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The Pashudhan Praharee has Editorial Board, subject matter specialist editors, principal scientists and Research scholars of various research institutions as well as the senior professors from different universities of India. All the articles sent to us are reviewed by chief editor and subject matter specialist editors. If any article is not in proper format, or against our publishing guidelines, it will not be accepted by the editor-in-chief. If the editorial board believes that the article/paper needs improvement, then it is sent to team of subject specialist editors and reviewers for corrections. After proper screening and corrections, the articles are published in upcoming issue.


Submit your article to

Before submitting article please go thorough authors instruction and format your article in prescribed one.

Guidelines to Authors:

Authors are requested to follow some guidelines while sending their articles.

Authors should follow the guidelines given below for easy processing and to avoid rejection 

Submission Guidelines for Authors:

  1. The  Pashudhan Praharee will be published monthly as Online Open Access Magazine on our official website Monthly issue would be published on 1st week of every month.
  2. Articles must be sent in .doc, .docx, MS-Word format and will be sent to
  3. Manuscripts will be free from plagiarism and are accepted on the consideration that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  4. The prospective authors can submit articles including introduction, abstract, tables, figures, references; references of tables and figures must be mentioned in the article.
  5. Text should be clear in A4 paper size format, giving complete details of the article in simple English. It should contain summary of the article, short introduction and complete methodology and results. Authors must draw conclusions of their articles finally. Abbreviation should be written fully at first time. Scientific names and technical nomenclature must be accurate. Tables, figures and pictures should be relevant and appropriately placed with references.
  6. Reference style- Author Surname, Initials, Year of publication. Title of Article. Title of Journal full(italics). Volume umber (Issue Number) : Page numbers eg. Singh, V. and Sharma. R. (2017). Effect of nitrogen on maize yield and phenology. Indian Farmer. 12 (3):5-7.
  7. Most importantly all authors must sign an article authorization certificate describing their role in the article and taking responsibility of all disputes if arises from their contents in article.
  8. Magazine only publish English & Hindi articles and available in digital format is free.
  9. English Article should typed in Times New Roman font with font size 12.& Hindi article should be typed in Kurtidev font or Mangal font with font size 12.
  10. Inter line space should be 1.5 spacing and margin 2.54 cm from all sides
  11. Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, and point out major findings and conclusions (not more than 300 words).
  12. Tables and Figures should be typed or generated by author. Table numbers should be followed by the title of the table, Figures must be quoted in the text·
  13. References should be cited in the text wherever required. It should be prepared alphabetically with surname of all the authors followed by these initials and year of publication in brackets.
  1. Following order should be followed during writing an article
    1. Title
    2. Authors
    3. Authors affiliation
    4. Abstract/ Summery
    5. Key Words
    6. Body of the manuscript (Give subheadings if any needed.)
    7. Conclusion
    8. Reference
  2. Title should depict the theme of manuscript, be brief, specific and informative (14 font, Bold).
  3. Names of authors to be typed in sentence case (12 font ).
  4. Authors affiliation should be in italics (12 font)


                       TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

This is to certify that the article is completely a work of mine and neither the part or whole of the article can be claimed to be a subject of copyright by anyone. It may further be mentioned that this article is being submitted after the consent of all the co-authors of this article. The category to which the article belongs is(Tick the correct option as applicable) –
a. Review article ( )
b. Research article( )
c. Popular article( )
d. Other ( )(please specify)-
( For research articles)
The current research article is based on ……………………………………………(P.G./Ph.D./Project/Other pls specify) and has been carried out in the………………………………..lab after proper permission of CPCSEA…………………………………( if required ) and has been funded by ……………………………………..(agency/ university if funded otherwise, Not applicable might be mentioned).


Fee for Publication of article in our magazine (Digital form ie PDF form):

article format
1.Those who has taken membership /Subscription of Pashudhan Praharee
(a) English article Rs 100(Rupees One Hundred only) Per page (A4 size)
(b) Hindi article Rs.150 (Rupees One Hundred fifty only) Per Page (A4 Size)
2.Those who has not taken Membership or Subscription of magazine
(a) English article Rs 150 (Rupees One Hundred fifty only) Per page
(b) Hindi article Rs 200 (Rs Two Hundred only) per page.



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Check out points before submission of an article:

Note: Authors are requested to check following points before submission of their articles to Pashudhan Praharee

  1. Articles in pdf form or not in prescribed format or having plagiarized content will be rejected.
  2. Chief Editor and Editorial Board has all rights to reject an article which is against the publishing guidelines of Pashudhan Praharee
  3. All authors are solely responsible for plagiarism issue in their article.
  4. Email of corresponding author must be mentioned.
  5. Article has not been sent for publication or published elsewhere.
  6. Article should not be duplicate and must be written by author himself/herself.
  7. Author agrees to guidelines and terms, conditions of our magazine
  8. Selection of Article/ Manuscripts whether it is published in magazine or newsletter, it is solely decided by Advisory/Editorial Board of Pashudhan Praharee e-magazine according to the content. (Author has no rights to raise issue about the selection of manuscript).
  9. Manuscripts submitted to  Pashudhan Praharee should not be previously/simultaneously published or considered for publication elsewhere. (In such case if any manuscript is found to be published elsewhere, then publication fees will be non-refundable).

Authors shall submit their article at our official mail id after reading the above guidelines.

Authors are requested to check following points before submission of their articles to Pashudhan praharee.

Authors are requested to check following points before submission of their articles to Pashudhan praharee.

All authors name with affiliation have been given below title of article 
2. Email of corresponding author has been given 
3. Highlights in the form of summary has been given at the beginning of the article. In summary what your article says about is mentioned. 
4. Introduction, material methods, results & discussion or general texts with headings have been given where figures, graphs and tables are placed at appropriate places with captions and sources. 
5. At last author must conclude his/her article, where he/she has to write finally what he/she wants to say to the  livestock farming community through his/her article.  
6. Lastly, reference if used should be in order format of the Magazine. 

NB-Views expressed in the articles are authors own, publisher may not necessarily agreed with it.