Snake species-Reptile

Snake –Poisonous Teeth(two in number) is called “FANGS”- situated in upper jaw after bite generally 1 cm pin point depth marked at spot of bite at the distance two finger for each mark.

Snake poison is stored in Poisonous gland (two in number in each side as left & right) situate par Ocular fosse ( side of eye & ear) which is a modified parotid gland( two in number in each side as right & left)( Parotid gland in TOAD ( not frog) is also situated over the ocular fosse in par temporal area  secret irritant poison resulting profuse salivation with eclampsia if eaten or licked the parotid gland/Parotid gland (two in number in each side as right & left secrets Saliva in all most all species having parotid gland in pairs).The poison is released to the site of bite or in form of spray through the central canal of Fang( tip breaks to release poison) to eye of victim making blind vision) by  Fangs through a central canal in teeth or through a sulcus/groove . The amount of release of poison depends on the contraction rate of poisonous gland which is based on degree of angriness/agrievedness. The LD 50(Lethal Dose-50) is a unit to measure the death of bitten animal resulting amount of poison & nature of poison enters at the bitten spot which vary individual to individual basing on its degree of resistant(titre level against the venom). If the poison is below LD-50 then no death of bitten animal ( so Gunia action/mantra/telephonic jhada/pouring water on head/laying before God/Goddess/Kata Pani/etc etc. carries no meaning as withot any measures it is cured automatically. But fresh air( oxygenated air has good effect). After maximum up to 48 hours of bite the animal improves automatically if poison is less than LD-50 .That’s why elephant never dies in snake bite.

-poison is formed & stored in Poisonous Glands(modified salivary gland) located at two sides of behind & below the eye. –released after bite through a central teeth canal(ex-adders snake) or through a groove in the side of  Fang (ex- Cobra) or spray though central canal of fang after erosion of tip of Fang the (ex-African Ring Hals(ex-Ahiraj snake) the poison up to two  meters to the eye of the victim to make him blurring vision or blind.

Poisonous(Venomous) Snakes-(60 types of species are there)- Characterised by having one row of small teeth on either side of the upper jaw with two or more large, curved, hollow or grooved fangs on the outside of smaller teeth)-Fully developed Fangs snake has enough venom to kill .

Ex-(i)King Cobra (Naga)-Najanaja- Neuro toxic(respiratory paralysis)/cardiotoxin/(HAEMOLYTIC) –causes excitement just after bite for few minutes then period of normalcy followed by convulsion, seizers, dyspnoea and death due to asphyxia, no local bite spot reaction or pain or irritation . If no death ( due to less dose of LD 50) then recovers within 48 Hours with symptoms of dullness & depression.

  • PARALYTIC-Neuro toxic snake bite symptoms-a-5D( (v)dyspnea(breathelessness),(iv)dysphonia,(iii)(sound is slow)dysarthria(speech difficulty),(ii)diplopia(double vision),(vi)dysphagia (inability to swallow)

b-2P- (i)potosis(drooping of eye lid),paralysis

Cobra –symptom within 30 minutes to 6 hours,Krait-6-24 or 36 hours after bite.

(ii)Krait (Chiti),Bangarus caeruleuscyto toxic/myotoxin-Respiratory arrest-Symptoms-dilated pupils( no response to light),vomiting, laboured breathing, paralysis, subnormal temperature,occultbite,presented in morning generally,no local swelling,umbilical pain with vomition for last 3-4 hours. etc. {Sind Krait snake bite antivenin is yet to be discovered)

(iii)Russel’s Viper( Chandana Boda)-Daboia russelli)/Adder(Viperaberus/Saw-scaled Viper-Echiscarinatus/Pit Viper(Rattle Snake–USA)–haemotoxic/vasculotoxic(bleeding from multiple orifices)

-Crotalus catadinen( one type of rattle snake) is only rattle snake having no keratinised rattle at the end of tail


Though poisonous rattle snake bite( by Fang) impress pin point hole injury with 2 finger apart but 6 pointed injuries are marked with impression of Maxillary teeth as rotated during bite with 1 st bite called ”Dry bite” as defensive bite then envenomations bite. It can control the release of poison during bite. Cats are not usually attacked due to its coordinated moment to escape if attacked then treatment is difficult as generally Cats hide after snake bite. Pit viper has local swelling & also systemic action resulting impaired platelet count & clotting defect of blood .Convulsions may appear.

-Non poisonous snake bite only leave impression of continuous small pointed many as per number of teeth wounds without any harm.

iv-Elapids(Coral snake)-USA- Mostly cause dry bite as it requires to chew its prey for poison injection. No local reaction at site of bite like pit viper because its poison do not contain proteiolytic enzyme. Intra vascular haemolysis is marked .Clinical symptoms marked after 10-18 hr of bite like krait. Emesis,salivation,quadriplegia,respiratory paralysis is marked. RBC membrane of Dog is disrupted giving “burr cell “ appearance.

-Cats show no haemolytic anaemia but cutaneous nociception(sensory nerve response failure) with hypothermia .


  • Pressure bandage
  • ASV ( specifically Micrurus fulvivus ASV more effective)
  • AB

only venomous snake located in Britain-same action like cobra but here local pain, swelling ,livid coloured skin, (swollen),severe lameness, salivation, hypotension,proteinuria,haemoglobenure,convulsion,Kidneyinjury,bleeding,shock,dental gum bleeding,bilateralcojuctival oedema,descending paralysis for 5 days even not showing improvement ( in case of Rabies there is ascending paralysis-from tail to head)-Its poison contents-blood anticoagulant resulting haemorrhage specifically from Pituitary Gland{Master Gland} in brain),Rattle Snake(Lives inside sand and make sound by its tail tip-contents of its poisonous-Zn,muscle tissue destroying enzyme etc.) etc. (-Symptoms-dilated pupils( no response to light),vomiting,laboured breathing,paralysis,subnormal temperature etc.

4-Flat tail sea snake-Myotoxic– Muscle ach,muscleswelling,involuntarycontraction.compartment syndrome(pain in stretching,severpain,pulselessness,pallor,paralysis,parasathesia,dark brown urine)- No ASV in India for sea snake & pit viper bite but ASV have some good effect due to cross reaction.

Non-Poisonous(Non-Venomous) Snakes- Characterised by having two row of small solid, equal sized on either side of upper jaw. Ex-

Snake bite Animals susceptible( Human& Birds are also susceptible)-

Test-1- 20 minutes Whole Blood Clotting Test- 2 ml venomous blood is put into a test-tube and left to form clotting, then invert the test tube-if no clot then venomous snake bite-go for ASV.Conduct test after 3 hours of 1 st test then 4 hourly for 24 hours.

2- Antibody test to detect type of venomous snake bite.

3- cont decreases in viper

Animals effect-

1-Dogs- All types of dogs specifically sporting dogs- killed as fight with snake .

2-Sheep,Cattle& Horse in frequency order.

3-Cats ( Very cautiousness-due to superior agility{“ a skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space with speed & accuracy}) & Pigs(Tough thick skin with thick sub-coetaneous fatty layer) rarely killed by snake bite.

4-Tie at least 6 inches above the sit of bite so  as to block circulation of arterial blood but venous blood circulation is to be checked to prevent flow of venom to upper part of the body through blood circulation.

5- Do not take to GUNIA/TEPMLE but take to Hospital/dispensary.

6-Death due to snake bite is mostly(95% or more) for mental shock, so giving encouragement is a basic need.

Treatment for venomous Snake bite( Even beheaded Venomous snake bite can be lethal)

1-Poly variant anti- venom sera(prepared from many types of venomous snake venom) injection-ASV-10 ml vial( make it diluted to 10 ml with NSS or Distilled water if in powder form)-inject I/V slowly within ½ hr to1 hour.( If S/C  or I/M or I/D then may scuff of skin & also not bio availability is there).-in case of rapidly developing local swelling. If reaction to ASV-Adrenalin 0.5 mg IM( children 0.01 mg/Kg BW)

READ MORE :  Managing Snakebite Envenomation: Global Impact, Indian Trends, and Effective Strategies

-Two doses of I/V  may be helpful if required for Dogs & Cats with fluid therapy in hypotension but not steroids. Personal experience one dose if sufficient.

– Keep  ready of epinephrine injection /adrenalin to check anaphylactic shock.

-There is no contra indication of ASV if injected.

-ASV indicated if rapid development of swelling is there indicating venomous snake bite.

-ASV-freeze dried-heat stable-store 2- 8 degree Celsius and expire after 5 years.

– ASV-neat liquid-heat labile-store within2- 8 degree Celsius and expire after 2years

Dose of ASV- 1st one within half an hour-1 vial of 10 ml then 10 ml each after 1 hour each of total 3 doses)

-each vial neutralises 6 mg of Russel viper (5 to 175 mg is injected during bite) –give 6 hourly for 2 more doses in 100 ml  NSS. (If pain then ibuprofen in children-5 to 10 mg/kg bw) or Tramadol injection -50 mg I/V -adult

(In India poly variant snake venum contain antibody against-King Cobra+Commonkrait+RusselsViper+Saw scaled viper)-can be injected repeatedly & safe also.

{Difference between Serum & Plasma- .}

Plasma– Portion of the liquid of the Blood is found after blood clotting is prevented through an artificial anticoagulant(Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid-EDTA).  Natural anticoagulant(heparin-present in Leech saliva).

Serum-Portion of the liquid of the Blood is found after blood is clotted.

{Preparation- Raw Venom from venomous snake is collected and injected I/V slowly in little amount repeatedly in some time interval for six months in Equines of Sheep and the plasma of blood collected from these inoculated animals and the antivenin antibody is collected from the serum –poly variant anti snake venom injection contains purified antibodies against venoms component.)

2- Poly valet anti-snake venom -10 ml with normal saline of 500 ml. I/V .

3- For specific king cobra snake bite- Ophiophagus hennah  Monovalent Antivenum (Oh MAV)-produced in Thailand-act against neuro toxic snake bite.

4-Cut squarely the site of bite and apply raw(un diluted)-potassium permanganate-KMnO4)/NaHCO3(Baking Soda) may be a help. Also squeeze to eject out poison blood.

5-3000 IU of tiger snake antivenin injection

6-Tie a tourniquet at least 6 inches above the sit of bite so  as to block circulation of arterial blood but venous blood circulation is to be checked to prevent flow of venom to upper part of the body through blood circulation.

7- Do not take to GUNIA/TEPMLE but take immediately  to Hospital/dispensary.

8-Death due to snake bite is mostly(95% or more) for mental shock(Vasovagal shock), so giving encouragement is a basic need.

9-Fresh air( more oxygen containing  air) is better for the patient.

10-Kankada(spiny gourd-Momordica doica) levees juice drink may have good result.

11-Snake repelant-Carbolic acid( concentrated in crystal form)/Cinnamon oil/Clove oil/eugenol .

12-Do not allow to eat or drink for keeping metabolism(BMR-Basal Metabolic Rate) at low rate.

13- (both)Administer Compose(dizipam) tab to check nervousness + Dexona( Dexamethazone)- 2 ml x2+Phenaramin mallet –i/v or i/m to check reaction of ASV( avil injection) to check allergic( anaphylactic shock)+ASV @ 15minute to  1hr interval for 4-5 doses basing on patient condition+ Tetanus Toxoid injection+ Anti Biotic+ pain killer+ (AB)Neomystin-4 doses to heal+

14 if Haemolytic(Hb is break down) poisoning due to snake bite- –ASV ( ml  1st dose-check heart beat)+ repeat ASV @ 15 minute to 1 hr in total 4-5 injections per day basing on Patient’s condition+ Manitol ( one saline like fluid containing  mannose used to activate brain cells ) because bleeding continues due to non coagulation of Blood+ platelet becomes inactive ( so give platelets) ( so blood infusion)+Multivitamin+ TT injection+ lasix (furosemide)if swelling+ Heparin injection to check bleeding+paracetamol.

READ MORE :  Guidelines for the Production, Control and Regulation of Snake Antivenom Immunoglobulins

15-If Paralytic poisoning due to snake bite-(Drooping of eye lid-potosis –main symptom)-

-Non-Poisonous snake has no Fangs so no poison but local injury is there. No 1 cm deep wound is marked but a continuous many teeth bite spot of minute nature is marked.

-Other symptomatic treatment can be followed.


Spider—It belong to Genus Latrodectus.It has different coloured ones. (Black Widow- Latrodectus mactans/Red widow-L.bishopi/western black widow-L.hesperus/brown widow-L.geometricus)

1- Latrodectus ( Widow spider)

  • Dog & Cat -more prone are affected by Alpha latrotoxin present in Spiders.
  • Brown widow spider has more potent toxins of LD-50 @ 0.43 mg/Kg BW. Black@ 1.39mg/kg,


  • Affect both sensory & motor nerves resulting paralysis within 24 hr of bite
  • Clinical sign appears within 8 hrs of bite
  • Local reactions is not marked
  • Abdominal pain with cramping of muscle is predominant
  • Hypertension, tachycardia ,seizer
  • Ataxia
  • Pulmonary oedema


  • Occasionally cat may vomit spider
  • Anamnesis & local discover of spider
  • Hyperglycaemia & I^albuminourea
  • Concentrated & reduced urine volume
  • Dehydration


  • Antivenom-Lyovac antivenum
  • I/M of I/V of one dose but rarely 2 nd dose require( but ASV only I/V)
  • Relieve of symptom within ½ an hour
  • Slow infusion over ½ an hour
  • Fluid therapy to correct oliguria & hypertension
  • 10% Calcium gluconate –I/V –relieves muscle pin( cramp)

2- Loxoscelidae( Brown spider/recluse)— belong to family Loxoscelidae


  • Cause necrosis at bite site lats for 2-3 months
  • Spingomyelinase-D is the toxin
  • Bull’s Eye lesion” at bite site on skin indicating centrally pale 7 peripherally erythmea( redness)
  • Haemorrhagic buldging spot within 24-72 hours of bite
  • Causing ulcer to heal in moths together
  • “Coomb-s negative haemolytic anaemia “ lasts for 7 days causing renal failure
  • Bleeding continue due to failure of coagulopathy


  • Antivenum has no effect
  • Dapsone(50 mg tab available– @ 1mg/kg for 14 days orally is effective( t also given for leprosy treatment &
  • Dapsone gelly ( 7.5 5%-once or 5%-bid ) is available for local application
  • AB+Analgesic & if required fluid theraoy


1-HYMENOPTERAN STING- (Apis mellifera- Bhaghua bee)

  • Bite by fire ants(solenopsis sps) or wings insects cause local reaction with hypertension
  • Dialkydpiperidine is the toxin
  • Cause allergic reactions
  • Utricaria,local pain & swelling,emesis,diarrhoea,respiratory distress &death
  • Test for IG g & IG e for diagnosis


  • Antihistamines
  • Corticosteroids—I/V ( Dexamethasone/Prednisolone)
  • Oxygen therapy
  • I/V fluids
  • Gut protectant
  • Bronchodilators for bronchial spasm

2- HELODERMATIDAE LIZARD( GILA MONSTER)-It belongs to Genus Heloderma having two species( H.suspectum & H.horridum)


  • Salivation, lacrymation, emesis
  • Tachycardia
  • Respiratory distress
  • Hypotension & shock


  • I/V fluids
  • AB+Analgesic
  • Antivenin ( antivenum of Lizard)
  • Respiratory support
  • Wound dressing

Prepared & presented by Dr.Keshaba Chandra Samantaray ,M. V. Sc. (Gynaecology), Gold Medallist, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, NET(ICAR-New Delhi),”Bioinformatics in Optimising Fertility in Farm Animals”- College of Veterinary Science -PAU(Ludhiana),”Caprine  AI { Goat Artificial Insemination }”—MGSRD Institute, Phalton, Maharastra, “Gender Awareness & Integration in Traing Curiculla”-Institute of Rural Management( IRM) Anand,Gujurat.”Livestock & Environment Interactio”-Internatinal Agricultural Centre( IAC),Wageningen,The Netherlands.”Talks on“Go-Bandhya Nirakaran”+”Mai Jersy Bacchurira Jatna”+Garvini Gaira Jatna”-All India Radio,Cuttack. Acceptance of my suggestions on Constitutional Reforms of Republic of India”. “Project Management Skills”-MANAGE, Hyderabad (including Classes on Inter Personal Relationship{IPR} at National Police Academy, Hyderabad.


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