Steps of Artificial Insemination in Buffalo

Steps of artificial insemination in buffalo
Steps of artificial insemination in buffalo
Steps of Artificial Insemination in Buffalo
DrParvinder Kaur Lubana

Veterinary officer Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Jalandhar

Steps of artificial insemination in buffalo

  1. Properly secure the animal in the service crate.
  2. Bear the glove and wet it by dipping the gloved hand into a bucket of clean water, scooping water up in your hand and letting it run back down your arm. Apply a small quantity of lubricant to the back of your hand.
  3. Ask to attendant to grasp the animal tail and lift it aside.
  4. Smear lubricant across the animal anus, using the lubricated back of the gloved hand.
  5. Form a cone with the gloved fingers and insert your hand into the rectum.
  6. Remove most of the feces.
  7. Thoroughly clean the vulva with soap and wipe it with piece of paper. Use a fresh piece if the paper is too soiled.
  8. Insert the gun clearly between the lips of the vulva into the vagina. Take care to ensure the gun passes along the top of the vagina thus avoiding the bladder. AI gun is passed at an angle of 450 through vagina.
  9. Gently push the gun through the vagina until you reach the surface of the cervix which has a ‘grating’ feel about it.
  10. When the gun reaches the mouth of the cervix, hold the cervix in the finger tips and keep the thumb over the external os. Maintain a light forward pressure on the gun and manipulate the cervix so that the gun passes through the cervix canal.
  11. Now, manipulate the AI gun so as to strike thumb placed over the external os and then pass the gun through the cervix.
  12. While passing the gun through the cervix locate the forwarded end of the cervix with the middle or index finger.
  13. Begin to deposit the semen at this position ensuring that most of the semen (two- thirds) is deposited in the body of the uterus. The remaining one third should be placed near the uterus in the front of 1 cm of the cervix. Gently deposit the semen being careful not to ‘spit’ it out.
  14. Pause before withdrawing the gun allowing the semen to get away, and then slowly withdraw the gun from the cervix.
  15. Remove the gun slowly from vagina.
  16. Slowly withdraw the arm from the rectum of the buffalo.
  17. Loosen the locking ring on the gun and remove the soiled sheath. The empty straw should come out with the sheath.
  18. Dispose the straw, sheath and dirty glove in a waste bin.


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