Sri Ram Singh Memorial Animal Welfare Award


The ‘Sri Ram singh Memorial Animal welfare Award’ has been instituted by the Pashudhan Praharee to honour individuals/Institutions who have contributed significantly in the animal welfare in India. This is the highest award given by Pashudhan Praharee in the field of animal welfare and is given every year on the occasion of the death anniversary of sri Ram singh i.e 29th july, which consists of a Award certificate & a memento. The award is named after Sri Ram singh , a veteran who fought in 1971 war, Former Director IFFCO , Former Director – KRIBHCO – (Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. ) ,a social worker, renowned Advocate and a visionary thinker of Mayaram kheda village, District Fatehpur of UP.



Nomination are invited from individuals &NGOs who are engaged in the animal welfare activities.The result of this event will be declared on 29th July 2020 by a team of distinguished jury on the occasion of the Death anniversary of sri Ram singh.

Important Dates & Other details regarding the Award:
1.Commencement for entry for award from 27th June 2020.
2.Last date for entry for award 27th July 2020.
3.Annauncement of result :29th July 2020
4.No of category:
A) Individual category
(a) Lifetime achievement award in animal welfare -3 nos
(b) Animal welfare excellence award-3 nos
B.Institutions/NGOs category
(a) Animal welfare excellence award-6 nos
5.Nomination criteria & Rules:
*Individuals & Institutions/NGOs are requested to send their nomination for this award by writing their achievements/Profile in max. of 1500 words along with photographs & mail us on:
*An individual or Ngo can apply for only one category.
*Institution/Ngo having minimum of 3 years old experience can only apply.
*Only Registered Institution/Ngo can apply for nomination.
*Institution/Ngo must attach certificate of registration along with profile.
*Individuals/Institutions must follow the norms and regulations laid down by AWBI .
* The winners will be selected from the entry of nomination by a pannel of distinguished jury.
*Decision of jury will be final & it can’t be challenged.
6.Prize of award:
An award certificate & A momento.
For more detail ,visit

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For queries related to this ,u may contact on 9431309542

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