Summary of Livestock Production Statistics of India – 2020


Summary of Livestock Production Statistics of India – 2020

Global milk production reached nearly 906 million tonnes in 2020 with India as the largest producer of milk with 22 percent share in total milk production in the world. In India, 50 percent of milk is consumed on-farm. India accounts for about 7.22 percent of the global egg production, 2.55 percent of global meat production and houses the largest population of milch animals in the world (FAO, 2021). 

Standings of India in the World

Ranking Sector
1st Total Livestock Population, Milk Production, Buffalo Population, Carabeef Production, Goat Milk Production, Total Bovine Population
2nd Cattle Population, Goat Population, Bristle Production (a pig industry by-product), Aquaculture, Goat Meat Production
3rd Egg Production, Sheep Population, Fisheries Production
5th Poultry Production, Meat Production
6th Poultry Meat Production
8th Duck Production
9th Camel Population, Wool Production

Animal Products Statistics

Commodity Total Production (per year) Per Capita Availability ICMR Recommendations
Milk 198.44  MT 406 grams/day 280 grams/day
Meat 8.60 MT 6.45 kg/year 11 kg/year
Eggs 114.38 billion 86 eggs/year 182 eggs/year
Wool 36.76 million kg

Comparison with Previous Year

  • Increase in milk production compared to previous year: 5.69%
  • Increase in egg production compared to previous year: 10.19%
  • Increase in meat production compared to previous year: 5.98%
  • Decrease in poultry meat production compared to previous year: 6.93% (may be due to COVID-19)
  • Decrease in wool production compared to previous year: 9.05%

Average Yield per In-Milk Animal in 2019-20

Type of animal Average yield
Exotic cow 11.88 kg/day
Cross-bred cow 8.09 kg/day
Indigenous cow 3.90 kg/day
Non-descript cow 2.57 kg/day
Indigenous buffalo 6.43 kg/day
Non-descript buffalo 4.51 kg/day
Goat 0.44 kg/day

Average Yield per Year per Bird in 2019-20

Type of bird Average yield
Desi fowl (Backyard) 108.86 eggs/year
Improved fowl (Backyard) 227.88 eggs/year
Desi duck (Backyard) 112.47 eggs/year
Improved duck (Backyard) 138.28 eggs/year
Desi fowl (Commercial) 112.31 eggs/year
Improved fowl (Commercial) 287.78 eggs/year
Desi duck (Commercial) 213.43 eggs/year
Improved duck (Commercial) 197.62 eggs/year

Average Yield per Season of Wool in 2019-20

Type of animal Average yield per season
Ram/Wether 1.44 kg
Ewe 1.10 kg
Lamb 0.73 kg

Meat Processing Infrastructure and Related Facts

  • APEDA registered Indian Abattoirs cum Meat Processing Plants: 63
  • APEDA registered Indian Meat Processing Plants: 63
  • APEDA registered Indian Stand-alone Abattoirs: 7
  • Number of regular slaughter houses: 1072
  • Number of carcass utilization centres: 07
  • Small scale meat retail shops: 25,000
  • India is the fourth largest beef exporter of the world with major export destinations (2020-21): Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Egypt and Indonesia.
  • India accounts for about 43% of the world buffalo meat production, with Uttar Pradesh producing the most, followed by Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
  • India is the largest exporter of sheep and goat meat to the world (APEDA, 2021). Major export destinations are United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Oman (in descending order).
  • Organized poultry sector in India: 80 per cent
  • Percent non-vegetarian population in India: 71%
  • The current processing levels in poultry are 6%, while for meat it stands at 21%.

Number of Animals Slaughtered for Meat Production in 2019-20

Species of animal Number
Cattle 3.01 million
Buffalo 12.18 million
Sheep 56.51 million
Goat 103.60 million
Pig 11.22 million
Poultry 2.82 billion

Leading States in India for Livestock Production

Feature State
Largest livestock population Uttar Pradesh
Largest poultry population Tamil Nadu
Highest milk producing state Uttar Pradesh
State with highest per capita availability of milk Punjab (1221 g)
Highest egg producing state Andhra Pradesh
State with highest per capita availability of eggs Andhra Pradesh (420 eggs)
Highest meat producing Uttar Pradesh
State with highest per capita availability of meat Telangana (22.79 kg/annum)
Highest wool producing state Rajasthan
Highest goat milk production Rajasthan
Highest goat meat production West Bengal
Highest sheep meat production Telangana
Highest poultry meat production Maharashtra
Highest pig meat production Bihar
Highest indigenous milch cows Uttar Pradesh
Highest cross-bred or exotic cows Tamil Nadu
Highest cattle population West Bengal
Highest buffalo population Uttar Pradesh
Highest sheep population Telangana
Highest goat population Rajasthan
Highest pig population Assam
Highest camel population Rajasthan
Highest mithun population Arunachal Pradesh
Highest yak population Jammu & Kashmir
Highest horses and ponies population Uttar Pradesh
Highest number of mules Uttarakhand
Highest donkey population Rajasthan
Highest fish production Andhra Pradesh
READ MORE :  Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Poultry Farmers in India

Share of States in Production of Livestock Products in 2019-20

  • Largest Share in Total Milk Production in India: Uttar Pradesh (16.06%)
  • Second Largest Share in Total Milk Production in India: Rajasthan (12.89%)
  • Largest Share in Total Egg Production in India: Andhra Pradesh (19.17%)
  • Second Largest Share in Total Egg Production in India: Tamil Nadu (17.50%)
  • Largest Share in Total Meat Production in India: Uttar Pradesh (13.56%)
  • Second Largest Share in Total Meat Production in India: Maharashtra (13.26%)
  • Largest Share Total Wool Production in India: Rajasthan (34.59%)
  • Second Largest Share Total Wool Production in India: Jammu & Kashmir (20.34%)

Annual Growth Rate of Livestock Products in 2019-20

Product Growth Rate
Milk production 5.69 per cent
Meat production 6.93 per cent
Broiler production -6.93 per cent
Egg production 10.19 per cent
Wool production -9.05 per cent

Highest Annual Growth Rate of Livestock Products in 2019-20

  • Highest growth rate in milk production: Karnataka (14.31%)
  • Highest growth rate in egg production: Rajasthan (62.27%)
  • Highest growth rate in meat production: Karnataka (20.21%)
  • Highest growth rate in wool production: Jharkhand (5.73%)

Value Output from Livestock Rearing

Sector Percentage of total output
Milk and Milk Products 66.55 per cent
Meat and Meat Products 23.26 per cent
Dung 4.85 per cent
Eggs 3.13 per cent
Increment in Livestock 1.34 per cent
Wool and Hair 0.05 per cent

Livestock Census

First livestock census in India was conducted as Dairy Cattle Census in 1919. Livestock Census 2019 was 20th Livestock Census. Livestock Census takes place at every five years (Quinquennial)

Key Highlights

  • Total livestock population: 536.76 million (showed an increase of 4.6% over Livestock Census-2012)
  • Total poultry population: 851.81 million (showed an increase of 16.8% over Livestock Census-2012)
  • Milch animals: 125.75 million
  • Total bovine population: 303.76 million
  • Total cattle population: 193.46 million
  • Total indigenous/non-descript cattle: 142.11 million
  • Total exotic/crossbred cattle: 51.36 million
  • Total buffalo population: 109.85 million
  • Total sheep population: 74.26 million
  • Total goat population: 148.88 million
  • Total pig population: 9.06 million
  • Total camel population: 0.25 million
  • Total horses and ponies population: 0.34 million
  • Total mules population: 0.08 million
  • Total donkey population: 0.12 million
  • Total yak population: 0.06 million
  • Total mithun population: 0.39 million
  • Total rabbit population: 0.55 million
  • Total dog population: 9.43 million
  • Total duck population: 33.511 million
  • Total stray cattle population: 5.02 million
  • Total stray dog population: 15.30 million

Percentage Distribution of Total Livestock as per 20th Livestock Census

Species Percentage
Cattle 36.04 per cent
Buffalo 20.47 per cent
Sheep 13.83 per cent
Goat 27.74 per cent
Pigs 1.69 per cent
Others 0.23 per cent

Species Wise Milk Contribution to Total Milk Production in India

Species Percentage of Total Milk
Buffalo indigenous 34.51 per cent
Buffalo non-descript 13.83 per cent
Cow non-descript 10.42 per cent
Cow indigenous 9.63 per cent
Cow cross-bred 27.68 per cent
Cow exotic 0.98 per cent
Goat 2.95 per cent
READ MORE :  Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Poultry Farmers in India

Species Wise Egg Contribution to Total Egg Production in India

Species Percentage of Total Eggs
Improved fowl 88.03 per cent
Desi fowl 10.89 per cent
Desi duck 0.86 per cent
Improved duck 0.21 per cent

Egg production from commercial poultry: 95.17 billion (83.20% of total egg production)

Egg production from backyard poultry: 19.21 billion (16.80% of total egg production)

Species Wise Meat Contribution to Total Meat Production in India

Species Percentage of Total Meat
Poultry 50.50 per cent
Buffalo 18.43 per cent
Goat 13.72 per cent
Sheep 8.94 per cent
Pig 4.82 per cent
Cattle 3.59 per cent

Meat production from poultry: 4.34 MT, more than 50% of total meat production

Category Wise Contribution to Total Wool Production in India

Category Percentage of Total Meat
Ewe 70.61 per cent
Ram/Wether 17.10 per cent
Lamb 12.30 per cent

Incidence of Major Livestock Diseases in 2019

Disease Number of Outbreaks Deaths
Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) 42 39
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia  (HS) 7 53
Black Quarter (BQ)
Anthrax 16 182
Sheep & Goat Pox 5 8
Blue Tongue
Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP)
Swine Fever 4 15
Ranikhet Disease (NCD) 6 345
Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) 3 877
Rabies 25 196
Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) 26
Brucellosis 6 2
Glanders 4 7
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
Theileriosis 33 12

Value of Livestock Export and Import in 2019-20

Broad Group Value
India’s total import of livestock and livestock products Rs. 33,60,95,346 lakhs
India’s total export of livestock and livestock products Rs. 22,19,85,418 lakhs

Area under Fodder Crops and Permanent Pastures (2015-16)

Fodder Crops: 9.58 million hectares

Permanent Pastures and other Grazing Lands: 10.26 million hectares

Share of Usually Working Persons in Animal Production (per 1000 persons)

Category of Worker Rural Urban
Men 10.2 5.5
Women 88.3 25.6

Fish Production Statistics and Resources as of 2020

Length of Indian coastline 8118 kms
Exclusive Economic Zone 2.02 million sq. km.
Continental Shelf Area 0.53 million sq. km
Total fish production in India 14.16 MT
Value of fisheries export Rs. 46,662.85 crores
Marine fish production 3.72 MT (26.27%)
Inland fish production 10.43 MT (73.63%)
Contribution of fisheries to GDP 1.24%
Contribution to Agricultural GDP 7.28%
Average annual growth rate 4.35%
Per capita fish availability 9.0 kg
Top fish consumption state Tripura (29.29 kg/year per capita)
Annual export earnings Rs. 45,106.89 crore
Employment in sector 14.5 million
Rivers and Canals 1,95,210 km
Reservoirs 3.150 million ha
Ponds and Tanks 2.414 million ha
Flood Plains lakes and derelict waters 0.798 million ha
Brackish waters 1.240 million ha
Estuaries 0.290 million ha
Major fishing harbors commissioned 7
Minor fishing harbors commissioned 62
Number of landing centres (marine) 1548
Number of fishing villages (marine) 3477
Number of fishing crafts (marine) 255382

Demographic Dependence on Livestock

  • Livestock sector employs 8 per cent of total Indian Workforce
  • Percentage of population dependent on agriculture for livelihood: 49.8 per cent
  • Percentage of livestock owned by marginal, small and semi-medium farmers: 87.7 per cent
  • Percentage of area used for all types of livestock farming: 1.69 per cent

Percentage of the World Livestock Present in India

Species Percentage present in India
Total Livestock 11.54 per cent
Buffalo 56.7 per cent
Small ruminants 20.4 per cent
Cattle 12.5 per cent
Poultry 3.1 per cent
READ MORE :  Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Poultry Farmers in India

Infrastructure Related to Animal Husbandry in India

(As of 31-03-2020)

  • Veterinary Dispensaries: 25815
  • Veterinary Aid Centres (Stockman Centres/Mobile Dispensaries): 27644
  • Veterinary Hospitals/Polyclinics: 11943
  • Number of ICD Projects: 545
  • Semen Production Centres: 32 Govt. + 26 Others = 58
  • Frozen Semen Banks: 142 Govt. + 74 Others = 216
  • Number of AI Centres: 60053 Govt. + 41460 Others = 101,513
  • Cattle Breeding Farms: 141 Govt. + 37 Others = 178
  • Buffalo Breeding Farms: 23 Govt. + 14 Others = 37
  • Number of Gaushalas: 2022 Govt. + 5309 Others = 7331
  • Liquid Nitrogen Plants: 60 Govt. + 25 Others = 85
  • Poultry Breeding Farms: 257 Govt. + 6460 Others = 6717
  • Duck Breeding Farms: 32 Govt. + 8 Others = 40
  • Hatcheries: 249 Govt. + 506 Others = 755
  • Sheep Breeding Farms: 68 Govt. + 20 Others = 88
  • Intensive Sheep Development Projects: 71
  • Sheep & Wool Extension Centres: 1545
  • Wool Grading Centres: 16
  • Goat Breeding Farms: 147
  • Rabbit Breeding Farms: 30
  • Fodder Seed Production Farms: 97 Govt. + 178 Others = 275
  • Pig Breeding Farms: 376
  • Camel Breeding Farms: 2
  • Horse Farms: 15
  • Rinderpest Check Posts: 169
  • Milk Processing Factories: 326
  • Liquid Milk Plants: 1908
  • Total Artificial Inseminations done in 2018-19: 76.39 million
  • Highest number of veterinary aid centres: Rajasthan

World Leaders in Livestock Production

Category Number One in the World
Bovines India
Cattle Brazil
Buffalo India
Milk production India
Carabeef India
Goat milk India
Pigs China
Donkeys China
Sheep China
Goat China
Duck China
Fish China
Eggs China
Chevon China
Mutton China
Pork China
Camels Somalia
Poultry USA
Poultry meat USA
Fibre Australia
Wool Australia
Beef USA

Per Capita Monthly Consumption Expenditure in India

Rural Areas: Rs. 1278.94

Urban Areas: Rs. 2399.24

Share of Agriculture & Allied Sectors in Gross Value Added (GVA)

(At current prices in Rs. Crore for 2019-20)

Livestock contribute 5.2% of total GVA to national GVA and 28.26% to agricultural GVA.

Total GVA (for the country): Rs. 18461343 crores

Total Agricultural GVA: 3394033 (18.4% of total)

Category Total GVA (in crores) Percentage Share (%)
Crops 1972394 10.7
Livestock 962682 5.2
Forestry and logging 236346 1.3
Fishing and aquaculture 222611 1.2

Export Statement of Animal Products for the year 2020-21

Animal Product Quantity (In MT) Value (In Lakh Rs.) Percent share in total export
Sheep/Goat Meat 7111.00 33045.21 0.22
Other Meat 895.00 1806.69 0.01
Dairy Products 117587.72 238292.68 1.58
Processed Meat 780.00 1264.76 0.01
Buffalo Meat 1085615.00 2345989.46 15.54
Animal Casings 13887.74 41654.25 0.28
Poultry Products 0.00 43551.98 0.29
Total 1225876.46 2705605.03 17.92


  • 20th Livestock Census (2020). DADF, DADF, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, GoI.
  • Three Year Export Statement, APEDA. Retrieved from https://agriexchange.apeda. on 17.12.2021.
  • Basic Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Statistics (2020). Animal Husbandry Statistics Division, DADF, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, GoI.
  • FAO (2021). Statistical Yearbook – World Food and Agriculture.
  • Handbook on Fisheries Statistics (2020). Fisheries Statistics Division Department of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Government of India.


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