
Dr. Chandrakiran N. Sant

(Dairy  Management  Advisor)

“Services” for Improving Milk Procurement


It gives me a great pleasure to put forth a Proposal for “Improving the Milk Procurement in Maharashtra State thro Dairy farmers” in the State working in collaboration with Company.


The main thrust is to improve the Milk Procurement in the state of Maharashtra & genetic potential of the indigenous/crossbred cattle breeds by way of Artificial Insemination. As a result the milk yielding capacity of the animals is increased & the bottom line of the farmers will be improved which will make the farmer loyal to the Company & in turn supply all the milk produced to the company.


To achieve this objective it is quite imperative that minute attention is paid to the end producer viz. Farmer by way of providing all the possible inputs to improve the productivity of the animals as well the quality of the milk produced.


Once this is achieved then the farmer will get better returns & may be able to get more farmers affiliated to the company thus improving the Procurement.


Scope of work:

In order to improve the overall productivity (in terms of Milk Production as well as Reproduction) i.e. getting animal to conceive at the earliest it is very essential to FOCUS the improvement in the following sectors to overcome all the problems.


  1. Animal Nutrition
  2. Animal Health
  3. Farm Management Practices
  4. Extension Services
  5. Product (Feed Supplement) Manufacturing & Supplies.
  6. Setting up own dairy farm along with training Institute.


  1. Animal Nutrition: This comprises more than 80% of the animal input costs

today & the focus on “Balanced Nutrition” has to be increased  with respect to :


  1. Feeding Practices: Majority of the problems faced by today’s farmers is due to incorrect feeding practices, which need to be corrected. This will be made possible by creating AWARENESS of Economics of Dairy farming stressing importance of nutrition with basic fundamentals of digestion & its impact on Milk production.


  1. Cattle Feed: This is another area wherein lot can be done. It is possible to make changes in Feed Formulations (with emphasis on least Cost) as well as changes based on seasonal & local fluctuations & ingredient changes. We can also go in for TMR from the  beginning.



  1. Animal Health: It is imperative that the farmer understands that ; PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE” as a diseased or a problematic animal will NEVER be able to achieve its original productive capabilities. At the same time a disease free animal will be able to perform better & do so at lower costs.

            Preventive measures will automatically result in production of “Clean

Milk” which will enable the farmers to get more returns & help “ Company “ to

produce best quality products for sale.


  1. Management Practices: A clear focus on better Management practices concerning Feed, Fodder, Balancing of rations, Watering systems & Heat detection followed properly will result in saving of input costs by the farmer.


  1. Extension & Veterinary Services Management:  The  Extension Officers as well as the Veterinarians once oriented with respect to proper Management practices (as cited above)  & its benefits thereof then the Company will be able to cover most of the areas at a very fast rate giving us more time to improve the bottom line of the Farmers as well as help Company to achieve its targets earlier.


  1. Product (Feed Supplement) & Services Management: Excess feeding of Sugarcane tops almost all around the year by the farmers has resulted into Mineral deficiencies (in majority of the breed able animals) all of which have caused tremendous losses. Getting an ideal Mineral Mixture Manufactured & sales thereof can control this. This will help us to overcome most of the problems. It will be possible to formulate & Manufacture required Mineral Mixture at a lower Cost also.


  1. Dairy Farm with TRAINING INSTITUTE : A farm belonging to the Comp[any of 500-1000 animals kept in 3 different types of systems i.e Normal

( System followed by marginal farmer), Semi Automatic ( with Milking

Machine) & fully Automatic (where most of the functions are carried our

Mechanically) can help our farmers as well as all our Personnel to get trained as

well Gain on hands experience which will help them further in all aspects.



All the above parameters put into practice will be able to benefit the  FARMER: –


  1. Get constant & more milk form the same animals.
  2. Gets better Fat & SNF% thus increasing his income as Rate depends upon this.
  3. Get more Calves thus more number of Lactations from the same animal.
  4. Get the Calves in Heat earlier through balanced Nutrition thus eliminating his need to buy fresh animals to produce more milk. (The cost of raising calves is less compared to purchase of an animal.)


  1. Less Treatment Expenses as balanced Feeding will result in lower diseases.
  2. Will be able to reduce the Manufacturing cost of milk.
  3. Get better Returns on his investment.
  4. Will help the farmer to reduce the Manufacturing cost of milk thereby profitability.
  5. Get better Returns on his investment.

10.Motivate him further to pay minute attention to dairy business &

increase the number of animals therby improving our Milk Procurement.



A.I, Doctors  & Procurement Officers :    


  1. The Doctors will have to spend less time & Manpower on Treatments.
  2. Will get benefit of better “Heat Detection” as Balanced Nutrition will be able to overcome the Silent Heat problem. The Heats will be more pronounced with better Feeding standards.
  3. Will have to have lesser number of A.I’s per animal (as the heat is pronounced the Inseminators can be adjusted to Maximize Conceptions).
  4. Have more number of Breed able animals in the designated areas of Trust.
  5. Healthy animals & proper A.I will help in improving the genetic potential of the future Progeny.
READ MORE :  पशुओ के मुख्य परजीवी रोग एवं उनके उपचार


These Services & guidance to the Dairy farmers will help “Company ” in :  –


  1. The name “Company ” will spread & awareness of the brand established by word of mouth throughout the State.
  2. The Company will be able to get more milk from the dairy farmers.
  3. The satisfied farmer will motivate & initiate other farmers to opt for the same as well as Initiate him & others to opt for supplies to the Company.
  1. This module will help the “Company ” to further spread in most of the parts

of  Maharashtra as well as the Country. This is because the farmer behaviour is

same & facing the similar problem i.e. No help / Guidance from any Organization

or Company.

  1. Company may also be able to tie up with Feed & Pharma Companies for

their various schemes.

  1. The News of such Programs can be given in Newspapers viz. Local & Agro won

(a daily newspaper exclusively for farmers in Maharashtra state). This will be

useful to promote the Name , its schemes  & establish the social aspect of the


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