Study on Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatment for Mastitis in Dairy Cows in Anand District of Amul Milk Shed


Study on Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatment for Mastitis in Dairy Cows in Anand District of Amul Milk Shed

Dr. Vikram S. Jani (Asst. Research Scientist, AMUL DAIRY, ANAND)


The present study was conducted to prove efficacy of homoeopathic medicines as an alternative treatment of mastitis in dairy cows in Amul milk shed area. In this study, total 11404 milk samples of dairy cows were tested with CMT for mastitis during the period of one year (July,2019 to June,2020). It was observed that out of 11404 cows,4607 (40.4%) cases were found positive for sub clinical and 1071(9.4%) were found clinically positive for mastitis. Subclinical and clinical mastitis cases were treated with Homoeopathic formulation with 15 drops at 4-hour interval for 7 days. The Homoeopathic formulation contains drugs are on basis of composition of milk samples, clinical signs, and behavior of animals. after treatment, the feedback received from farmers and results were analyzed for efficacy of treatment. It was observed that 4192 (91%) subclinical and 879 (82%) clinical cases were totally cured only with homeopathic formulation.

Key Words: Mastitis, CMT, Subclinical, Signs, Homeopathic


Mastitis poses greatest threat to dairy animals all over the world causing huge economic and production losses. Mastitis cause annual losses of about Rs. 72 billion in India as per estimates (Bansal and Gupta, 2009) 60 % of which are Subclinical form of mastitis. Since there is hardly any discernable change in the udder or milk, the farmers usually unaware of the existence of this subclinical form in his animals, which if left medically unattended, while always reducing milk production. Mastitis caused by staphylococci, Streptococci, E. coli, or Corynebacterium pyrogens. It may also be caused by chemical, thermal, or mechanical injury or trauma or transmitted through contact with milking machines, bedding unclean housing, or contaminated hands. For early detection of Subclinical mastitis California mastitis test (CMT) is most popular and practical test. Subclinical mastitis is mostly asymptomatic and represents infection without apparent signs of local inflammation but decrease in milk production with altering fat or SNF (solid not fat) in milk. Clinical mastitis indicates alteration in color and consistency of milk with painful inflammation and redness of udder/teat and shredding of milk flakes, pus, or curdled milk. Over the decades, Conventional treatment employs anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, which are costly treatment, permits residue in milk and antibiotic resistance in dairy cows, leads to failure of antibiotic therapy in dairy animals and ultimately dairy animals become useless & nonvaluable. Seeing the current scenario, now we must think about alternative holistic treatment (Homeopathy), to control the mastitis through augmentation of udder immunity in dairy animals. As alternative therapy homeopathic approach for mastitis contributes public health through residue free milk. Amul is largest dairy cooperative in Asia and owned by millions of farmers and works for their better lives and animals. There are 220 veterinarians are working for betterment of animal’s health by treating 3000 diseased dairy animals every day at farmer’s doorstep.


Considering above mentioned facts in view, we have planned and conducted present study to prove the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines as an alternative treatment of subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy cows in Anand district of Amul milk shed.

Materials and Methods

This study is based on field trial and randomly carried out treatment of mastitic dairy cows at farmer’s doorstep in Anand district in Amul milk shed with digitalized records. The village resource persons and stock men were following the cases for day-to-day testing of milk samples for mastitis by California mastitis test. The fat and SNF of milk tested by Milk analyzer by them regularly which were recorded digitally.

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, Anand run the Mastitis Prevention Program in Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat, to control the mastitis in dairy animals and increase the milk producer’s income. Under this Program, 54 villages of Anand District in Amul milk shed were selected, and 11404 dairy cow’s random milk samples were taken cautiously for detection of mastitis during the period of one year from July,2019 to June 2020.These samples were tested with California Mastitis Test (CMT). For function of CMT, 2 ml of milk sample from each quarter added in 2 ml of CMT reagent and depends on viscosity of mixture analyzed the results.  Out of these 4607 (40.4%) cows were found positive for Subclinical mastitis having decreased in milk production with or without alteration in fat and SNF in milk, and clinically 1071(9.4%) cows were found based on CMT positive and clinical signs like hard painful, reddish inflamed udder with flakes, milk knots or pus in milk or watery milk. All the affected animals had either one or more than one quarters involved.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practices

Above mentioned both type of cases was treated with Homeopathic formulation which prepared based upon common clinical data regarding; aspect of milk composition, totality of udder signs, and observation of animal behaviors. According to this, Homeopathic formulation included dilutions of drug Silicea 200 C (4 ml), Sulphur 200 C (4 ml), Carbo Veg 200 C (4 ml), Phytolacca 30 C (6 ml), Belladonna 30 C (3 ml), Calcarea Sulf 30 C (4 ml) and Chamomilla 30 C (4 ml) in proportion for 30 ml dropper bottle. The dose of Homeopathic formulation was given 15 drops on chapati or biscuits or direct in mouth for 7 days at 4 hours interval four times a day. During the period of treatment, California mastitis test were carried out daily to check the infection and monitoring the fat-SNF by Milk analyzer at morning and evening regularly.

Results and Discussion

 As per regular observations and follow up of all treated cases, 4192 and 879 affected Cows were responded favorably and cured satisfactorily out of 4607 and 1071 treated cows Sub clinically and clinically respectively. The recovery rate of subclinical were quite higher 91 % than 82% in clinical mastitis. All the affected cows were treated with Homeopathic formulation only for 7 days.

Table-1. Showing the Details of recovery percentage in various condition of Mastitis in dairy cows treated with Homeopathic formulation only.

Type of Mastitis with signs No. of Cows treated No. of Cows recovered Recovery %
Subclinical Mastitis

Decreased Milk Production, Alteration in Fat or SNF, CMT-Positive

4607 4192 91
Clinical Mastitis

Hard, Red, Inflamed Udder with flakes, Pus, or watery milk, CMT-Positive


1071 879 82


Homeopathic formulation made with individual drug efficacy to certain extent like Sulphur, Silicea and Carbo veg combination is good effective in subclinical mastitis. Belladonna is medicine for hot, red, tendered and inflammation of udder and postpartum mastitis. Phytolacca is choice of drug for acute and chronic mastitis having stony hard, inflamed udder with flakes or curdled milk and low SNF. Calcarea Sulf have efficacy to drain out the pus from udder and reduced swelling. Chamomilla is selected for over sensitiveness of animals due to pain in udder and cheese like discharge from udder. Sometimes animals feel uncomfortable due to pain in udder. Accounting all aspects of totality of symptoms, behavior of animal and clinical findings of affected cows, efficacy of homeopathic formulation proven successful during random but closely recorded field trial.

In another study on ‘comparative efficacy of homoeopathic systems of medicine in the management of clinical mastitis of Indian dairy cows’ was conducted by J.P. Varshney and R. Naresh stated that the overall effectiveness of homoeopathic combination medicine in the treatment of acute non- fibrosed mastitis was 86.6% with a mean recovery period of 7.7 days. By Pachauri et al (1994) who had reported 73.33 % efficacy of homeopathic drugs and Upadhyay et al (1995) who had revealed that 79.41 % – 84.62 % efficacy of combination of homeopathic drugs and other study was carried out by Upadhyay, and Sharma (1999) noticed that 80.95 % recovery in clinical cases of mastitis by using homeopathic formulation.



It was observed and concluded that good efficacy of Homeopathic treatment in mastitic dairy cows with 91 % Subclinical and 82 % clinical cases were cured successfully, and animals did not reoccur the mastitis again till one year. Homoeopathic treatment is easy to advocate, antibiotic residue free, eco-friendly, economic to farmer and painless to animals. Homeopathic treatment in mastitis is proven treatment with great success. However further studies regarding treatment with homeopathic medicine in veterinary field may be warranted.


The Author is highly obliged to milk producers of Amul milk shed for field trial on their animals. Sincere thanks to Managing director (AMUL DAIRY) and field veterinarians, village resource persons and stockmen for giving such opportunities, proper follow up and record keeping in stipulated time. Without their support such study would have not been possible.


  1. MacLeod G. The treatment of cattle by homoeopathy. Random House; 2012 Jun 12.
  2. ‘Comparative efficacy of homoeopathic systems of medicine in the management of clinical mastitis of Indian dairy cows’ was conducted by J.P. Varshney and Naresh 2004
  3. S.P. and Rajora V.S,(1994). Indian Journal of animal Science
  4. Upadhyay, A.K.; Rajora, V.S.; Pachauri.S.P.; and Gupta, G. C. (1995) Indian Vet. Med. Journal
  5. Upadhyay, A.K. and Sharma, S.N. (1999). Indian Vet. Med.J.23: 71-72.
  6. Comparative treatment in Clinical mastitis in Homeopathy and antibiotics by sanjeet kumar
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