Dr. Sarah Boston


 Dr Neeti Lakhani, Assistant Professor, COVS, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary Animal Sciences University, Bathinda


“Don’t keep looking for what makes you happy all the time. You won’t really live if you’re always trying to figure out the meaning of life”.

My lifelong passion for animals has seamlessly woven itself into a potential career aspiration: to embark on the fulfilling journey of becoming a veterinarian. Shared amongst all veterinarians is a profound love for animals, a sentiment that has resonated with me since childhood. Back then, my fondest memories involved strolling into pet stores, where the captivating array of creatures never failed to enchant me. Among them, dogs held a special place in my heart, becoming a timeless source of fascination. The adoration extended beyond the tangible, as evidenced by my collection of stuffed dog companions, an array of animal-themed apparel, and an unwavering enthusiasm for anything adorned with the delightful image of animals.

Nurturing the Seed: Embracing a Veterinary Journey

Unable to secure a spot in the MBBS domain, I found my calling in veterinary science—an undeniably rewarding decision. Yet, not everyone applauded this choice; skepticism and discouragement surrounded my path. My whole family thought I got unlucky. I’ve made a bad decision. As if following my dreams and not someone else’s is something I should regret. I easily got influenced by these words though. Every sad look, every time someone says it’s not too late to choose a different degree, my dreams shattered more and more. A prevailing notion claimed that women couldn’t excel in veterinary roles. Moreover, critics warned of emotional challenges, citing the toll it takes to care for sick animals. The financial aspect also cast shadows, with the high cost of education and potentially modest salaries. Despite these naysayers, I pursued my dreams, and today, I embrace every moment, unapologetically grateful for the path less taken.”

Embarking on the 5-year journey of veterinary science, each year unfolded as a chapter of discovery and growth. The initial year brought the excitement of the unknown, transitioning from studying humans in school to immersing myself entirely in the captivating world of animals. As the years progressed, I delved into the intricacies of animal care, management, and nutrition, adapting to the diverse dimensions of learning. Committing myself wholeheartedly to my studies, I consistently achieved distinction in each passing year. As I entered the pivotal phase of the final year and internship, whether immersed in farm practices or engaged in clinical duties, I continued to excel on every front. My dedication and passion for veterinary science were not just recognized but celebrated, earning me the prestigious title of a twelve gold medals as a veterinary alumnus (Jabalpur Veterinary College) at my college. Further embellishing this achievement, I proudly secured the gold medal as the university topper. These accolades stand as a testament to my relentless pursuit of excellence and the gratifying journey through the intricate world of veterinary medicine.”

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But soon the reality set in, just being good in academics won’t help – the road ahead wasn’t all smooth. Reflecting on my journey, there were aspects I hadn’t envisioned during the dreamy days of aspiring to study veterinary medicine:

  1. Wholehearted Commitment: The profession demands an unwavering dedication, often translating to a six-day workweek. Even beyond the official hours, calls from concerned animal keepers may beckon, sometimes even in the late hours.
  2. Beyond Love for Animals: While the initial motivation for many, including myself, is a profound love for animals, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The journey involves confronting the harsh reality of dealing with death, sometimes as a consequence of decisions made.
  3. Continuous Learning: The idea of endless studying might be daunting, but it’s an integral part of the veterinary career. Post-graduation, textbooks may not be shelved permanently; instead, the commitment to learning persists, minus the formal tests.
  4. Unwavering Respect: Despite competence, there will always be those who perceive veterinary professionals as individuals who fell short of human medical school. Earning respect might be an ongoing challenge, but the passion for the profession fuels the journey forward.”

In the face of these challenges, the allure of making a difference in the lives of animals remains a driving force, propelling me to navigate the complexities of this noble profession.

What are you good at:

Often, we are not aware that we have some skills which others lack. It is only when we sit down and think about it, or ask friends and family, that we realize the thing that comes so easily to us is not so easy for everyone. Notice that it is not only about what you love—it is what you are good at.

Armed with the conviction that knowledge is my greatest asset, I dedicated myself to academic excellence. My focused efforts bore fruit when I cracked the ICAR MVSc entrance, securing an impressive All India 10th rank. This achievement marked a pivotal turning point in my life, opening the doors to the prestigious IVRI, Bareilly – a dream destination for any aspiring veterinarian seeking advanced studies. The icing on the cake came in the form of a monthly scholarship of Rs 12,000, not only fostering a sense of financial independence at a young age but also easing the burden on my parents who had shouldered the responsibility of my education fees. Opting for Animal Nutrition as my master’s degree subject, I recognized the pivotal role of food in the health and well-being of animals.

The two-year journey as a master’s student at IVRI not only honed my academic expertise but also sculpted me into a proficient researcher. Actively participating in conferences, presenting my research work to esteemed juries and panelists, I found my voice and confidence on this academic path. The accolades, including awards for the best presentations, and the appreciation from all quarters, served as powerful motivators, propelling me to add more feathers to my cap as I progressed along this fulfilling journey.”

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The hard hit roadblock:

“Every journey, they say, is a tapestry woven with both highs and lows, challenges that shape and define its course. Mine was no exception. Post my master’s degree, my focus shifted towards securing a government job, particularly as a veterinary officer. A hundred coveted seats opened up in my state that year, and armed with academic prowess, I approached the challenge with confidence, perhaps a bit too much.

Reality hit hard when the exam results unfolded, revealing my position as first on the waiting list. The blow to my self-assurance was further amplified by negative comments from peers. A wave of despondency and self-doubt washed over me. In that moment, it felt like I had hit a roadblock, a detour in my meticulously planned journey.

However, amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I began to realize that maybe, just maybe, the universe had a grander design in store for me. Perhaps, this setback was a nudge towards something even more rewarding, something beyond my current vision. With this perspective, I picked up the pieces of my confidence, determined to keep moving forward, trusting that the unwritten chapters of my journey held brighter possibilities.

The challenging journey as a PhD scholar:

In the face of setbacks, I decided to turn the page and embark on a new chapter of my life. Despite the weight of past disappointments, I channeled my energy into a fresh endeavor, aiming for a Ph.D. seat. Luck smiled upon me, granting me admission to ICAR-NDRI, the pinnacle of veterinary institutes in Karnal. Thus began my Ph.D. journey, marked by a singular focus: the understanding that my research work would shape my future potential.

For three intense years, I toiled tirelessly, efficiently achieving the objectives of my research. Published articles in esteemed journals with NAAS ratings as high as 10.0 which underscored the significance of my work during this period. The journey sailed smoothly until the unforeseen arrival of the pandemic.

Initially, the pandemic offered a reprieve, allowing me to return home and savor precious moments with family. Little did I anticipate the extended hiatus from the hostel. The last crucial six months of my Ph.D. journey were halted, with pending result compilation, thesis writing, and an uncertain future looming large. Yet, in this challenging time, the unwavering support of my parents and family became the anchor that kept my hope afloat.

Writing my thesis from home, submitting it online for corrections, and navigating the uncertainties of a virtual viva, I eventually earned my Ph.D. degree. As I stood at this milestone, the question lingered – what next?

In a job market rife with uncertainties, I set my sights on securing a position. Applying for the post of assistant professor in the university seemed like a logical step, even though the prevailing pandemic conditions suggested that interviews might be on hold. To my surprise, a call letter arrived just two months after submission. Stuck amidst a statewide lockdown, with no transport available, I faced a daunting challenge reaching the interview destination. Fueled by determination, I requested an online interview, a deviation from the norm. Fortunately, my plea was accepted.

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Despite skepticism about my chances, as no will choose a candidate giving online interview, I appeared for the interview, answering each question with unwavering confidence. October 1st, 2020, marked the day when the results were declared, and to my sheer delight, I had clinched the position! My first-ever assistant professor interview, an unexpected triumph that brought tears of joy to my eyes. It was a testament to the resilience forged through challenges and a reminder that sometimes the most unplanned paths lead to the most gratifying destinations.”

“As I reflect on my three-year journey as an Assistant Professor in a government university, I find myself grateful and humbled by the life I’ve been fortunate to lead. Not everyone is privileged to land a job aligned with their aspirations, and for that, I thank God every moment.

Each day, my focus revolves around the noble task of educating young minds and instilling in them the qualities essential for success in the field of veterinary science:

  1. Calm Under Pressure: Veterinarians navigate medical emergencies where a composed demeanor is paramount. Animals are highly sensitive to emotions, and maintaining tranquility not only aids in handling them but also reassures anxious pet owners.
  2. Tolerance for Unpleasant Situations: Developing the capacity to confront unpleasant sights and intervene to help animals in distress is a critical aspect of veterinary practice.
  3. High Physical and Mental Stamina: The demanding nature of the profession requires both physical and mental resilience. Endurance is crucial in managing the challenges posed by the field.
  4. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Possessing a high level of emotional intelligence enables veterinarians to connect with both animals and their owners on a profound level. Empathy is the driving force behind compassionate care.
  5. Adaptability: The ability to adapt is a cornerstone of success in veterinary science. Quick thinking and decisive actions are often the deciding factors in critical situations, where timely decisions can be a matter of life or death.

Every day brings new opportunities to impart these qualities to the aspiring veterinarians under my guidance. It’s a fulfilling journey, and I remain committed to nurturing a generation of veterinary professionals equipped not just with knowledge but also with the essential qualities that define excellence in our field.

“In conclusion, it’s frequently the case that we possess skills without even realizing it. It’s only when we take a moment to reflect or seek input from friends and family that we discover what comes effortlessly to us might not be as easy for everyone else. It’s important to recognize that it’s not solely about what you love; it’s about recognizing what you excel at. Sometimes, our innate talents are hidden gems waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.”

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