Compiled, & shared by-DR. RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, (LIVESTOCK & POULTRY CONSULTANT), JAMSHEDPUR Post no 1410 Dt 22/09//2019

Sustained livestock production to provide livelihood and ensure food and nutrition security to a large population is
dependent on efficient utilization of livestock products. Processing meat to value added products contribute to
sustained demand for meat and efficient
marketing of meat to earn reasonable returns from meat animals by the farmers.
At present about 2.5 percent of total meat is
processed into products for trade while in developed countries it is above 70 percent.

Food processing industry plays an important role in the Indian economy. Processing of food covers a wide range of products or items like milk, milk products, fruits, vegetables, meat poultry, alcohol, protein food, confectionery etc. meat processing industry too. Further food processing industry is classified into two broad categories on the basis of raw material, meat processing industry
1) Food-based industry
2) Animal-based industry

India ranks first in world cattle population with 50 per cent of buffalo population and one-sixth of total goat population of the world. Meat production, which jibes well with dairying, is placed at number eight position in the world. India produces about 6.9 million tonne of meat annually, and has grown at 4.5 per cent during the last two decades. However, during the last five years, this segment has been growing very fast at the rate of 27 per cent annually and, it has a good future shown the present attention shown by the government and private entrepreneurs.
India produces about 6.7 million tonnes of meat from different meats of animals. A very large proportion of these animals including buffaloes, sheep, goats are aged animals whose meat is less compatible and generally tough but more suitable for processing to products both on economic and quality considerations. With the rapid growth in poultry industry availability of layer and broiler hens as culls has also increased which could be beneficially utilized products for the processing to the benefit of producer and consumer. Value added products could be broadly classified based on processing and function. Processes such as portioning, deboning, seasoning, tenderization, retorting, tumbling, battering, emulsion preparation, breading and variety of cooking methods are utilized in production of value added meat products. Appropriate quality raw materials, correct formulations, right package, optimum processing, storage stability, flavor and color changes, nutritional value, labouring requirements, product specifications and labeling requirements are important factors in the success of processing of meat products.
The meat industry is one of the most important parts of food processing industry and if we want to go into detail then animal and livestock based industry become an important segment of the food industry. Meat processing is a part of meat packing industry. Meatpacking industry refers to processing, packing, and distribution of animals. The main focus of meat industry is to provide meat for human consumption. Since 1996, meat production in India is growing at 4 percent per annum. Currently, the processing rate of buffalo meat is around 21 percent, 6 percent for the poultry and processing rate of the marine in 8 percent. Presently our country has 171 meat processing industry, 4600 slaughterhouse, and 15 abattoirs. The poultry industry is one of the fastest growing industries which is rising at the rate of 8 percent per annum. India is having the great potential for the production and export of meat due to the availability of sufficient resources in the market. There is eight poultry production industry in India and which holds a great share in the industry.
 The poultry meat industry is still at the beginning stage.
 In India, around 97 percent of poultry meat is consumed in the fresh form.
 And the rest of 3 percent which is about 33000 tons is processed.
 Western hatcheries were the first to set up a poultry processing unit in India.

Meat market—————-

The share of bovine meat in the total meat production in India is about 60 per cent as against small ruminants( 15 per cent ),pigs (10 per cent) and poultry (12 per cent). Buffalo meat is surplus in India. There is vast scope to set up modern slaughter facilities and cold store chains in the meat and poultry processing sector. India exports both frozen and fresh chilled meat to more than 54 countries in the world. Major portion of exports is of debonded and deglanded buffalo meat, which accounts for 98 per cent of the total meat exports. The rest of the exports comprises meat of sheep, goat and poultry.

While India has an abundant supply of meat, the meat processing industry is still nascent. Meat processing covers a spectrum of products from sub-sectors comprising animal husbandry and poultry farms, to bulk frozen meat , packaged meat, and ready-to-eat processed meat products. In the current scenario, there is large scope for meat processing in poultry as well as in red meat. In fact, the poultry industry has made a considerable progress by developing and marketing value added products.

Chicken is the major meat consumed in India and has wider regional acceptance. The main drivers for poultry meat industry, are that it is cheaper among other meat; does not have any religious association (unlike beef & Pork); is available throughout India in any season and increasing health appeal and is seen as seen as a rich source of protein with low cholesterol).

Poultry Industry

Poultry, which started as a backyard activity in India , has undergone a revolutionary change in the past three decades. India is the third largest producer of eggs and fourth largest producer of poultry met in the world, producing over 78 billion eggs and about 3.35 billion kg of poultry meat per annum, In India, the average per capita poultry meat consumption is estimated at 4.04 kg against the WHO (World Health Organization) recommendation of 10.50 kg and egg consumption of 72 eggs against world average of 125 eggs.

“The present size of the poultry industry put together layer and broiler is estimated at Rs 120,000 crore. In India, still around 99 per cent of chicken consumption is of live birds, whereas in the case of developed countries above 90 per cent of consumption is processed chicken. Currently, around 6 million people are getting employments in the poultry industry in india,.


Export of meat is largely earned by poultry, sheep, goat and buffalo meat which is growing at the rate of 30 percent per year. It has also seen that the increased number of fast food outlet has also played an impact on meat processing industry.
Improvement in efficiency and technology plays an important role in the growth of meat industry. Exponential Growth model helps to measure the trend of consumption, production, and exports. NPC (nominal protection coefficient) has been used to excess the export competitiveness of industry and to measure the productivity changes of meat processing industry in India TFP index will be used. The output value of meat has been increased at the rate of 6 percent per annum. The rise in demand is the main reason behind this increased rate of output.


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In India, the production of meat is around 8 million tons and it ranks in the fifth position when it comes to the production of meat. As India ranked first when it comes to the population of Cattles hence there are great opportunities for meat processing industry. When it comes to meat processing industry there is less development in the domestic market on the other hand Exports under meat industry is at the boom. Our country export’s around 6 billion US Dollar of meat every year. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), our country has dethroned Brazil as world’s leading exporter of buffalo meat with the bovine meat. In 1969, production of meat and it export were started. Currently, India exports meat to around 75 countries. As compare to meat sold by the neighborhood nation Indian meat has its own advantages.
When it comes to Indian meat there is no use of antibiotics and other chemicals. The Indian buffalo meat is 93 percent lean and blends nicely with the other ingredients. In 2015, According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), India is one of the leading countries which exports around 2.4 million tons bovine meat which is 4million higher as compare to Brazil and Australia. By the year 2020, the demand for milk is estimated to be around 143 million tons and the demand for meat and eggs around 8 million tons. These opportunities can be capitalized for the advantages to the producer as well as consumers.


Even if there are lots of opportunities when it comes to developing the market for Indian meat, this sector is not yet received the adequate amount of attention by the entrepreneur, politicians, scientists, and policymakers. When it comes to the domestic market of our country buying and selling of meat is still restricted. Those people who can cut and sell the meat will come from a different or specific caste. When it comes to beef from the cows it is totally prohibited because the cow is considered sacred for Hindus. It is totally banned in almost every state except WB, Kerala, J&K , NE states.. On the other hand due to various restrictions associated with meat. India has become the world’s leading milk producer and it’s on the fifth rank when it comes to the production of meat. Low investment is one of the main reasons for the fifth rank of meat industries and the main constraint is lies in ensuring hygiene condition in slaughterhouses for the production of meat. Europe and USA, the two largest producers of meat exporters in the world and India will take time to enter into these two mature competitive markets. In the last few year, two other markets have also opened for the export of Indian meat and these two markets are China and Russia. In precise we can say that India’s meat market has a great potential for growth

Hygiene matters

Of the total turnover of the meat industry, the frozen / chilled category constitutes a minuscule amount as consumers are still not receptive to the idea of buying packed frozen /chilled chicken.”In the percent scenario, 3,500 tonne of frozen / child chicken (branded chicken ) is sold per month in the domestic market. In total, it amounts to a marketshare of 4-5 per cent of total chicken sales in India. Potential of RTE / chicken products is growing at a rate of 10-15 per cent. This is due to opening of more number of retail chain stores in major cities,

Despite the present trend of consumers preferring butcher-cut poultry meat to its frozen/ chilled counterpart sold through retail outlets, major poultry industry players seem to believe that the shift of preference to the frozen category is imminent.Today, the customers in India demand quality. The media, along with the Ministry of Food Processing has been successfully highlighting customer concerns on quality and the focus is shifting slowly, but surely, on quality, The local municipal bodies are also slowly upgrading slaughter facilities from ancient and outdated to modern abattoirs in major cities all over India with increased capacities to cater to future needs of the population.

Private companies too have taken initiatives by setting up modern slaughter facilities, which are producing hygienically slaughered chicken that is being marketed in branded packets. Some companies have also opened their own retail stores, which market raw and processed products of these companies, Organised modern retail formats too have been instrumental in growth of quality .

Products by offering various options to customers with choice by buying frozen or chilled products.
Processed chicken market will grow at 10per cent every year as the awareness of consuming clean, hygienic and safe products is being understood by A class consumers, ,

Processed meat food——-

The Market for meat based processed RTE food products is rapidly increasing.The total market for nonvegetarian value-added products (for example; nuggets, kababas, etc) is Rs 250-380 crore, majority of which are chicken based proeducts.
the last 10 years have seen the market grow from standard sausages, salami and ham (which was available frozen) to a more exotic mortadella, lyoners, smoked hams, frankfurters, bangers to various country specific products. The market is growing at approximately 50-60 per cent year-on basis. And now, with the entry and expansion of organised retail market all over India the focus too is shifting to quality. Educated retailers and institutions are now insisting on FSSAI, HACCP and ISO certifications to ensure customer satisfication. Among all meat products; poultry, dominated by chicken, has the lion’s share of over 60-65 per cent.

Purpose of meat processing———–

•To produce value added products and
provide variety of meat products
• To increase demand and
marketability and meet life style requirements.
• To utilize different carcasses
beneficially and to utilize different by-products.
• To combine and compliment different
meats with advantage.
• To incorporate non-meat ingredients
for quality and economy.
• To preserve, transport and distribute
to larger populations.
• To facilitate export of meat products
and compete with imports.
• To promote entrepreneur ventures
and employment.

The growth of processed meat development of processed meat sector is sector assures the farmers a regular off take of their produce at reasonable prices and provides a variety to the consumer.
This is more so in poultry sector, when the market prices fall due to excess supply. Poultry could be processed and stored to be released into market at an appropriate time and farmer’s returns could be
protected to sustain his operations

Relevant approaches for value added meat products——

Value added meat products are
further processed meat products with
increasing convenience to consumer
through decreasing preparation time,
minimizing preparation steps, allowing
use of specific parts, taking risks out of
kitchen and increasing value of product.
With the advent of further processing and
availability of new products meat
consumption, particularly poultry
consumption has increased many fold all over the world.
Value added products could be
broadly classified based on processing,
based on variety/convenience and based
on function. Processes such as portioning,
deboning, size reduction, seasoning
(addition of spices and condiments),
tenderization, tumbling, retorting,
emulsion preparation, battering, breading
and variety of cooking methods are utilized
to produce a variety of value added
Appropriate quality raw materials, correct formulation, optimum processing, right packaging, storage stability, flavour and colour changes, nutritional value, labeling requirements, product specifications and regulations, etc. are important factors in the success of processed meat products.


Some value added meat products :

Meat nuggets———-

A simple technology has been developed to produce meat nuggets from different meats and their combination by forming a block using a mould and cutting
the cooked meat block into nuggets of
different sizes and shapes. This technology
is of very low cost as compared to modern
technology using forming machines and
emulsion of any desired consistency could
be used. Fried, smoked and pickled type
variety meat nuggets could be produced.
Economic formulations with a cost
reduction of 30% have been developed to
produce economy type nuggets with
higher nutritive value.

Economics of value added products———-

Availability of adequate raw materials at reasonable cost and
distribution and marketing at minimum costs contribute favourably to the economics. Sale price depends on the
economic status of consumers, the product aimed at. Low cost facilitate wide range of consumers. All efforts have to be made to keep production cost at minimum with selection of appropriate formulation,
processing conditions and infrastructure facilities. Addition of polyphosphates was
found to result in immense benefits such as higher product yield, better palatability and keeping quality in Indian situation of meat handling. A project appraisal on
different aspects of the value added products is necessary before going for
starting a meat products venture.There is large scope and need for
development of meat product sector to
produce value added meat products to benefit meat animal production and to
fulfill consumer demand for variety meat products. In addition to making available hygienic meat for processing by
entrepreneurs as per the requirement of
Meat Food Products Order (MFPO), 1973,
Ministry of Food Processing Industries need to promote
model meat product ventures in the country with suitable financial
and technical assistance.
Presently functioning meat product units need to be assisted to upgrade their facilities and production practices to give a fillip to the development of value added meat products sector.

Emulsion based meat products :

Development of emulsion based meat products facilitate better utilization of meat and products from different aged animals including aged hens. Tough meat is minced in a mincer and emulsion is produced in a bowl chopper adding meat, salt, fat, phosphate, spices, condiments, ice flakes in correct proportion to a desired consistency. Emulsion quality contributes to product yield and palatability to a larger extent. Emulsion could also be stored and fresh products could also be stored to a larger extent.

Combination of meats:

In order to complement and supplement qualities and availability of different meats and byproducts, combination of meats is desirable to produce value added meat products. Blends of chicken and mutton or chicken byproducts such as skin or chicken fats resulted in highly acceptable products such as nuggets, patties and sausages. Eggs possess several functional properties which may compliment meat proteins in meat products. Highly acceptable meat products of lower cost were produced incorporating eggs up to 30% in the formulation.

Enrobed products :

Enrobing or coating of meat products with edible materials in the form of flour, whole egg liquids and other additives is a method of value addition which enhances the acceptability of meat products. Enrobing improves in the crispy texture of meat products and increases the pleasure of eating with desirable flavours. Products will be juicier as the juices are retained.

Incorporating vegetables in meat products :

Incorporating seasonal vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, bottle guard, pumpkins in meat products would be advantageous in reducing the cost of meat products to facilitate consumption of vegetables and in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Meat products along with vegetables may find wide popularity among the Indian consumers.


India is bestowed with vast livestock wealth and it is growing at the rate of 6% per annum. The contribution of livestock to GDP would increase if byproducts utilization is increased. Utilization of by-products has impact not only on economy but also on environmental pollution. Non-utilization of by-products leads to the added and increasing cost of disposal of these products and also create major aesthetic and catastrophic health problems. By-products such as blood, liver, lung, kidney, brains, spleen and tripe has Medicinal uses as well as nutritive value. Even by products are filled with many essential amino acids, hormones, minerals and fatty acids .some of the by-products are:


Blood is used in food as an emulsifier, a stabilizer, a clarifier, a colour additive, and as a nutritional component Most blood is used in livestock feed in the form of blood meal. It is used as a protein supplement, a milk substitute, a lysine supplement or a vitamin stabilizer.. Plasma forms a gel at a protein concentration of 4.0–5.0%, so act as fat binder. The strength of the gel increases with increasing concentration. Blood plasma also has an excellent foaming capacity, and can be used to replace egg whites in the baking industry. The application of transglutaminase (TGase) from animal blood and organs or microbes improves binding


Animal hides have been used for shelters, clothing and as containers by human beings since prehistoric times. Hides and skins are generally one of the most valuable by-products from animals. The finished products from the hides of cattle and pigs, and from sheep pelts, are leather shoes and bags, rawhide, athletic equipment, reformed sausage casing and cosmetic products, sausage skins, edible gelatine and glue .


Gelatin extracted from animal skin and hides. It is added to wide range of meat products especially in meat pies and it forms a major ingredient in jellies andaspic because of it’s “melt in the mouth” properties It is also widely used as a stabilizer for ice cream, yoghurt, cream pies and other frozen desserts..Approximately 6.5% of the total production of gelatin is used in the pharmaceutical industry. Most of it is used to make the outer covering of capsules. Gelatin can also be used as a binding and compounding agent in the manufacture of medicated tablets and pastilles and also act as zinc gelatin in ointment.


Animal fats play a major role in meat packaging industry . The major edible animal fats are lard and tallow. Lard is the fat rendered from the clean tissues of healthy pigs. Tallow is hard fat rendered from the fatty tissues of cattle or sheep. Lard and edible tallow are obtained by dry or wet rendering.. Because of consumer demand, lard and tallow are now often bleached and given a deodorizing treatment before being used in food. Traditionally, tallow and lard were used for deep frying but now the use is declining in the fast-food industry, due to consumer health concerns. Tallow and lard are also used for margarine and shortening . Some edible lards are used in sausages or emulsified products .

Collagen from hides and skins also has a role as an emulsifier in meat products because it can bind large quantities of fat. This makes it a useful additive or filler for meat products. Collagen can also be extracted from cattle hides to make the collagen sausage used in the meat industry.


Lanolin and its derivative have been used emulsifiers as well as emollients for skin protection and also act as moisturizer for the skin. Emollient very thick substance derived from sebaceous gland of sheep . They are externally used on the skin, lips, nails, and hair.


Key challenges

Growth in broilers though huge has been by fits and starts. Aggressive intervention of private companies has resulted in closure of a number of small independent broiler hatcheries and operators. This is because of their inability to withstand competition and frequent & huge depression in broiler prices over long periods. The bird flu crisis of 2006 only aggravated this condition. ” bird flu now appears to be a recurring mortable phenomenon. This leads to unnatural and exaggerated fears, a huge depression in consumption of poultry products and causes enormous losses for all those involved in poultry production and trade. Another phenomenon which has a major hearing on the state on poultry industry is the unprecedented increase in prices of raw materials. This especially relates to prices of maize and soya and the emergence of ethanol as a demand source for maize.”The sharp increase in the cost of production has a dampening impact on the consumption of poultry products and may affect the growth of this activity, high cost of maize &soya and international competition for these commodities are the major cause of concern, besides threats of virus outbreak. There is also an urgent need for technology upgradation and it is estimated that the industry would require Rs 20,000 Crore in various segments for this purpose.”other hurdles in the growth of this industry are high logistics costs; under utilised meat processing plants; time to time changes in policies for GP/ vaccine imports etc; and no differentiation between safeguarded meat & processed meat.

Growth Prospects for the Long Unorganized Indian Meat Industry—————–

Meat production is largely an unorganized yet vital segment of Indian agriculture. Traditional production systems and disorderly practices have flawed the image of the Indian meat industry. The unregulated meat markets, tropical climate, inadequate slaughterhouse hygiene measures and the lack of surveillance of meat-borne diseases enhances the risk of meat-borne diseases and occupational hazards. Most consumers purchase meat from traditional meat shops, where butchers slaughter limited animals for sale of meat throughout the day.
According to research, there are about 8000 registered and more than 20,000 unregistered slaughterhouses in the country and most of them are devoid of basic amenities like light, ventilation; and the slaughtering and carcass-dressing processes are performed in open areas in highly unhygienic conditions following which the meat is sold with little or no veterinary inspection. The fresh meat is sold in insanitary retail outlets exposing meat to dust leading to contamination and there are chances that raw meat may harbour several pathogenic microbes making the meat a risk for human health.
It is, therefore, necessary to establish modern slaughter-houses to bring improvements in meat-handling practices, recovery and proper utilization of by-products, waste treatments for pollution control to reorganize and strengthen the meat industry on scientific the line to provide wholesome and safe meat to domestic consumption as well as to play a substantial role in international meat trade/market.
India has a colossal livestock population and efficient utilization of these resources including production and utilization of livestock products is important to earn increased returns and sustain livestock production activities. Over the course of almost five decades, the country has witnessed the green, white, yellow and blue revolutions. It’s time to realize one more revolution – the red revolution in the form of meat production.

Abundant, Yet Untapped————

While India has an abundant supply of meat, the meat processing industry is still emerging. Meat processing covers a spectrum of products from sub-sectors comprising animal husbandry and poultry farms, to bulk frozen meat, chilled and deli meat, packaged meat, and ready-to-eat processed meat products. In the present scenario, there is a large scope for meat processing in poultry as well as in red meat. In fact, the poultry industry has made considerable progress by developing and marketing value-added products.
Currently, the livestock sector alone contributes nearly 25.6 per cent of the value of output at current prices of the total value of output in agriculture, fishing and forestry sectors. As per the latest livestock census, the overall contribution of this sector in total GDP is nearly 4.11 per cent at current prices.
The meat industry is slowly yet steadily catching pace on the global front also as India exports both frozen and fresh chilled meat to more than 60 countries of the world. The major item of export includes de-boned and de-glanded frozen buffalo meat, which accounts for 97 per cent of the total meat export. The major market for Indian buffalo meat is Malaysia and Egypt and for sheep and goat meat are UAE, Iran and Jordan. India also exports a small quantity of processed meat to Thailand, Yemen, and Japan and poultry products to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar.

Way Forward———–

Production of good quality animals for slaughter is essential for the production of good quality meat. Hence, farmers’ cooperative can play a major role in the field of production and marketing of quality animals, extension education and encouragement of backward integration/contract farming. Maintain food safety at all stages of production, processing, packing, storage and marketing of meat and meat products, and adherence to standards which are prescribed by the importing countries.
Priorities must be given to address the myths prevalent among the public regarding meat consumption and diseases with proper extension programmes. Meat processing and value addition are key to the prosperity of the meat industry. The awareness regarding the processed meats and the convenience to the consumers and households should be improved.
In general, meat sold in India is in unpacked form. Meat is packed only in certain organized meat factories. For sanitary and secure delivery of the meat and various value-added meat products through the various stages of processing, storage, transport, distribution and marketing, the packaging is of utmost importance.
In recent years, the demand for processed meat products from hotels, fast food restaurant chains and urban consumers is on an upward spiral in India. This has led to increased frozen/chilled meat delivery startups that essentially deliver fresh meat within 2-3 hours and it has the added benefit of properly cleaned and cut portions with guaranteed safety and hygiene. Wet markets typically do not deliver to your doorstep nor is it cleaned and cut to right portions for cooking.
From a retail standpoint too, there has been a marked increase in the willingness of consumers to try frozen products and they have accepted it as a healthy and quick option for a snack. Over 65 per cent of the population in India is below the age group of 35 years and a majority of them are now exposed to the global media and malls, which is causing the demand for food hygiene to grow by leaps and bounds. With supermarkets and shopping malls spreading to Tier II and III towns, there will be greater support for the growth in the retailing of chilled/ frozen meat products. Consumers are experimenting more and more today and they are ready to spend on worthy and differentiated products, which stand apart in taste and experience.

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