As global warming becomes increasingly evident across India, the conservation of indigenous cattle breeds that are hardy and better suited to withstand high temperatures has been gaining ground.
Indigenous Indian cattle breeds have a huge genetic diversity that has made them more resilient to regional threats like parasites and disease, and intense heat. But, due to the spread of commercially-bred cattle and interbreeding, these valuable indigenous breeds are now slowly dying out.
The entire world faces the effects of global warming. They are not just limited to human beings but are seen in the milk yielding cows as well.
Climate change is posing a challenge not only to agricultural crops but also to livestock.

The climatic change would result in lesser fodder for the animals, unavailability of pure water, increase in parasitic diseases due to mosquitoes, flies and lice, decreased fertility and reduced milk production. In such a scenario, the native breeds of cows like Sahiwal, Gir and Tharparkar would be far more adaptive to the rising temperature than the hybrid cows.With the aim of promoting climate adaptive farming and animal husbandry, the Indian government is running National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA). Under the project, many national institutes are engaged in scientific research . the hybrid cows cannot withstand higher temperatures with ease. The way temperatures are rising, some places are reporting water shortages. The animals are facing an increased risk of diseases.At times such as these, native cows like Gir, Sahiwal and Red Sindhi, are all good choices because even in 45-46 degrees temperature, they eat and produce milk. Native cows being well adapted to the climate rule out any disease’s risk. Unavailability of good quality fodder due to water shortage also doesn’t affect the animal of these breeds as much as well as its milk production. The native cows of India, including Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, require very low upkeep and yield better milk even in adverse conditions. But the government, during a particular phase, promoted foreign breeds over these most of which didn’t even fare well here and the native cow breeds also got spoilt due to cross-breeding. Today, our native breeds are giving out good yields of milk in foreign countries. Native cows producing double the amount of milk in Brazil ,Certain countries took our native cows about 50 years ago and those countries today have doubled or even tripled their milk production. I give you Brazil’s example. Their livestock exceeds that of ours, their cattle population is 210 million out of which 85%cattle belong to Indian breeds. Their Gir cow yields 20-24 kgs milk. Brazil’s Indian cow’s per cow yield is double than its Indian yield. There is need to study the effect of higher temperature on other native breeds which would enable them to create a vaccine protecting the animal against pests menace brought on by the temperature rise.

Each region of India has native breeds with distinct characteristics, suited to local conditions. Bargur is ideal as a draught animal for agriculture in the uneven, hilly terrains of western Tamil Nadu. Dual purpose Badri, used as milch and draught animal, is suited for the hilly regions of Uttarakhand. Kankrej is a dual-purpose breed of the tough terrains of Gujarat and Rajasthan.
India has 37 indigenous breeds, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. The other native breeds, lacking in distinct traits, are referred to as non-descript breeds. With signs of climate change clearly visible everywhere, conservation of native breeds that are hardy and better suited to withstand high temperatures has been gaining ground.
In order to sustain rural livelihoods it is critical to identify livestock breeds that are climate resilient. In this direction, Indian scientists have identified two variables which could be used assess resilient capacity of indigenous breeds of goats.
In ruminants like goat, heat stress can significantly affect meat yield, quality and composition.

Success of indigenous Gir breed in a tropical country – Brazil
Our own very high milk yielding cow Gir has been developed very successfully in a tropical country such as Brazil. Brazil started importing Gir cows from India way back in 1920s and now has developed great Gir genetics which has proved itself of superior milk yielding and disease resilient capabilities in country’s hot and humid climate. Markets from Australia to Brazil are seeking Indian origin pure cattle for their resilient qualities such as tick resistance, heat tolerance and the ability to flourish even with inadequate feeds.
Climate change will reduce productivity in all cattle. Drop in milk yield will be maximum in exotic breeds, not so in local Indian cattle. Moreover when our cows have the capacity to perform better in terms of milk, climate change adaptability, disease tolerance and better feed conversion to milk then why are we ignoring them.
And for how long will we be able to alter the environment to make exotic cows perform to their potential. Even if few farms do succeed in creating that environment and take higher milk yields from few cows it is not sustainable agriculture as it is waste of our resources such as water, fuel, electricity, grains thereby further creating shortage of these resources and fueling up inflation in the economy.

Decline in native breeds

With farm mechanisation, the need for draught animals has decreased. Milk used for the cattle-owning family’s consumption has become a commercial product.
The number of exotic and crossbred in-milk cows in India is 19 million and the number of non-descript and native in-milk cows is 35 million, according to official data.
While the numbers may indicate a sizeable population of native breeds, statistics over the years show a decline. As per the report of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, the percentage share of exotic and crossbred cattle has increased from 7% in 1992 to 26% in 2018. In the same period, the percentage share of indigenous cattle population decreased from 93% to 69%.

Heat resilience

As temperatures increase due to climate change, animals also feel the effect. Generally cattle suffer stress during summer, but imported breeds such as Jersey and Holstein-Friesian and hybrids such as Karan Swiss and Karan Fries developed from exotic breeds suffer more.
A research on the impact of heat stress on physiological, haematological and behavioural characteristics on native Tharparkar and hybrid Karan Fries carried out by National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) in Karnal, Haryana, indicates the better adaptation capacity of native breeds.
While some parameters were the same for both, in many aspects such as restless behaviour and presence of carbon dioxide in blood with increase in temperature showed that Tharparkar fared better under increased heat.


Intensive management

Dairy farmers keep hybrid cows under sheds to maintain ambient temperature; native cattle do not need special care.
As hybrids are bigger in size, the ratio of surface area to mass is lower, making it harder to cool them, needing more water essentially.
While the animals need more water when the temperature increases, the water availability also goes down, given the unpredictable rainfall pattern affected by climate change, making cattle management more difficult.
Hybrid cattle need specially formulated feed. According toThum rule , a cow that yields 10 litres will need 4kg of feed, besides 30kg of grass. “Without a balanced special feed, yield of hybrids goes down. For native breeds, even dry fodder will suffice, especially during drought conditions.

Hybrid vs. native

As we see, the milk yield generally decreases up to 25% in summer. With increase in temperature, intake of feed and consequently milk production decreases, more so in hybrids.
Yield is one aspect where hybrids score over native breeds. Hybrids give 25 litres per day, whereas natives give only about three litres.
other factors such as quality of milk and number of calving ¬— which is more than double for native breeds — should also be considered.
Hybrid cows need more medication, vaccination and deworming to protect them against diseases. Studies have revealed that temperature variation decreases immunity of hybrids, making them more prone to diseases. As some of the diseases proving to be fatal came with the imported breeds, scientists point out that indigenous breeds have better resistance.
All the heat-related problems, including fertility, are exacerbated in hybrids. A study by NDRI predicted a loss of 3.2 million tonnes in annual milk yield and the impact could be abated with indigenous cattle.

Human health

Kerala’s Vechur breed is known for its low food intake, higher milk yield and disease resistance. With small fat globules, Vechur milk is easily digestible. Traditionally Ayurvedic doctors prescribed Vechur milk to children and convalescents.
Cochi-based SCMS Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Research & Development revealed the scientific reason behind the tradition, confirming the medicinal value, when it isolated lactoferrin from Vechur milk. “Lactoferrin is multi-dimensional with anti-cancer, immune deficient, anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal characteristics.
It is also reported that indigenous breeds and hybrids with dominant native genes produce A2 milk that is better for human health.

Organic farming

Many farmers are switching to organic farming and native crops as they find the same better suited to changing climate of increasing temperature and unpredictable rainfalls.
cattle are an integral part of organic farming.


Climate can affect livestock both directly and indirectly . Direct effects from air temperature, humidity, wind speed and other climate factors, influence animal performance such as growth, milk production, wool production and reproduction. Climate can also affect the quantity and quality of feedstuffs such as pasture, forage and grain, and the severity and distribution of livestock diseases and parasites. Indian livestock productivity has been severely affected by vector-borne livestock diseases which are known to be climate sensitive . The direct effects of climate change could translate into the increased spread of existing vector-borne diseases and parasites, accompanied by the emergence and circulation of new diseases. The impacts of climate change also depend on the rainfall which generally affects crop and grassland productivity, ultimately affecting livestock net income . There are three plausible explanations. First, farmers shift to crops as rainfall increases; second, grassland shifts to forests as rain increases, reducing the quality and quantity of natural grazing for most animals; and third, increases in precipitation increase the incidence of certain animal diseases


Livestock production system is expected to be exposed to many challenges due to climate change in India. They are listed as follows:

A. Challenges Associated with the Direct Effects of a Changing Climate and its Alleviation

Direct effect of climate change through raised temperature, humidity and solar radiation may alter the physiology of livestock, reducing production and reproductive efficiency of both male and female and altered morbidity and mortality rates. Heat stress suppresses appetite and feed intake, however, animals’ water requirements is increased. In general, the high-output breeds especially crossbreds, which provide the sizable amount of Indian production, are more vulnerable to heat stress as compared to indigenous one. Also, as people are lured by immediate money making methods, indiscriminate cross breeding is adding to the concern, however, this approach is not sustainable. Options for alleviating heat stress include adjusting animals’ diets to minimize diet-induced thermogenesis (low fibre and low protein) or by increasing nutrient concentration in the feed to compensate for lower intake; taking measures to protect the animals from excessive heat load (shading/improving ventilation by using fans) or enhance heat loss from their bodies (Sprinklers/misters); or genetic selection for heat tolerance or bringing in types of animals that already have good heat tolerance . All these options require some degree of initial investment, some require access to relatively advanced technologies, and all except simple shading require ongoing input of water and/or power. The practicality of implementing cooling measures depends on the type of production system. They can most easily be applied in systems where the animals are confined and where the necessary inputs can be afforded and easily accessed. In extensive grazing systems, it is difficult to do more than provide some shade for the animals and possibly places for them to wallow. Livestock producers in areas where relative humidity is high (north-eastern part of India) face additional problems as there is less potential for the use of methods based on evaporative cooling. Small-scale producers who have adopted high-output breeds, but struggle to obtain the inputs needed to prevent the animals from becoming overheated, may find that their problems are exacerbated by climate change

B. Challenges Associated with Livestock Feeding and Nutrition and its Alleviation

Livestock production and its economic efficiency depend on quantity and quality of feed and water that animals need to survive, produce and reproduce. About 10% of cropland is used for producing animal feed and other agriculture land provides crop residues used for feeding livestock. The future of livestock production systems depends on the continued productivity of these various feed-producing areas – all of which are potentially affected by climate change. The influence of the climate on the distribution of plant variety and type is complex. The effects of climatic interaction with soil characteristics and its direct effect on plants influences the distribution of the various other biological components of the agroecosystem – pests, diseases, herbivorous animals, pollinators, soil microorganisms, etc. – all of which in turn influence plant communities. All these processes have the potential to influence directly or indirectly the growth of the plants on which livestock feed. Pressure on feed resources and other constraints to traditional livestock-keeping livelihoods have promoted the spread of agro-pastoralism (i.e. livelihoods that involve some crop production in addition to livestock keeping) at the expense of pastoralism. In production systems where animals are fed on concentrates, rising grain prices (may be driven by climate change) increase the pressure to use animals that efficiently convert grains into meat, eggs or milk. Thus, within such systems climate change may lead to greater use of poultry and pigs at the expense of ruminants, and greater focus on the breeds that are the best converters of concentrate feed under high external input conditions. Increases in the price of grain may also contribute to the further concentration of production in the hands of large-scale producers.


C. Challenges Associated with the Effects of Diseases and Parasites

The geographical and seasonal distributions of many infectious diseases, particularly vector borne, as well as those of many parasites and pests of various kinds are affected by climate. Pathogens, vectors, and intermediate and final hosts can all be affected both directly by the climate (e.g. temperature and humidity) and by the effects of climate on other aspects of their habitats (e.g. vegetation). If the climate changes, hosts and pathogens may be brought together in new locations and contexts, bringing new threats to animal (and in some cases human) health and new challenges for livestock management and policy. However, it is difficult to segregate out epidemiological changes that can be attributed unambiguously to climate change. Climate is characterized not merely by averages, but also by short-term fluctuations, seasonal oscillations, sudden discontinuities and long term variations, all of which can influence disease distribution and impacts. Rapid spread of pathogens, or even small spatial or seasonal changes in disease distribution, whether driven by climate change or not, may expose livestock populations to new disease challenges. Diseaserelated threats can be both acute or chronic and can be caused by the direct effects of disease or indirectly by the measures used to control disease. The most severe recent epidemics in India in terms of the numbers of livestock lost have involved quite a narrow range of diseases: most notably foot-and-mouth disease, avian influenza, Blue tongue, African swine fever, classical swine fever and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia.


Since climate change could result in an increase of heat stress, all methods to help animals cope with or, at least, alleviate the impacts of heat stress could be useful to mitigate the impacts of climate change on animal responses and performance. Different managemental options for reducing the effect of thermal stress are:

I. Genetic Approach

Many local breeds are having valuable adaptive traits that have developed over a long period of time which includes
• Tolerance to extreme temperature, humidity etc
• Tolerance /resistance to diseases
• Adaptation to survive, regularly produce/ reproduce in low/ poor management conditions and feeding regimes. Hence, Genetic approach to mitigate the climate change should include measures such as

  1. Identifying and strengthening the local genetic groups which are resilient to climatic stress/ extremes
  2. Genetic selection for heat tolerance or bringing in types of animals that already have good heat tolerance and crossbreeding the local genetic population with heat and disease tolerant breeds.
  3. Identifying the genes responsible for unique characteristics like disease tolerance, heat tolerance, ability to survive in low input conditions and using it as basis for selection of future breeding stock will help in mitigating the adverse effect of climate stress.
  4. Breeding management strategies: Changing the breeding animal for every 2-3 years (exchange from other district herd) or artificial insemination with proven breed semen will help in enhancing the productivity. This may be supplemented with supply of superior males through formation of nucleus herd at block level. Synchronization of breeding period depending on the availability of feed and fodder resources results in healthy offsprings and better weight gain. Local climate resilient breeds of moderate productivity should be promoted over susceptible crossbreds. In India, with small flock sizes, large fluctuations in rearing conditions and management between flocks, and over time within a flock, lack of systematic livestock identification, inadequate recording of livestock performances and pedigrees, and constraints related to the subsistence nature of livestock rearing (where monetary profit is not the most important consideration), the accuracy of selection will be much lower, resulting in even lower rates of genetic gain. However, locally adapted breeds are likely to be highly variable and the highest performing animals of such breeds can have great productive potential. Therefore, the screening of livestock populations previously not subjected to systematic selection is likely to give quicker results to provide high genetic merit foundation stock for nucleus flocks.

II. Nutritional Adjustments

The feed intake by the livestock during thermal stress is significantly lower than those in comfort zone. Hence, the care should be directed towards providing more nutrient dense diet while will help to minimize production losses due to the high temperatures as well as those feed which generates less heat during digestion. This can be achieved by following measures:
• Feeding dietary fat remains an effective strategy of providing extra energy during the time of negative energy balance. Incorporation of dietary fat at level of 2 – 6 % will increase dietary energy density in summer to compensate for lower feed intake.
• Adjusting animals’ diets to minimize diet-induced thermo genesis (low fibre and low protein diets). High-fiber diets generate more heat during digestion than lower fiber diets.
• Using more synthetic amino acids to reduce dietary crude protein levels. Excessive dietary protein or amino acids generate more heat during digestion and metabolism.
• Feeding of antioxidant (Vitamin A, C & E, selenium, Zinc) reduces the heat stress and optimize feed intake.
• Addition of feed additives/vitamins and mineral supplementations that helps in increasing feed intake, modify gut microbial population and gut integrity and maintain proper cation and anion balance.
• During lean/drought periods, shepherds migrate along with their animals in search of fodder. This
migration sometimes creates social conflicts with local people for available scarce fodder resources. Further, this could invite new diseases and parasites which pose health problems in small ruminants. Protein is the first limiting nutrient in many grazing forages and protein availability declines in forages as the plant matures towards the end of winter season. When daytime temperatures and humidity are elevated, special precautions must be taken to keep livestock comfortable and avoid heat stress. Allow for grazing early in the morning or later in the evening to minimize stress.
• Concentrate mixture (18% DCP and 70% TDN) prepared with locally available feed ingredients should be supplemented to all categories of animals. When no green fodder is available, addition of vitamin supplement in concentrate mixture helps in mitigating heat stress.
• Further, in extreme conditions, energy intake becomes less compared to expenditure as the animal has to walk more distance in search of grazing resources which are poor in available nutrients. Hence, all the animals should be maintained under intensive system with cut and carry of available fodder. The concept of complete feed using crop residues (60%) and concentrate ingredients should be promoted for efficient utilization of crop residues like red gram stalk, etc. Further, productivity and profitability from ruminants can be increased by strengthening feed and fodder base both at village and household level with the following possible fodder production options.

READ MORE :  Climate Change and AMR: A One Health Approach for Sustainable AgroVet Practices in India

III. Managemental Interventions

  1. Water supply: Animals must have access to large quantities of water during periods of high environmental temperatures. Much of the water is needed for evaporative heat loss via respiration to help them cool off. Hence, provision has to be made for supply of continuous clean, fresh and cool water to the animals. Cleaning the feeding trough frequently and providing fresh feed will encourage the animals to take more feed. Splashing the cool water over the animals at regular intervals during the hot period will reduce the heat stress.
  2. Feeding time: Providing feed to the animals during cool period i.e. evening or night will improve the feed intake by the animals.
  3. Stocking density: Reducing the stocking density during hot weather will help the animals in dissipating the body heat more efficiently through manifestation of behavioural adaptation.
  4. Shade: The use of shades is an effective method in helping to cool animals. Shades can cut the radiant heat load from the sun by as much as 40%. Shades with straw roofs are best because they have a high insulation value and a reflective surface. Uninsulated aluminum or bright galvanized steel roofs are also good. The best shades have white or reflective upper surfaces. Provision of trees at certain distance from the shed which will provide shade to the animals. Shifting the animals to cool shaded area during the hot climatic conditions.
  5. Provision of vegetative cover over the surrounding area will reduce the radiative heat from the ground. The surface covered with green grass cover will reflect back 5 – 11% of solar radiation as compared to 10 – 25% by dry bare ground and 18 – 30% by surface covered by dry sand adding to thermal stress.
  6. Provision of elongated eaves or overhang will provide shade as well as prevent rain water from entering the sheds during rainy season.
  7. Ventilation: increasing the ventilation or air circulation in the animal sheds will aid the animals in effective dissipation the heat. The air circulation inside the shed can be increased by keeping half side wall i.e., open housing system, use of fan, increasing the height of the building etc.
  8. Roof material: the roof material to be used should be bad conductor of heat. i.e., it should prevent radiative heat from entering into the shed. Thatch along with bamboo mat is excellent roofing material for tropical conditions. However, it is prone for fire hazards as well as its longevity is less. The outer surface of the roof should be painted white so that the white surface will reflect the solar radiation back. Some materials such as aluminium reflect heat well as long as they are not too oxidized.

IV. Other Interventions

A. Revival of Common Property Resources (CPRs) Majority of the total feed requirements of ruminants are met by the CPRs. There is no control over the number of animals allowed to be grazed, causing severe damage on the re-growth of number of favourable herbaceous species in grazing lands. Thus causing severe impact not only on herbage availability from CPRs but also quality of herbage affecting the productivity of animals adversely; hence there should be some restriction on number and species of animals to be grazed in any CPR as a social regulation. CPRs need to be reseeded with high producing legume and non-legume fodder varieties at every 2-3 years intervals as a community activity. Further, grazing restriction till the fodder grows to a proper stage and rotational grazing as community decision would improve the carrying capacity of CPRs.

B. Intensive Fodder Production Systems

Growing of two or more annual fodder crops as sole crops in mixed strands of legume (Stylo or cowpea or hedge Lucerne, etc) and cereal fodder crops like sorghum, ragi in rainy season followed by berseem or Lucerne etc., in rabi season in order to increase nutritious forage production round the year. Fodder crops like Stylo hamata and Cenchrus ciliaris can be sown in the inter spaces between the tree rows in orchards or plantations as hortipastoral and silvopastoral systems for fodder production

C. Use of Unconventional Resources as Feed The available waste products form food industries like palm press fibre, fruit pulp waste, vegetable waste, brewers’ grain waste and all the cakes after expelling oil etc., and thorn-less cactus should be used as feed to meet the nutritional requirements of animals.


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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