Step-by -Step Procedure to carry  Pet on a flight: Rules of Various Airlines  and charges


Step-by -Step Procedure to carry  Pet on a flight: Rules of Various Airlines  and charges

Thousands of people all across India, who own pets especially dogs and cats dream to be able to travel with them. But, unfortunately, there are very limited resources and information about ‘how to travel with your dog?’

There are in total only three modes of communication and you can only take your pet along with you via cars, trains, and flights.

Here’s how you can carry your pet on a flight:

Dogs are permitted on almost all the flights with rules being different on different airlines, the major ones are Air India and Spicejet!

Rules for AirIndia:

Domestic pets such as dogs, cats, and birds are permitted on Air India flights in the cabin or as checked in baggage depending on the regulations of the country of destination subject to the following conditions:

  1. Properly carried in soft ventilated bags/kennel in the prescribed size. (kennel size not to exceed 18″ x 18″ x 12″).
  2. The pet must be properly muzzled and leashed and the weight of the pet including the container should not exceed five kgs. Pet will be carried at an additional charge and will not be included in the free baggage allowance.
  3. Valid health and rabies vaccination certificates.
  4. Entry permits and other documents required by countries of entry or transit
  5. Pet accepted at owner’s risk and Air India will not be responsible in the event of such pets being refused entry into or passage through any country or territory.
  6. The owner will be responsible for compliance with all governmental customs and health requirements, including quarantine arrangements at destinations.
  7. The owner will assume all the risks of injury, sickness or death of the pet accepted for carriage.
  8. A declaration indemnifying the airline will be obtained from the passenger.
  9. The owner must ensure their pets meet the quarantine requirements. Pets may be subjected to quarantine at the destination at the owner’s expense. the quarantine period may vary and would be at the discretion of the vet authorities at the destination.
  10. A trained dog or a service dog to assist blind or deaf passengers will be carried free of charge in addition to the normal free baggage allowance.
  11. Maximum 2 animals- pets or service dog are permitted per aircraft, with the concurrence of the commander.
  12. Only one service dog per flight will be permitted.


  1. For flights to/from via London – pets are not permitted in the cabin or as accompanied baggage.
  2. For flights transiting Middle East – live birds will not be carried as accompanied baggage either in the cabin or in the hold.
  3. They may, however, be permitted as accompanied baggage ex India to the Gulf.

Policy for Carriage of Pets into UK

  1. Carriage of dogs/cats/pets and any other mammals in the cabin of the aircraft is not permitted in UK.,i.e, into or out of LHR or through LHR (London Heathrow Airport).
  2. Carriage of dogs/cats/pets and other mammals are permitted under Airway bill only with prior intimation to LHR airport

Rules for Spicejet

SpiceJet carries live animals on the Boeing B737-800 and 900 series aircraft, only in the hold. We do not carry live animals on the passenger cabin.

Animals such as dogs, cats and other pets when properly crated and accompanied by valid health and vaccination certificates and other documents required for carriage by air will, with the advance agreement of carrier, be accepted for carriage, subject to Carrier’s regulations.

Domestic pets such as dogs and cats are permitted on SpiceJet flights as freight, in the pressurized and temperature controlled area of the aircraft hold, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Properly carried in a container/kennel which should be made of non-chewable material with smooth edges and properly ventilated in the prescribed size.
  2. Pet accepted at owner’s risk and SpiceJet will not be responsible in the event of such pets being refused entry into or passage through any territory.
  3. The owner will be responsible for compliance with all governmental customs and health requirements, including quarantine arrangements.
  4. The owner will assume all the risks of injury, sickness or death of the pet accepted for carriage.
  5. A declaration indemnifying SpiceJet will be obtained from the passenger.
  6. The owner must ensure their pets meet the quarantine requirements. Pets may be subjected to quarantine at the destination at the owner’s expense. The quarantine period may vary and would be at the discretion of the vet authorities at the destination.

Below are few points to be followed with respect to Carriage of animals:

  1. Note: SpiceJet policy prohibits certain aggressive breeds of dogs, hybrid dogs/cats, short-muzzled dogs, for transport by air.
  2. Females with suckling young and un-weaned animals are not accepted.
  3. Weaned puppies/kittens under 12 weeks not accepted.
  4. Accepted on flights operated by Boeing aircraft only.
  5. Must be carried in the cargo hold, cannot be carried in the cabin. (Note: Service animals accompanying a disabled passenger in the passenger cabin do not fall under this category).
  6. One passenger can carry a maximum of three containers / Kennels.
  7. No Airline / SpiceJet liability in case of injury/death.

Breeds of dogs and cats forbidden for carriage:

  1. SpiceJet does not accept the following breeds of dogs and cats, including short-muzzled dog breeds, as these animals are known to be susceptible to increased risk of heat stroke (when exposed to stress or changes in temperature), breathing difficulties or increased travel stress:*

All short-muzzled dog breeds and their cross-breeds, including:

  1. All Boxers, Bulldogs, Mastiffs & Spaniels
  2. Akita
  3. Brussels Griffin (Petite Brabancon)
  4. Chow Chow
  5. Dogo Argentino
  6. Fila Brazillero & their crosses
  7. Japanese Chin (Chin, Japanese Spaniel, Japanese Pug) and all other breeds of Pug
  8. Lhasa Apso
  9. Pekinese
  10. Pit Bull
  11. Rottweiler
  12. Shar Pei
  13. Shih Tzu
  14. Tosa

The following cat breeds and their cross-breeds:

  1. Burmese
  2. Exotic
  3. Himalayan
  4. Persian
  5. Dogs / Cats must be a minimum of 12 weeks old for carriage on all domestic flights.

III. Animal/s should not be pregnant.

  1. Pets will travel in the cargo hold of the aircraft irrespective of the fact whether they are accompanied or unaccompanied by owners.

Security Requirements:

All animals must be scanned /screened with a Hand Held Metal Detector (HHMD) prior to acceptance for carriage by air as baggage / freight.

Container requirements:

  1. The minimum container, packaging and handling requirements as published in the IATA Live Animals Regulations must be met. These regulations prescribe the materials to be used, size, frame, etc.
  2. The container should be escape proof, leak proof and of the proper size.
  3. It should have ample ventilation.
  4. The container must be strong i.e. not of chewable material.
  5. Each animal in the container must have enough space to turn about easily while standing and high enough to allow it to stand and sit erect and to lie down in a natural position.
  6. The cage must be properly secured.
  7. Properly carried in a container/kennel which should be made of non-chewable material with smooth edges and properly ventilated in the prescribed size. (Kennel size not to exceed 18″ x 18″ x 12″).
  8. Pets are usually accepted on a one to one basis per container. However, two small pets of the same species and the same owner can share a container if they are between 8 weeks and not weighing over 10 Kgs each, or, a mother with offspring of fewer than 4 months.

Documents required:

  1. Health certificate from a qualified veterinary doctor.
  2. Letter/certificate from the veterinary doctor stating the animal’s fitness for carriage by air.
  3. Vaccination / Immunization record with Rabies vaccination date.
  4. A declaration indemnifying the SpiceJet with the owner/passenger assuming all the risks of injury, sickness or death of the pet accepted for carriage, will be obtained from the passenger.
  5. Other documents may be required, depending on local regulations.
  6. All documents must be in English unless otherwise specified.


  1. Cabin/Cargo

If your pet can fit under the seat along with its carrier then it’s perfect! It can fly with you in the airplane cabin. Also, it should not weigh more than 20 pounds and you can’t book/buy an extra seat for a bigger pet.

For bigger pets, you have to carry them as shipping cargo, such as checked luggage. However, the Humane Society of the United States recommends pets to fly in the cabin with the passenger for safety reasons. And, some airlines don’t allow pets to transport as cargo due to this reason. Airlines like JetBlue Airways and Southwest allow only in-cabin flights for small pets like dogs and cats.

  1. Crates

Every airline has their detailed requirements for the box in which your pet rides. These are either crate carrier or kennel. Generally, it is recommended a large space so that your pet can stand up and turn around inside. Animal experts suggest training the pet to the crate before flying to reduce their stress.

  1. Charges
  • Air travel with pets can cost you a hefty amount in some airlines. Some of the biggest domestic airlines charge up to $125 each way for in-cabin pets. Also, you might have to pay to check your carry-on bag as your pet will be counted as carry-on baggage.
  • Flying a pet as cargo will cost you even more than in-cabin. You may have to pay up to $200 in some airlines for pets to be checked as luggage.
  • Additional charges may include the expense of a pet carrier and a recommended preflight veterinary visit.
  • Flying with pets is more complex when you are traveling internationally. It requires more planning and documentation. Connect with your airline for more details on how to fly with pets.

Here are more details regarding additional fees and restrictions on the airlines while flying with pets.

Air India allows small pets like dogs, cats, and birds in the cabin or cargo hold of domestic flights at the owner’s risk. Travellers flying with pets must have valid health and rabies vaccination certificates with them at the time of the flight.

Please note that carrying pets is subject to approval of the commander of the flight.

Guidelines for Domestic Flights

  • The pet must be in a soft, ventilated bag or kennel not exceeding dimensions 18 in x 18 in x 12 in.
  • If the weight of the pet, including the container does not exceed 5 kg, you can carry them in the cabin. Pets of larger size or weight will be carried in the cargo hold.
  • Dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks of age to travel.
  • Pregnant pets will not be allowed on the flight.
  • Maximum two pets are permitted in the cabin per flight, one in the last row of first or business class and one in the last row of economy class.
  • A label with the name of the pet will be affixed on the container.
  • A moisture absorbent mat must be placed inside the pet’s container.
  • Dogs must be properly muzzled and leashed.
  • Pets or guide dogs are not allowed on the passenger seats.
  • Pets can be carried as accompanied baggage or shipped as cargo. Travellers can make bookings for pets as accompanied excess baggage through Air India reservations.
  • Pets will be charged as additional baggage and will not be included in the free baggage allowance even if the traveller has no other baggage.
  • Normal excess baggage fee will apply for pets on domestic journeys within India. The fee is calculated on the combined weight of the pet, container, and food.
  • If a guide dog is trained to lead a traveller with impaired vision or hearing and the passenger is dependent on such dog, it may be allowed to be carried free of charge given that it is properly muzzled and leashed and has all required health and vaccination certificates.

Guidelines for International Flights

Passengers intending to import/export pets into/from India as baggage are required to comply with applicable regulations and to have ‘No Objection Certificate’/’Pre-import Clearance’ from Animal Quarantine and Certification Service (AQCS) before the commencement of the journey to India. For further details on import/export of pet to/from India, please refer to the government’s animal quarantine & certification services.

Travellers with the requisite clearance and permission from AQCS can only carry out the import/export at six airports in India which are Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. They can only import or export the pets from the airport/s mentioned on the permit. For example, if the permission to import a pet has been granted by the ACQS office in Delhi, then the first port of arrival for this pet can only be Delhi.

Pets will be accepted only when properly crated and accompanied by valid documentation from the country of origin certifying that the pet is free from clinical signs and symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including rabies, distemper, leptospirosis etc.

Valid documents also include entry permits and all other requirements by the country of entry/transit for pets. Acceptance and consequential developments are at owner’s risk.

  • Pets weighing up to 32 kg, including the weight of the kennel/crate, are permitted as cabin luggage. Pets weighing more than 32 kg can only be booked as cargo.
  • Pets must be in a soft, ventilated bag or kennel not exceeding dimensions 18” x 18” x 12”.
  • The pet must be properly muzzled and leashed and the weight of the pet including the container should not exceed 5 kg.
  • The owner will assume all the risks of injury, sickness, or death of the pet being carried. A declaration indemnifying the airline will be obtained from the passenger.
  • A maximum of two pets as checked baggage or service animals are permitted per aircraft. This rule is valid for all flights, without exception.
  • Dogs and cats (three months of age and older) must be vaccinated against rabies more than a month ago, but within 12 months prior to the journey. Details of all vaccination records must be mentioned in the official health certificate.
  • The name of owner in the official health certificate must match with the name mentioned in the traveller’s ticket. Traveller’s booking reference must include a remark indicating that they will be travelling with a pet.
  • Pets will be charged as additional baggage and will not be included in the free baggage allowance even if the traveller has no other baggage. If a guide dog is trained to lead a traveller with impaired vision or hearing and the passenger is dependent on the animal, it may be allowed to be carried free of charge.
  • Normal excess baggage fee will apply for pets on domestic journeys within India. The fee is calculated on the combined weight of the pet, container, and food.
  • Properly muzzled and leashed trained guide and service dogs, who are not occupying a passenger seat and are compliant with all other pet import regulations, are the only pets accepted inside the cabin with permission of the flight commander.
  • The owner must ensure their pets meet all quarantine requirements. Pets may be subjected to quarantine at destination at the owner’s expense. The quarantine period may vary and would be at the discretion of the vet authorities at destination.
READ MORE :  How to do Dog Registration in India: A Guide for Pet Parents

Air India will not be responsible if the pets are refused entry into or passage through any country or territory.

Additional Rules for Carrying Pets on International Flights

  • Pets are not permitted in the hold or cabin on Ultra Long Haul (ULH) direct flights (Example: India-USA-India and India-Canada-India route) with the only exception being service dogs required to assist the blind or deaf, which may be carried in the cabin.
  • There is no provision to carry emotional support animals on Air India flights.
  • Service dogs from high-risk countries may be imported only with US CDC’s advance written approval (CDC Dog Import Permit).
  • As per US regulations, emotional support animals, comfort animals, companion animals, and service animals in training are not considered service animals.
  • Only one service dog per flight will be permitted.

Exceptions to Rules for Carrying Pets

  • For flights transiting through the Middle East, birds cannot be carried as accompanied baggage either in cabin or cargo hold. They may, however, be permitted as accompanied baggage on flights from India to the Gulf.
  • Carriage of pet animals into the UAE by air shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of International Air Transport Association (IATA)’s Live Animals Regulations (LARS) by air cargo and not under baggage mode.
  • There is a temporary suspension on import of animals, especially dogs and cats, accompanied with passengers into Sri Lanka. However, you can import them via Air Cargo.
  • Currently Air India is not authorized to carry animals (including service animals) in and out of United Kingdom in cabin or as baggage in the cargo hold.

 Alaska: You can fly with your pet as checked baggage or ship your pet as cargo. However, the airlines may refuse an animal to fly with in an extreme outdoor temperature.

American: You can travel with your pet in American airlines as checked baggage for $200 each way only if the ground temperature is not below than 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Delta: Ship your pet (cat/dog) as cargo to make them travel with you in Delta Airlines. The ground temperature should not cross 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

United: Ship your pet as cargo by taking them to a separate cargo location. It will cost you around $338 per trip. Your pet must meet certain requirements to fly in United flight. Also, you need to take care of traveling month as certain seasons have restrictions to fly with pets.

Air India’s flight policy for pets

Pets having valid health and rabies vaccination certificates are allowed onto Air India’s domestic flights. They can be carried in the cabin in kennels not exceeding 18” x 18” x 12” in size, where the combined weight of the kennel and your pet is below 5 kgs. Larger or heavier pets have to travel in the cargo hold. Pet owners are advised to inform Air India Reservations in advance about the booking.

Important points to note:

> The flight commander must approve the carriage of your pet.

> Only two pets are allowed per flight, and their owner will be seated in the last row of their cabin.

> Normal excess baggage charges will apply for carrying pets. This is calculated using the combined weight of the pet, their container, and any food supplies.

> The kennel will be labelled with the pet’s name, and it should have a moisture-absorbent mat inside.

> The pet must be muzzled and leashed, and cannot occupy a passenger seat at any time.

> Trained guide dogs can travel for free with visually or aurally impaired passengers who depend on them. These dogs must be muzzled and leashed as well, and have the same health certificates as mentioned earlier.

Here’s a recent summary about their current pet policy:

SpiceJet’s pet policy: cargo only

UPDATE: SpiceJet has temporarily stopped offering this facility.

Earlier, it allowed all kinds of live animals to travel as cargo in its Boeing B-737-800 and B-737-900ER aircrafts. This service came under SpiceXpress, their cargo division.

Here’s what the pet policy originally looked like:

> Pet owners had to provide IATA-approved containers for transport.

> The animals would need a certificate for good health and be marked as free from communicable diseases by a doctor.

> Complete documents for travelling with the pet had to be shared with SpiceJet at the booking stage.

>  All pets got to travel in pressurised, temperature-regulated environments. The temperature would be specially acclimatised on the Boeing planes for their comfort.

> Trained personnel handled all the animals, and the service would be available for all airports with Boeing flights.

> Certain areas would have restrictions on certain breeds of animals, and pet owners would have to check with the station in-charge before making their booking.

Guide dogs for visually impaired passengers were the only animals allowed into the SpiceJet cabin earlier. Travellers who wanted to avail this benefit needed to contact SpiceJet Reservations in advance. The guide dog would have to be properly trained, restrained and muzzled. It could not occupy any seats, and the owner would have to bring a moisture-absorbent mat for them. They were not allowed aboard flights scheduled in Q-400 aircrafts.

What about other domestic airlines?

IndiGo, Vistara and AirAsia do not allow the transport of any live animals on their flights, except for service animals.

READ MORE :  Management of Obesity in Pets through Surgery

IndiGo and Vistara allow only guide dogs, whereas AirAsia India allows other service animals on its i5 flights in India. All service animals must be trained, vaccinated and muzzled, and have a moisture-absorbent mat underneath. Make sure to contact these airlines on official helplines, or with an office visit, well before you make your booking!

Any airlines with zero provisions for pets? Unfortunately, yes—it’s Go First and FlyBig.


Akasa airlines will start flying pets from November 1 onwards. Here is a list of rules one needs to comply with:

  • Pets weighing upto 7 kg will be allowed onboard
  • Those weighing between 7 and 32 kg will need to be checked in at airports .
  • 32-100 kg will have to be checked in a cargo terminals as they will require larger crates to be flown in.
  • Akasa will shortly announce the charges for pets following in these three wight categories.
  • According airline officials, they will permit only one pet in the passenger cabin and one in cargo.
  • Pet in cabin will have to be carried in a crate and is advised to wear a muzzle. Further the crate will be placed in front of the accompanying passenger seat.

Booking procedure for dogs in Air India direct and connection flight (if you are travelling along with tour dog):

  1. Book your ticket as normal.You don’t have to book any ticket for your dog.Dog flight slot booking can only be done in Airport check-in baggage counter(not online).
    • If your dog is less than 5kg in weight and travelling with you in the cabin then make sure you book seat in last row of business class or economy or first class , depending on what class you are travelling.
    • Reach Airport early like 4 hours before if your dog is less than 5kg and you want to carry it in cabin , because only two dogs are allowed in the whole cabin.That too one in Economy and one is Business class.So reach before others book slot.
  2. When you enter the airport on the day of flight , the security guard will ask for dog health, vaccination certificates, your ID card and flight ticket.
  3. After the checking you are allowed inside the airport.
  4. Go to check-in baggage counter and tell them you have a dog.
  5. They will measure the weight of the crate along with the dog.This weight is considered as extra and you have to pay accordingly.
  6. Then they will ask you to wait for the approval of pilot and flight engineer to carry the dog , which will be approved easily.If they don’t approve you cannot travel with your dog.Then you have to fill the declaration form for carriage of pets.
  7. After you get approval, dog crate will be scanned.Do not put your dog inside the crate while scanning is done.You will be provided a PET IN CABIN boarding pass if you are taking your dog in cabin.
  8. If its a connection flight , then you have to collect your dog from the luggage belt/carousel.In some airports ,  they have cargo centre where they keep cargos from a flight landed.In some situations you have to collect the dog from the cargo centre.You can ask airport authorities in such case for help to collect your dog from the cargo area. After collecting your dog ,again go through the same process of going to check-in baggage counter, reporting the dog etc.You have to pay again for the dog’s crate in the second flight.

Booking procedure for dogs in cargo(if you are not travelling along with your dog):

  1. Contact AirIndia Cargo
  2. They will ask for dog vaccination details and health certificate and book a slot with them.
  3. Reach 4 hours before the flight departure and handover the dog
  4. Make sure someone is there in the destination to collect them

    Complete requirements for travelling:
  • Documents required are
    • Health certificate : If you go to any veterinary hospital or clinic , and ask for health certificate.A checkup will be done and health certificate will be given.It should not be older than 48 hours from the time of travel.
    • Up-to-date vaccination records
  • Age : at least 8 weeks
  • Pregnancy : Pregnant dogs are not allowed
  • Dog should be muzzled and leashed when taken outside of the crate
  • It is also recommended to carry some wet wipes along with you so if there is any accidental case of dog pooping or anything, you can clean with it.
  • Carry some treats for your dogs so it will be busy playing with it and doesn’t bark.


Dogs should be carried in an IATA approved crates :

  • First measure your dogs size and then get the crate according to the size.
  • You have to place a moisture absorbing mat at the bottom of the crate, so that if your dog pees or poops it will be able to absorb it.

Based on the total weight of the dog and the crate ,  dogs are carried either in cargo or cabin:

  1. Less than 5Kg :  can be carried in cabin.Only two pets are allowed in cabin per flight.So you have to check if there is space for your dog and book accordingly the flight. If you are carrying two dogs then within the cabin there are two places given for the dogs :
    1. Last row of First/Business Class along with passenger(Book your seat accordingly)
    2. Last row of Economy Class along with the passenger(Book your seat accordingly)
  2. More than 5Kg : Dogs are placed in cargo if weight is more than 5 kg.So if your dog is a large dog, they are not allowed in cabin.

Cost of flying dog in AirIndia

The cost to fly a dog in AirIndia planes depends on the weight of the crate along with the dog.It will cost around INR 600 plus applicable GST per kg.

P.S. If you want to make travelling with your pet a habit, we suggest doing a few rounds within India before you look abroad. Every country has varying rules for shipping and/or import of pets, and things can get tricky depending on your destination’s restrictions. Prohibited breeds, quarantine periods, tests beyond vaccination—it’s a lot of paperwork, but that’s a story for another day.

Please note that the traveling fee of the pets tends to vary according to the airline and the size of the pet. Don’t forget to take all the pet documents while traveling with them.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


Reference-On Request.

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