Suggestive Treatment Protocol for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) cases


Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

Suggestive Treatment Protocol for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) cases

Lumpy skin Disease (LSD) is a viral disease of cows and buffaloes prevalent now a day in various districts of Punjab and north western states. As per experience and as per raw data from field veterinarians of Punjab, most of these cases show  skin lesions (nodules) initially followed by fever to the tune of 104-106°F but do not have other symptoms like lymph node enlargement, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, salivation and limb/brisket oedema. About 5-10% cases have lymph node enlargement and very few cases (1-2%) have serious complications like pneumonia. This is the suggestive protocol for treatment of cases at various stages.

Severity Symptoms  Suggestive treatment
Very mild cases Only skin nodules, no fever No treatment required
Mild cases Skin nodules + Fever (104-106/107°F) ●   Antipyretics(injectables) (like Analgin, Meloxicum, Ketoprofen)

●   Inj.B-Complex,

●   Inj.vitamin C

●   Fluids (i/v) as per requirement

Moderate cases Skin nodules + *Fever (104-106/107°F) not responding to treatment



●   Antibiotics (injectables)  (potentiated-sulpha, strepto penicillin, oxytetracycline)

●   Antipyretics(injectables) (like Analgin, Meloxicum, Ketoprofen)

●   Inj.B-Complex,

●   Inj.vitamin C

●   Fluids (i/v) as per requirement

Severe cases Skin nodules + *Fever (104-106/107°F) not responding to treatment, Lymph node enlargement, dependent oedema, salivation, pneumonia etc. ●  Antibiotics (injectables)  (Enrofloxacin and/or ceftiofur)

●  Antipyretics(injectables) (like Analgin, Meloxicum, Ketoprofen)

●  Inj.B-Complex,

●  Inj.vitamin C

●  Fluids (i/v) as per requirement

If skin nodules rupture and become wounds ●  Cleaning of wounds with betadine and application antibiotic ointments or zinc ointments

*Advised Blood testing for hemoprotozoans in case of high fever not responding to treatment. Use treatment for anaplasmosis/ theileriosis as per blood reports.

  • Keep hygienic conditions at the farm.
  • Restrict movement of diseased animals and segregate the affected animals
  • Control flies, mosquitoes and tick on your farm.
  • Vaccinate all the healthy animals including calves at your farm with Live attenuated Goat pox vaccine 3 ml subcutaneously.
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