Role of Veterinarians in Doubling Farmers’ Income in India


Role of Veterinarians in Doubling Farmers’ Income in India

Dr. Kartik Chaudhary

Veterinary Officer, Department oof Forest, Himachal Pradesh


India, with its vast agricultural landscape, relies heavily on farming for livelihoods. To achieve sustainable growth and prosperity, doubling farmers’ income has become a crucial goal. India is a predominantly agricultural country, with over 60% of the population dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. Livestock production plays an important role in the Indian economy, contributing around 4.11% to the country’s GDP in 2021-22.

Veterinarians play a vital role in the livestock sector. They provide essential services to livestock farmers, such as preventive care, treatment of diseases, and advice on animal husbandry practices. By helping farmers to improve the health and productivity of their livestock, veterinarians can help them to increase their profits and double their income.

Let’s delve into the significant ways veterinarians impact farmers’ income:

Technical Guidance and Support: Veterinarians play a vital role in doubling farmers’ income in India through technical guidance and support. They provide essential services to livestock farmers, such as:

  • Preventive care: Veterinarians can help farmers to prevent diseases in their livestock by providing vaccinations, deworming, and other preventive care measures. This can help farmers to reduce their costs and improve the health and productivity of their animals.
  • Treatment of diseases: Veterinarians can diagnose and treat diseases in livestock. This can help farmers to reduce their losses and improve the welfare of their animals.
  • Advice on animal husbandry practices: Veterinarians can advise farmers on good animal husbandry practices, such as feeding, breeding and management. This can help farmers to improve the overall health and productivity of their livestock, as well as the quality of their products.
  • Technical guidance on new technologies: Veterinarians can provide technical guidance to farmers on new technologies, such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and other reproductive technologies. This can help farmers to improve the productivity of their livestock and increase their income.
  • Support for market access: Veterinarians can help farmers to access new markets for their products. For example, they can provide information on market requirements and help farmers to meet those requirements.

Financial Assistance:Veterinarians guide farmers on cost-effective animal husbandry practices. This includes optimizing feed, vaccination schedules, and preventive measures. Efficient utilization of resources leads to reduced expenses and higher profits for farmers.

Veterinarians play a vital role in doubling farmers’ income in India through financial assistance. They provide essential services to livestock farmers, such as preventive care, treatment of diseases, and advice on animal husbandry practices. By helping farmers to improve the health and productivity of their livestock, veterinarians can help them to increase their profits and double their income.

Financial assistance from veterinarians can help farmers in a number of ways, including:

  • Purchase of livestock: Veterinarians can help farmers to purchase livestock at a subsidized rate. This can help farmers to start or expand their livestock businesses.
  • Construction of livestock sheds: Veterinarians can help farmers to construct livestock sheds at a subsidized rate. This can help farmers to improve the living conditions of their livestock and protect them from harsh weather conditions.
  • Purchase of feed and fodder: Veterinarians can help farmers to purchase feed and fodder at a subsidized rate. This can help farmers to reduce the cost of feeding their livestock.
  • Treatment of diseases: Veterinarians can provide free or subsidized treatment of diseases to livestock. This can help farmers to reduce the cost of healthcare for their livestock.
  • Artificial insemination: Veterinarians can provide free or subsidized artificial insemination services. This can help farmers to improve the genetics of their livestock and produce high-quality offspring.

The government of India has launched a number of initiatives to provide financial assistance to veterinarians and livestock farmers. These initiatives include:

  • National Livestock Mission: This mission provides funding for a variety of initiatives, including financial assistance to veterinarians and livestock farmers for the purchase of livestock, construction of livestock sheds, purchase of feed and fodder, and treatment of diseases.
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY): This scheme provides funding to state governments for a variety of agricultural development initiatives, including financial assistance to veterinarians and livestock farmers.
  • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN): This scheme provides direct income support to small and marginal farmers, including livestock farmers.

These government initiatives provide veterinarians with the resources and support they need to play their role in doubling farmers’ income.

In addition to the above, veterinarians can also play a role in doubling farmers’ income through financial assistance by providing micro-loans to livestock farmers. These micro-loans can help farmers to invest in their businesses and increase their income.

By working together, veterinarians and the government can provide financial assistance to livestock farmers and help them to double their income.

Innovation and Technology Injection:Veterinarians play a vital role in doubling farmers’ income in India through innovation and technology injection. They can help farmers to adopt new technologies and practices that can improve the health and productivity of their livestock, and reduce their costs.

Some specific ways in which veterinarians can help to double farmers’ income in India through innovation and technology injection are listed below:

  • Provide information and advice on new technologies and practices: Veterinarians can provide farmers with information and advice on new technologies and practices, such as improved breeds of livestock, new feeding and management practices, and new disease prevention and treatment methods.
  • Help farmers to access new technologies and practices: Veterinarians can help farmers to access new technologies and practices by connecting them with suppliers and service providers. They can also help farmers to apply for government subsidies and other financial assistance programs.
  • Train farmers on how to use new technologies and practices: Veterinarians can train farmers on how to use new technologies and practices effectively. This can help farmers to get the most out of their investments and to avoid making mistakes.

Monitor and evaluate the impact of new technologies and practices: Veterinarians can monitor and evaluate the impact of new technologies and practices on the health and productivity of livestock, and on farmers’ incomes. This information can be used to identify the most effective technologies and practices, and to make recommendations for improvement. Some examples of specific innovations and technologies that veterinarians can help farmers to adopt are listed below:

  • Artificial insemination: Artificial insemination can be used to improve the genetic quality of livestock and to increase their productivity. Veterinarians can help farmers to access artificial insemination services and to train them on how to perform the procedure.
  • Vaccination and deworming:Vaccination and deworming can help to prevent diseases and parasites, which can improve the health and productivity of livestock. Veterinarians can help farmers to develop vaccination and deworming programs for their livestock.
  • Balanced feeding: Balanced feeding can help to improve the health and productivity of livestock. Veterinarians can help farmers to develop balanced feeding programs for their livestock based on their individual needs and the availability of feed resources.
  • Disease management:Veterinarians can help farmers to develop disease management plans for their livestock. These plans can help to prevent diseases from occurring, and to reduce the impact of diseases that do occur.
  • Televeterinary services:Televeterinary services allow farmers to access veterinary care remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for farmers in remote areas or who have limited access to veterinary services.

The government of India has launched a number of initiatives to support the adoption of innovations and technologies in the livestock sector. These initiatives include:

  • National Livestock Mission: The National Livestock Mission provides funding for a variety of initiatives, including research and development, training, and extension services.
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY):The RKVY provides funding to state governments for a variety of agricultural development initiatives, including the livestock sector.
  • Start-up India:The Start-up India initiative provides support to entrepreneurs who are developing new technologies and products for the livestock sector.

Market Linkages:Market linkages are essential for farmers to get a good price for their produce. Veterinarians can play a vital role in helping farmers to establish and maintain market linkages by:

  • Providing information on market opportunities:Veterinarians can provide farmers with information on new and emerging markets for their products, as well as on the latest market prices and trends. This information can help farmers to make informed decisions about where and when to sell their products.
  • Helping farmers to meet market requirements:Veterinarians can help farmers to meet the quality and safety requirements of different markets. For example, they can provide advice on how to produce milk, meat, and eggs that meet the standards of export markets.
  • Facilitating contracts and agreements between farmers and buyers: Veterinarians can help farmers to negotiate and sign contracts and agreements with buyers. This can help farmers to secure a fair price for their products and to reduce the risk of exploitation.

In addition to the above, veterinarians can also play a role in doubling farmers’ income through market linkages by:

  • Forming cooperatives and producer groups:Veterinarians can help farmers to form cooperatives and producer groups. This can help farmers to achieve better economies of scale and to get a better bargaining position in the market.
  • Promoting direct marketing: Veterinarians can encourage farmers to engage in direct marketing, which can help them to eliminate middlemen and get a higher price for their products.
  • Promoting branding and value addition: Veterinarians can help farmers to brand their products and to add value to them through processing and packaging. This can help farmers to get a higher price for their products and to reach a wider market.

The government of India has also launched a number of initiatives to support market linkages for farmers. These initiatives include:

  • E-NAM (National Agricultural Market):E-NAM is an online platform that connects farmers to buyers across the country. It provides farmers with information on market prices and trends, and it allows them to sell their products directly to buyers.
  • Gramin Bhandaran Yojana: Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is a scheme that provides financial assistance to farmers for the construction of storage facilities. This can help farmers to store their produce until they get a good price for it.
  • Agri Export Policy: The Agri Export Policy 2018-23 aims to double India’s agricultural exports by 2023. It provides a number of incentives to exporters, such as financial assistance and market development support.

Infrastructure Development:Infrastructure development is essential for doubling farmers’ income in India. Veterinarians can play a vital role in this by promoting the development of veterinary infrastructure, such as animal hospitals, veterinary clinics, diagnostic laboratories, and artificial insemination centers.

Some specific ways in which veterinarians can help to double farmers’ income in India through infrastructure development are listed below:

  • Promote the development of veterinary infrastructure: Veterinarians can advocate for the government to invest in the development of veterinary infrastructure. They can also work with private investors to develop veterinary infrastructure facilities in rural areas.
  • Provide technical assistance in the development of veterinary infrastructure:Veterinarians can provide technical assistance to the government and private investors in the development of veterinary infrastructure facilities. This includes providing advice on the design and layout of facilities, the selection of equipment, and the hiring of qualified staff. Veterinarians recognize the need for robust infrastructure. This includes facilities for production, processing, storage, and marketing. Improved infrastructure enhances value addition and market reach, directly impacting farmers’ income.
  • Train farmers on the use of veterinary infrastructure:Veterinarians can train farmers on how to use veterinary infrastructure facilities effectively. This includes training farmers on how to identify and diagnose diseases, how to administer medications, and how to manage their livestock in a healthy and productive manner.

Reducing Production Costs:Improve animal health and productivity: By providing preventive care and treating diseases, veterinarians can help farmers to reduce the cost of animal mortality and morbidity. Additionally, by advising farmers on good animal husbandry practices, veterinarians can help them to improve the overall health and productivity of their livestock, which can lead to reduced production costs per unit of output.

  • Reduce the cost of feed: Veterinarians can help farmers to reduce the cost of feed by providing them with advice on ration formulation, feed budgeting, and feed management. Additionally, veterinarians can help farmers to identify and utilize alternative feed resources, such as agro-industrial byproducts and crop residues.
  • Reduce the cost of breeding: Veterinarians can help farmers to reduce the cost of breeding by providing them with advice on artificial insemination and other reproductive management practices. Additionally, veterinarians can help farmers to select for high-yielding animals, which can lead to reduced production costs per unit of output.
  • Reduce the cost of veterinary services: Veterinarians can help farmers to reduce the cost of veterinary services by providing them with preventive care and by teaching them basic first aid skills. Additionally, veterinarians can work with farmers to develop herd health plans, which can help to reduce the incidence of disease and the need for costly veterinary interventions.

Integrated Farming Systems:Integrated farming systems (IFS) are a holistic approach to agriculture that combines crop and livestock production with other farm activities, such as aquaculture, agroforestry, and apiculture. IFS can help farmers to improve their income by diversifying their production, reducing their reliance on external inputs, and increasing the efficiency of their resource use.

Veterinarians play a vital role in doubling farmers’ income in India through IFS. They can help farmers to:

  • Select the right livestock species and breeds for their IFS. Veterinarians can advise farmers on the livestock species and breeds that are best suited to their climate, soil conditions, and farm resources. They can also help farmers to source high-quality breeding stock.
  • Manage their livestock effectively. Veterinarians can provide farmers with advice on animal nutrition, health and disease management, and breeding. They can also help farmers to develop and implement livestock management plans.
  • Integrate their livestock with their crop production activities.Veterinarians can advise farmers on how to use livestock manure and compost to fertilize their crops, and how to use livestock to control weeds and pests. They can also help farmers to develop and implement crop-livestock rotation systems.
  • Market their livestock products. Veterinarians can help farmers to identify and access new markets for their livestock products. They can also help farmers to develop and implement marketing plans.

Awareness and Education:Veterinarians play a vital role in doubling farmers’ income in India through awareness and education. They can help farmers to improve the health and productivity of their livestock, adopt new technologies and practices, and access new markets.

Specific ways in which veterinarians can help to double farmers’ income in India through awareness and education include:

  • Educating farmers on good animal husbandry practices:Veterinarians can provide training and extension services to farmers on good animal husbandry practices, such as feeding, breeding, and management. This can help farmers to improve the overall health and productivity of their livestock, as well as the quality of their products.
  • Raising awareness of new technologies and markets: Veterinarians can provide information to farmers on new technologies and markets for their products. This can help farmers to adopt new technologies and access new markets, which can increase their profits.
  • Promoting the importance of preventive care:Veterinarians can educate farmers on the importance of preventive care, such as vaccinations and deworming. This can help to reduce the incidence of disease and mortality in livestock, which can lead to increased profits for farmers.
  • Advising farmers on animal health and welfare:Veterinarians can provide advice to farmers on animal health and welfare issues. This can help farmers to ensure that their livestock are healthy and well-cared for, which can improve productivity and increase profits.
  • Creating awareness of government schemes and programs:Veterinarians can inform farmers about government schemes and programs that can help them to improve their businesses. This can help farmers to access financial assistance, training, and other resources that can help them to double their income.

Examples of awareness and education initiatives undertaken by veterinarians in India:

  • The National Livestock Mission (NLM) is a government of India initiative that aims to improve the productivity of livestock and to increase the income of livestock farmers. The NLM provides funding for a variety of awareness and education initiatives, such as training programs for farmers on good animal husbandry practices and new technologies.
  • The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is another government of India initiative that aims to improve the productivity of agriculture and allied sectors. The RKVY provides funding to state governments for a variety of agricultural development initiatives, including awareness and education programs for farmers on animal husbandry practices.
  • The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) is a government of India initiative that provides direct income support to small and marginal farmers. The PM-KISAN also provides awareness and education programs for farmers on animal husbandry practices and new technologies.
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In addition to these government initiatives, veterinarians in India are also undertaking a variety of awareness and education initiatives on their own. For example, the Veterinary Council of India has developed a number of training programs for farmers on animal husbandry practices and new technologies. Veterinarians are also using social media and other platforms to raise awareness of animal health and welfare issues, and to provide advice to farmers on livestock management.

Policy Advocacy:

India’s agricultural sector faces the formidable challenge of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. In this pursuit, veterinarians play a crucial role by advocating for policies that directly impact livestock management and overall farm profitability. Let’s explore how veterinarians contribute through policy advocacy:

  1. Understanding Field Realities:
    • Veterinarians are well-versed with the ground realities of livestock farming. Their insights into challenges faced by farmers are invaluable.
    • By actively participating in policy discussions, veterinarians ensure that policies are informed by practical experiences.
  2. Policy Formulation and Implementation:
    • Veterinarians collaborate with policymakers to design effective livestock-related policies. These policies cover areas such as animal health, nutrition, and breeding.
    • They advocate for policies that promote sustainable practices, disease control, and improved livestock productivity.
  3. Market Policies for Livestock Products:
    • Veterinarians emphasize the need for fair pricing and quality standards for livestock products. Scientific support prices play a crucial role.
    • Advocacy for transparent market policies ensures better returns for farmers.
  4. Infrastructure Development:
    • Veterinarians advocate for robust infrastructure across the livestock value chain. This includes production, processing, storage, and marketing facilities.
    • Improved infrastructure directly impacts farmers’ income by enhancing value addition and market reach.
  5. Cost-Effective Technologies:
    • Veterinarians push for research and development in cost-effective animal husbandry technologies. These innovations reduce production costs.
    • Policies supporting technology adoption lead to higher profits for farmers.
  6. Market Linkages and Economic Profitability:
    • Veterinarians stress the importance of market linkages. Policies should facilitate direct access to markets for livestock products.
    • Economic profitability should be a central focus, enabling farmers to earn more from their livestock.
  7. Advocacy for Farmer-Friendly Policies:
    • Veterinarians raise their voices for policies that prioritize farmers’ welfare. This includes financial incentives, insurance schemes, and risk mitigation measures.
    • They advocate for policies that empower farmers economically.
  8. Research and Development Priorities:
    • Veterinarians guide research priorities. Market-oriented R&D should address economic challenges faced by farmers.
    • Policies must encourage innovation and technology adoption.

Veterinarians are not only practitioners but also policy influencers. Their active involvement in shaping policies ensures that the livestock sector becomes a key driver in doubling farmers’ income. By advocating for farmer-centric policies, veterinarians contribute significantly to India’s agricultural transformation.

In conclusion, veterinarians are catalysts for transforming India’s agricultural landscape. Their multifaceted contributions, from technical guidance to policy advocacy, are essential for achieving the ambitious goal of doubling farmers’ income. As we move forward, collaboration between veterinarians, farmers, and policymakers remains critical for sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.


  • “Doubling of Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry by 2022.”
  • “Role of Veterinarian Activities for Enhance the Economy of the Livestock Farmer in Rural Areas.”
  • “Role of Veterinarians in Integrated Farming System.”
  • “Role of Veterinary Doctors in Doubling Farmer’s Income.” Krishi Jagran.
  • Channappagouda B, Anant Rao Desai, Veeranna KC, Vivek M Patil, and Harisha M. “Doubling Livestock Farmers Income by 2022: Veterinarians Perceptions and Policy Reflections.”
  • Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries:
  • Doubling of Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry by 2022:
  • Government of India. (2020). Doubling Farmers’ Income: A roadmap for 2022-23. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research:
  • Market Linkages for Farmers:
  • National Livestock Mission:
  • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN):
  • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN):
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY):
  • Role of Veterinarians in Doubling Farmers Income through Innovation and Technology Injection:
  • Role of Veterinarians in Doubling Farmers Income through Market Linkages:
  • Role of Veterinarians in doubling Farmers income:
  • Saha, A. K., & Singh, V. K. (2019). Role of integrated farming system in doubling farmers’ income in India: A review. Journal of Animal Research, 9(1), 1-10.
  • Singh, S. K., & Kumar, A. (2020). Role of veterinarians in doubling farmers’ income in India through integrated farming system. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(6), 1657-1660.
  • Start-up India:
  • Verma, A. K., & Sharma, S. K. (2019). Integrated farming system: A sustainable approach for doubling farmers’ income in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(12), 2150-2156.
  • Veterinarians and Farmers: Partners in Doubling Farmers Income:
  • Veterinarians’ Role in Doubling Farmers’ Income through Market Linkages:



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