Secure Indian Poultry through BioSecurity


Secure Indian Poultry through BioSecurity


Dr.Surinder Khana ,Poultry consultant, Punjab.

which literally means safety of living things,is a programme designed to prevent the exposure of birds to disease causing organism by reducing introduction and spread of pathogens into and between the farm.

Biosecurity is the cheapest and at the same time most effective means of disease control available without which no disease prevention programme will work.

Biosecurity measures such as Cleaning and Disinfection, isolation, water and air quality, traffic control etc. which will aid in prevent the entry and control the pathogens in and around the farm.

The most effective form of protection against disease, especially for poultry under modern techniques is Biosecurity i.e. excluding disease from the farm environment and this hold the key to successful and profitable farming.

3.Good Mangement …
of farm are three (3) sides of disease control triangle and Biosecurity is the key element in the tringle of disease control.

Biosecurity is a fundamental set of practices and strategies in all poultry farms. These measures prevent the entry and transmission of pathogens in the farms, thus minimizing the negative impact they can have on poultry production.

Biosecurity on the poultry farm
Biosecurity is a fundamental set of practices and strategies in all poultry farms. These measures prevent the entry and transmission of pathogens in the farms, thus minimizing the negative impact they can have on poultry production.

What is biosecurity?

Biosecurity is defined, in general terms, as the set of sanitary and preventive measures that, if applied permanently, prevent and avoid the entry and exit of infectious agents. These measures should be applied in general in all animal production systems. In the following article we will specifically address biosecurity on farms dedicated to poultry production in all its forms: laying hens, broilers, or reproductive birds.
There are a large number of infectious diseases whose prevention and control measures are strongly related to the biosecurity managed on the farm. Such diseases as Avian cholera, Newcastle disease, Marek’s disease, Salmonellosis, Coccidiosis, Mycoplasmosis, Colibacillus, and Avian Influenza, among others.

The ten most important aspects of poultry biosecurity will be mentioned below:

Biosecurity in the shed infrastructure
Biosecurity includes the physical plant where the poultry farm is installed.

Numerous details are taken into account and are listed below:

Location: The farm should be located away from urban centers and other animal production systems, especially away from pig farms. This biosecurity measure prevents the mobilization of infectious agents.
Environmental management: All environmental regulations required by the region must be investigated and are to be followed. This prevents the appearance of diseases through good management of wastewater, dead birds, the presence of animals from outside the farm and correct use of chemicals, among others.
Entry and exit: The farm must have a comfortable entrance for vehicles and external personnel; Likewise, there must be a parking area away from the poultry production area. This entrance and exit must-have cleaning and disinfection mechanisms to avoid the movement of microorganisms and ensure the biosecurity of the farm.
Disinfection points: Each area of ​​the poultry farm must have well-marked cleaning and disinfection points, which must be used permanently by all workers and external personnel.
Protection: The infrastructure of the shed must have protection from the external environment, preventing the entry of insects, rodents, or wild birds, which can mobilize microorganisms to poultry fram. It must also have protection against solar radiation, strong winds, and rain.
Management of the internal environment: the shed must have good lighting, adequate ventilation systems, registration and control of temperature and humidity. All of this maintains a biosecure environment for birds and staff.
Distance: according to the regulations of each country, there must be a minimum distance between the sheds that reduces the movement of microorganisms through the air, the vectors, and the personnel themselves. Also, it facilitates different procedures.
Materials: the shed must be built with materials that allow adequate washing, cleaning, and disinfection and that facilitate these processes.
Signaling: All areas and their respective activities, must be signposted to facilitate their execution and avoid operational errors. Disinfection points, entrances and exits, clean and dirty areas, transit areas, emergency exits, dangerous areas, storage rooms, among others, must be signposted. If the area handles complete processes, it is good that there is a visible and permanent protocol there.
Maintenance: all equipment and instruments used on the farm must have periodic maintenance to ensure its proper functioning. Besides, these must be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
Biosecurity of personnel and activities
An important component within biosecurity is the measures carried out by the staff working on the farm or by outsiders.

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Hand washing is a very important biosecurity measure

Outside Personnel: Outside people entering the farm are advised to bathe and wear appropriate clothing that belongs to the same farm and is clean. This prevents microorganisms from entering into the farm. People who have been in recent contact with other poultry farms or have signs of respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases are advised not to enter.
Disinfection: it is essential that all personnel clean and disinfects their work instruments in all the different. For example: do this every time they enter a shed.
Movement of the personnel: whenever possible it is advised that the personnel working on the farm live right there in a secluded area prepared for this. Another possibility is that they live nearby and under no circumstances work or enter other neighboring farms because this favors the mobilization of microorganisms.
Staff health: farmworkers should not stay on the farm when they have dermatological conditions or communicable diseases. This could imply a risk to themselves and to the poultry. They should report these conditions and attend the doctor.
Hygienic practices: workers should be urged to have good hygiene all the time. They should not commit practices such as eating, drinking, or smoking in the sheds, as well as spitting, sneezing, coughing, or lying on contaminated surfaces, among others.
Training: training sessions for all poultry farm workers on biosecurity issues should be strengthened. This constant exercise guarantees good practices.
Cleaning the farm: the staff is in charge of cleaning the entire farm. This includes many processes such as correct sweeping of the areas, washing with water and detergents, among others.
Farm disinfection: when all the birds in a production cycle have left, the staff must empty the facilities and wash and disinfect each area. Personnel must be trained in the correct use of disinfectants to ensure the elimination of microorganisms.
Records: the staff must keep a good record of all the processes carried out on the farm that include: change and maintenance of equipment, entry and exit of trucks and people, use of disinfectants, mortality, and sick birds, etc.
Emergencies: farm operators must have first aid equipment, a first aid kit, and be trained to respond and request help in the event of an eventuality such as accidents, illness, or dangers (fire, power outages).
Poultry and production biosecurity
In addition to the biosecurity measures described, there are some others focused on the management of birds and their different requirements.


All-in and all-out system: it consists of the entry and exit of all the birds of the production at the same time, that is, the same group enters and leaves. There should be no crossings of groups of birds of different origins or ages because this facilitates the entry of microorganisms. Besides, it allows that, between productive periods, the entire farm can be emptied, cleaned, and disinfected.
Vaccination: in poultry farming, each farm must be aware about the diseases that circulate in the region where they are located and vaccinate to prevent them. Vaccination is a vital biosecurity process that every farm must implement to control serious infectious diseases such as Marek’s Disease, Newcastle disease, or Avian Infectious Bronchitis, among others.
Medicines: all medicines used within the poultry farm must have the legal records of each country. Also, the residuality of these must always be taken into account (the time that the drug can remain in the animal and remain in its meat or eggs). They must be used when strictly necessary due to the costs and effects they generate.
Mortality: a correct disposition of the carcasses of the birds must be made in a biosecure zone destined for that. Also, if possible, do all the diagnostic tests required to find out the cause of death. Among these tests are necropsy, microbiological samples, serologies, or histopathology, among others.
Diseases: the farm must make a constant evaluation of the prevalent diseases within its facilities to control them.
Water and feed: the birds must have fresh, potable, and treated water at all times. Besides, the supplied food must be stored in the required conditions that keep it safe and free from dangerous microorganisms.
Stress: Some mechanisms must be implemented to reduce the stress of the birds (due to thirst, heat, fear, overcrowding) since this affects their immune system and favors the proliferation of infectious and contagious diseases.
Egg handling: biosecurity processes must be implemented to ensure proper handling and transport of the egg and keep it safe.
Waste management: The farm must implement within its biosecurity a program for the management of chicken manure and waste generated by birds, for example, using them for composting.
Notifiable diseases: if the birds present signs of disease, a complete diagnosis must be made. In the case of Notifiable Diseases, the report is to be submitted to the corresponding authorities. Also, adequate biosecurity measures must be taken (emptying and absolute disinfection, population slaughter, etc.).
Biosecurity prevents the appearance of infectious diseases in poultry farms



Biosecurity is a set of measures that prevent the appearance of infectious diseases in poultry farms. Its implementation is invaluable and brings great benefits. Within biosecurity, there are approaches in each process or area that also facilitate the execution of activities while making them safe for personnel and production birds.

References: On Request

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