chain efficiencies can drive rural prosperity, reducing the urban-rural divide and leading to a more equitable development model.


In aiming for Viksit Bharat, prioritizing sustainable agriculture is crucial for climate resilience. Agriculture in Viksit Bharat should encompass a comprehensive and forward-looking approach that targets the sustainable development of the agriculture sector. This involves a multi-faceted strategy aimed at enhancing productivity, profitability, and sustainability, while ensuring the welfare of farmers and addressing the challenges of climate change.


1. Abhijit Mitra (2024). Larger role for veterinarians as livestock sector undergoes exponential growth. The Hindu Bureau.

  1.  Agriculture and Viksit Bharat. The vision for “Viksit Bharat 2047,” articulated by the current government


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